689. 689 chapter Yu Yu and… history is always amazingly similar

Chapter 689 chapter Yu Yu and… history is always amazingly similar

A trace of purple smoke, which first emerged from the incision of the broken Ten Boxing Sword, instantly made a big hit, but for a moment, the purple smoke was already filled under the entire cave.

Da Zhe was a little surprised, looking at the purple smoke that became all around, thinking that this was the trick in front of this red-red armored warrior… It felt like something was dangerous, and it was just about to move.

He just felt that there was a sudden coolness behind his back, and a bad feeling, people would go up in an instant. I saw a very long black shadow passing by, but it was a giant Datou skull with a long neck… snake head!

Da Zhe’s feet fell on a platform above the cave, and there was a huge black shadow in the thick purple mist below. At the same time, one by one huge head began to rush out of the smoke. Move towards Da Zhe Crazy bite!

Pēng pēng 砰——!

When these huge noises sounded, Element Lamp Cry Venerable didn’t know when to leave the cave, stood on a rocky rock somewhere outside, and looked away from the distance. “The ten fists are broken… Yamata is also free. You can enjoy it.”

Element Lamp Cry Venerable coldly, leaving the place without a head back… The one that left the sword is a native terrifying beast: Yamata no Orochi.

Element Lamp Cry Venerable used the trick to make Yamata no Orochi drunk and took the opportunity to remove his head. But this fierce beast, when there is no body, simply when the soul is active, seems to be more terrifying. Fortunately, the ten-box sword is quite mysterious to the seal of the soul. That Yamata no Orochi is dead, and the soul is also specially made for drinking. The wine was in a state of drunkenness and was finally sealed in the Ten Boxing Sword.

Yamata no Orochi’s hatred for Element Lamp Cry Venerable has accumulated over the years, and now it has broken the seal, fearing that it will never let go… Now it can only be found without it, only when the strength terrifying human is a prey, fighting each other Once, I left first.

“Tagori Hime-no-Kami of Amaterasu is right!” Element Lamp Cry Venerable The gaze under the mask of the face is unusually dignified. “The mortal guy really masters the power of such terrifying…we, We can’t sit still! Can’t… can’t let the goddess’s faceless break!”


Yamata no Orochi is more distressed. It shouldn’t be a good thing. It was finally won by the little devil who used tricks. Finally, it was sealed on the ten-fight sword… For it, there is no difference in the body because it The ability to transform the body between reality and reality – just takes a certain amount of time.

However, since the seal has been broken, the devil who used the conspiracy, will bear the anger!

Hey, what the little ghost escaped?

It doesn’t matter, I can lock his breath… As for the little guy in front of me, is it special?

It doesn’t feel like human’s taste, but I feel that there is a very good power, swallowed, just to recover.

Roar–! !

Yamata no Orochi, the sound of eight huge snakeheads, circulates in this cave, and then overlaps, as much as a thunderstorm in a torrential rain.

Da Zhe smothered his ears with some uncomfortable feelings. The sounds of the monsters of the eight snakeheads did not seem to be pure sound waves.

At this moment, Zhan Lu once again burst into a strong glory, once again a strong force, Da Zhe spirit shocked, suddenly the power surged, and immediately went down, move towards Yamata no Orochi’s head cut!

The body has become a streamer, almost unable to catch the speed.

Just after breaking the seal, Yamata no Orochi, whose consciousness has not fully awake, seems to be awake after roaring… but suddenly I feel an unbearable pain!

Its one head has been directly fallen!

The moment the fallen skull fell to the ground, it turned into a strange liquid melt, and then evaporated, and disappeared instantly.

Da Zhe glanced at it and thought to himself: It just looks scary?

Yamata no Orochi at the moment is amazed, the remaining seven heads, fourteen eyes are simultaneously move towards Da Zhe, or move towards the Zhan Lu sword in his hand, “Zhan Lu… Why come Go to this broken place! Always… never let us go to the Xiang Liu family!! The awful Shenzhou Taoist!!”

“Scared?” Da Zhe raise one’s head.

However, Yamata no Orochi, who saw the remaining seven heads, emitted more purple smoke at this time. The whole body was completely atomized within this short period of time, and it was quickly immersed in the soil.

Da Zhe slightly frowned ,subconsciously waving Zhan Lu to pull out a sword, a golden sword light, directly open the mountain where the cave is located, and then pull out a huge crack that starts from him and grows up to 100 meters.

Da Zhe vaguely felt that this sword should have cut the purple smoke, just as if it really hacked it…

The power of Zhan Lu has stopped at this time, and Da Zhe has a feeling of exhaustion… It seems that this borrowed power will consume a lot of physical strength.

“So… is it warm up?”

Da Zhe took Zhan Lu back as a key, then wrapped the scarf back, and walked to the edge of the villain…accidentally found that the dark clouds on the road had begun to fall back, and a beam of sunlight began to project.

Da Zhe looked at the endless sea, and suddenly thought of a more serious problem: he was thrown here by the boss, and then…

“How do I go back??”

Da Zhe is forced to face freshly…



Such as chasing stars to catch the moon.

The light that flies in the sky is like a meteor, and it is the Tagoreri Hime-no-Kami who went to the Amaterasu and the three goddesses of Gaotianyuan.

“God Lord, I will go to Gaotianyuan in a little while.” Tagori Hime-no-Kami The voice seemed quite dignified at the moment, and suddenly said: “In the early rice village, what is there, actually let Sanguizi gather…”

“Okutsuji, what do you want to say?” Amaterasu suddenly stopped.

Tagori Hime-no-Kami Said sternly at this time: “I have more important things to tell about the early rice village!”

Amaterasu Great Royals suddenly floated: “Why was you just talking about God Palace in the night country?”

“God is angry!” Tagori Hime-no-Kami suddenly stunned: “I don’t know if it should be said, after all… After all, Tsukuyomi and Element Lamp Cry Venerable are also there.”

Amaterasu is now at the bottom of the move towards the mountain peak, and Tagori Hime-no-Kami is also followed directly. Amaterasu looked at the mountains at this time and slowly said: “You will sue first.”

Just look like it should be no longer blaming.

Tagori Hime-no-Kami took a step forward and lowered the voice. It was extremely dignified: “God Lord, I have heard that there is such a place, no matter what you want, as long as you can afford the price, you can buy it! Even, Even the gods can act for them, and they can achieve the same. I am afraid that even the sin of the evil spirits and the evil spirits of Yixie can not whisper…”

“The gods are also heart-warming?” Amaterasu stunned the gods, and then frowned. “Fang Wei! Where did you hear about this paradox! But what about the evil spirits that stole the world hidden in the early rice village?”

Tagori Hime-no-Kami looked up at this moment, inexplicably: “God Lord… You just said, stealing the evil spirits of the world?”

Amaterasu Da Yu Shen sighed at this time said angrily: “Forget it, you should also know when you have a mental preparation in advance. Not long ago, I was upset, and I personally went to the temple and met. Father and mother, then learn…”

Amaterasu is simply talking about what she knows from the Eighth Search Hall, and Tagori Hime-no-Kami doesn’t know when she has walked into the front of Amaterasu, full of shock and fear, but extremely Listen carefully, for fear of hearing something.

“…So I only reconciled with Tsukyuomi and Element Lamp Cry Venerable.” Amaterasu sighed. “Now, do you know everything?”

“The world has already reached this crisis…” Tagori Hime-no-Kami was pale, and it was terrified to the extreme.

Amaterasu shook his head at this time, and then asked: “Where did you hear that thing, from what place? Is it the rumor of the demon hidden in the early rice village?”

Tagori Hime-no-Kami quickly took another step forward: “God Lord, this thing, I heard it from Alexis!”

“Alexis? Who?” Amaterasu thought about it and was trying to search everything from his own memory about this name.

But at this moment, a kind of severe pain began to spread from her body… A beautiful little Taidao knife directly penetrated her body!

“Okutsuji Ji you actually…” Amaterasu Da Yu Shen looked at each other incredibly… This is the goddess under her gods, who would betray themselves!

“People are called Miki…”

Aojin Island Ji… Her body gradually changed, and she finally made a girl dressed in a kimono.



That is the sound of both hands hitting at the same time!

Zhui Feng looked at the mosquitoes that had died on his palm. He was extremely dissatisfied—the mosquitoes in this ghost place were not afraid of Monster Qi at all, and dared to come up.

“Where should the early rice village be nearby?” Zhui Feng looked at the environment around, but it seemed to have heard something moving from the shadow of the roadside.

Carrying lanterns – Lanterns are taken from a family home on the road… Of course, some copper coins are put down, as they are bought.


Zhui Feng spread the palm of his hand, the nails began to become sharp, and then slowly approached the past, but saw a figure at this time to help the tree trunk out, and then did not have time to say a word, they fell directly.

This situation… seems to have seen it somewhere?

Zhui Feng took a trip and went up!

He turned the man over and saw that it was a woman with a pale face and a terrifying wound on his body. There was still blood in his mouth. Her mouth was slightly moving, and she seemed to say something, but it was very quiet, like balderdash.

Zhui Feng had no choice but to listen and only heard: “Danger… Danger… God Lord… God…”

(End of this chapter)

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