The three long arrows draw a beautiful arc in the air and fall steadily into the high arrow tower. The heavy and sharp iron essence clusters of arrows penetrate into the thick leather armor, piercing the mountain archers directly on the wooden pedals. The intense pain and fear caused the archer to scream loudly. Another archer climbed over, trying to smash the arrow shaft to rescue his companion, but he tried several times without success. Instead, he made his companion scream louder. It was discovered that the arrow shaft was actually made of hemlock. The hunter drew a knife to cut off the arrow shaft, but several roaring long arrows pinned the two together. Witnessing the tragedy of the two companions, the last archer in the arrow tower could no longer restrain the fear in his heart, and he yelled and rolled down the stairs of the arrow tower.

The hammer saw a silhouette rolling down from the arrow tower, grinning said with a smile: "You can go on?"

Kidd carefully observed the movement on the other side. This is a village built on the mountainside. The village is condescending, easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are four arrow towers erected behind the ten-meter-high iron oak fence. On each arrow tower, three to four people hunters shoot at the mercenary group with a strong bow. . The arrow of the mountain hunter can only shoot a distance of more than a hundred meters. The mercenaries two hundred meters away are very safe, and the yew cedar longbow in the hands of the monkey militia covers every arrow tower.

The three cone-shaped arrows fired by the longbow have a long range and high lethality. They can shoot through leather armor within 300 meters, but the long arrows fly for a long time and it is difficult to hit a single moving target. In fact, being able to hit a target about two hundred meters with a longbow can be called a divine archer. Kidd and Hammer only learned today that the elite soldiers that Victor rationed them were the divine archers in the divine archer. Every arrow they shot fell accurately into the arrow tower two hundred meters away, the narrow space inside the arrow tower. Limiting the escape range of the mountain archer, the iron essence arrow cluster pierced the five-centimeter thick iron oak baffle and forced out the people hiding behind, and was shot by the arrow one after another coming one after another. Now, the four arrow towers are no longer threatening.

"Wait for Fermi and the others to block the back door, we can get on." Kidd paused, turned around and asked: "We passed by seven villages. This is the first one to confront us. Why don't they want to trade with us?"

On the way, the Warhammer mercenary group can be regarded as a smooth wind, except for a fight with the jackals, there is no big battle. Those mountain scouts who stick one's head around to look for were all caught by the monkey militia without exception. When the merchants took out the salt, linen, and arrow tribe, the mountain scout immediately took the mercenary group to the village to trade. Although most villages did not want mercenaries to enter the village, they all succumbed after seeing the bulls easily break a hemlock. As a result, everyone was happy. The merchants exchanged cheap goods for amber, honey, beeswax, herbs, animal skins, and animal horns. The mountain people found that these merchants were more fair than the village chiefs outside. They not only got salt, armaments and raw sugar. , Also learn how to deal with sweet potato, and make hemostatic medicine. The relationship between the two parties is good like mixing oil with honey. Many overlooked young mountain people have asked to join the mercenary group, thinking about the world outside. Kidd even thinks that the mountain people behind are like this until he meets the cottage in front of him.

"In the mountains and forests, wild bears and wild bears meet, either chasing and fleeing, or avoiding each other, or winning. The same goes for the mountain people. The mountain people in front just look at us. The horse is strong and can’t be gnawed down, so I traded with us obediently and honestly. Now it’s the season of the land. The prey must be fattened to catch. There is no mountain products and the village outside to exchange things, which is the most difficult time for the mountain people. Our things are good and the transactions are fair. Can they be unhappy?"

The hammer continued: "This stockade is different. It is the biggest stockade we have encountered. Look, let's go. After five days, there was no small village nearby, and it was swallowed by them. Now, the entire mountain forest is their site, with a lot of people and things, so there is no need to trade with us."

"They think they are strong and we should avoid each other like wild bears. Hey, but we are not wild bears, and there is no need to stay in a village that is unwilling to trade. Look, there is a bloody battle behind!"

Kid saw the monkey militia making a gesture, and said with a smile: "Fermi and they blocked the back door. Let's go!"

Hammer nodded, toward Waved behind, the five sage monkeys came out more and more, rushing to the cottage. They were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye they came to the trench, jumped over the 5-meter-wide trench, and climbed up the tall iron oak fence in threes or twos.

The leader of the mountain people in the camp suddenly saw the enemy appearing on the fence, and quickly yelled at the messy subordinates.


The mountain people did not expect the enemy to board the fence easily. Hearing the shout of the leader, they were still looking for the target in a daze, and the monkey The arrows of the militiamen had already taken the lead, and four mountain people armed with crossbows were shot through their brains and killed directly. Only then did the mountain people react, and the locust-like arrows shot at the enemy on the fence, and the battle became fierce.

The two-story iron oak fences are close to each other, and the top of the oak is sharpened. Even ordinary people can't stand on it, but they can't help the militia of the monkey. The 15-point perception breakthrough of the monkey militia has reached the limit of mortals, coupled with the refined Spirit Monkey Secret Shape, allowing them to prance and prance at the top of the fence. While avoiding the feather arrows, the monkey militia continuously sent sharp arrows to the opponent’s vitals, but after all, the top of the fence was too tight. Several feather arrows were mounted, but the monkey militia continued to shoot arrows as if nothing had happened. Such a weird scene made the mountain hunter's scalp numb.

The strong bows made by the mountain people are enough to shoot the bison, but the seemingly outdated leather armor on the monkey militia is specially made. The alchemy assistants use three layers of cowhide to sew hard leather armor, and a special soft cane armor is sandwiched between the cowhide. These soft vines are made of tenacious vines as raw materials, woven into dense and compact vines, and then soaked in a blended herbal juice to make them more tenacious and elastic. This kind of armor was named rattan leather armor by Victor, and it has strong puncture resistance. Ordinary crossbows can only soak the rattan leather armor by 3 cm at a distance of 50 meters. The hard bow to resist mountain people is nothing difficult.

The strong mountain leader soon discovered the problem. The feather arrows on his side had no effect on the enemy, and those enemies who were more sensitive than the lynx could have every arrow. Shoot down a mountain man. Although the leather armor of the mountain man is still covered with a layer of lock armor, the enemy's arrows are like eyes, always biting in the parts that are not protected by the armor. The most terrifying thing is that even if shot in the limbs, the mountain people will fall to the ground and have difficulty moving. In a short moment, more than a dozen people fell on his side, and the opponent was quickly approaching the rattan rope of the suspension bridge, the leader of the mountain people hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Use a crossbow! Use a spear!"

Tone barely fell, the mountain leader found that the enemy was raising his hand to shoot arrows in his direction. The mountain leader was shocked, grabbing the mountain people beside him and blocking him, "pu", "pu" and "pu". At the sound, he saw two sharp arrows emerge from the back of the dead ghost's head, and red blood dripped down the sharp arrow clusters. Fortunately, the leader of the mountain people who survived the death held the corpse of his companion back and forth again and again, and several mountain people with shields quickly surrounded him.

Although the rattan leather armor can withstand hard bows, it cannot stop crossbows within 50 meters, nor can it stop heavy spears. If it is a 17-point Concealed Ox militia, these attacks will not be cared about at all, but The physique of the monkey militia was only 12 points, so the mountain people who tried to pick up the crossbow and the spear in hand were immediately shot ruthlessly. The sharp arrow either went through the brain or pierced the throat. For a while, the mountain people were shot wail like Ghosts and howl like wolves, the casualties were heavy, only those mountain people who used shields to cover their faces sparsely threw a few spears, but they were also inaccurate.

A monkey militia approached the vine rope pulling the suspension bridge. He pulled out the iron essence dagger and swung three swords in a row. The blue sword light became one piece, and every sword was cut on the same gap. Tenacious's vines were cut off. The heavy suspension bridge collapsed in half immediately, and the remaining vine was pulled straight. Seeing that the door was about to be opened, the sturdiness and courage of the mountain people were aroused. They followed one after another, bracing the deadly feather arrows, roaring, and threw their spears at the monkey militia. The monkey militia supported it with one hand, slid across the door like a civet, and cut the tense vine with a sword, and the suspension bridge crashed to the ground.

Three Concealed Ox militiamen rushed in along the suspension bridge, rammed into the mountain people's team head-on, and slammed them ruthlessly with both hands. These 200-pound weapons are made of iron essence, 2.5-long, forty-centimeter-diameter hammer heads are covered with hideous spikes. The heavy hammer was swung by the Concealed Ox militiamen, making a terrifying whistle, mixed with the sound of a skull bursting, and the three mountain people were knocked out like broken sacks. The meat flew across, the blood fell like rain, and the mountain people collapsed. .

After a while, the three heads and deputy heads stepped into the camp. The mountain people were driven to the open space, the wounded were carried to one side, and the corpses were stacked in another place. The hammer took a deep breath of the bloody air and asked Fermi: "Are there any casualties on your side?"

"Two daredevils died and one was injured." Fermi said coldly. .

Nodded, who didn’t care about the hammer, eight young mountain people joined the mercenary group. They followed Fermi and were responsible for blocking the back door, which should have been the easiest task. Two dead and one injured. Mountain people are skilled in bow skills and have sturdy temperament, but their tactical qualities are extremely poor. They can't help but want to shoot arrows, but forget that life-saving is far more important than killing the enemy, and the opponent is not a wild beast. The Hammer knows that seizing the opportunity to shoot prey is a habit formed by the mountain people since childhood. No matter how much it is said, it is useless. Only the lesson of blood can make them a qualified warrior.

Kidd walked over with a crossbow and said: "The mountain people died 17 and injured 22. Three of them died miserably, all broken! Haha, those rookies Clean up and vomit."

"If it weren't for three broken, there would be more dead people! Barbarians did this, isn't it the leader's teaching." The hammer looked back and saw that the battlefield was being cleaned. The newcomers and the monkey militia couldn’t help saying: "This is still the result of show mercy."

The monkey militia shot more enemies than the Concealed Ox militia, but Concealed Ox As soon as the militiamen took action, the mountain people knelt immediately. A tragic death can always destroy the enemy's fighting spirit. Nelson often does this, and the war bear mercenaries are no surprise. Fermi touched his head, pointed to the injured mountain people, and asked: "In this case, what does the mercenary manual say?"

"It seems that the fewer dead people, the better. The one who deserves to be saved is still saved. That's probably what it means. Why don't you call the bull to ask?" The hammer is a little uncertain, and he basically didn't remember the regulations in the mercenary manual.

After the bull came over, he said stubbornly: "Article 3 of the mercenary manual, when encountering a village that refuses to trade, don’t use killing as the purpose. First break through, kill the leader and his direct line, and then force They trade, try their best to treat the wounded, teach the techniques of planting sweet potatoes. They cannot teach the recipes of medicine, drive away the mountain people, burn the villages, and mark the red areas on the map."

"Just do it! Clean up. , Call Wedge and the others." Hammer clapped his hands and cried.

"Wait!" Kidd handed the crossbow to the hammer and said: "The situation is a bit wrong."

The hammer took the crossbow, and his face suddenly changed. . Fermi walked towards the wounded, grabbed a mountain man who was still in a paralyzed state, carefully checked the lock armor on his body, and then checked the armor of the other wounded.

"Half-length mail with leather armor, the standard equipment of elite soldiers, and the emblem is worn out. We are probably in big trouble!" Fermi said gravely.

The hammer strode to the prisoner and asked coldly: "Who is the head?"

The leader of the mountain people stood up, squinted at the hammer, and said disdainfully "I! You are the trainee Knight of that family? I'm from Murphy Baron. We refuse to trade with you. That's because it belongs to Murphy Baron...", the hammer hit the mountain man On the leader's stomach, the Shanmin leader immediately bends into dried shrimps, and then received a heavy blow on the head, and his whole person fell to the ground. The hammer stepped on the head of the mountain leader, and just as they were about to question, Fermi and Kidd walked over.

"Stop talking nonsense! There are also some mountain hunters hunting outside. The longer the time delay, the more dangerous we are! I only remember the first article of the mercenary manual, did you forget it?" Fermi Speaking coldly.

Article 1 of the Mercenary Handbook: Preserving oneself is the top priority, the group leader decides on the occasion! Iron Hammer looked up at the cold eyes of the two companions. Their meaning was very clear. They had to run away when they got involved with the lord!

More than two hundred panicked mountain people huddled together, including men and women, old and young. Hammer's eyes flickered.

"Uncle, give me a saber, let me kill Moore. I am willing to tell you all about him." A tall young man stood out among the captives.


"Moore took people to annex our village and killed my father."

"What's your name?" The hammer asked.


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