The treasure pile of the kobold leader is like a hill. This statement is obviously exaggerated, but the treasure pile in the warehouse is almost 3 meters high, which is higher than Caligula. With a head out, everyone standing in front of it must look up. Various grotesquely shaped, multi-colored metals, gems, crystals, scales, amber, zircons, and minerals are piled up in one place, and the dazzling rays of light dazzle people.

Lora cheered, pounced on the treasure pile and rolled. The other three high-level Dame, due to their status, did not spoil the treasures like Her Highness the Princess, but they all looked like be eager to have a try, even the ice-beauty Marguerite special Wellington. There is also a sparkle of starlight in his eyes.

Victor found Charlotte with her eyes drooping and hiding behind the crowd. She probably walked around the treasure pile dozens of times before, but now that the treasure has changed hands, she is feeling down.

Women and giant dragons are the same kind of creature, whether she is Knight or not... Victor was secretly funny, and heard the battle priest muttering to himself:

"One-tenth The treasure belongs to the church."

Victor felt a sudden pain in his heart, and Knight's face remained unchanged at the tip of his ears, as long as Lora was still heartless rolling on the treasure pile.

She is really just to roll and experience the joy of life of the legendary giant dragon.

When Lora felt boring, she slid down from the treasure pile, walked to Victor, and asked: "How do you distribute this batch of spoils of war? You just said you want to share it, everyone heard it. , You can’t renege on a debt."

Everyone pricked their ears. Randal’s guards wiped out the nearby orcs and found the kobold’s treasure. Golden Eye count gained legal ownership of the treasure because During the war, he was obliged to share this batch of spoils of war with his comrades, but His Royal Highness Randal had the final say on how to distribute the treasure.

Victor slightly smiled and said: "Count the treasure...In short, we have to pay the church's eleven tax first."

"Yes, yes, yes, first count... I will release the letter crow to inform the Patriarch of Flides." The fighting priest radiated his face and patted his chest assures: "Please rest assured, sirs, we are responsible for recording the spoils of war, and there will be no mistakes."

The senior Dame can't help but smile. The church has to collect eleven taxes. The amount of materials reviewed by the priest has never been less, and the registration of materials under the lord may not be accurate, and it will definitely be less or more.

The Patriarch Flides learned about the situation in Xiaoniu Village and quickly responded. He himself did not come, but appointed Archbishop of the Sasan imperial capital to come forward to offer his condolences to the soldiers of the Gambis vanguard and Sasan's militia.

For soldiers, the rewards on the battlefield are nothing more than gold coin and meat and wine, but the rewards of the church never involve money or material. It is a registration of merits to confer honorary titles on combatants.

For example, on August 11, 7579, the Sasan Empire, Mobike, a child of the Lie Family clan, responded to the summon of the red smoke beacon, and pioneered the Xiaoniu Village in the east with the orc invaders Combat. In the battle, Mobik was brave and tenacious, killing 11 goblins and 4 kobolds. He was a veteran of orc wars, a brave defender of the empire, a goblin slayer, and a kobold slayer. May the glory of the Supreme Lord be with him. exist.

Since then, Mocobi, a militiaman, has a respectable name, and his son can tell others aloud: My father is the defender of the empire, the goblin slayer, the kobold slayer, and the veteran.

Because of these honorary titles, territorial officials and priests will give Mo comparable corresponding respect and preferential treatment.

Actually, church rewards are a process of legalization, including the legalization of spoils of war and land ownership changes, and it is precisely this that the Knight aristocrats value most.

After the priest and Knight's attendants took a nervous and orderly inventory, before the sun set, the report of the Battle of Maverick Village was completed.

A total of 11 ogre, 4669 goblins and 2384 kobolds were wiped out by the Vanguard of the Cambis, the guard cavalry of the Lie Family clan of Fredericks and the Sasan militia, including 266 bear goblins and 11 hobgoblins. Only, capture 59 Dragon Vein kobolds alive, including a Dragon Vein kobold lord.

The defensive militia lost 48 casualties and 405 lightly wounded; the Sasan guard cavalry lost 35; the Gambis vanguard sacrificed 46 cavalry, including 2 rapid bird light cavalry from the Randal Family. Basically, they fell because of their mounts and were trampled to death by the cavalry behind them.

The cavalry of the vanguard is selected from the elite of each Great Family, but their cavalry experience is not small compared with that of the Sasan guard cavalry.

In spoils of war, in addition to the dead and captured kobolds, there are also treasures collected by the leaders of the kobolds, mainly high-quality zircons. It is an indispensable Catalyst for blacksmiths to cast fine gold alloys and has considerable practical value. Human zircons mainly come from the associated minerals of crystal glazed rocks. The output has always been low and the quality is average. The zircons collected by kobolds from the crevices of the cliffs are considered top-notch in the human kingdom and can be used to create more excellent fine gold equipment.

The remaining treasures have many precious metals. Dragon Vein kobolds smelt them into strange shapes, but they do not affect their value. There are even more than 12 pounds of Mithril and more than 200 pounds. Adamantite. Compared with these two extraordinary metals, the largest number of sands is unattractive.

High-level Knight stared at mithril and fine gold, even the various element crystals collected by the kobolds, as well as treasures such as gems and amber, were too lazy to take a look at the black and glowing Saronian magic iron The thorium mine, which resembles mithril, is even more unpopular.

Only the Saronite and Thorium Ore, the kobolds did not smelt them. They were picked out, sorted and placed in unremarkable corners. Everyone thought that the leader of the kobold collected these two minerals as gems, but Victor converged his mind and behaved as if nothing had happened.

For each kind of spoils of war, priests each charge a tenth, and the rest belong to the Zhan Family. Lora walked over and asked happily, "Come on, how do you distribute these treasures?"

Seeing the deep and bright eyes of Lora jade green, Victor suddenly became alert that any plan to monopolize the magic iron ore would Falling into the eyes of high-ranking Knights, and the secrets of Saronite Felite are more valuable than these ores.

Victor looked around several beautiful Dame with different styles, nodded and said: "It can be divided into five equally, one for each family. This distribution is the most trouble-free, but it may not be fair. Some things are useful for me and for you. It’s useless, and what is valuable to you is also valuable to me."

"The families of Mithril, Adamantite, Zircon, Earth Element Crystal, and Water Element Crystal are equally divided, and I take all Fire Element crystal and half of Wind Element crystal. The rest, you pick first, and the rest belongs to me.” Victor handed the choice to the Dame.

Victor wants the Fire Element crystal for Sylvia. There are a total of 67 Fire Element crystals of different qualities. How many can Sylvia use alone? Fire Element crystals, like other element crystals, are mostly used as gemstone decorations and do not have much practical value.

Victor asked everyone to pick the remaining treasures first. The high-end Dame understood this as the gentleman's demeanor of the golden eye count.

Lora also said: "Okay, Wind Element crystals are also useful to the Augustus family. I will take the other half of the Wind Element crystals. The rest of the treasures, you pick first. I will choose the rest in front of Victor. "

The two Highnesses expressed their magnanimity. Of course, the three high-level Dame will not be polite. They are like giant dragons. They take away the most beautiful gems and crystals, and then the sand, gold ingots, and amber. And the unnamed scales and animal bones. The Saronite Magic Iron Ore sold well, and they picked two pieces each as their own collection. In the end, there were only a large pile of magicite and thorium ore. Lora glanced at Victor and unceremoniously took away all the thorium ore, and also took some of the darkest and brightest pieces of magicite.

Sure enough, more than a thousand pounds of magic iron ore fell into Victor's pocket.

Great Swamp's half-dragon human digs magic iron ore underwater. After digging for more than three years, it is only enough for alchemy assistants to build 30 tracking magic iron arrows. And this batch of ore can create at least 200 tracking magic iron arrows!

Victor is satisfied, but the red-clothed bishop Haruze of the eastern parish of Sasan almost said:

"hehe, the ebony ore is very rare, and the metal it smelts can absorb and guide Void elements, ancient wizards used Ujin to make extraordinary weapons. The handed down sword of the Nahtigal family is an extraordinary long sword made of Ujin. Nahtigal uses that Ujin to stab the target, and the earth element will Detonated in the target body will also cause a petrification effect. It is said that as long as the golden sword continues to damage the target long enough, Nahtigal can even turn a Nine-Headed Hydra into a stone."

Victor knows the characteristics of Saron's magic iron very well. When his tracking magic arrow hits the target, the magic iron arrow will release a void Wind Element in the target body, causing huge damage. It is particularly effective against high-resistance monsters.

He laughed and said: "Unfortunately, Wujin Mine cannot be smelted now."

Archbishop Haruze groaned and said: "Maybe there is a way... the mountain dwarves of the Yarete Plateau Use the earth fire to smelt minerals, the temperature of the earth fire is high enough, maybe it can be used to extract oojin." He paused, and then said, "Of course, smelting oojin with the earth fire is just a probability. The Greylo sheep occupy the tunnels of the mountain dwarves. We are not worth the risk of the Wujin Mine. After all, the army is the key to defeating the orcs and opening up our territory. Reducing the casting cost of ordinary weapons and equipment and improving the quality of armaments are obviously more meaningful than building an extraordinary weapon."

Archbishop's verbal inducement does not work for high-level Dame. Everyone knows the importance of military equipment, but this does not prevent high-level Knights from liking Mithril.

Sikeli Joshua looked left and right, her eyebrows said with a smile crookedly: "Aiya, why didn't you see King Frederick Eldest Son."

Haru Ze smiled stagnantly, and said with a dry smile: "Zig is responsible for the logistics work of the East Frontier Defense Line, and he is busy. He first returns to the imperial capital, recruits young and strong people, and rebuilds the Xiaoniu village camp. It is too late to say goodbye to your lords. He asked me to Your Excellencies apologize."

The treasures collected by the lord of the kobolds are nothing compared to the mythril veins underground in Xiaoniu Village. It is a high-quality mythril mine, not the secret of silver. Silver mine. According to the Rule of Lords, the lord of Xiaoniu Village abandons the pioneering collar, and here becomes a land of no owners. Whoever clears the nearby orc forces will own this territory, including the mythril vein. The Cambis Vanguard responded to the war summon announced by the church. They belonged to the guest army who had gone to a foreign country, and it was impossible for them to declare sovereignty in Xiaoniu Village. Siegfried led his guard, Knight, to participate in the Battle of Mavericks Village, and deserved legal ownership of the land. Therefore, he was anxious to return to the imperial capital, to find the leader of Fridos to change the jurisdiction of Xiaoniu Village, and to legally put the mithril vein under his own name.

Siegfried picked up a big bargain for nothing, and should be rewarded to the Gombies vanguard and promised to give away a certain amount of mithril, but he secretly ran away without mentioning it.

Sieger's style, Victor looked at him high instead. In the face of family interests, the emperor eldest son's decentness should be thrown away. There is no Golden Knight around him. If he uses Mithril to please Lora, who knows how much Mithril should be promised?

Siegfried knows himself, knowing that Lora Princess is not something he can pursue now, even if he wants to give Gambis some mithril, it is a matter between Frederick and Augustus.

During the war, this mithril vein in particular should not be a rift between the two sides. Siegfried was anxious to return to the imperial capital, and consulted with the Patriarch of Flides to discuss countermeasures.

Victor is not afraid that the Lie Family of Frederick does not have some mithril, he is worried about another thing.

"Your Excellency Bishop, are there any forest cliffs nearby?" Victor asked.

Haruze did not hesitate, and replied with a smile: "In the northeast, 100 kilometers away from Xiaoniu Village, there is a horizontal east-west mountain forest covering an area of ​​about 600 square kilometers called Eagle's Nest Mountain. Kobold I am afraid that the lord moved from Eagle’s Nest Mountain to Xiaoniu Village. However, since it has given up the territory of Eagle’s Nest Mountain, it means that all the treasures over there have been dug out by it."

giant dragons are used to keeping their nests. Set on sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces that thieves cannot patronize. More than 10,000 years ago, giant dragons disappeared from the sight of humans and became creatures in myths, but Dragon Vein kobolds survived, and their living habits are exactly the same as giant dragons.

The kobold lord has almost no natural enemies. Dragon's Might increases its breath. If the Ogre Warlord encounters it, he will be burned to ashes. If it stays in the nest on the cliff, it is very difficult for Victor to catch it alive, and Lora is even more impossible to catch it. Unfortunately, its Dragon's Might does not work for high-end Knights. Golden Knight can clearly understand all elemental changes. Before it opens its mouth, Lora knows it is going to spit Fireball there. Therefore, the Dragon Vein kobold leader who left the cliff shelter became Lora's spoils of war. The treasures it worked so hard to collect were divided up by the hateful humans, and even the eggs that were born would be made into life-prolonging potions.

The silver-tier Dragon Vein kobold lifespan is over 200 years old, and they are considered to be longevity species among monsters. They have a strong collecting habit and a natural treasure hunting instinct. If the treasures in an area are cleaned up by the kobolds, they will wander to the next territory with treasures based on the instinct of treasure hunting.

Haruze bishop believes that if the lord of the kobold comes from the Eagle's Nest Mountain, then there is no valuable wealth around the Eagle's Nest Mountain.

Victor agrees with Archbishop, but he must check it out.

The Rare Item crystal found by Caligula must be related to Alchemy Empire. Victor has a similar Rare Item crystal. It was an accident when he collected the Alchemy Tower rune crystal in the misty mountain range of Naville. found. So far, he has not been able to figure out what is the use of that Rare Item crystal.

But what if there is a relic of Alchemy Empire in Eagle's Nest? What if there is an unowned Alchemy Tower?

Alchemy Tower is built at the place where the balance of the four void elements meets. The balance of the elements changes. The rune crystal automatically becomes the core of the earth, buried in the ground, and can be stored for tens of thousands of years. The core of the earth is the reality of the Void Earth Element. It continues to consume the power of the rune crystal. Before the rune crystal is completely damaged, no matter how strong the kobold lord is, he cannot move the core of the earth. But kobolds can dig out the core of the earth.

Kobold lord dug the Rare Item crystal, there may be an earth core next to it. As for when it was dug, and where it was dug, it is unclear.

If the Rare Item crystal was unearthed in Eagle's Nest Mountain, the traces of the kobold digging large pits are easy to find.

Even if there is only one percent chance, Eagle's Nest Mountain is worth a trip to Victor.

"Nelson, call the guards, we will set off right away." Victor shouted to Nelson, who was watching the lord of the kobold.

"Yes, my lord!" Nelson responded loudly without asking the reason, turning and running to summon his men.

Haruze bishop looked up at the bleak sky, and asked in amazement: "His Royal Highness, it's getting dark, you are leaving now, are you going there?"

"Night or daytime makes no difference to me."

Victor turned his head and said with a smile on his face gracefully: "We are going to the Duke of Barcelius' defense zone and hunting down the furbolg Elder. Tonight, we will start at the Eagle. Camp overnight near Chaoshan. I will survey the topography of Eagle's Nest by the way to see if there are any large monster colonies there."

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