Victor left, took the "body protection symbol" on his way home, and took a mission by the way. The content of the task is to try to relieve the old and the weak, and don't let too many people die of freezing and starvation. The reward for the task is that Father Miller obediently acts as the presiding priest of Randal, and Randal becomes "invisible" in the sight of the church.

Victor still doesn't know that the reward for this task far exceeds his expectations, and even changed the fate of mankind. He is still worrying about how to complete the task.

Feniksi has a population of more than 12,000 people, of which 9,000 young people are freelance workers, and the remaining 3,000 people are their family members. The York family can only guarantee the rations and wages of 9,000 young and strong employees. As for those old and weak, the York family can do nothing.

These old and weak could stay in the free private camp in Black Castle Town and receive relief from the church, but they have to follow along and suffer. This seemingly irrational behavior is such is human nature. How can young parents bear to leave their young child alone in a free private camp hundreds of kilometers away?

Now, they have become Victor's burden.

Human adaptability is extremely strong, even if Victor ignores it, overwhelming majority people can survive. But Father Miller's attitude is very clear. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Doing or not doing it is the key. He wants to witness Victor's responsibility with his own eyes.

How to relieve? To what extent is the relief? That's what Victor wants to consider.

In Victor's view, rations are not a problem. The entire territory is 12,000 square kilometers, and natural resources alone are enough to feed these people, not to mention that Randal led a bumper harvest. In fact, under the leadership of Caitou, these people open up wasteland and grow vegetables, cut grass and raise pigs, collect nuts, air-dried wild vegetables, plus the rations squeezed from Qingzhuang, which can basically meet daily needs.

The infrastructure is weak, and the lack of warm clothing is the worst.

The shack where the hired workers live is very simple, and the walls are leaky. When it comes to the cold water season, the problem of young people living in it is not big, but the young and old are a bit difficult.

Victor has always believed that as long as the people are busy filling their stomachs, then don't expect them to do other things well. The current situation is like this. The 9,000 young and strong have built the control gate and have to dig the reservoir before the season of water comes. They are very busy, and those old and weak women and children have to support themselves and have no time to repair the camp. After four months, they built a village that could accommodate a few hundred people at most.

The problem of weak infrastructure can be solved by Victor. After the crops are harvested, Randal has manpower, so he can send someone to repair the camp. Victor's headache is the serious shortage of warm clothing.

Victor checked the supplies in the camp and found that among the more than 12,000 people, fewer than 1,000 had sheepskin jackets. Victor approached Nicole to inquire about this. Nicole told Victor that the ant plague suddenly broke out and the lords of Centaur Hills fled one after another. The York family was busy collecting food, and many materials were too late to move. The sheepskins and cowhide all entered Ant-Man’s stomach. The York family has now gathered hundreds of thousands of people, not only lacking food, but also all kinds of supplies. Anthony stated to Nicole that the family can only support her 2000 sheepskin jackets.

Victor turned pale in fright and asked Nicole again how the York family plans to solve this problem. Nicole said that the church has warm clothes that can be loaned to civilians. Her big brother is using some relationships to try to persuade the church to change to a priest, and that priest can definitely solve this problem. Victor was silent. This was the reason why Father Miller wanted to leave, because the old priest could not apply for the support of the church.

Victor must solve this problem if he wants to keep Father Miller. Victor calculates it, he needs to buy at least 14,000 sets of warm clothes. Because the free people who took refuge in Randal did not have sheepskin jackets. These free people can be said to have gone out of their houses. The Beria family not only drove them out, other people also seized their property.

Simple and rude! Extremely shameless! Victor cursed secretly in his heart, but after the cursing was over, the problem still had to be solved, and he only had two months, after which the York family had to ask the church to intervene.

It seems that the only way to purchase sheepskin jackets is through Songlin Town! Victor felt a little gloomy at the thought of being slaughtered by Chebman again.

A fallen leaf floated into the car from the window. Victor gently clamped it between his fingers, and he saw a rich scene through the car window.

The roads are covered with withered oak leaves. Many half-old children are carrying baskets and carefully searching for the acorns hidden in the fallen leaves. The acorns are not edible, but they can be squeezed and they can be fed to pigs. . It can be seen from the smiles on the children's faces that they have gained a lot.

Seeing Victor's car driving oncoming, the children gave way to the side of the road and saluted the carriage. Not far away, a large herd of goats blocked the way of the convoy. The shepherd hurried away the sheep in a panic. An accidentally but strong ram was pushed on its ass, and the funny somersault elicited a burst of joyful and pure laughter.

The embarrassed shepherd ignored the little fellow who mocked him, and desperately drove the sheep to the side of the road. After a lot of effort, the flocks of sheep swarmed across from both sides of the carriage, squeezing one by one, bleating, and when the last kid ran past the carriage, the convoy moved forward slowly.

The team and the flock are drifting away, but the children’s innocent laughter fell in the carriage. Victor couldn’t help but look back. He saw several children proudly showing to the shepherd With his own back basket, the shepherd stroked those little heads with rough palms as encouragement.

This situation and this scene made Victor smile too, his gaze swept into the distance, where there are boundless wheat fields. The wind keeps blowing, the wheat waves are like tides, and the surging wheat fields are like a golden ocean. In this golden ocean, hundreds of farmers are busy harvesting heavy wheat. They tried their best to wave the sickle in their hands, and it took a long time to stand straight from the waves of wheat and enjoy the coolness of the wind. Victor can see the sweat on the farmer's face and the joy in his eyes. This joy comes with the wind and keeps blowing into his heart.

Victor couldn't help but slid out of the window. With one hand on the window frame, he turned over and landed firmly on the roof of the car. The scenery in front of you suddenly became clear, the blue sky was dotted with white clouds, the black river in the distance was like a crystal belt inlaid on the ground, the scattered hills were dyed into golden, the branches of the trees were fruitful, and there were clusters. The cattle and sheep are chewing alfalfa in the valley, and the prosperous and peaceful Hekou Village is at the end of the road.

The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the mountains and rivers are all yellow.

The magnificent and colorful scenery gave Victor a passion. The rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, trees, farmland and villages, and cattle and sheep crops all belong to him. Most of the farmers are freelancers and hired peasants. They get very little, but the joy is real. Because the farmers pin their hopes in this territory, their fate is in Victor's hands.

Victor clear comprehension, these farmers are his greatest wealth. The power of the farmer may be insignificant, but when these forces come together, you can build towering fortresses, prosperous towns and powerful troops. This force is enough to create miracles!

If you want to wear a crown, first bear its weight. The ruler does not have the mind to embrace all rivers, but only plots against personal gains and losses, treats the people as grass, and puts on a cold and domineering face. In fact, it is just incompetent waste. As a lord, he doesn't even want to bear the food and clothing of his people, and he can't afford it. What else is he talking about? Good fighters have no great achievements, a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. Since you lift me up, I can do better than Radiance Church. No one will die of freezing and starvation this year!

Victor's eyes became firm and distant, and the motorcade rumbled forward and went straight to Hekou Village.

In the next half a month, all the wheat led by Randal will be harvested, and the harvest celebration will be held as scheduled.

More than 7,000 people gathered in Hekou Village to enjoy the harvest. Victor ordered the people to slaughter ten fat cows, forty sheep and one hundred pigs for everyone to eat for free. Arrived a glass of luscious purple cane wine. Farmers praised the gift of Lord of Radiance loudly, and Father Miller, who was the first to preside over the harvest celebration, was very excited. Of course, people have not forgotten to praise the generosity of fief lord.

During the celebration, Victor announced in public that as long as he has worked for the Randal Family for two more years, each family can obtain the status of a leader, and each leader can rent 70 acres of land, and Get 30% of the income. Tone barely fell, Victor heard the mountain cry out and sea howl cheers. The harvest celebration also entered a climax.

While people were still caring, Victor and Randal led the middle class into the Conference Hall and held a round table meeting.

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