Fort Duncan, the commander’s lounge.

Six butter candles with thin arms on the stone wall candlestick illuminate the 50-square-meter room, and the exquisitely crafted iron-cast desk accumulates the historical charm of the Tieshan Empire, and the simple style of the lounge It seems out of place. There is no smooth wooden floor, no wall carvings, no exquisite crystal chandeliers, and gray stone bricks constitute the simplest tone of the room.

This was originally a room for Knight to rest, the bronze Knight’s lounge.

Duncan Fortress has a more luxurious lounge. The successive monarchs of the Frederick Lie Family will live in their dedicated rooms every time they visit Duncan Fortress. Today, Emperor Frederick and Grand Duke Frederick are trapped in Bright City hundreds of kilometers away by centaur invaders. The Duncan Fortress guarding the eastern gateway of the Sasan Empire welcomes a new commander, Duke Usain Barcelius.

Most of the secular lords of the Sasan Empire are descendants of the great nobles of the Iron Mountain Empire. Compared to Frederick, they are more willing to recognize the orthodox status of Barcelius. Because no one likes the Paladin family riding on the head of a secular lord and gesticulating. Of course, bloodline is also an extremely important factor. Free of the imprint of light, apart from the blue hair that symbolizes the ancient bloodline, the Lie Family family only owns the top silver bloodline, while the noble bloodline of Barcelius is beyond doubt.

The Barcelius of the past is happy to be called Your Majesty by Lord Sasan. Usain is an exception. He is known for his low-key modest and opposing the title Your Majesty. Even if he enters Duncan Fort, he does not live in the private lounge of Frederick’s Imperial Family. He chooses this ordinary small room as himself. His temporary residence, the iron-cast desk placed in the center of the room, was just because of his usual ease of use, that made people not far away from the Western Border of the Empire to the Duncan Fortress in the east of the Empire.

Andria Wimbledon is quite critical of Usein. Although his humble quality won the friendship of the Fridos Patriarch and won tangible benefits for the lord of the west, he is very low-key. Not the demeanor that Tieshan Imperial Family should have. Because of some of Usain’s practices, the Sasan Empire’s princes began to move closer to Frederick’s Imperial Family. This time, 9 of the 11 Royal Highnesses of the Empire and Emperor Frederick were trapped on the front line of the pioneering leader, which is the most powerful proof.

In the final analysis, the Patriarch of Frides is also a Testil, he will only stand on the side of the Radiance Knight regiment. The Patriarch's goodwill and justice towards Barcelius will always have a bottom line.

Ussein will not fail to understand this truth, but he still maintains a low-key and humble style at this critical moment, releasing the signal of acknowledge allegiance to the usurper will only make the descendants of the nobles of the Iron Mountain Empire feel Disheartened.

Sometimes Andrea can't help thinking about her loyal lord, the successor of the Iron Mountain Empire. Has Usain Barcelius lost her ambition to restore the glory of her ancestors?

Taking a sigh of relief, Andrea said in a cool voice: "His Royal Highness Wimbledon did not let me participate in the Battle of Greyhound Village. I don't know the specifics of the battle. But His Highness Wimbledon declared to me, The vanguard of Beas came to Duncan Fortress the day after tomorrow to meet Your Majesty."

Sitting behind the iron table, the Duke of Barcelius pondered for a moment, and asked gently, "The Ogre Warlord who was killed by His Royal Highness Randal was in a frenzy. Status?"

Andria raised her slender eyebrows, correcting the mistake in Ucein’s name, "It’s Your Highness Wimbledon."

Ucein I was taken aback, and looked up at countess with amazing beauty. Seeing that she was very serious, I could not help knocking on the table and jokingly said: "If the golden eye count is Wimbledon, how do you call this lineage Wimbledon orthodox?"

Andria said indifferently: "My this lineage was originally not a direct heir of sword saint Drawin. Since Her Royal Highness Wimbledon reproduces Sun Elf's supreme bloodline, he is the orthodox Wimbledon as it should be by rights. "

Ussein exclaimed with a smile: "Andria, you can accept reality."

"Your Majesty is a direct descendant of Queen Barcelius and Prince Wimbledon. The noble gold bloodline, the successor of the Iron Mountain Empire, is also an indisputable fact." Andrea said as cold as ice and frost.

The smile on Usain’s face turned into a wry smile, shook the head, and said, “You’re right, but I don’t like the title Your Majesty. Embarrassment... well, as long as Master Count is happy, you can call me whatever you like... Ahem, then His Highness Wimbledon killed the severely wounded and violent Ogre Warlord?"

"Yes." Andrea's face was overwhelming. Slowly, nodded and said. A generous and humble lord makes it hard for her to get angry.

"Do you know what this means? Crush...His Royal Highness Wimbledon's strength completely crushed the golden Ogre Warlord." Usain said excitedly: "He can crush the Ogre Warlord, just Can crush an overwhelming majority gold-ranked orc leader. With His Royal Highness Wimbledon suppressing the Eastern Frontier Defense, we can kill a lot of people... Alas, I once doubted his Legendary strength, I was obviously wrong."

Andrea pressed her lower lip lightly and asked: "Can Your Majesty kill the violent Ogre Warlord?"

"It's not the same." Usaiin said with a smile shook the head. "Even the two Legendary Knights, Nahtigar and Neowest, can't achieve the level of Golden Eye count. They must take people to storm the Greyhound Village, and at the same time face the Ogre Warlord and its orc slave. Tornance and Tester can ambush the Ogre Warlord alone, but they have to wait patiently for the opponent to be singled. It’s hard to say if they wait for one day or one month."

He paused and asked: "You Don’t seem to be happy?"

Countess’s inner worries were written on the exquisite pretty face, frowned, and asked: "Do you think it’s worthy of joy? His Royal Highness Wimbledon obviously wants to take over the command of Duncan Fortress." Duncan’s fortress is located at the center of the eastern defense line. It has extraordinary political significance and almost symbolizes the capital of the Sasan Empire."

Ussein was shrugged, teased: "I thought His Highness Wimbledon took action. Aid will make you admire."

"This joke is not funny!" Andrea stared sharply at Barcelius's blue eyes, coldly said: "I have a husband."


"Andria, I have no intention of offending." Usein said sternly: "But I still have to say that Akeley is ready to be promoted to the Silver rank. You can't drag him forever. I I don’t want to see you and Eric Barcelius turn against each other.... We have to accept reality."

Andria has a husband and an heir, but her unparalleled beauty can't let her husband stop fighting The pursuit of the Way of Knight, one day, they must choose to separate like most silver Knight couples, pursue their respective partners, spread the noble bloodline, and strengthen the strength of the Great Family.

"Your Majesty will worry about my affairs with Eric. Your Majesty should face the reality in front of you first." Andria said displeasedly: "The lords are eager for Barcelius to lead them to obtain Victory and glory."

"Okay." Usaiin smiled nodded and said instead: "The reality is that the church is not ready to let go of the half-man Ma Dajun when the red smoke beacon is lit. The command of the war has always been In the hands of Chief Testier, the command of the Eastern Frontier Defense Line is actually in the hands of the Patriarch Fridos. In this war that has spread to the entire human kingdom, Duncan Fortress is only the Eastern Frontier Defense Line. A fortress does not have any political significance... The reality is that we only have 40,000 cavalry in our hands. They come from the Great Family of the Sasan Empire. The lords entrust the most elite cavalry to me. I never want me to treat them as nothing. Victims of value...The reality is that the garrison defending the Eastern Frontier Line is served by the militias of each family and deployed by the commanders of each War Zone, but Siegfried Friedrich bears full responsibility for the garrison... All of this was agreed by the Patriarch Fridden and I in advance. No matter how many garrisons on the Eastern Frontier were killed in battle, it would not affect us... Frederick’s emperor eldest son bears the greatest responsibility, Buddha The Lides Patriarch masters logistics supplies, replenishment of soldiers, and the power of divine technique. He asks us to abandon the War Zone of Duncan Fortress. Why should we refuse? Why should we refuse? Combining troops with Oroxia is in line with the eastern defense line. Need is in our interest."

"Andria don't let the glory and arrogance of the ancestors cover your eyes... Well, this is my advice to you."

Countess was taken aback for a moment, and then hesitated and said: "But...but we spent energy and sacrifices in the Duncan Fortress War Zone..."

"But Greyhound Village was not ours."

Ussein stood up and said, "Andria, I have released the letter crow, and ask Aurasia to rush to Duncan fortress and have a meeting with the two princes of Gambis. You might as well. Go and arrange the reception...Oh, yes, the Patriarch Flidd and the Emperor Siegfried eldest son will also come to the meeting."

The Duke of Barcelius under the Expulsion Order, Ender Leah converged her mind, got up and saluted and retired.

When countess's crisp footsteps gradually disappeared, Usain shook the head a little amused. Andrea is arrogant by nature, but lacks patience and has no outstanding political talents, but she is the sharpest long sword, fearing the enemy and making her master cautious, always indifferent to gentleness.

Whoever marries her will suffer. Poor Akelie, I wish you a happy night...Ussein prayed for his distant cousin, opened the door, and walked alone toward the fortress. Go to the dungeon.

The spiral staircase leading to the underground is dark and cold, and Barcelius' boots stepped on the wet stone steps silently, as if fuse together with the underground environment.

The imprisoned prisoner had no idea about the Duke’s arrival until the door zhi zhi cracked open and closed again with a bang. The awakened prisoner slowly sat up from the hay-paved nest, with eye sockets. Two dark red lights lit up in the depths, just like the eyes of the undead in the legend.

"I'm very happy to meet the two princes." The prisoner stroked his chest and saluted, his voice was old and dry, completely out of proportion to his muscular and burly appearance.

Beside Usain stood a tall lady. The darkness obscured her face, but the prisoner's eyes seemed to have the ability to see through the darkness.

"What is the title of your Excellency?" The lady asked, her voice was as light as a stream flowing, as if it could flow into people's hearts.

"His Royal Highness Barcelius, you can call me a'prisoner'." The prisoner touched the lady's chest and saluted.

This lady turned out to be the Guardian of the Barcelius family, the Golden Knight guarding the northern part of the eastern defense line, and Aurochia Barcelius.

"Prisoner?" Usain looked up and down the opposite prisoner, said with a smile: "Talk to us through the body of a death row prisoner. It’s a magical witchcraft... There are many priests in Duncan Fortress, you Don’t you be afraid of exposure when you use witchcraft?"

The red light in the prisoner’s eyes flickered, and he slowly replied: "This ceremony is very complicated and costly, but it will not be noticed by the priest."

"So, your Excellency admits that you are related to Radiance Church?" Orokxia asked lightly.

"Hehe, since the Pantheon turmoil, there has not been a wizard organization in the human kingdom. The two Highnesses are so wise that they can naturally think of the church secretly cultivating a wizard organization." The prisoner nodded said frankly, "No Wrong, we have something to do with the church. We are devout followers of the Supreme Lord. We are the Shadow Council externally and shadow pastors internally. Our mission is to gather the awakened witchcraft of the human kingdom and prevent the recurrence of pantheon-like disasters."

Usaiin and Oroxia seemed to have anticipated this answer, or any changes could not shake Golden Knight's will. The two looked at each other, and the Duke of Barcelius nodded and said: "The church as it should be by rights must guard against similar disasters. Controlling the wizard is the consistent style of the Knight aristocracy. Now that the pope lineage has lost power, the Radiance Knight group secretly cultivated shadow priests. It makes sense."

"I have a question. The Shadow Council helped us Barcelius develop a blood fighter addiction. We have been dealing with each other for three years. The Prisoner has refused to contact us. Why did you suddenly choose this time? Ask to meet with us?"

The prisoner said: "At the time of the crisis of the human kingdom, as the servants of the Supreme Lord, as the transcender of mankind, we shadow priests must also contribute our own strength and have our own. The appeal."

"Oh? What does the Shadow Priest want in this war?" Orokxia asked lightly.

"The right to walk in the sun." The prisoner said solemnly, with a suppressed desire in his voice.

Oroxia chuckled and ruthless said: "Your request is too high. No one will admit that the Shadow Pastor is part of the Radiance Church. You are just private soldiers of the Trigoval family."

The prisoner was silent for a moment, and said hoarsely, "This is the status quo that we are trying to change...I can understand the fear of mortal believers about the wizard.'Walking in the sun' is our ideal to realize this ideal. It takes a long process, and it needs someone to take the 1st Step."

Ussein said with a smile: "The ideal may not be realized, survival is the most urgent. Where is the shadow under the sun? The shadow is always hidden behind the huge monster. Since the tribunal is going to use the power of the Shadow Council this time, after the war is over, you will face a big purge. Only in this way can Trigoval be clean. Frankly speaking, we may not be able to shelter. Your Excellency, but Your Excellency can use the power of Barcelius to leave the inheritance. The Mage Advisory Group of the Iron Mountain Imperial Family, what do you think? At least, your descendants can become true nobles."

"No." The prisoner shook his head firmly and said: "The wizard organization without faith will only slide down the abyss of desire and cause unimaginable disasters to this world... In the words of your nobles, the church is a larger backstage than Barcelius. Why do we give up the asylum of the church? , Choose a trifling Imperial Family?"

"Unexpectedly, your faith in the Supreme Lord is so pious." Oroxia sneeered: "After all, you just want to get rid of the control of Trigoval and become a church. An independent organization of the United States, so as to control greater power."

The prisoner shook his head and said: "I must remind the two princes that we are also transcenders. We have extraordinary powers that ordinary people can’t match. Don’t we deserve power. Are you?"

"But you are not bound by the Radiance Code!" The Duke of Barcelius had his eyes like electricity, and his imposing manner ascended like a mountain. Allow Chosen One to resurrect and rule the kingdom of mankind again!"

"Why do you have to test my power? This is just the body of a death prisoner." The prisoner said slowly, "How is Trigoval bound by the Glory Code? They reselled the population, killed the innocents, protected the Knights and the nobles of blood intermarriage, these criminal activities are inextricably linked to you big nobles connect. Most of the secret deadmen and secret Knights of the Lie Family of Fredericks come from the Eastern Alliance controlled by Trigoval... In addition, I have to correct a fallacy made by His Highness. The Code of Radiance restricts everyone, including the wizard. Her binding force lies in protection and redemption, not punishment and destruction. There is no law to exterminate the wizard in the Glorious Code, because we are from mortals, and the devil also covets the soul and flesh of the wizard. Belief in the Supreme Lord can protect our souls from the temptation and persecution of the devil, and fallen wizards who abandon their faith will be purified by the priest and become part of the grace of God. "

"When the first pope wrote the glorious code, he had already left a way for the wizard—a belief in self-redemption and supervision from the priest. After all, Enoch Your Majesty is also a great wizard. Since we can accept the healing of holy light, we must be loved by the Supreme Lord. "

"The Prisoner's research on theology is very thorough, and they have laid a theoretical foundation for the Shadow Pastor to come to the forefront. "Oroxia sighed faintly, shook the head softly, regretfully said: "It seems that it is difficult for us to reach a consensus... Then, what can we do for you, and what can you bring to Barcelius? "

The prisoner said with a smile in a low voice: "It's very simple, try to get our people to meet His Royal Highness Randal." "

Ussein's eyes flickered and asked: "I'm very surprised, the shadow priest possesses great magical power, can't he contact Centaur Hills himself." "

"For some reason, we were unable to go to Centaur Hills... and the sudden outbreak of the orc war gave us an opportunity to cooperate with His Royal Highness Randal and His Highness Sylvia. We hope to get the support of the Southern Empire. "

Oroxia asked in a cold voice: "What then? Resell the Blood Fighter that you sold to us to Centaur Hills? "

"He, he, he... Don't be too greedy, the noble and wise Lord Barcelius. "Jié jié laughed from the prisoner's throat, and said: "We found the wizard in the Sasan Empire only temporarily to serve the Barcelius family. They will eventually return to the church and serve the Supreme Lord. I believe that the political enemies of political enemies are allies. The Paladin family is obviously the political opponents of the Barcelius family, and a Duke of Barcelius is not enough to help the shadow priest get to the forefront, but Barcelius Your Majesty can, and the Iron Mountain Empire can. We are willing to help the Barcelius family. This is good for both of us, isn't it? "

Ussein touched the back of his head, smiling cordially and said, "That's it?" I thought there would be something more real. "

The prisoner was silent for a moment, and nodded said: "When the shadow priest gets rid of the control of the Trigoval family and truly becomes a branch of the church, we will remember Barcelius’s kindness, and the two princes will see that the shadow priest is more valuable The research results of Blood Fighter are nothing like Blood Fighter...Although the Barcelius family cannot exclusively enjoy the extraordinary results of the Shadow Priest, it is better than nothing at all. At the very least, we guarantee the priority of the Barcelius family. "

"Vague and general... to be specific. "Oroxia's voice fully expresses her dissatisfaction.

The red light deep in the prisoner’s eye sockets shrank and introverted. After a while, she said: "The Shadow Warrior created with Paladin crystals has fierce, violent, Soul fire and bloodthirsty abilities... You will see samples of Shadow Warriors, but if you want to get more Shadow Warriors, you must first let the Shadow priests have the power and be able to deploy the resources of the church. "

Usaiin and Oroxia exchanged glances and smiled nodded: "Deal...How do you want to meet with His Royal Highness Randal?" "

"His Royal Highness Barcelius only needs to tell Luke Wizard of His Royal Highness Randal's whereabouts, and we will meet him alone at the right time. "Red light on the verge of collapse in the prisoner's eyes, and said hoarsely: "The time is coming, if there is anything else, contact us through Luke." "

After finishing speaking, the prisoner fell on his back, breathless. Usai rubbed his chin, perceiving the elemental changes at the maximum distance, said with a smile: "Dead...The wizard is always strange." Strange ability, fortunately their witchcraft can't hide our elemental perception. "

Oroxia glanced at the prisoner lying on the ground, indifferently said: "He is dead long ago... Except for Fire Element, I can't feel the pulse of Water Element. This seems to be a legend. Manipulate the undead in the game. "

Ussein embraced his hands with a sarcasm smile on his mouth, shook his head and sighed: "It's also a group of guys who refuse to face the reality..."

Oroxia Turning his head, he asked: "What do you think? "

"View? There will only be two empires in the human kingdom, Iron Mountain in the north and Gambis in the south... Only with the golden bloodline will there be an empire. Frederick and the Radiance Knight regiment are just making wedding dresses for us. Whether it's the Orc War or the next pioneering war, I don't want any problems within the Radiance Knight regiment. "

The Duke of Usain Barcelius has a deep gaze, and said with a low smile: "The little wizards that the shadow priest found, together with the inheritance of bloodfiend medicine, I want to swallow them all. However, I have a strong interest in Shadow Warrior. After we get the training method of Shadow Warrior, the shadow priest can go to death. It is best to let Trigoval follow the downfall, and the court will be put under the name of the Cardinal from then on. "

He said with some distress: "The question is that it is appropriate to sell the shadow wizard to the patriarch?" Anyway, it can't be sold to Flides. "

Oroxia slightly nodded, frowning and said: "I only worry that the shadow priest will be disadvantageous to Her Royal Highness Randal. Sylvia is about to die, just like the ancestors of Veronika, possessing the power of omniscience. She wanted to destroy Barcelius' golden bloodline, only in one thought. "

"hmph, can't mobilize the power of the sea of ​​elements, how can the wizard's witchcraft hurt the Legendary powerhouse? Besides, His Royal Highness Randal is close to Sacred Domain. "Ussein said disapprovingly, thought about it, and continued to add: "At worst, we are married to the York family foster care." "

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