Harry observed the situation in the sentry camp through the observation hole in the female wall of the Arrow Tower.

A group of monsters are wreaking havoc in the camp. The short green goblins happily took out bales of green wheat from the collapsed warehouse, piled them into the trailer tied with branches, and let the bear head The goblin pulled the food away. The culprit behind the demolition of the warehouse was an ogre. It sat on the ground like a mountain of meat. When it stood up, it was 2.6 meters high. It was full of fat, without any muscle lines, but it showed a strong sense of strength.

Harry saw the legendary monster for the first time, and even thought it was stupid and obese, dull and silly, and a bit funny. When ogre carried a huge wooden stick and smashed the camp warehouse built of logs twice, the young garrison soldiers had no such idea anymore.

He began to doubt whether Lord Philip Knight could kill this terrifying monster.

For a monster of this kind of power, if Lord Fahlan is swept by that big stick, I am afraid it will fly out of sight, right?

Harry shook his head and threw away the thought of disrespect to the owner, but secretly hoped that this strong as an ox monster would eat and drink and leave the sentry camp early.

ogre’s lunch was a bull deer whose head was smashed to the ground, and the blood and minced meat attracted a swarm of flies. Ogre kept drooling at it, but instead of rushing to eat and chew, he sat on the ground and waited patiently for the bonfire of the dog head. Not far away, more than a dozen jackals wandering around the corpse with coyote heads, fearing Ogre's stick, never dared to get too close. The blood and dog hair sticking to the jackal’s mouth came from the bravest war dogs in the sentry post. They were as fierce as leopards, killing several green-skinned goblins, but now they were gnawed by the jackals so that there were no bones left.

The flower dog that Harry raised from childhood to age also entered the gnoll’s belly. He clenched his bow, stared at the nearest gnoll, and quietly drew a copper from his quiver. Arrow, just about to get up and let go, a big and powerful hand grabbed his arm.

"The arrow is one less, and it is reserved for the monsters who enter the tower." Kassan, with his gray beard, let go of his hand and patted his grandson's shoulder by the way, motioning him to calm down.

Harry lowered his bow and glanced at the inner space of the arrow tower. There are some wooden boxes piled in the rotunda, and in the middle are two corpses of jackals full of arrows. The dark red blood has solidified, the flies are buzzing, and there is a smell of corruption and mixed excrement and urine. Harry almost vomited.

The standard sentry arrow tower is made of solid limestone. It is divided into two parts: a solid base and a tower body. The base is 7 meters, the tower body is 10 meters, and the total height is 17 meters. The only entrance to the arrow tower is at the bottom of the tower. The guard soldiers usually want to enter the tower, they must rely on a ladder to climb the base first. The space between the base and the tower is very narrow, only half of the foot can be dropped, and they want to stand. The stability must be close to the outer wall, and the arc-shaped raised wall design prevents people who are close to the outer wall from bending their legs and exerting force. As long as the thick copper-clad wooden door of the entrance and exit is bolted from the inside, no matter how strong the people outside are Unable to blast open the hemlock door reinforced with copper skin, it would only fall from the base of the 7-meter-high arrow tower with its hips pouting.

The corpse of two jackals inside the arrow tower was due to a serious mistake.

About 50 days ago, green-skin goblins appeared on the outskirts of the outpost belonging to the Fah Lan Family clan. Due to the serious shortage of troops stationed at the outpost, Hans Captain did not take anyone out to hunt the goblins, but The war dog tamed at the sentry post was released, and the incident was expelled. Twenty days later, the courage of the green-skin goblins grew stronger and stronger. They approached the sentry in groups and even shot two war dogs with slinging bow stones. Hans Captain realized that the situation did not take long, he recalled the war dogs patrolling outside, and began to take people to carry food supplies and ale into the arrow tower. A few days later, the jackals appeared. They were in a group with the goblins. Hans Captain ordered 22 guards to abandon the fences and trenches of the camp, and all settled in the three arrow towers of the sentry, and supplied supplies to the top of the tower. Soon afterwards, the green-skin goblin entered the range of the arrow tower, was shot partially by the guards, and retreated to the periphery. According to Hans Captain's previous arrangement, everyone quickly dismantled the spiral staircase on the inner wall of the arrow tower. Then, the troll appeared, carrying a big wooden stick, breaking the fence of the sentry, and leading the goblins, jackals and kobolds into the camp. In a panic, Harry's two young companions followed the ladder and climbed to the top of the arrow tower, forgetting to fasten the door of the arrow tower.

On the seven-meter-high pedestal, the dwarf goblins and kobolds can't climb up at all, but it's hard to resist the jackals who are over 2 meters tall. In the night four days ago, several wolves stepped on the shoulders of their companions, quietly climbed onto the pedestal, and entered the arrow tower, looking for bacon.

Fortunately, the arc-shaped convex inner wall of the arrow tower has nowhere to take advantage of it. The wolves have nothing to do with the guard at the top of the arrow tower. The jackals fought a few arrows and rushed out from the narrow entrance of the arrow tower. The other two were blocked by the same clan and shot into hedgehogs on the spot.

For the first time in his life, he killed a Jackal. The 15-year-old Harry and his young companions were extremely excited and couldn’t help being eager to have a try. Harry's grandfather Cassan stopped drinking.

Harry's gaze fell on the crossbow in his grandfather's hand, he licked his lower lip, and asked: "grandfather, can the crossbow kill ogre?"

This ogre If you don’t leave, the monsters in the camp will not escape. Even if you shoot a few goblins and jackals, new monsters will be attracted. What's more, it is not easy to shoot a monster with a warbow alone. Even the weakest goblin, as long as it is not shot through the key, it can lie on the ground for a day, and it can jump alive.

The effective way to deal with monsters is for crossbowmen, lancers and swordsmen to cooperate and fight together. Harry had heard this truth from his parents since he was a child. There are only 200 iron essence arrows in the reserve of Arrow Tower, 800 bronze arrows, and more than 2,000 obsidian arrows. Kasan asked everyone not to waste arrows, and most of the young guards could listen to it.

"ogre is stupid and knows how to avoid traps. Without this ability, they would have died." Kasan leaned against the female wall, touched the metal bow of the crossbow, and shook his head. : "The military crossbow can kill ogre, but it won't come. It ran in, indicating that there is no trap that can kill it."

Harry sighed and glanced at the center of the camp. The Roshan asked unwillingly: "Then we can't do anything with it?"

The old hunter noticed that several other young guards were also approaching, so he chuckled: "It takes us as well. No way, there are ale, dried meat, green wheat, and raw sugar on the arrow tower. We save a little, and it’s no problem to live for two months... Hans Captain, the letter crow has been released, it will not be long, Lord Knight and Lord Paladin will come and clean up the monster below."

The young soldiers obviously relaxed, and Harry asked, "grandfather, have you seen Ogre before? Like us. warrior, can you kill it?"

warrior? You are still far from the real warrior... Seeing the longing and flames in the eyes of his grandson and his little friend, Kassan couldn't help but think: Maybe already not far... just the blood of his companions.

He restrained his inner sentimentality and said with a smile boldly: "Of course he can kill it! In the past, the three arrow towers of the sentry camp were equipped with three ballistas, and the guards of the sentry could kill with a ballista. Death ogre."

"I've seen it!" A thin young guard said, "When I was a kid, my Uncle took me up the arrow tower and saw the original ballista, it The arrow is made of iron essence. It is as thick as a short spear and a cross arrow. When it hits it, there is a big hole. If we have a ballista, it will definitely kill ogre... I'm sure!"

"Have you really seen it?" Another burly young guard expressed suspicion. He stared at the fine hairs on his companion's lips, imitating his father's tone, and said with a smile disdainfully: "Your hairs not even grown yet , Speaking like a male duck, gu gu gu all day long."

"I...I am 15 years old!" The thin young guard flushed and patted his thin chest, loudly said: "I am Now I’m also a warrior!"

"15 years old? Harder, you are still 4 months away."

"Okay, okay." Harry came forward to make a round, he He was still 2 months away from turning 15 years old. The companions said something about their age. He also had a little frustration. He changed the subject and said: "The ballista is too big to be convenient to use... If there is one that can be carried with you, you can go in the wild. Just shoot the small ballista of Ogre."

The tall young guard touched the short beard of his chin, pretending to be calm, and said: "It's true...My uncle is the law. Lord Helan’s guard crossbowman, he used a very powerful crossbow, called...the Dodo crossbow, which was made by craftsmen from the Dodo kingdom using keel steel and the tendons of ferocious beasts. Normal warriors can be pulled with bare hands. You must use a special winch to wind the crossbow string. The crossbow bolt is as thick as a pigeon egg and can be shot more than 300 meters away. When it hits a stone, it is a hole."

"A crossbow as thick as a pigeon egg. Arrow?" Ha used his fingers to make a circle, aiming at the back of that ogre, the fox questioned: "Can the Dodo crossbow kill ogre?"

The young guard looked at the huge mountain Ogre said with some confidence: "Yes...should be possible."

Youngsters will always try to gain status when they get together. It is common to brag about each other. Kasan did this when he was young, but he was so happy in his heart that he does not raise.

ogre is clumsy and doesn't know how to make a fire. If it makes a fire and cooks, it means that this is its place. Of course, the main dishes of ogre are these people in the tower.

Thinking of this, the old hunter shuddered. If the three arrow towers of the sentry have ballistas, they can be cross-covered and cover the entire camp. However, the ballista was taken down by the fief lord, and the guard's bow could not be shot under the other arrow towers, and each arrow tower was isolated. And they are all trapped on the tower.

"Kasan grandfather, Fro has a fever."

The worried voice awakened Kasan. He catted to his waist, pressed against the female wall, and walked to the other side of the arrow tower. On one side, there was a youngster lying on a limestone slab. His face was swollen, his nose collapsed, his breathing was like the bellows of a stove twitching, his eyes were swollen with only one line, and his eyes were loose and out of focus.

Kasan felt a little bit in his heart, and touched the wounded man’s forehead, only feeling hot.

"Uncle Kassan, Fro is all right? This morning is fine..."

"Kassan grandfather, will Fro's big brother die?"

"Grandfather, is there a way to save Fro?"

The youngsters all crawled over and surrounded their injured companions. The look of fear, concern, and expectation made the old hunter's heart tighten. He drew out the obsidian dagger and made a few cuts in Fro's swollen face. Yellow water came out with thin blood, and the swelling of the face was reduced at a speed visible by naked eye. When the young guards saw this, they were all relaxed, watching Kasan's expressions all full of respect and conviction.

"Let him sleep." The old hunter said nonchalantly.

Fro is the illegal child of the village chief. He is tall and strong like his father. With a good arrow technique, he stands on the arrow tower and shoots the monster below. As a result, the stones shot by the goblin's bow hit his front door, and his companions laughed at him for a while.

Kasan knew the bad thing after smelling the stones thrown by the goblin's bow. It was a stone bullet soaked in the dung of the goblin. It hit people and caused wounds to fester. Experienced hunters adjust some herbs and apply them to wounds. There is no problem. But Fro's nose was broken, and Cassang handled it for him in time, still worried that his lungs would be contaminated with goblin feces.

Now, worry has become a fact.

The leather armor on the sentry guard is tanned with two layers of old cowhide. The craftsmanship is fine and the quality is high. However, the leather helmet that protects the head does not have a metal shield, so Fro suffers. His friends dare not shoot at the head anymore, and they also obey the Kassan old man who has never been a vassal soldier.

However, Fro's current injury needs treatment by the priest, and he may not last long.

Although Kassan is just an old militia, he has experienced battles and seen life and death, but Fro's death is very important to the guards of this arrow tower. As the weather gets hotter and hotter, the dead body will soon rot and become smelly, and must be thrown away. Even if Fro is thrown into the arrow tower, ogre will send the bear goblin and the jackal to snatch him out and turn him into a dish in front of the guards.

There is food and drinks at the top of the arrow tower, but how long can the young guard's will last? Kasang had no bottom in his heart, he only hoped that the Lord's wife and Philip Young Master Pu could send troops to support them quickly.

However, Lord Fahlan brought the guards to the pioneering collar three years ago. A red beacon was raised in the church. Eldest Young Master summoned the remaining guards and young militiamen of the territory to Bronze Halberd City. . Can the Lord’s wife and the young Master support the sentry camp? Kasan felt even more unsure.

I hope the priest and Lord Knight of Bronze Halberd City can come and kill this stupid ogre.

The old hunter looked at the giant monster sitting in the middle of the camp, drooling at the corpse of the bull on the fire, and couldn't help thinking:

Is ogre really stupid?


A black-haired, yellow-eyed crow flapped its wings and landed on the female wall of the arrow tower, tilting its head, looking at the guards and the wounded.

"Go away, Bird of Death, there are no dead people here!" Fro's younger brother was furious, jumped up and drove him forward.

The crow spreads its wings high and makes an unpleasant noise that symbolizes death.

At some point, a group of crows flew over the sentry camp. They hovered and danced over the center of the camp, seeming to have taken a fancy to the food cooked by ogre.

"...It doesn't seem to be a crow." Kassan covered his forehead with one hand, narrowed his eyes, stared at the crows, and muttered: "It's a bit like... Lin Falcon? Black, there are still groups of people. Lin Falcon?"

Just as the old hunter identified the crow or the Lin Falcon, the ogre waiting for the roast beef suddenly moved.

The monster picked up its big wooden stick and rushed towards the fence of the sentry camp with its thick legs, completely ignoring the roasted burnt cow, its funny fat body turned into a sturdy board, green and gray The skin is yellowish brown, like a rock exposed on the ground. The frequency of its steps is average, but the steps are extremely large. In fact, it is as fast as a galloping horse. Its big feet trampled a few small kobolds into mud, and it was under the fence in a blink of an eye.

With a loud "bang", the sturdy log fence was scattered and cracked, and a big hole was knocked out by ogre. The jackals, goblins, and kobolds in the camp are like fried pots, running around in a mess.

Escape... escaped?

Seeing ogre carrying that exaggerated big root, running forward without the first thought, the old hunter and the young boys were equally stunned.

"ang ”""ang ”"ang ”

The loud and high-pitched calls came from another direction, one after another like a drum of war, which made people boil with blood. Giant birds as big as horses dragged out billowing smoke and dust. They are extraordinary horses, with huge axe-like beaks and dagger-like claws, carrying a warrior in dark red armor, and dark-colored short-tailed war dogs accompanying them, like arrows from the string, outlining the two wings of the sentry camp. .

In the middle of the team is a rare beast with six legs on which is riding a warrior wrapped in armor. He holds two decapitated giant swords, like his armor, reflecting in the sun. purple rays of light. The rare beast went straight to the barrier of the breakthrough camp and chased after the escaped ogre.

"This is...war beast Knight!?" Kassan's eyes widened, and he cried out in disbelief.

War beast Knight's face was hidden by the visor, and the steel cone-like eyes were nailed to Ogre's back. Just a glance made the old hunter's eyes sting.

At this time, the arrow tower on the opposite side blew the horn of battle. The old hunter stood up, raised his hunting bow skillfully, and shot an arrow through the neck of a green-skin goblin. He turned his head back with beard and hair. Ji Zhang, majestic and majestic to the boys shouted:

"Reinforcement has arrived, what are you still doing? Shoot these monsters!"

Three sentry arrow towers, arrows fell Like rain.

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