East open up collar, Greyhound village.

It was one of the pioneers of the first built villages, geographical environment is very good, around the village is fertile red clay fields south there is a dense forest vegetation, providing stone, wood and villagers fuel, most importantly, a dozen meters wide shallow river to come together to form a beautiful lake in low-lying villages of the east.

With a stable source of water, Greyhound village can be expanded for the town.

Today, it has become the ogre's lair.

around the village, built of stone and mortar wood double rugged walls collapsed less than half, almost all the village buildings suffered varying degrees of damage, especially villagers wood house all been razed, with logs on the site erected a tall huts. They foot 5 meters high, surrounded by a large circle end to end, without walls, a top or top is rain huts different kinds of skins. Shed hanging ogre food - dried meat, victims from different species, there are elk, wild bears, mice, there Gnoll, Goblin, Centaur and bears blame, just not human. They have been eaten.

Center stables of students with piles of bonfire, erected above the cauldron, a dozen head ogre sitting around the campfire, waiting Kobold slave cooked food, the ground littered with fresh prey was violently exploded, from wreckage of features, it is that two male centaur.

Greyhound depot in the village of a few fairly good condition, location of the door broke a big hole three meters high, just out of convenience ogre, which store food and supplies villagers reserves. ogre is the kind of wisdom, know how to store food needs shelter.

break at the village wall, a pinned wood, surmounted ferocious bear a huge head, it is not a wild beast, but furbolg head. Each village out of the ogre and orc slave can see the power of tribal leaders highlight the spoils of war.

once belonged to a human Greyhound village is now full of primordial and rough atmosphere.

mountain outer south five kilometers, there is a slim silhouette slender standing on a tree, looking to greyhound village. She clasped a beautiful shape Mithril bow, a fit of gold Centaur leather armor outline the graceful curves, elastic waist long legs showed amazing sense of power, black hair, blue eyes, delicate facial features beautiful, pick out the slightest flaw, like the legendary beauty of spirit, slender eyebrows straight as a sword, compared to those higher-order Dame blooming lovely, ethereal adding a hint of sharp temperament.

Andrea .Wimbledon count, there are several human kingdom of Wind Element Great Knight. Greyhound five kilometers outside the village, to help ordinary Knight crystal tube investigators hope the enemy, she just naked eye will be able to see clearly the situation in the village.

Crystal while looking cylinder precious, Sasan Empire not get out. As the noble status of Wimbledon countess, Andrea had personally do not need to monitor the movement of ogre, she did it because the investigation Greyhound village task quite dangerous, there have been two elementary Knight sacrifice, even a high-order Dame also almost fall.

Greyhound entrenched in the village, including more than eighteen hundred orcs just Goblin, more than four hundred Kobold, over two hundred people only wolves, fifty-nine ogre, which has three hobgoblins, eight Bugbear only a dozen, a dozen Dragon Vein Kobold, more than two dozen wolves violent people, thirty-seven adult ogre Grunt and two violent ogre.

Their leader is a prime order ogre warlord.

This is very powerful forces entrenched in Orc shares, and their strength is growing everyday all.

Greyhound village around eighty thousand acres of maturing Mr Green, provides plenty of food for the goblins and kobolds. Hobgoblins have tamer innate talent, organize them hand Goblin Keeper cattle and sheep livestock, and gnoll hunters arrested cub wildlife. Kobold are born miners and blacksmiths, especially those Kobold Dragon Vein, who have their legends of ancient giant dragon bloodline, and intuitively find sparkling gems and a variety of minerals, but also breathing fire, not in spite of formidable power , but more than enough to ignite wood.

and the fine Kobold behind greyhound village of stones with mud and a dozen fireplace. Nothing near the veins, they collected the tools for smelting metal, crude benzene crude weapons to fight for the ogre Manbing use.

ogre warlord is by virtue of a metal wolf fang club easily beat a bear near the strange leader, to win a large number of Orc slave, the sphere of influence expanded to 600 square kilometers. After

In this case a few head killed Andrea forest logging ogre been checked. ogre warlord no longer leave the nest, the other to attack the entrenched orcs, and orcs Greyhound no longer set foot in the village south of the forest.

Andrea person contain a group of powerful orc robber.

At the same time, she also was military governor contain ogre lived. As long as she dared to leave the cover of the mountains, ogre warlord would catch her death.

a person's ability, only a head hands. ogre warlord and Andrea restraining each other in a violent ogre orc leadership, continuously expand the site, they even attacked Centaur pioneer, capture a large number of food items and goblins slave. Greyhound orcs number continues to grow.

Wind Element Great Knight to attack powerful known, Andrea would like to find an opportunity to shoot ogre warlord, warlord ogre but did not give her any chance shot.

Andrea has now void Wind Element maximum range of 800 meters, ogre warlord hiding in the village buildings does not come out, Andrea could not lock it, it can be perceived danger the direction and source. Greyhound village periphery 1 km inhabited by a large number of fine, there are many wolves hunters who patrol the distant cornfield. Entrenched orcs cordon full three kilometers, Andrea once out of the forest will be found countless pairs of eyes.

In fact, she ogre impossible sneak attack a military governor.

Orcs are not smart enough, but they have their own survival skills and combat experience.

Andrea mission is staring ogre warlord, such as Duke Barcelius convened army, take away entrenched in the village Greyhound orc forces.

Greyhound village from the east exit of Brown fortress defense too close, ordinary person from the village to the Greyhound Brown fortress within walking distance of the periphery of the camp ten days. The camp is an important node fortress defense system, its fortifications include 15 meters high and 4 meters wide wood fence, rugged limestone tower of 15, with a peripheral trenches, traps, barricades and low walls, equivalent to 5 strengthening sentry camp, a large number of internal storage supply, usually manned by 300 infantry, heavy Catapult with 15, can accommodate 2000 cavalry war.

Greyhound village is the first village to open up collar, lord ready to be expanded into the town. It's as if the difference between the fortifications than standard camp, but the ogre warlord break the Greyhound village.

Heavy Catapult few doors violent ogre silver can kill order, but the depth of the ogre violent warlord gap gunner always transmitted in advance to avoid the deadly crossbow arrow, with a huge stones one by one roll call ten-meter-high tower of. Catapult Greyhound and all villages have been wiped out, solid wood fence in front of the double ogre extraordinarily thin.

ogre can break Greyhound village, Brown will be able to break the fortress periphery camp. They constitute the most immediate threat to Brown fortress defense system.

For the Golden Knight, ogre warlord is a very dangerous opponent. The two sides rarely meet, it is because the ogre warlord always avoid early Golden Knight, really want to go it alone, larger ogre warlord odds, they have the least capacity and the Golden Knight perish together.

against the ogre warlord surest way is to convene two to three Golden Knight, with the higher-order priest, to take to play more small Weisha tactics, can not escape it in advance. If the ogre warlord with wild instincts to escape weisha, it soon gathered a group of orcs slave, to form a force again, even under the pressure of the Golden Knight, Orc with other powerful entrenched forces fuse together.

In that case, the defense of the eastern border situation will only get worse.

Barcelius closest known as the Duke of Legendary Golden Knight, he faced an ogre warlord should strive to foolproof. East tensions throughout the defense forces, Gripen Knight group can not be involved too much energy Greyhound village ogre warlord. Duke Barcelius had wanted to invite two of His Highness the Kingdom of Dodo common siege ogre tribe Greyhound village at once. Who knows, suddenly left the group iron wall Knight resident, hurried to wipe out the orcs territory east of the southern section of the defense forces entrenched. Duke Gripen had to help Duke 奥萝克希娅 .Barcelius his female cousin.

奥萝克希娅 Highness the northern section of independent defense guarding the eastern border, she arrived in the middle of the zone from their fortress Brown will take some time.

Duke Barcelius had to send the most powerful winds Dame temporarily delaying the ogre warlord, to prevent the advance camp it offensive Brown fortress.

As iron King Shan sword saint Drawin .Wimbledon's successor, Andrea usually eyes high above the top, in this forest Dunshou ten days, she began to make a little impatient. She will Mithril bow hanging in the back, greeted the men intended to continue to monitor the movement of Knight squad Greyhound village, back to their own temporary camp to rest.

At this time, the direction of the village of Greyhound suddenly appeared a few strands of her most familiar element of volatility.

sharp, swift, hysteric, vanity Wind Element!

than she has now void Wind Element sharper, more concise, more powerful!


The earth shook and the mountain quivered howling sound, Greyhound village suddenly burst big warehouse, gravel Duanmu Zadao a lasing Goblin and Kobold, a huge body splash stone faster than step out of the warehouse, with lightning speed, crashed through the side of the timber intact double fence, moved towards the mountains to the north and bolted to the contrary.

it is enough to have 3-meter high, heavy body as thick city wall hanging A, more than two hundred lbs heavy cast-iron wolf fang club wood in its hands as heavy if the light metal plate, it single-handedly holding his face in one hand and waving wolf fang club, desperate rush forward, fear fled look like being chased bite bee farmer.

five indigo streamer free to rotate around its body, despite wolf fang club swept to drive does not help, ogre warlord run farther, the more growth of blue streamer when it is between the blink of an eye, ran more than 800 meters that five indigo streamer has been condensed to the limit. Andrea perceived void Wind Element has never been a terrorist.

ogre Warlord escape velocity close to 80 km per hour, even if it can run faster than then quickly impossible void Wind Element. Indigo streamer first track hit it back, empty Wind Element sharp-cut plate A truncated hinge, Kobold create heavy armor plate in stirring the air in the fall, a tie plate is exposed ogre Warlord brown skin. indigo streamer second play position in the center, issued Ogre Warlord pain Howl, improved speed suddenly into a, followed 3rd indigo streamer ......

4th ... ...

fifth Road ......

Nether Wind Element all four strikes the same position, Ogre Warlord back covered with cracks, skin graft for a quite piece together the wound, it looks like a mend a broken doll.


Andrea know the void Wind Element has penetrated ogre warlord's body, it destroys the internal organs, it is also the reason why running faster, because pretty skin surgery and violent innate talent of Effect.

The more painful the more powerful.

ogre warlord suffer this degree of vanity Wind Element fight, even die, it must also seriously injured.

Knight and the priest did not control the void Wind Element Taking a strike ogre's ability, in addition to mysterious and powerful wizard, Andrea could not think of second.

However, rage Ogre state military governor turned around toward the position where the straight Andrea rushed over. Its eyes a loss, there is no focus.

Huh? Violent injuries, loss of sanity ...... Andrea slight contraction of the pupil quickly to the bottom of the squire instructed: ".. You get right back to makeshift camps, led to evacuate I killed it, back to their own fortress Brown"

squire Knight immediately took people ran to the depths of the forest, this level of fighting, they do not lend a hand.

Andrea operation of Battle Qi, exclude excitement, opened the beautiful shape bow, surrounded by secret silver arrow void Wind Element locking head ogre Warlord.

That wizard powerful beyond imagination, he or she may lack experience, has now void if the Wind Element, continued to play ogre's head, it is already a corpse of ...... Well now, beheaded ogre Warlord's glory belongs to me Andrea .Wimbledon!

violent ogre Warlord charge faster half 6 km away, i.e., to flash.

Andrea air around suddenly surging, ears immediately sounded a strange voice, no emotion vivid, entirely caused by the vibration of air friction, sharp scream, like God Di inhuman.

"hurriedly escape, escape into the woods, you can not fight."

Andrea remain unmoved, upturned lips, revealing a glamorous smile, "wizard, next time remember, fight ogre warlord's head."

she fingers a loose, indigo streamer direct ogre military governor in the 1000 meters is approaching.

However, he loosened Mithril bowstring in Andrea moment, eyes suddenly a loss of ogre warlord made a throwing wolf fang club action, just head down to avoid the shooting of indigo streamer .

hundreds of pounds of a wolf fang club meteor like, hit the wind Dame standing position, ka-cha bang, wood chips scattered, three encircle the upper portion broken tall trees, huge canopy collapsed, sparked a wave of smoke.

ogre Warlord unarmed, a fast charge rate significantly points, if an angry giant beast, forest burst, a fast moving towards slim silhouette pursued.

in the half-element wind Knight state, filling the void in vivo Wind Element, running speed fast as lightning, it can be displaced to the air turn. Not too dense forest of trees, but each tree are born thick and firm, but an obstacle Andrea shake off the ogre's military governor.

No matter how she changed to, ogre warlord both stared at her, in a straight line to catch up, rolling all the way, there is no obstacle can withstand its Barbaric Dash.

Andrea melee ability equally sharp, but she will not have the same violent ogre warlord close melee idea. She now runs straight as we choose, as long as this piece from the mountains into the rock stone mountain slope behind, they can jump on sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, calmly shot in the back to catch up with the ogre warlord.

It was seriously wounded, always violent end, I should be able to support the Battle Qi live ...... Andrea operation of Battle Qi, the mind is not cluttered negative emotions, calmly analyze their own advantages, as well as anti-kill policy to be taken, but also know that they do not understand this monster head of state and means.

monster science knowledge can never be used as a standard to judge different individuals.

This same time, mountains, a positive silhouette silent rapidly approaching the violent ogre military governor.

Wind Travel, Brisk body surging, giving overrun mobility Victor others can not imagine, and his strength and conditioning step beyond the golden winds Knight, speed, agility, perception beyond the rank of Gold Earth Knight, overrun all the innate talent combined into optimal operation mode, precise route calculation forward, every obstacle will be the pursuit of power. In addition to the same time both the earth, wind and surging wave Sylvia, Victor confident no one could keep pace with him. After

Two days ago, refining Golden Crow crow found this gang of robbers ogre, the night, Victor personally investigation Greyhound village of orcs entrenched forces, military governor of locking features ogre, and Lora discussed and decided today hands to eradicate this threat eastern border defense stocks orc forces.

rival battle skill can lock and strike a target radius of ten kilometers, the lack of medium-sized monster kill breeze Wind Element resistance, but the sheer elemental damage against high resistance, tenacious of life becomes the ogre warlord the weakness.

Victor did not want to be exposed in front of people with Sharon sharpens iron to build the track magic arrows, but also worried about violent ogre warlord mass destruction Onslaught warrior, he sneaked into the depths of the forest, with the first hit ogre rival warlord.

void Wind Element penetrate ogre warlord's body, cut its internal organs, but the ogre warlord resistance to the elements weaken the enemies of mass destruction, diffuse connective tissue in the body to ensure the operation of the internal organs, to stop the bleeding. ogre warlord was seriously injured, but do not affect its ability to act.

It does not matter, ogre military governor of violent passive innate talent, which mobilize the potential life, relieve life-threatening, repair damage internal and external destroy the enemy. ogre warlord wild intuition can feel dangerous, but can not lock Victor eye form of gold. No enemy position, it can only choose to escape. Huge potential will be fixed within the life of its injuries, fatal injuries to middle, mortal danger, while lifted, also followed violent end, and thus fall into weak period. Onslaught wipe out the orcs and other greyhound village, Victor again taking it too late.

ogre warlord footprints so deep, even without rival tracking intuition, Victor does not find it difficult.

Victor did not expect violent dementia ogre warlord will turn around toward the mountains assault, astounded, he leapt to the treetops, found the wind Dame.

Apparently, her murderous intention touched the wild intuition ogre warlord, and her life as a need to eliminate the threat.

wind Knight has the ability to kill the ogre warlord, but her slim chance of winning.

ogre warlord

violent states do not listen, do not smell, do not look, do not want to force pure heart, the place within the huge life potential combination of fire depth of soul combined with wild intuition depth, reaching the mind touch the realm, it depends on fighting instinct, is close to perfect fighting machine, can be seen as an enlarged version of Tornance.

Of course, touch its soul much weaker than Tornance. Tornance can kill the ogre warlord is a dead life, do not give it the chance violent.

dying violent ogre is its most powerful moments. Silver Order winds Dame would like to kill it alone, really do not know the immensity of heaven and earth.

ogre warlord and wind Knight chase, the two sides battle it out then nine hundred kg weight ogre warlord potential to deplete the life, or the wind Knight first run out of Battle Qi.

Well, Wind Element Knight not to see the long Battle Qi said.

Victor to save her, you have to face a rampaging ogre dying warlord, but the wind Dame alone, that a black hair, he decided to rescue her once.

human kingdom winds Knight can be counted on one's fingers, according to family heraldry, Andrea .Wimbledon figure or his aunt, except that ten generations.

Victor like a ghost-free quality, cut from the side of the battlefield, ogre warlord mind intuition threat also found nearby, his head bigger than an adult's fist suddenly boom of the past, the air is changed He became a paste.

bow is no turning back, they have to break out of his fist back, in order to play the second punch. Even touch the soul can not let the ogre's arm became military governor is not dead tentacles. Depends purely spiritual instinct to fight, unable to think independently, that is, the gap between the ogre warlord and Tornance.

This gap, equal to a fatal weak spot in front of Victor unrivaled computing power and Transcendent Saint speeds.

him down air flow, Fei Xu floating in the chest ogre-like military governor in the door big mouth, black gold airflow over the long sword into indigo body suddenly sinking, sword light flashed.

Awakening time slow.

Smart body Brisk.

footer rock of strength.

pale blue of the sharp edge.

The Warlord's head violent ogre he was picked off, just as easily pick a fruit.


fast as lightning of Andrea suddenly perceived to have a void behind Wind Element fleeting, then came the ogre warlord scattered heavy footsteps, and the sound of trees broken body.

She leapt to the branches of a tree, turned around and saw no head ogre warlord random hammering for a while, crashing to the ground, give all wounds previously burst, thick blood from the broken body fountain-like emission.

two hundred meters outside, wearing a dragon lizard leather armor of a handsome young hand gold long sword, a hand ogre warlord's head are watching yourself. He was a tall and well-proportioned, black hair, slightly pointed ears, dark eyes gold surging as fog golden Avision, still blinking ogre raised his head and said: "Andrea, know why it previously Behind his , do not cover their brain? it's surprisingly hard skull. "

Andrea mouth half open, eyes mother looked at each other.

"... .. there.." He lifted his chin was cut off, the ogre warlord heads drooping tongue, and looked angrily shook his head:

"Nelson put Yes ...... this guy no neck. "

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