"haha, Nelson, are you kidding me? It's not like your style... Is Lora intimidating you to say that?" Victor was startled, and immediately laughed heartily.

The laughter gradually became lower and the air in the room stopped flowing. Nelson's head was lowered, his hands were obediently and honestly on his knees, his eyes were fixed on the back of his hands, and he sat in silence. NS.

Victor glanced at the little white rabbit, the generally well-behaved Charlotte, turned his eyes to Caligula, and asked with a gentle smile: "Aka, tell me, where is Princess?"


Aka is the smartest. Seeing his master smile like this, he knew that he didn't answer the question, and he must have no food today. He hurriedly put down the hand covering his mouth and muttered: "I know... Princess is in the ice cellar under the castle. She has become an ice sculpture. She can't talk to Aka or eat... Aka was sad for a while. "

Victor's mood sank to the bottom, instead he became calm, exhaled a long breath, and said to Nelson: "Tell me what happened later in detail."

"Yes." Nelson nodded, without omission and in detail, telling Victor what he saw and heard.

After listening to Nelson’s narration, Victor pondered for a moment, then stood up and said: "Charlotte, take my armour for me. Nelson, Aka, you go down and prepare, and then accompany me on a trip. The place where the incident occurred on the prairie."


In the night, a plain white The prairie reflects the dim moonlight, the bison in the distance can be seen dimly, and the howling of the wild wolves echoes in the endless snow.

Victor stood on the soft white snow and looked into the distance. There was nothing unusual in his sight. The soft snow covered the half-foot-high withered grass, concealing all traces. A few dozen days ago, the battle between him and the Legendary Centaur had caused the earth to crack and the blades of grass fluttered. The place they passed was like a natural disaster. Now, the buffalo herd has returned to this grassland, and the wolves of stomach rumbling with hunger are busy catching the prairie gophers under the snow layer and coveting the old and weak cubs in the buffalo herd. Nothing seems to have happened.

The cold night wind flies in the air with snow particles in the air, under the occasional moonlight, like one after another erratic ghost and phantom. Victor's gaze was always pointing to the invisible south, frowned in contemplation and speechless, until the sky turned white, he turned his head to Nelson and Caligula and said: "Go back, I want to look at Lora's armor."

Nelson's body was steaming hot, and the flying snow flakes melted and evaporated when he approached him; Caligula was covered with frost and snow, and when he heard Victor's instructions, the snow and frost on his body shattered instantly , As the night wind blows away, he moves his two thick legs to plow a road in the snow.

It was morning when we returned to Windchime. Victor took Nelson, Caligula, and Charlotte into the ice cellar of Windchime. The guards guarding the door were two alchemy soldiers.

Nelson explained in a low voice: "My lord, we bring Princess's relics back to Windchime Castle. Wimbledon Countess suggested temporarily blocking the news and waited for you to wake up before making a decision. She took the initiative to withdraw the ice cellar. Nearby guards and servants, let our secret guards take care of the ice cellar, and it is strictly forbidden for others to approach it."

Victor nodded, without comment, took the lead in entering the ice cellar.

The ice cellar of Windchime Fort is quite spacious. Several redwood statues inlaid with fluorescent gemstones act as candle holders. The dim and cold light can illuminate a cold glazed stone platform in the center of the cellar. This is the associated mine of the Water Element crystal. It belongs to a kind of Rare Item. It has the characteristics of low temperature and coldness. It is usually placed in the basement by the lord as the cold source of the ice cellar.

The statue of ice crystal condensed wearing a gorgeous Mythril Battle Armor, lying quietly on a two-meter-square cold-glazed stone platform, that "water fairy sigh" is placed beside "her" , There is also a snow monster leather cloak next to it.

The appearance and facial features of ice sculpture resemble Lora, and there seems to be a light green brilliance flowing under the cold light. "She" looked serene and calm, like a sleeping snow elf.

Victor watched the ice sculpture motionlessly, standing for a long time, the quiet atmosphere brewing in the chilly ice cellar.

Charlotte’s heart is breaking, she wants to step forward to comfort Victor in silence, and feel ashamed. When hesitates, the sound of high heels hitting the floor is heard from the corridor outside, with a unique sense of rhythm. People can't help but think of a beautiful woman with a tall stature.

Nelson hesitated for a moment, walked outside the ice cellar, and let the alchemy warrior guarding the gate let him go. In a short while, he led the black hair, blue-eyed and stunning Wimbledon Countess into the ice cellar.

She is wearing a heavy-toned black dress with black high heels, looks slender, dignified and solemn. It's just that the look in Charlotte's eyes was full of contempt, provocation, and flame-like jealousy.

Wimbledon countess, who is known for his bloodline identity, has always been cold and proud. When did you look at an unnaturally promoted Dame? Dame like Charlotte, she chose to ignore it, even if the other party was a favorite of her Royal Highness.

Unless she is in love.

Charlotte raised the skirt to salute the countess, lowered her head to show respect, but there was an impeccable gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, but it was a little triumphant and just right irony.

Andria glanced at Charlotte obliquely, stepped forward and took Victor's arm, and said softly: "I am willing to serve your Highness."

Victor's expression was calm and suddenly To hear, picked up the snow monster cloak from the cold glaze stone platform, turned around and walked out of the ice cellar. Nelson, Caligula, and Charlotte all followed, leaving Wimbledon countess alone in the chilly ice cellar.

Andria is not angry, but secretly pleased, and a little annoyed. Everyone thinks that Victor and Augustus Crown Princess are in love with each other. After all, the circle of top transcenders is so small, and Lora has not much choice. Whether from her own needs or the political needs of the Kingdom of Cambes, Victor is Her best partner.

Lora fell unexpectedly, but His Royal Highness Randal's performance was very indifferent and obviously unreasonable. But considering that Victor had just regained his sleep, his calmness was not so strange.

He has absorbed the Void Water Element for a long time, and his soul is inevitably affected by the Void Element, and he will not return to his normal mood so quickly.

According to the family's heraldic records and comparing Sword Saint Drawin's sleep, Andrea speculates that it will take a month for Victor to completely get rid of the anomaly in the soul.

This is an opportunity she created.

Victor was in a coma on the grass that day. After Andrea arrived on the scene, she proposed to send Her Royal Highness Randal to her town of Windbell to recuperate. Neither Nelson nor Caligula is a high-level Knight, and lacks the corresponding experience, so naturally they will not raise objections. The deputy head of Clark Tester knew Andrea’s intentions, but he was anxious to go back to investigate the whereabouts of Nakhtigal and get rid of the relationship with Lora’s fall. Not only did he raise no objections, but instead approached Nelson. The Lord said that Wimbledon countess has sword saint inheritance and can take good care of Victor's cousin.

When Victor arrived in Windchime Town, Andrea took advantage of this rare opportunity to get close to him. It's just that Andrea has no experience in pursuing a heterosexual partner, so she said "I'm willing to serve your Highness" at the meeting, but Victor didn't respond.

His Royal Highness understands what I mean, but he has not returned to normal... He needs me to warm his cold heart and awaken his humanity... I can't be discouraged, I should be more active .

Andrea pressed her red lips lightly, her cheeks were dizzy, and she walked briskly toward her room. There are the female officials sent by the Barcelius Imperial Family. They know how to please the high-level Knights who are influenced by the elements. This is exactly the skill that Andrea lacks.

In the evening, Countess, who was fully prepared, walked up to the third floor of the castle alone, carrying high heels. With Knight’s keen perception of the wind, she avoids the attendants of the Randal Family, pads her snow-white toes, like a breeze, quietly came to the door of the master bedroom, took a deep breath, put on high heels again, and pushed He opened the door, stepped in, and leaned against the door and bolted it with his backhand.

Victor is sitting on the sofa stroking the snow monster cloak. He has long slender eyebrows and his handsome face is full of loneliness.

When Andrea saw him like this, there was a feeling of love and pity in her heart. This was an emotion she had never had, or had forgotten.

"Victor, you must be in pain?"

She stepped forward, her gentle tone startled herself, and her snow-white face was instantly covered with a shy blush The skills the court maid taught her had been thoroughly forgotten. She stood in place with her head lowered, her fingers twisted, and she was speechless.


I didn't feel any pain, Victor didn't believe that the unearthly, beautiful, passionate, and talented Lora died like this.

Lora is courageous and has a flamboyant personality, but she is always unexpected, with elusive wisdom and skill. Even Sylvia was amazed by her precision. How could Lora, who loves life and loves to play and laugh, die.

What the eyes see is not necessarily true, because for the golden-level Knight, making an ice sculpture is simply with no difficulty. Victor believes even more that Lora is feigning death to escape, to pursue the wandering life she yearns for. Therefore, he immediately ran to the prairie and perceives Lora's position through tracking intuition.

However, the distance is too far, and tracking intuition does not work. Victor has only a vague impression that Lora may be somewhere in the south. But Yubao is also in the south, where there are many traces left by Lora. Obviously, such a judgment cannot infer her whereabouts.

Victor does not believe that Lora has fallen, maybe he is unwilling to accept another possibility.

This cloak made of snow monster hair made him think deeply. He clearly remembered that Lora didn't have a cloak at the time. Even if she did, she would just leave Victor naked on the grass in order to feign death, hiding herself in the distance for protection. In fact, Victor is not afraid of that degree of low temperature, but his senior Knight partner will wrap him in a snow monster cloak so distressedly, because taking care of his lover is a human manifestation of his wife, senior Dame can get the pleasure of love from it.

This is very important, especially Sylvia.

Victor knows that Sylvia's divinity is greater than human nature, and every bit of love experience is precious to her. She has the ability to arrive at the right place at the right time, control the situation of the battle, and has the motivation to let Lora fall.

Augustus is missing one of His Royal Highnesses with the potential to be promoted to Legendary, which is beneficial to the York family no matter what.

Of course, another possibility is that in order to rescue Victor, Lora used a force beyond her own limit and gave her life for this.

Victor does not want to think deeply about this, he will feel very heartbroken. He hoped that Lora escaped the political prison of Kite Castle and changed her identity to start her free life.

In any case, Cambis lost Lora. Augustus, the political balance of the kingdom was broken, and the contradictions that had been suppressed might be able to be turned out and intensified. His Royal Highness Randal is an important link between the Royal Family and the descendants, and he is bound to be pushed to the cusp of the storm.

The speculation that Lora was murdered by Sylvia must not come up!

So, how should Victor explain to King Edward and Catherine?

In the case of the loss of a highness, the Royal Family is even more impossible to show weakness to the descendants. If Queen Angelina.York is expelled from the palace, the dignity of the York family will disappear, and there must be a fierce response. .

The news of the fall of Lora can only be concealed and not sent. Victor thought about it and didn't expect a good way for a while. He saw Wimbledon Countess's shy and cramped teenage mood, and his eyes immediately lit up.

Andria is well-dressed, her black and shiny hair is rolled into a lady's updo, showing a graceful neck, and her delicate pink dress is vividly and thoroughly outlined by the tailored pink dress. But it seems dignified and generous, this kind of undisclosed dress has a different kind of temptation.

Her appearance is extremely stunning and unforgettable at first sight. But Victor has sexy bearing and charming temperament, beautiful and alluring unparalleled Sylvia, he is quite resistant to the beauty of high-end Dame. From the bottom of his heart, Victor really doesn't want to mess with Andrea. The partnership dominated by Dame is what he resists.

However, Andrea's beauty is not the point, her identity is the key.

Victor believes in the political skills of Marquis Goron and Williams Regent King. They should have taken measures to suppress Lora’s Knight supporters, but Victor still has to give an explanation.

The transfer of internal contradictions to the outside is a magic weapon to quell internal strife. Cambis lost a His Royal Highness, and this account had to be placed on the head of the Radiance Knight regiment.

The Barcelius family also needs to borrow from the Kingdom of Gambis to fight the coming howling wind and torrential rain.

In other words, the Radiance Knight group has already included Gambis’ response in its next response strategy. It was obviously not a wise move for Victor to draw a clear line with Barcelius at this time.

He cannot be on the same line as Barcelius, but he can be on the side of his lover Andrea Wimbledon Countess.

Hugged gently by His Highness Randal, the dizzy Andrea buried her blushing face on Victor’s shoulder, her heart gradually became clear, and it was her who needed comfort and support. Own.


There is heavy snow outside, and the house is warm like spring.

Charlotte walked to the bedroom door, heard the movement inside, could not help pouting her mouth, stomping her feet bitterly, then turned and left.

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