"It's raining pretty well."

Victor leaned back on the chair comfortably, took a lightly sip of coffee on the round table. A few days ago, he was still worrying about the plight of the territory, but now he sits relaxed on the balcony and enjoys the rain.

As Victor expected, Count Chebman reached out to him. The first batch of materials has been smoothly placed in Victor's hands. With the support of these materials, his pressure suddenly became much less. Therefore, Victor can appreciate the rainy scene while sorting out the gains and losses of the refugees this time.

The incident at this time was planned by the Prince's party, and they wanted to use the flow of refugees to bring down Victor's territory. Victor didn't wonder why the Prince Party did this. From the time when he compromised with the York family, Victor expected that the Prince Party would take revenge against him. Victor's strange thing is that the Prince's party dragged on for so long before it started.

However, Victor has to admit that the Prince's party shot directly on his seven inches this time. They have grasped two key points, one is that their territory is very immature, and the second is to take advantage of the psychology of freedmen. This move can be described as vicious and poisonous. The Prince’s party is impossible not to know that many people will die in this storm, but they are using the lives of free people to prove that Victor is not a qualified lord. Unfortunately, the Prince's party did not expect that Victor would see ferocious wolves infest, and no freedmen would be willing to migrate to territories where monsters were infested. As long as the news spreads, the storm this time can be calmed down.

Now, with the support of the Chebman family, Victor began to figure out how to profit from this incident.

Victor is going to imitate the method employed by the York family to transform freedmen. After Paladin leaves, he will let Benson take control of the freedmen's camp. While using the sturdy mountain people to deter those who are disobedient, the food distribution rights are handed over to Benson, and at the same time, let Nelson endorse Benson, so that the freedmen can feel Benson and the territory. People in real power have a lot of relationships.

According to a three-pronged approach, Victor believes that these free people will be firmly controlled in his own hands. After that, freedmen in the camp can be hired to work for the territory through Benson, and those who behave well can be absorbed as leaders. In this way, the manpower problem of the territory will be solved.

In order to ensure that Benson can take over the camp smoothly, Victor specially ordered Nelson to lead fifty guards to help Paladin stabilize the order, migrate the population, and support Benson. Apart from this, Barol has taken his students into the freedmen. This is an internship for the little spies.

"Victor, I just received a letter from Chen Falcon. Under the cover of my big brother, Benson led the mountain people into the camp." Lilia opened the door and walked over and sat lightly. Opposite Victor.

"Oh, did the letter say, when will Paladin lead the team to leave the camp?" Victor said with a smile.

Claude Paladin's reckless behavior caused a huge loss for Victor. The family property he finally saved was almost consumed by the camp. As soon as the plague is gone, Victor will proceed to control the camp.

"There are more than 600 people willing to go back to Black Castle Town with Paladin. It's just that the heavy rains have been constant these days. Paladin has been in the camp for disaster relief. They will lead the team when the rain drops." Lilia pouted. The mouth said, she was upset at the thought of preparing a large amount of food for Paladin.

Victor shook his head and laughed. Lilia told him that in the past, mercenaries like to go with the priest most when they perform tasks, but now it's the opposite. It's probably the ass that decides the head.

"By the way, another group of free citizens joined the camp, almost 300 people, and now there are more than 3,000 people in the camp." Lilia said worriedly.

Victor frowned and said: "Paladin is leaving early and good. Without Paladin hosting the camp, the refugees would not come so actively."

Originally, Victor also planned to let Paladin host the camp. That camp, so that the church can help him share the pressure. But when he had a conversation with Father Conley, his attitude immediately changed by 180°.

In the eyes of the free people, the church is undoubtedly a glorious and just, but in the eyes of the church, the free people are the flock they graze. Now the shepherd dog abducted a part of the flock to Victor, the two shepherds chose to sit on the sidelines, for them, wishing to be attracted to the flock the more the better. The more wool they harvest, the higher their status in the church, and maybe they can mix with a bishop. Father Conley’s abacus was so good, Victor was about to blow up his hair. Except for Black Castle Town, there is no church in the pioneering collar!

"Fortunately, with the assistance of the Chebman family this time, the York family didn't expect the York family to support us. Instead, the neighbors who stole our resources reached out to us." Lilia sighed as the head of the territory's finance. Moreover, the territories’ daily expenses have made her feel scared. The eating and drinking of thousands of people is not a joke, even if it has been compressed to the lowest limit.

"Count Chebman is not doing this to continue stealing our resources." Victor sneered. "It's not that the York family didn't support us. The fact that the freedmen of Black Castle Town did not continue to influx means that they have taken measures and that they are still providing us with an open supply of food."

Most of the new freemen who joined It was led by Beria. This is why Father Conley is happy to see it. Although the priest led by Beria is also a brother of the church, nothing makes the pastor more happy than other people’s sheep running into their own sheepfold. NS. Victor felt a headache when he thought of Father Conley preparing to arrange a pastor in his own territory.

There was silence for a while, and Victor continued: "The York family secretly prepared other means. I suspect that they have already sent people to infiltrate the camp. As soon as Paladin leaves, it is estimated that they will Control that camp."

"Why did they do this? Are we not allies with the York family?" Lilia was surprised.

"Allies? Ours is qualified to be an ally of the York family." Victor said with a bitter smile: "In the eyes of the York family, even if we let us be their vassal, we are praised. In fact, the York family Just want to wait for me to bow to them when the mountains and rivers are exhausted."

Victor knows that Sylvia took great care of herself in this incident. She did not provide her with food because she was in Black Castle Town. A handful of local tyrants. In Sylvia's opinion: You have tens of thousands of Kinsoul and want me to give you food for nothing? But how did Victor explain this kind of thing? Even more how, that free private camp has become their own key point. If the Prince’s people control it, as long as they organize free people to rush into the territory, their own people and those free people will inevitably have fierce conflicts, when the time comes, everything is over! So, no matter what Sylvia thinks, that camp must be in his own hands!

Lilia hesitated for a moment, and said, "Victor, I have an idea."

"Let's talk." Victor said as she watched the girl hesitate to speak.

"My lord, I think even if this storm passes, the Prince's party will not let us go. So..." Lilia gritted her teeth and continued, "So, I think we We should accept the conditions of the York family and become their vassal. You said that our biggest weakness is that we don’t have family support. Why don’t we choose to join the York family?"

"Pa" "Pa" Victor applauded said with a smile: "Lilia, you have begun to learn to think about issues from a territorial perspective. This is great!"

Victor’s appreciation made Lilia sighed in relief. Before giving her opinion, she was a little worried about Victor’s Angry, Victor has always opposed being someone else's vassal.

"We cannot take refuge in the York family. If the York family conflicts with other forces, we are the first to be knocked down. Just like the wrestling between the leaders of hyenas, we always cut off the opponent's minions first."

In addition to this reason, the secret of Alchemy Tower is also the reason why Victor must choose to be independent. Victor thought for a while and continued: "The Prince Party is indeed a threat, but we have our advantage, that is, we are far more flexible and harmless than the Great Family."

"So, I intend to establish A Chamber of Commerce, use the products produced by the professional village to attract some lords and let them join our Chamber of Commerce, so that a new power will be formed. When the time comes, even if the Prince party wants to deal with us, we have to weigh it. "

"Let other families join our Chamber of Commerce? Now, can this Chamber of Commerce go out?" Lilia asked eagerly.

Victor is silent. Any Earth person is familiar with the shareholding system. The shareholding system is a diplomatic strategy he thought of when planning a professional village, but the military groups in this world restrict each other, can the shareholding system work? Pass, Victor is not sure.

If it had been a few months ago, Victor would have been confident. But the work-point system caused such a big turmoil, let Victor understand a truth, the development of things has its own rules, not what you want to change can be changed. Victor vaguely remembered that in ancient China, there was an emperor who was hailed as the emperor most like transmigrator. He promoted many advanced systems, but in just a few years he belched! The reality tells Victor that transmigrator is not a mess in New World, he has fallen a few times.

"It's a bit difficult. But we have to try! If you don't make a break, don't walk, how can you know that this is a dead end? If you don't even have the courage to try, it is the biggest failure. "Victor walked to the railing and stared at the hills covered by rain and fog, his eyes deep and long.

Lilia looked at Victor blankly. She only thought that her man was particularly attractive at this time, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Well, Victor, I support you!"

"The Chamber of Commerce is still far away. The top priority is to control the settlement of freedmen as soon as possible. Only in this way can the number of freemen be controlled. Otherwise, the more people gather, the Chebman family dare not continue to support us." Victor said resolutely . "We..."

Victor's words were not finished yet, a Golden Crow flew slantingly in the drizzle, gu gu yelled and interrupted Victor and Lilia's conversation .

Victor complexion greatly changed, this Golden Crow is responsible for monitoring Great Swamp, and it is warning itself. Golden Crow crows can express different investigation content through actions and calls. Now this Golden Crow crow is constantly expressing a message: unknown monster, heading to the southwest, with a huge number of groups.

"What happened to Victor?" Lilia looked at Victor's face and asked in amazement.

"A monster has invaded our territory! There are many, many!" Victor said solemnly.

"How many are there?!"

"Dust Falcon can't see the side!"

Lilia's face suddenly turned pale, Victor didn't care to comfort her, hit After a whistle, several Golden Crows in the camp flew over immediately. Victor made a gesture, and these Golden Crow crows flew into the sky, circled around and flew toward Southwest.

"Go, let's go down."

Victor took Lilia's hand and rushed to the lower camp.

Gelu is Captain, the guard responsible for guarding the hill camp today. Seeing Victor and Lilia walking down, he was about to say hello when he heard Victor shouting to him: "Gelu! Send someone immediately Go and see if the second post ignited a beacon!"

Gelu didn't dare to neglect. When he was about to send someone to investigate, a guard ran over to Victor gasping for breath and shouted: "My lord! There is smoke from the second sentry! I don’t know if their shack caught fire."

Victor's heart sank straight down. The entrance of Great Swamp is more than 70 kilometers away from the campsite, and the terrain is a factor of horse riding. It takes one day and one night to arrive. The second sentry is only 35 kilometers away from here, and you can see the hill camp after walking for a long time. In other words, the monster is still at most ten hours away from the camp.

"My lord, is Ogre coming?" Gru asked in fear.

Victor shook the head: "It's not ogre, it's an unknown monster. There are a lot of them. Ring the alarm! Send cavalry to notify the villages, immediately take refuge in the hill camp, and notify Nelson to lead the team back."

"Wait!" Victor grabbed Glu, who turned to leave, "Notify the people from the two farms, the Carpenter Village, and the Flax Village to take refuge in the hill camp, and the people from Zhuanyao Village to make peace. Nelson converged and informed Nelson of the situation here, and let him decide on his own!"

The farm, the flax village, the carpenter village, the farthest from the hill camp is only 10 kilometers, and the brick kiln village It’s even closer to Nelson. As for Nelson, he took 50 guards at the furthest freedmen settlement. It would take a whole day to come back. If Nelson is allowed to bring the team back, it will be halfway. I'm afraid I'm going to meet monster.

Victor’s order was quickly implemented. Several cavalry rushed into the rain curtain from the camp. The alarm bell in the camp was sounded. People ran out of their homes. All the men gathered on the square. There they will be armed, while the women and children will take refuge in the barracks. The tense atmosphere spread across the camp instantly.

One hour later, the farm villagers closest to the hill camp entered the hill camp under the leadership of Village Chief George, followed by Mr. Morin and his villagers, and then Ferro from Carpenter Village. After three hours, the mayor of Kent of Flax Village successfully brought all his subordinates into the camp.

"My lord, there are 743 people in the camp. There are 527 young people who can fight. The rest are women and children, but our actual battle strength is only 200 people, because we don’t have enough weapons, only 40. Crossbow, 100 hunting bows, 20,000 arrows, 100 pieces of leather armor, lance is enough, heavy crossbow..." Barritt took a look at Victor. The heavy crossbow was kept by Victor.

The old mercenary Barrett is the guard instructor of the camp. In fact, all the young men have received Barrett’s military training as militiamen, and they can at least skillfully use bow hunting and lance.

"Heavy crossbows, we have four! And they are better than military heavy crossbows!" Victor said solemnly.

At this time, there is no need to hide and tuck anymore. Any power must be used. The four militiamen including Renault are standing behind Victor, and the king also starts under Victor’s order. Produce three Concealed Ox militias.

Victor put his hands on the table, said solemnly: "Just now, the dust falcon’s investigation results showed that the number of monsters is very large and they are spreading throughout the territory. The nearest one is less than 10 kilometers away. . I have sent a dust falcon to Nelson, asking him to send someone to the Governor, Lord Count York, for help."

"Before the reinforcements arrive, we must hold on to this camp. Barrett, I appoint you as the commander responsible for the defensive operations of the entire camp. Anyone who does not obey your orders can be executed on the spot!"

"Yes! Your lord." Barritt salutes Victor, even if it is. At the juncture of life and death, the old mercenaries are also calm and comfortable, which is an important characteristic of battlefield commanders.

"Lilia, you are responsible for the logistics work, especially to comfort the women and children. They are the families of the warriors, and there must be no riots. From now on, you will also control the food in the camp. We must at least Hold on for 20 days!" Victor said to Lilia.

"My lord, I am also an excellent shooter. I can participate in the battle." Lilia shouted to Victor in a leather armor. She was unwilling to leave Victor's side in a dangerous moment.

"The man is not dead yet! When will it be the woman's turn to go to the battlefield!" Victor glared at Lilia dissatisfied, but saw the girl stubbornly raising her head, he had to say: "Lilia, don't forget Your current identity! Logistic work is more important! I don’t worry about anyone else except you!"

"Well, I will listen to you."

In the end, Lilia is still good Nodded by the way, she knew that Victor was right. In a trapped situation, internal stability is the most important thing. As the legal partner of the lord, she has the responsibility to appease the people.

Victor turned to Barrett and asked: "Barrett, how are you going to deploy defenses?"

"My lord, although our camp is not a strong castle, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The hill camp is steep on three sides, and the front is narrow. According to your requirements, in order to defend the ogre, we widened the trench to ten meters and seven meters deep. In addition, a two-meter-thick brick wall has been built behind the iron oak fence. The soldiers can With the help of the fence, use the crossbow to shoot freely on the brick wall."

"In addition, although I don't know what monster it is? But as long as it is not a powerful monster like Ogre, they will be impossible to break into our camp. As far as I know, the more monsters there are, the weaker they are, such as goblins and kobolds. No matter how many monsters there are, there is no advantage due to the terrain."

"So, I am going to Let the guards and the militia be divided into three groups and take turns to defend. As long as our supplies can support it, there will be no problem sticking to it for 20 days." Barritt said confidently.

Victor sighed in relief. Fortunately, the supplies supported by the Chebman family are still in the hill camp. The 20-day supply is sufficient.

"My lord! They are here!" A guard ran in in a panic, loudly shouted.

Victor climbed up the brick wall and looked down. Suddenly he sucked in a breath of cold air, only to see a large group of black monsters, grandiose land rushing along the ravine towards the camp.

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