The capital of Gambis, Elder's Council, heads or representatives of more than a dozen powerful families, are gathering to discuss the issue of Centaur Hills.

"Everyone, I don’t need to reemphasize the dangers of Ant-Man. I want to explain that none of the three entrances of the Lizard Swamp are in the territory of my York family. The Elder's Council should urge the Kovaan family Return to the territory with the Porta family and assume the responsibility of the lord. Instead of discussing how to promote my dukedom to dukedom here."

Enbis.Duke York, dressed in a gorgeous duke uniform, brandished. With a chubby fist, he fervently expressed his opinion. More than a dozen powerful nobles of Gambis Kingdom turned their attention to the Duke of Wellington.

The Duke of Wellington said blankly: "The two families of Kovaan and Porta abandoned the territory and violated the Rule of Lords, and thus lost the legal ownership of the territory. I hereby declare on their behalf Give up the territory. As for the promotion of Duke York to dukedom, our Wellington family will not make a statement."

"Ha! The two territories have become a land of no ownership. Now, who wants it? By the way, respect. Vice-President Grayward, you have spared no effort to promote my title. In order to express my gratitude, I, Enbis.York, proposed to hand the two territories to the Grayward family, I believe they can definitely stop the threat from the lizard swamp." Duke York said mystifying, facing the vice-president of Marquis Greyward, who was the first in the seat.

The silver-haired but energetic deputy speaker said slowly: "Duke York, the properties of those two territories are not enough to support a giant fortress. If you want to resist Ant-Man’s attack, you must Centaur Hills has built three fortresses, which requires enough land to support more soldiers.

If you are willing to take the responsibility of guarding the western border of the kingdom, all the territory of Centaur Hills will belong to you The family and its vassals. Such a large territory has reached Dukedom's standards. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with my proposal."

pa! Duke York patted the arm of the chair hard and pointed to the nose of the deputy speaker , Roaring angrily

"Put away your tricks! Our York family never thought of leaving Gambis, and always abide by the lord’s responsibility to resist monsters. In the face of the ant plague, the entire Centaur Hills has only three The family is still holding on, and our York family has suffered the most. Ant-Man has survived for at least 1500 years, and everyone knows that they will return. This is not the disaster of our York family, but the disaster of the entire Gambis! We need support. At that time, you actually wanted to separate our York family from the kingdom! Listen, I’m not interested in being a Duke, and I’m not interested in fighting Ant-Man. Otherwise, our family will replace the territory and you will be the Duke. !"

The Marquis of Grayward suppressed his anger, said solemnly: "You are right, our Grayward family is too weak to take on the responsibility of guarding Centaur Hills, and the performance of your York family is beyond reproach. However, the actual situation is that you occupy the richest area of ​​Centaur Hills. If there is no hinterland and depth, what family can rely on such a little territory to maintain the operation of a giant fortress? How to feed two thousand soldiers?

The kingdom does not support you. We will transport stones to help you build fortresses, and give you food and iron. But your York family occupies the entire Centaur Hills, and you have the potential to independently defend against Ant-Man. You can never ask for it. Everyone here has always supported you?"

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere of the meeting became more subtle, and even Duke Neo’s eyes began to evasive. As the representative of the power of the Western Lords of the kingdom, he It was the first to propose the restoration of the Duke of York family. But at this moment, Duke Neo had to consider what changes would happen after the York family occupied Centaur Hills. The most basic speculation is that the York family will become stronger and stronger, but his family will continue to support the York family, but will become weaker and weaker.

Perhaps it is in everyone's interest to separate the York family and provide limited support. Thinking of this, Duke Neo no longer looked at Duke York who kept winking at him.

Fat York glared fiercely at the Duke Neo who was pretending to be deaf and mute, and yelled: "Who said that our York family occupies the entire Centaur Hills. Did you forget, Eskry Baron and Baron Wimbledon? Still sticking to their territory."

In the cold field, there were no more than a dozen delegates to speak. Although Eskry Baron has some background, his territory is less than 3,000 square kilometers. When the York family grows, the annexation of Eskry Baron is the only ending. And Baron Wimbledon, who didn't know he was Mrs. Rose's lover. How can this kind of deceitful means impress the Great Families present here?

Duke York's face turned ugly, and solemnly asked: "How long is the kingdom going to support us?"

"Three years, enough for your York family to complete the reconstruction!" Ge Ruihua De lowered his eyelids, not looking at Fat York's cannibalistic gaze. Sure enough, he heard York's sharp cry.

"Three years! What can you do in three years? This time, our York family has suffered a huge loss, and we can’t recover in ten years! Who knows when Ant-Man will come next time? If Ant-Man will come five years later What should I do again? Let the York family face those monsters alone?"

Grey Ward lightly said, "My lord, I want to remind you that land is a great wealth."

More than a dozen representatives were nodded, and they obviously could not accept that the York family wanted both land and long-term assistance.

"I know, you are worried that our monopoly of Centaur Hills will become a threat." Duke York stood up and looked around the crowd coldly. The fat on his face twitched and said distressedly: " Our York family needs to defend against the Ant-Man in the west, and is no longer able to take care of the safety of the hills and north. Now, we cede 17,000 square kilometers of land from the northern territory of the family to the family capable of resisting the northern monster."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

When Grand Duke Williams received the news from Elder's Council, he was having lunch. He put down his knife and fork and asked his eldest son: "Charles, what do you think of this matter?"


Charles took up the snow-white napkin and wiped his mouth, and said, "Father, although this is not the result you expected, it is the result that everyone is satisfied with. We have no need to refuse, and there is no possibility of rejection. ."

Williams is nodded, but heavy sighed. Gambis needs the York family to be a barrier against Ant-Man, but it does not mean that they are allowed to lie on the kingdom and suck blood. Let the York family become dukedom in Centaur Hills is the consensus between him and Catherine. Although the York family actually controls the vast land of Centaur Hills, they currently do not have enough population to operate the territory. Especially in the case of the need to defend against Ant-Man, Centaur Hills will no longer be able to provide annuities and resources for the kingdom. At this time, cutting Centaur Hills out is tantamount to throwing the burden on the York family. And York dukedom will need to rely on the support of Gambis for a long time, which is tantamount to being restrained by the Augustus family.

Williams believes that other lords of the kingdom will not fail to see this, but he didn't expect Sylvia to have such courage to directly sell a piece of count collar without facing Ant-Man. Now, he has no reason to object. The construction of Centaur Hills will also become a huge burden on the kingdom's finances.

"Father I noticed that Mrs. Rose is fighting for the title of Viscount for Baron Victor. It seems that the handsome little Baron has won the favor of Mrs. Sylvia." Charles said with a slight smile.

Williams glanced at eldest son appreciatively, and the jaw head said: "I originally promised Solon, one year later he will help him obtain the Chamber of Commerce and Marquis title. Since Baron Victor is not dead, this promise is impossible. I cashed it out. I asked a Viscount in Centaur Hills to give Solon as compensation. I believe that the two Wimbledon Viscounts will be very happy in Centaur Hills. As for the other Viscount, I will make arrangements with Catherine Your Majesty. "

"Father, Solon and Victor are natural enemies. Victor is also Sylvia’s lover. I’m afraid that your Excellency Solon will go to Centaur Hills in danger. The high-end martial power of the York family is very powerful, who I can think of them as having seven Great Knights," Charles said with a frown.

"Solon will not go to the territory to take office. He is still the commander of the Guard Army, and the Viscount is managed by his immediate family members. We will build a standard Viscount castle for Solon. As long as the castle is built, Centaur Hills Even if the situation has stabilized." Williams said.

Charles stopped talking, and finally asked: "father, I have something I don't understand. Why did the York family give Baron Victor a 300 square kilometer land in the north?"

Williams smiled confidently and said: "This matter will be a topic I set up for you. After you figure it out, tell me again."

"Yes Yes, father. I won't let you down." Charles agreed in a deep voice.

In Charles' excited and admiring eyes, Williams smiled confidently and secretly thought: Sylvia gave her little lover such a quick land, what does it mean?

When the season of wind began, the decision of the Elder's Council was finally settled. Count York restored the duchy and continued to serve as the governor of the pioneering colony of Centaur Hills. The York family occupies the overwhelming majority land of the centuries-developing leader, with an area of ​​140,000 square kilometers. They will be responsible for eliminating Ant-Man in Centaur Hills and building three fortresses at the entrance of Great Swamp to completely block Ant-Man’s offensive route. The kingdom will exempt the York family from annuities, provide the York family with stone, food, fire oil, weapons, arrows, crossbows, armor, etc., and allocate 120,000 jinshor for military expenses to the York family for 20 years. year.

Centaur Hills also has three Viscounts and a Baron, respectively Viscount Solon, occupying 9100 square kilometers of land to the north, and his territory happens to be bordered by Victor's territory. The Viscount Maxim of the Wellington family occupies an area of ​​8,800 square kilometers, bordering the Duke of Neo. Eskry Baron's territory remains unchanged.

And Victor was promoted from Baron to Viscount, with a territory of 9,300 square kilometers, including the 300 square kilometers of territory in the north. Except for the York family, the other lords of Centaur Hills still need to pay annuities to the kingdom, but the church exempts Victor and Eskry from eleven taxes for three years.

Sylvia began a large-scale military operation after receiving the documents signed by the queen, the grand duke, and the church. She personally led the Rose Knights, composed of 6 Great Knights and 27 Knights, to storm the ant colony that besieged Feldspar. More than 6000 Ant-Man chased the Knight regiment and were eventually led to the outside of Black Castle Town.

The York family set up a battlefield outside Black Castle Town and assembled an army of more than 5,000 people, including more than 2,000 Legion soldiers with fangs, more than 1,000 elite vassal families, 1,000 shooters, and 1,000 The name is Paladin, 20 priests, 141 trainee Knights, and all members of Rose Knights.

In the chaotic battle, only two silver-tier ant-man leaders were killed, and the church priest did not find any strangeness. This was due to the fact that Sylvia kept hitting the ant-man leader of the high-rank Knight.

There is no suspense about the outcome of the battle. More than 6,000 Ant-Man were annihilated, 12 Ant-Man leaders escaped, and more than 1,500 soldiers were killed or injured in the human army. Among them, Paladin killed 554 people and seriously injured 271 people, the elite infantry of the York family killed 678 people and seriously injured 437 people, the trainee Knight killed 14 people, and Knight killed 1 person. It is worth mentioning that Bruce successfully stepped into the Silver Tier in the battle and became a Great Knight. So far, the Great Knight of York's family has reached 8 people. However, the vassal class of the York family was hit hard again.

Just after the battle was over, the human army quickly withdrew back to Black Castle Town. After a while, the ant colonies scattered in the vicinity were drawn to the battlefield by strong battle auras. They began to attack Black Castle Town. Ten days later, the number of ant-men besieging Black Castle Town reached more than 40,000. However, the ant colony has nothing to do with the 30-meter-high city wall of Black Castle Town. Thousands of archers continue to shoot at the colony with rockets and trebuchets. Whenever the ant colony attacks for a long time without any success and begins to disperse, the Knights of the York family will rush out of the suspension bridge, rush through the sparse ant colony, and then return to Black Castle Town.

In this way, the ant colony is firmly attracted to the outside of the Black Castle Town wall, and is constantly being shot by the rocket. Sylvia quietly left Black Castle Town with three Great Knights. With the help of Chen Falcon, they tried their best to intercept and kill the ant-man leaders who had evacuated. Sylvia believes that killing the ant-man leader who will run away will truly weaken the ant colony.

At this time, Victor knows nothing about the details of the battle. Before the war, Victor had left Black Castle Town. He had to return to his territory before the Elder's Council messenger arrived, otherwise he would be a crime of abandoning the territory.

Sylvia originally wanted Nicole to protect Victor, but was rejected by Victor, and Nicole didn't want to miss this time the opportunity to gain merit. As for Lilia and other leaders, they have to wait until Victor's Ant-Man is cleared before they can return to their territory.

Finally, Victor took Renault and Schack on his way home.

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