The timing of the start of the battle was twenty days earlier than Pastor Kent's expectation, but it didn't matter. The human army was already ready to go to war.

In response to the Centaur at the Peking University Camp, the human coalition has formulated two action plans. If the North Camp Centaur is evacuated in batches, Log City will not move. When the number of Centaur warriors drops from 60,000 to about 30,000, 200,000 elite cavalry will attack the whole line, flatten them, and then turn to the Centaur South Camp. Join forces with Bright City and Crystal City to completely annihilate the main force of the Sidon Centaur.

As for the centaur that escaped back to the tribe’s nest in the first place, it doesn't matter. Most of the females are pregnant and expecting to give birth. There is no battle strength, and tens of thousands of male centaur can't make waves. The eastern pioneering leader of the War Zone first defeated the centaur in the north and south camps, and then the coalition forces of the War Zone in the summon stone fortress went deep into the Sidon Khanate to jointly kill the remnants of the centaur.

However, the powerhouse in the Beiying Centaur sensed the danger from Log City, and they decided to retreat all and return to their most familiar territory, where golden mature green wheat was everywhere. As long as there is food and depth, the centaurs are fearless.

The army of Log City wants to annihilate 60,000 centaur at a time. It is almost impossible to complete. The frontal hard shake will inevitably suffer heavy losses. In this situation, the commander, Pastor Kent, did not aim to wipe out the opponent, and tried his best to drive the Centaur from the North Camp to the South Camp, which increased the food burden of the Centaur in the South Camp and caused chaos and division of different tribes. Just like peeling an onion, break them one by one.

There was an episode in the pre-war meeting hosted by the priest Kent. The queen and the crown prince happened to be in Log City. Of course, Queen Ge Reese did not have to participate in the war, but since the crown prince Siegfried hit the general mobilization, he did not escape. The reason for fighting. His Royal Highness Paladin Croucher made some arrangements for his grandson, and the Legendary battle priest fully agreed. The cavalry guards brought by the crown prince are all elite veterans of Blood Wolf Fort.

After the combat meeting was over, the heavy suspension bridge of Log City was slowly lowered, and the Paladin messengers rode horned wolf mounts to various castles, camps, and outposts to convey the command of the commander, Priest Kent.

In the early hours of the morning, fully armed mobile cavalry gushed out from the back doors of the fortifications and walked into the giant tree forest beside the log Northern Part of City. Under the cover of the moon, they quietly marched eastward with the help of the cover of the forest.

The log city defense line is more than 200 kilometers long and nearly 30 kilometers deep. It is not very noticeable that more than 100,000 cavalry detour in such a large area. Moreover, the human coalition forces have eliminated the orc entrenchment of the Eastern Frontier. The Sidonian centaur is ignorant of the situation behind the human line of defense. The ferocious centaur perceives the imminent danger, but they come from different tribes, and no centaur leader can. Make the decision to retreat overnight.

The more dangerous you are, the more you must hug the group. Everyone is afraid that if they lead their clan to withdraw first, they will suffer a devastating blow.

Wild intuition is not omnipotent. In a battle of this scale, the will of a powerful individual will be fettered by group consciousness. Centaur leaders can easily break through, but they must consider the safety and interests of clansman.

One night is not enough time for the centaur leaders to reach a consensus and decide whether to fight or withdraw.

Of course, they are not doing nothing. Many centaur scouts enter the giant tree forest to investigate the movements of the human army, but few centaur scouts can go back alive. They brought the news of the human army in the giant tree forest to the tribal leaders. However, the centaur leaders were helpless, or indifferent.

Centaur is not suitable for fighting in the forest. The vast wilderness is their home field. In addition to the forest to the north and the human fortress to the west, the centaur can also move east or south. If the main force of the human army dared to leave the cover of the forest, the half-man Ma Dajun would give them a miserable defeat.

In this way, 120,000 elite cavalrymen rounded back to the east of the Centaur North Camp, cutting off their eastward retreat.

In the early morning of second day, the centaur found that the main force of the human army is behind them, but this is not a threat to the centaur. As long as a few rounds of mass charge, they can destroy these human warriors who have left the fortifications. What's more, there is no human army in the south, and they can detour from the south to anti-outflank the main force of the human army.

However, the centaur did not have the opportunity to annihilate the human cavalry they considered weak and ridiculous. The threat from the direction of Log City attracted their full attention. In the sound of the majestic and high horn, more than 30,000 elite cavalry continuously gush out from the city gate, the front of which is the rare beast cavalry in heavy armor. Although they are not in large numbers, they are the only human Legion that can tear a centaur cluster from the front. The huge giant bear, the majestic half eagle and half lion, and the two horns growing on the head of the wolf brought the centaur to the centaur. Too many painful memories. At this time, those cunning and cruel wolves were on the east side, and two new rare beasts appeared on the south side: the unicorn giant lion and the six-legged lizard.

They look the same not to be trifled with.

Following the war beast were ten times the number of heavy cavalry. They were responsible for further expanding the opening of the war beast Knight, before it was the turn of the remaining cavalry to launch a full-scale assault.

Human cavalry should never confront the centaur cluster, because the centaur can still run and jump in the arrow, and once the human war horse is shot by the javelin and arrow, it will fall to the ground and trip behind. A group of cavalry. Alienation war beast strong as an ox, skin is rough, flesh is thick, even if they wear heavy armor, they will not die for a while, but they will become more violent and ferocious. Therefore, the heavy cavalry supporting the alienated war beast bears the largest proportion of casualties. In a battle, more than half of the casualties are often killed.

However, there are always victims in war, and mankind has never lacked the heroic fearless warrior.

War beast cavalry, heavy cavalry and main cavalry form a big hammer, responsible for smashing the centaur clusters and smashing their courage!

If you have a hammer, you must also have a cutting board.

The 120,000 cavalry who blocked the back road of the Centaur are the chopping block. They are patrolling in the east, ready to give a heavy blow to the Centaur who breaks through.

There is a hammer, a chopping board, and the Log City coalition army has arranged a noose.

1500 horned wolves Paladin and 25000 of the most elite cavalry formed a ranger unit, located behind the main cavalry on the east side, responsible for hunting down the horses that successfully broke through the net, forcing the half-man Ma Dajun to move to the south . When necessary, the Rangers can also serve as a reserve force to support the battlefield at any time.

Siegfried Frederick is now a member of the Rangers, but he is placed in the safest giant tree forest.

The Kent priest adopts the tactic of encircling three without one. The centaur breaks through the encirclement to the west, and one head hits the defense system of Log City; they fled to the north and enter the giant tree forest as a whole, which is equivalent to giving up the advantage, bringing about one's own destruction; they have the greatest probability of breaking through to the east, and the main cavalry responsible for intercepting the centaur also bears the greatest pressure. Correspondingly, the rangers in the giant tree forest are the least stressed and the number is the least. They will only encounter a few ferocious centaur who try to escape from the forest.

The Silver Paladin of the Tester family, Andrea countess, Viscount Negus of Dodo, and Viscount Solon of Cambis are waiting for them.

The sharp and awe-inspiring breath of Gale Knight makes the fierce centaur evade for fear.

Therefore, Siegfried wearing a dragon lizard leather armor can fight on high places and overlook the entire battlefield.

The alienated war beast and the heavy cavalry did not give the centaur a chance to mobilize the formation. The high-ranking Knight chose to charge on foot. They double-held two mithril beheading swords and took the lead to break into the centaur cluster; they were dressed in fine gold. The armored Knight and the alienated war beast follow closely from behind; the trainee Knight, the secret warrior and the elite soldiers ride on the back of the war horse, so that they will not fall behind.

The war beast Knight regiment and the heavy cavalry formed a front arrow formation and collided with the centaur cluster. They cut into the butter like a hot knife, and instantly tore the centaur team a few holes. More than 10,000 heavy cavalry followed the gap opened by the war beast Knight regiment and slashed in, trying to completely disperse the centaur's dense charge formation, and assisting the large group of cavalry behind to assault the entire army.

The arrows are like locusts, the javelins are like rain, Golden Knight is unstoppable, and the alienated war beast is rampant. Flesh and blood flew across the battlefield. The roar of war beast and the screams of the centaur were mixed into a war movement. The royal prince Sasan was passionate and needed to run the Battle Qi to calm the agitated emotions. He restrained his expression and pointed out: "It's going well... the centaur Their front lines spread outward, and they can’t stand it anymore."

"...Success is because the Golden Centaur Thousand-man Commander deliberately avoided Golden Knight’s edge."

A Paladin with light blonde hair and blue eyes smiled and said: "For this scale of battle, the powerhouses of both sides must try to kill the ordinary soldiers in the enemy. The centaur is more vigorous and more flexible than our heavy cavalry. Knight actually didn’t kill many centaurs. Their formation spread out to allow the heavy cavalry to go deeper... Look at it, they will close the gap immediately and eat the heavy cavalry who fought with the Knight regiment. "

The situation on the battlefield quickly changed. The centaur tried to avoid Knight and the alienated war beast, and concentrated on shooting the horses of the armored cavalry first. Some ferocious centaur simply carried iron essence wolf. Fang club hit the cavalry and forcibly cut off a torrent of iron armor.

The horse was shot into a hedgehog by the dense arrows, the heavy cavalry fell to the ground, and tripped many partners. The cavalry team following the war beast assault became thinner at a speed visible to naked eye, and they gradually couldn't keep up with the footsteps of the high-ranking Knights.

Seeing that the heavy cavalry and the war beast Knight regiment were about to be separated, Zieg frowned, put his body on his side, and asked respectfully: "Uncle, in this situation, those heavy cavalry How to deal with it?"

Paladin sighed, said: "High-ranking Knights and alienated war beasts must not turn back and protect the backward heavy armored cavalry, otherwise they will fall into the centaur circular shooting formation, the centaur Thousand-man Commander is mixed with ordinary centaur and fired with heavy javelins. The formidable power is comparable to a ballista. Even an extraordinary Knight can't hold on for too long. They must pierce through the centaur cluster and join the main cavalry on the east side. Come back and rush."

"...Heavy cavalry."

Speaking of which, Paladin paused and continued: "Their task is to rush into the center of the centaur cluster. , Lay down the tortoiseshell sword formations, build fortifications by itself, create obstacles for the centaur to charge, stand by for help, wait for the cavalry on both sides of the east and west to rush into the battlefield, and then fight close to the centaur."

At this time, he survived. The heavy armored cavalry abandoned their mounts one after another, facing the fierce flow arrow, quickly approaching their companions. A group of a dozen of them squatted on the ground holding iron essence shields, and the shields interlocked to form a semicircular tortoise shield array, and bright machetes protruded from the gaps between the shields. Centaur that dared to charge against the tortoiseshell sword formation would be severed by the blade, and even had a bowel flow.

The tortoise-shell sword array invented by the Templar and Sasan Empire specifically restrains the Centaur masses from charging, and creates opportunities for the follow-up troops to fight against the Centaur. However, the tortoiseshell sword formation cannot move. The fierce centaur will throw wolf fang club and knock them out one by one. In particular, the ferocious centaur above the Silver Tier can smash all dozen soldiers to death with just one blow. How many people can survive the heavy armored cavalry depends on the assault speed of the main force.

The tortoiseshell sword array seems simple, but the warrior in the formation needs the strength of the companions and the support of the earth to resist the heavy javelin thrown by the centaur. Almost all the Sasan soldiers can skillfully form a tortoise shell sword formation, but the auxiliary cavalry of the Iron Wall Knight regiment and the Xun Dragon Knight regiment have received several months of training, and they are still in a hurry. Suddenly, there were heavy casualties.

"They are truly brave..."

Paladin gave an evaluation, and suddenly "Yi".

Zig followed Paladin's gaze and found that some of the auxiliary cavalry of the Dragon Knight regiment had completely abandoned the tortoiseshell sword formation and rushed directly to the centaur. Wearing dark red leather armor and holding two iron essence scimitars, they acted like an ape, tumbling and fighting under the centaur’s belly. The scimitars flashed with indigo light, and they stabbed into the centaur’s back door quickly. Bring out the blood and intestines. Then, they kicked around with their limbs and screamed centaur as cover, and turned to the next target.

These red armored warriors are like the cold and evil Nether Soul, effectively spreading death and pain on the battlefield, and all the centaurs that are close to them will end miserably.

Zig quietly clipped his ass, and heard the Great Knight who was in charge of protecting him say: "Gambis is impossible. There are hundreds of agile and violent warriors! They are..."

"The secret guards cultivated by Kite Castle!"

Paladin looked cold, and the interface said: "These secret guards are all over...Gambis did not send Golden Knights to participate in the battle, but they also made a lot of Cost."

Although the red armored warrior is sturdy and brave, causing local chaos to the centaur, their number is too thin compared to the centaur. The centaur warrior who is frightened and mixed is afraid of being affected by these Evil Spirits. Wrapped, no longer caring about accidentally hurting his companions, he shot heavy arrows and spears like rain drops, shooting the red armored warrior into a hedgehog.

However, the tenacity of the red-armored warrior exceeds the limit of human beings. A red-armored warrior who was torn in half by the violent centaurs actually took advantage of the carelessness of the opponent and dragged the machete in the hand of the mutilated upper body into the violent. Centaur's ass.

Zig saw his scalp numb, muttered: "Is this still a human?"

Paladin first closed half of his mouth and forcibly explained: "This...I listen It is said that the Potion Master of Kite Castle has developed a secret medicine that makes people ignore pain and stimulate potential. The more painful the warrior who takes that secret medicine, the stronger the desire to kill. This medicine... is still very useful on the battlefield. "

The red armored warrior’s Danger Land counterattacked the other cavalry to buy time to lay out the tortoiseshell sword formation. The high-ranking Knight and war beast Knight regiments also pierced the centaur camp, but there were more than 1,000 war beasts. Knight hasn't been able to defeat more than 60,000 centaurs at once. They suffered the damage caused by the tortoiseshell sword formation, and under the command of the leader, they merged into a torrent, and the cavalry moved towards the west launched a group charge.

This change is completely unprepared. The main cavalry force of Log City is on the east side, and the cavalry on the west side is only more than 20,000, and they are closer to the centaur. If you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out. .

The hammer suddenly becomes a cutting board, and the cutting board can also become a hammer.

More than 20,000 cavalry soldiers immediately covered the horse's eyes with cloth towels, rolled over and landed, and then stab the mount's butt with a dagger, prompting the mount to run wildly in the direction of the centaur. The chaotic horse herd won a moment for the warriors, and they quickly gathered to set up a tortoise-shell sword formation.

The main cavalry on the east side merged with the war beast Knight regiment. Under the leadership of Golden Knight, they slowly approached the centaur Ma Dajun. One hundred thousand cavalry on the side blew the horn of charge.

The tremor of the earth reached Zieg’s feet, and the wave of cavalry crushed tens of thousands of centaurs into a thin belt, squeezing it to drift southward.

"Won...we attack?" The emperor Eldest son asked, be eager to have a try, grasping the hilt of the sword tightly.

Paladin observed for a moment and calmly said: "Our heavy cavalry has broken at least 6000 people. I am afraid that less than 3000 centaurs have died. The strength of both sides is still intact. The centaur chose to attack the West. The side cavalry, not the east side, is because they understand the fact that the human cavalry cannot turn once they charge, so they use the natural advantage of agility and maneuverability to shift to the south. If they go around the cavalry flank and initiate a counterattack, then ours The main force of the cavalry is in danger. Now is not the time to be greedy for merit..."

"The order goes on, and the rangers of the giant tree forest circle eastward to support the 20,000 rangers in the east to prevent the centaur from recoiling. , Forcing them to run south!"

"But..." The emperor eldest son wanted to argue unwillingly. In this battle, he didn't even kill a centaur.

"Zig, driving these centaurs to the South Camp is the battle goal set by the Lord Kent, rather than killing them as much as possible." Paladin patted the shoulder of his nephew, said: "They have no supplies, and take refuge in the South Camp. The more centaurs in the United States, the more trouble it will bring, and the less our loss. As the crown prince of the Empire, you have to focus on the overall situation, understand?"

Siegfried low Head, said: "Uncle, I understand, I am ashamed..."

Paladin laughed and said: "The Griffin Knight regiment of the Barcelius family has not won much feats. The centaur they killed There is no secret method of Gambis to kill many dead soldiers."

"...Unfortunately, all the hundreds of fearless warriors were killed."

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