The night in the water season is always very cold, but the reception room at Victor Manor is warm and pleasant.

Zhu Di folded her hands on her legs and tried to straighten her delicate waist. This sitting posture is not only elegant and focused, but also reveals the beautiful body curves. Her facial features are pure and picturesque, her skin is white and delicate like milk, she is not tall, but her legs are slender and straight, and her waist is slender. The pair of plump, firm, low-cut tunic long skirts are tightly tightened. The faintly discernible faintly discernible gully, coupled with the charming temperament and the noble and solemn look, is really tempting.

Judy didn’t mean to seduce Victor. Her dress and manners are in full compliance with the etiquette of the noble lady. However, the reproduction of bloodline is the first major event of the noble, and the education, etiquette and social interaction of the noble lady are also attractive The opposite sex is inclined in this respect.

As a noble lady, Judy is very confident in herself. She has a gentle temperament, young and beautiful, well-educated by nobles, and she is impeccable in her every move. When she was 16 years old, she also awakened the Knight bloodline, became a trainee Knight, married the Viscount Beria, and became the noble lord's wife. However, until today, Judy knows how ridiculous her pride and self-confidence are.

On the main seat of the reception room sits a stunning beauty with a lazy look. She behaves casually and has a calm manner. Her long golden-bright and dazzling hair is casually spilled on her shoulders. These are not in line with aristocratic etiquette. Her posture is elegant and noble, as if she is a perfect model, and everything in the room is her foil. In front of her, Judy felt as insignificant as a maid, but she felt like that. Because that is Sylvia.

Sylvia is an important and great character in the human kingdom, but her reputation is only circulated in the circle of Knight and the lord. In fact, the Knights are aloof and remote, looking down on sentient beings, and are unwilling to talk to ordinary nobles about the topic of Knight. They are even more secretive about Peak Knight’s information, while ordinary nobles regard the Knight circle as the upper ranks of the upper ranks and do everything possible to think about it. Go into the camp. If Judy hadn't awakened Knight bloodline, Viscount Beria would not even marry her. Even if she became the lord's wife, she and Sylvia's status would be far apart.

This is the gap brought about by strength.

Sylvia didn't care about Judy's thoughts at all. She rolled up the "secret letter", and Zhu lips lightly opened: "Judy, where is the maid who encouraged you?"

"Feili, she... she led someone away from Austin... I heard that she committed suicide before being caught." Judy said sadly.

"hmph! Really loyal!" Ya sneered, and then instructed: "Alina, Alice, you send Mrs. Judy down to rest."

Judy stood He got up, carried his skirts to salute Sylvia and Victor respectively, and then left with the twin sisters. Only Victor and Sylvia were left in the reception room.

"What a beauty! You killed a Great Knight for her?" Sylvia lightly asked.

Victor inwardly grumbled, he didn't expect that the consequences of killing Austin would be so serious.

After the battle, Victor used the Dust Falcon to send a message to the Black Fort. As a result, the York family sent a Knight, who traveled day and night, and arrived at Hekou Village on the second day and brought a message from Sylvia. She To host a banquet for the Royal Tax Officer in Randal.

Victor realized that it was a big deal. As Sylvia, the tax officer of the capital city was not even qualified to meet her. Sylvia's so-called banquet was to keep the tax officer and support Victor. Aftermath.

Ten days later, Sylvia's car arrived at Victor's manor. At the banquet, she was extremely close to Victor. As soon as the banquet was over, Sylvia invited the tax officials to meet with Mrs. Judy and asked them why and how their mother and son fled. After clarifying the cause of the matter, Sylvia and the tax officials reached a consensus: Austin attempted to murder the family heir, invaded the Randal leader, and died in a decisive battle. The tax officials left Randal with this conclusion, but Victor understood that the trouble had not yet begun.

Victor knows that Sylvia is very angry. Whether it is an ally or a vassal, he starts a war without communication, but the consequences are shared by both parties. This is a very bad behavior. If it was Victor, he would be very angry, but he didn't think so much at the time.

Faced with Sylvia’s questioning, Victor weakly explained: “Austin killed my soldiers and slandered me for coveting Madame Judy’s beauty and kidnapping the Beria family heir. For the sake of fame, I have nothing but Fight with him."

"It should be Austin who proposed a decisive battle, not you. Now, not only did you propose a decisive battle, you also killed Austin, and his accusations were also false. Come true. It won't be long before the nobles of Gambis will know that Viscount Randal killed the Great Knight of the Beria family for Madame Judy!" Sylvia raised her eyebrows, taunted.

Seeing Victor speechless, Sylvia sighed, and said: "Do you know what Great Knight means?"

"Of the ten nobles, there is not necessarily one trainee Knight. Among ten trainee knights, there are three knights at most. Among the ten knights, only 2 can become silver knights on average. Once knights reach the silver rank, the void element will reshape their bodies and purify their bloodline, which makes Great Knight universal They can live over 120 years old, and their descendants have a high chance of becoming Knight. Every silver Knight is a precious treasure of the kingdom. Even Sasanian rarely kills the Great Knight of the Three Kingdoms, and we are the same."

"Killing the Great Knight of the same camp in the decisive battle has not happened in hundreds of years! If I don't show up, then you have to go to the royal capital and explain to the Elder's Council yourself. The church will also pay attention to this matter. Not to mention that Austin has not killed the heir of the family. Even if he has conclusive evidence, he is only exiled to the Eastern Alliance to open up territory. Guess who the church wants to exile now?"

The more Victor's face became The more ugly, Sylvia glanced at him, lightly said: "Let's say, why are you killing Austin? Except for land, I don't see the value of Beria's possession? And the last thing we lack is land."

Victor settled down and said: "In order to grow the canal with bricks. At present, the sales of blue bricks are not ideal. I need a new breakthrough. The Beria family is a good market."

"Ha! You will kill Austin to sell a few bricks? Can't he cooperate with you?" Sylvia was angry for a while and explained, "The situation in the Beria family is very complicated. They were originally a branch of the Solim family. The Solim family assigned the narrow territory to them in order to make the Beria family a barrier and buffer for the southern lords, targeting the southern central region lords."

"Beria has become a game field for the two lords. There are no resources in the territory. The patriarch is only a viscount. At most Baron can be enshrined, so Knight cannot be recruited. Their territory is long and narrow, with no depth. Any lord can let the bandits break through their hinterland. No one dares to offend the Beria family. They have always played the role of a bag. Their neighbors always rush the extra population to Beria."

" However, Beria Leading the division of Two Great Influences is very geographically sensitive, and any external forces' actions against Beria's house will be bounced back by Two Great Influences. Now that the Solim family has fallen, the southern lords have become a mess, and the royal family has intervened in the affairs of the Beria family to integrate the southern lords and prevent the Wellington family from expanding their influence. "Speaking of this, Sylvia glared at Victor bitterly.

"We now need to repair the relationship with the royal family, and rash intervention in the Beria family affairs will touch everyone's nerves, which is not in line with my strategic goals. Victor, you make me very passive! "

In Sylvia's view, the Beria collar is a tasteless existence. For this reason, friction with the royal family is totally unworthy. As for the axioms and justice of orphans and widows, what are they? Conversely speaking. It is more in the interests of the Beria family for Austin to inherit the title. Since he took refuge in Williams, he has begun to reduce the surplus population. The neighbors dared not say anything. However, in Victor’s eyes, the value of the Beria collar is immeasurable. .

"Come on, I will show you something. "

Victor led Sylvia to a spacious room. The attendants lit dozens of butter candles. The room suddenly became as bright as daylight. What Sylvia saw was a 20-meter sheet. A long, six-meter-wide platform, on which is a model made of sand, there are low hills, fields, a city, a lake, and even trees made of small wood. The densely packed dots make people know at a glance. , That is the forest.

"This is Centaur Hills? "

Sylvia can't believe everything in front of her, but the city in the center of the model is completely a replica of Black Castle Town, and even the majestic Black Castle is vividly copied.

"Yes! "

Victor snapped his fingers and pulled a rope next to him. Several sets of kettles suspended above the platform poured out a thin stream of water. The water fell on the platform and followed the ditch in the model. The trough flows slowly, gradually flowing through the periphery of the Black Castle Town model, until the southernmost end of the model, and a small lake is formed in the recess. There is the model of Pinghu Village, and finally it flows into the trough below the model. Victor signaled the attendant Blocked the gaps at both ends of the model, and waited for the "black river" to stop flowing before he loosened the rope.

Sylvia looked at the moat next to the "Black Fort", took a deep breath and asked :"how did you do it? "

"Didn't you let me choose a site for the stream reservoir?" I ran all over Centaur Hills and made this sand table by the way. Isn’t it amazing? "Victor said triumphantly.

For Victor who owns X-3, surveying and mapping terrain is simply with no difficulty, with "murloc slime cement", making sandboxes is also a very simple task. However, the mountains, rivers, lakes, hills and shrubs directly presented in front of them still had a great impact on Sylvia. Golden Knight could not fly, and even if he could fly, she would not be able to see the whole picture of Centaur Hills. Now she saw it with her own eyes.

"Sand table? "

Sylvia shook the head, and nodded, said sincerely: "It's amazing! "

"This sand table is not accurate. I did not survey the mountain range to the west. I just made some peaks. I have never visited Solon's territory. It is blank, but it is high in the west and low in the east. The terrain can't be wrong. "Victor said as he took out many small wooden models from the box next to it.

"Now, it's time to witness the miracle! "

As another rope is pulled down, the water flows into the south of the model and flows northward. Starting from the first reservoir, the micro-reservoirs are filled up, and each reservoir has vertical and horizontal directions. Two ditches, connecting each reservoir vertically, merge into the "black river" horizontally, and there are small vertical ditches between the horizontal ditches. Surrounded by the breeze, the models in Victor's hands, one after another, fall into the miniature Next to the reservoir, there were villages. In the end, on the sand table of Centaur Hills, more than two hundred reservoirs and villages were dotted with ditches and ditches. The wilderness turned into fertile fields, and the area of ​​arable land expanded 5 times!

"hiss! "

Sylvia held breath cold air, she has long known that once the artificial canal is built, it will increase 80 million mu of arable land, but that is just the data in her mind. When the data is presented in an intuitive way, That kind of shock is incomparable.

When each Golden Knight communicates with the sea of ​​elements, he will ask himself, the world is so vast and the individual is so small, where is the meaning of my existence? What is my pursuit? I want to be What kind of trace is left on this world? Find the answer and use it as a belief to achieve Peak.

If there is anything that can make Sylvia feel happy and satisfied, it is that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the family is in her Her hands are growing day by day. Only in this way can she have the motivation to move forward. Even if she returns to Origin Suhai, the family has a long history of energy, and there are traces left by her, and this trace is right in front of her!

At this moment, the female Golden Knight of the cream of the crop in the human world is as drunk as she is drunk, with red cheeks, blurred starry eyes, and sultry. Vic did not notice the changes in Sylvia, and stared at the three on the west side of the model. A big gap, said solemnly: "Now, let's talk about the big corps plan. "

"Whether it is to reduce the number, or for looting food, it is a consensus that Ant-Man once again invades Centaur Hills. Our question is, when will they come? what is the amount? What if you come around from the north? "

"Assuming that Ant-Man is spreading in all directions, their number It shouldn't be less than 400,000, because we wiped out 100,000 Ant-Man in Centaur Hills. "

Sylvia recovered and became serious.

Victor said: "Insect's lifespan is relatively short. Considering the size of Ant-Man, their growth period should be About ten years. If you count the larvae that may exist in the ant colony, it should take 7 to 8 years for them to gather on a larger scale. At the beginning, the Legendary Knight of the church took more than a year to escape from the alien empire and return to the human kingdom. Then, 10 years later, the second wave ant tide will erupt. "

"This is a calculation made by Master Edwin and myself, and it may not be accurate. "

Actually, this is a calculation made by the king based on the characteristics of alchemy creatures. It is very credible. Victor only guided Edwin.

Victor looked up at Sylvia, Sylvia gave him an encouraging look, and Victor continued: "The ant-man leader has wisdom. When the ant colony can't break through the three fortresses, they will lead the ordinary ant-man to turn around. In this way, the probability of ant colony detours is great. Therefore, there must be no fluke, and we must prepare for the worst! "

It is almost certain that the ant colony will attack Centaur Hills. Victor is the natural enemy of the ant colony. If he is not killed, the colony will never give up. Victor can’t explain the details and can only use this method to remind Sylvia.

"My dear, please go on! "Sylvia said with her jaw.

"The ant colony will not be defeated. Knight is not very useful, and we don't have the ability to fight with them. Therefore, we need more castles and more ordinary soldiers. Use castle defense to weaken the number of ant colonies, and use the Knight regiment to contain the ant colony's actions. When the number of ant colonies is no longer dominant, we will win! "

Victor used a thin wooden stick on the edge of the sand table to point on several streams and reservoirs.

"Actually, we don’t need to build a castle. It takes 40 meters. A small town can be surrounded by a high city wall. Every small town must be able to hold on for three years. To do this, in addition to soldiers, it also needs food and water. The leaders in the town are soldiers, the farming and pastoral system can ensure sufficient food, and these streams and reservoirs can provide drinking water. "

"When the ant colony attacked a small town, the Knights stationed in other small towns led the elite cavalry to kill out and diverted the colony to other strongholds. Between the small town and the small town, layers of defenses are deployed, echoing each other, and it may not be three years before we can wipe out the ant colony in the wild.

Victor put away the wooden stick: "This is the big corps battle I envisioned."

Sylvia eyes shined, said with a smile: "so that's how it is, no wonder You have to design streams, reservoirs and farming and pastoral systems."

Victor nodded, said: "To deal with ant colonies, it requires more people. Not every stream and reservoir has to be built as a small town, and we can’t afford it. But each small town must be able to accommodate at least 4,000 people. Food and water are essential. The biggest challenge of the large corps is the logistics ability. The agricultural and pastoral system and stream reservoirs can solve these problems."

"You want to complete the artificial canal plan within 10 years by raising the canal with bricks. I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve. We have a stream and reservoir that is enough. Honey, why are you so anxious?" Sylvia frowned.

Victor shook the head and said: "It is only one aspect of raising the canal with bricks. We are now facing a big problem, that is, lack of people!"



Sylvia's mind flashed a bright light, before he had time to think about it, Victor continued: "Whether the ant colony will come or not, you need people to build fortresses, cultivate land, and dig streams and reservoirs. The 120,000 population of Centaur Hills is far from enough, and the population we can accommodate is far more than 120,000. According to my estimation, in 5 years, the food produced by Centaur Hills can feed 300,000 people. But do you have any thoughts? Now, what changes will Gambis bring to Gambis with split plows and stream reservoirs?"

Sylvia murmured: "I understand, other lords will compete with us for population!"

"Yes! The split plow and the stream reservoir are too easy to imitate. The priest has a huge influence on the farmers, and they can easily get these two techniques, and the church must be happy to spread the technology. The Lords with conditions Of course, they have to try to build streams and reservoirs and expand the area of ​​farmland, so they also need population."

Victor said with a cold laugh: "When I was in the capital, I heard that Gambis had a population of 900,000. This does not include refugees from Dodo. Sophia’s staff roughly calculated the number of refugees and concluded that it was more than 500,000! It was Sophia’s caravan who imported food from Sasan Empire to feed these people, and it was probably the Queen’s attempt to control them. Chamber of Commerce. In any case, the surplus population has become a burden on Lord Gambis. Once the lords realize that these people are no longer a burden, it will be difficult for us to introduce population."

"The Beria territory is long and narrow, with many neighbors. It connects the two major powers of South Central and South, like a corridor. This is their advantage of being blessed by heaven. Controlling the Beria collar can not only sell the blue bricks to other lords, but also Before they reacted, they introduced the surplus population. Austin was backed by the royal family and was a Great Knight, far more difficult to deal with than Mrs. Judy. Working with him is equivalent to showing our intentions to the royal family. So, I Kill him."

"Good to kill!"

Sylvia lightly sighed, all Victor's ideas broke the lord’s inherent cognition. Sylvia never thought about it. Like a burden, the refugees will become sweet cakes. When she accepted this fact, she immediately realized that the new agricultural and pastoral system will change the strategic pattern of Human Kingdom. Gambis no longer needs to expand its territory. With the shield gone, Dodo doesn’t have to worry that Gambis will invest in Sasan Empire. Sasanian’s plan will be completely frustrated. The secret mastermind, who once played everyone on top of his hands, will be flustered and exasperated after learning of this change?

Thinking of this, Sylvia felt that the bad breath in her chest dissipated a lot, and she couldn't help showing a knowing smile. Then, she began to calculate again, what benefits could be gained from it? How should it be laid out?

"My dear, how long do you think it will take for the other lords to react?" Sylvia asked Victor softly.

Victor coldly smiled and said: “The plow and the stream reservoir seem simple, but they are not simple at all. Without our guidance, they will have to explore for at least 3 years. I can even foresee it, fertile The land will become barren, and the flood will inundate the farmland."

"very good!" Sylvia laughed happily, and turned to the attendants instructed: "You all go out!"

Wait The attendants left the room, Sylvia swung her waist gently, wrapped Victor's arm, exhaled in his ear: "I admire your plan, what kind of reward are you going to ask for? You are carrying me, and you are good at advocating. , And what kind of punishment are you going to accept?"

Victor said with a bitter face: "Can't the merits and demerits be offset?"

Sylvia trembled with a smile, using bright and intelligent Winking glanced at Victor, and spit out two words from the delicate red lips.


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