Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 361: The news leaked, the ancestral realm descended, and the Thunder Spirit Realm was divid

  Chapter 361 The news leaked, the ancestral land descended, and the Thunder Spirit Realm was divided!

   "First step!"

  Lu Changsheng gritted his teeth.

   This first step was not easy.

  He has already used the Immortal Physique of Myriad Spirits, but he can only take the first step.

   It may be very difficult to take the second step.

   And his distance, how far is it to think of the mountain?

   Lu Changsheng made a rough estimate.

  At least a hundred steps!

   How to cross the distance of a hundred steps?

   "Is there such a big gap between the fairyland and the ancestral realm?"

   "I am already in the top ancestral realm, even if it is extraordinary in the top ancestral realm, but facing the coercion of the corpse of Kui Niu, I can only stay a hundred steps away? It is difficult to even approach a hundred steps."

   "How can there be such a big gap? It's very wrong..."

  Lu Changsheng frowned.

  He felt something was wrong.

  Wonderland Almighty is strong, but Kui Niu is dead.

  It’s just the corpse of Kui Niu, how could there be such a terrifying coercion?

   What's more, Lu Changsheng couldn't even step into the hundred-step range of Kui Niu's corpse, and how did the people of the Spirit Race get in?

  People of the Spirit Race can get close to the corpse of Kui Niu.

   This point, Lu Changsheng has confirmed.

   "Senior, people of my spirit race rely on the blood in my body, coupled with skills, passed down from generation to generation, so that I can reluctantly get close to the corpse of Kui Niu."

   "Other than that, even members of the Lei Clan would never want to come within a hundred paces of Kui Niu's corpse."

   "Unless there are some particularly powerful beings, they can only take a dozen steps, but that's all. After a dozen steps, it will still be difficult to get close, and in the end they can only give up."

  The people of the Spirit Race explained to Lu Changsheng.

  Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

  The coercion of the corpse of Kui Niu is not aimed at him specifically, but at everyone, including the spirit race.

  But the Spirit Race can rely on the special blood in their bodies, as well as the experience and skills they have explored from generation to generation, so as to get close to the corpse of Kui Niu.

  Others are still unable to approach.

   If you want to explore slowly, how long?

Hundreds of years?

   Or thousands of years?

   Even, even after thousands of years, there may not be much harvest.

   However, for Lu Changsheng, as long as he can rely on experience and skills to get close to the corpse of Kui Niu, it will not be difficult for him.

  Because, he can parse!

  The analysis of the Red Dust Immortal is the best of any immortal system.

   Absolutely a must in the immortal way!

   Besides, Lu Changsheng was also very happy.

  Analysis of the coercion of Kui Niu's corpse, this is not something that can be encountered casually.

  If it can be completely analyzed successfully, it will definitely be of great benefit to Lu Changsheng's progress in the Red Dust Fairy.

  Originally, if you want to improve the world of mortals, you have to analyze various rules, powers, treasures, etc. everywhere.

  The corpse of Kui Niu met the conditions for Lu Changsheng's analysis.

   "Then start parsing!"

  Lu Changsheng did what he said.

  He immediately sat cross-legged under Kui Niu Mountain, trying to analyze the coercion of Kui Niu's corpse.

   Anyway, in the Thunder Spirit Realm, Lu Changsheng is not in any danger now.

   Naturally, you can safely and boldly analyze.

   Time passed day by day.

   A month later, Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

   "Parsed a part, see how far we can go?"

  Lu Changsheng got up and walked towards Kui Niu Mountain again.

  However, this time it was obviously much easier.

  One step, three steps, five steps, eight steps, ten steps...

  Finally, Lu Changsheng walked a full thirteen steps.

   Such progress is actually great.

   He took thirteen steps at once.

   It's a hundred steps away, but it's actually a lot closer.

   More importantly, this is a good start.

   It shows that Lu Changsheng's analysis is useful, not useless.

   Next, Lu Changsheng continued to analyze.

   It can almost maintain a distance of more than ten steps forward every month.

  The further back you go, the bigger the boost.

   He can even take more than twenty steps at once.

   Only six months later, Lu Changsheng had already taken hundreds of steps, and finally came to the corpse of Kui Niu.

   "Finally analyzed the coercion of Kui Niu's corpse."

   "It's just coercion, but it has been analyzed for half a year."

   "Moreover, it has greatly improved the way of the world of mortals!"

   Lu Changsheng's eyes were fixed, and he immediately called up the attribute panel to check.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 73080000 (unique in all ages)

  Red Dust Immortal Dao: 14% (Entered Dao)

  Foundation of Immortal Physique: 40% (Not perfect yet)

   Killing Way: Turn 4

  Flesh and Flesh Martial Arts: Nine Growths (Prestige)

  Savvy deduction: Can consume a lot of savvy to perform deduction

  On the attribute panel, because it is another year, the perception point has increased by a million.

   And the progress of the Red Dust Immortal Dao that Lu Changsheng is concerned about has even reached 14%.

   Almost doubled!

  Before it was only 7%.

   That is to say, analyzing the coercion of Kui Niu's corpse has increased the progress of Hongchen Xian by 7%.

  This increase is not too small, but too large.

  Back when Lu Changsheng analyzed the rules of the Shuifu, it only improved 1% of the world of mortals.

  In Kunwu Realm, Lu Changsheng had to analyze almost five town-state fetishes in order to increase his mortal immortality by 1%.

   And now?

  Analysis of the coercion of Kui Niu's corpse, it's not the Kui Niu's corpse, just the coercion, it has increased the world of mortals by 7%.

  This can only illustrate one problem.

  The corpse of Kui Niu is very strong!

   Even, stronger than imagined.

  Even the Water Palace is far inferior to the corpse of Kui Niu.

  Lu Changsheng knew that maybe Liu Yun, the fairy of the world, had analyzed the corpse of Kui Niu back then.

  Perhaps, there is another important reason for giving the Lei Ling clan fairy fetishes, and that is because of the analysis of the corpse of Kui Niu.

   It can be regarded as a "thank you gift" to the Lei Ling clan.

  The corpse of Kui Niu probably benefited the immortal Liu Yundu a lot.

   "What a big Kui ox!"

  Lu Changsheng stared at the Kui Niu in front of him.

  He could see the horns of Kui Niu.

  Yes, even if it is a corpse, Kui Niu seems to be well preserved.

  There is still flesh and blood, so naturally there are horns.

   At this time, Lu Changsheng found out.

  Where is there Kui Niu Mountain?

  Actually, the corpse of Kui Niu is Kui Niu Mountain.

  The entire Kui Niu Mountain is the corpse of Kui Niu...

   This is the first time Lu Changsheng has seen such a huge beast.

   "It's no wonder even the power is so terrifying. How powerful was this Kui Niu corpse during his lifetime?"

   "This is by no means a terrifying life that Jiehai can breed."

   "Could it be that Kui Niu came from heaven?"

  Lu Changsheng thought of a possibility.

  The strength of Kui Niu far exceeds the upper limit of Jiehai.

  Even if the fairyland is in front of Kui Niu, it seems nothing.

   Jiehai could not breed such a powerful beast.

  It can only be life in the heavenly realm.

  But how did the beings from the heavens come to the sea?

   Even, finally died in Jiehai?

  Lu Changsheng is not very clear.

  Even, I'm afraid even Hongchen Immortal Liu Yun is not very clear about it.

   After all, this Kui Niu corpse is too old.

  That is an ancient mythical beast.

   It may have been hundreds of millions of years since today.

  But even after hundreds of millions of years, the corpse of Kui Niu has not decayed.

   Still intact.

   It shows the strength of Kui Niu mythical beast.

   "The body of this Kui Niu is so well preserved, is there still blood?"

   "If I can obtain the blood essence of Kui Niu and refine it, wouldn't I be able to immediately break the shackles of the physical body and directly step into the immortal path of the physical body?"

  Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng's heart immediately became extremely hot.

   Step into the immortal path of the flesh body.

   This is almost the shortcoming of Lu Changsheng's practice at present.

  Four kinds of immortality, besides Sanxiandao, at present, the physical immortality has not yet been introduced.

  Once he sets foot on the immortal path of the physical body, then Lu Changsheng can advance in three kinds of immortal paths at the same time.

   Greatly increased the possibility of stepping into the fairyland.

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the huge corpse of Kui Niu.

  He tries to "cut" the next piece of flesh.

   Then analyze it first, and then slowly search for the blood essence.

  However, Lu Changsheng used his strength, only to find that the corpse of Kui Niu was as indestructible as a king kong, and remained motionless.

  No matter what methods Lu Changsheng used, he was still unable to cut a piece of flesh and blood.

   This actually stumped Lu Changsheng.

   "It's been an unknown number of years, probably hundreds of millions of years. This Kui Niu died a long time ago, leaving only a corpse."

   "But, it's this corpse, what can I do now?"

  Lu Changsheng did try many methods, but none of them worked.

  This corpse of Kui Niu, even if Lu Changsheng attacked here, it would not be able to hurt Kui Niu at all.

  However, the more powerful Kui Niu's corpse was, the more delighted Lu Changsheng was.

  Once refined, isn't he hopeful for the immortality of the flesh?

  But the premise is to refine the corpse of Kui Niu.

   You have to find a way to cut off part of Kui Niu's corpse.

  Lu Changsheng found people from the Spirit Race.

  Ask the Spirit Race: "How do you Spirit Race use the corpse of Kui Niu to cultivate?"

  The people of the Spirit Race said truthfully: "We Spirit Race are all amazing geniuses. They came to the corpse of Kui Niu and practiced here day and night, thus realizing a little truth."

   "In fact, if you practice beside the corpse of Kui Niu, as long as you stay long enough, your physical body will naturally be tempered and improved..."

   "If you can get some insights, then the improvement will be even greater."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

  Actually, the spirit clan can't do anything about the corpse of the Kui ox, so they can only use the most stupid way to use the coercion of the corpse of Kui ox to practice.

   This does work, too.

  Even the Spirit Race who has been with the corpse of Kui Niu for a long time can still have some insights, and the improvement will be even greater.

"no way?"

  Lu Changsheng frowned.

   At this time, Lei Quan also arrived.

  Lei Quan specially came to thank Lu Changsheng.

   "Fellow Daoist Dengtian, you have wiped out the Spirit Clan and Rock Clan, and the Thunder Clan has won a big victory. Now you have basically controlled the Thunder Spirit Realm, fellow Daoist Xie Dengtian!"

   "Please accept my worship!"

  Lei Quan sincerely thanked Lu Changsheng.

  Without Lu Changsheng, the Thunder Clan wants to suppress the Spirit Clan and completely control the Thunder Spirit Realm. How long will it take?

  Even before, Lei Clan was in a precarious situation.

   Now everything is reversed.

   Thunder Clan became the biggest winner.

   "The corpse of Kui Niu is a bit troublesome, Lu may stay on Kui Niu Mountain for a long time."

  Lu Changsheng said in a deep voice.

  He knew that in a short time, it was impossible for him to refine the corpse of Kui Niu.

   This takes a long time to parse.

   "It doesn't matter, the hundreds of miles around Kui Niu Mountain are all owned by fellow Daoist Dengtian. Other Thunder and Spirit clans cannot enter this area without the permission of Daoist Daoist Dengtian. Fellow Daoist Dengtian can rest assured to practice in the Thunder Spirit Realm."

  Lei Quan also made a promise.

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

   "Then Lu is here, let's continue to practice, fellow Daoist Lei please."

  Lei Quan also hastily said: "Lei is leaving."

  After speaking, Lei Quan left on his own initiative.

  In the entire vicinity of Kui Niu Mountain, with a radius of hundreds of miles, only Lu Changsheng was left.

  Looking at Lei Quan's back, Lu Changsheng nodded secretly: "He is a smart man."

   "However, no one disturbs, but you can rest assured to analyze."

   "In any case, the corpse of Kui Niu must be analyzed, no matter how long it takes, it is worth it..."

  Lu Changsheng had already made up his mind.

  If he wants to embark on the immortal path of the flesh body, then the corpse of Kui Niu is a great opportunity.

  He must firmly seize this opportunity!

   Otherwise, if you want to set foot on the immortal road of the flesh, you don't know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey.

  While Lu Changsheng was dissecting the corpse of Kui Niu, in the world of the Yan Clan, the atmosphere at this moment was very serious.

  The Rock Clan has completed the unification of the world, and they are well-deserved overlords.

   Even, by chance, he reached into the Thunder Spirit Realm.

  One day, even be able to control two worlds.

  It's a pity that on this day, the faces of some ancestral lands left behind by the Yan clan suddenly turned pale.


   "They are all dead, the ancestors sent to the Thunder Spirit Realm are all dead, how is this possible?"

   "What happened to the Thunder Spirit Realm? Didn't you say that if you encounter a difficult opponent, you should just run away? Why didn't you escape?"

   "I'm afraid they have encountered an unimaginably powerful enemy, and there is no escape."

  For a while, everyone in the ancestral land of the Yan Clan was in danger, and even worried about the Yan Clan.

  When the Spirit Clan invited the Rock Clan to join in, not all the Rock Clan agreed.

   There are still many rock clan objections.

   But the voice of opposition is too small to change the decision of the Yanzu.

   Those who stayed in the Rock Clan were basically opposed to meddling in the affairs of the Thunder Spirit World.

   As a result, they survived.

  On the contrary, none of the rock clan masters who entered the Thunder Spirit Realm could escape, and all of them died.

"what to do?"

   "What if the Thunder Spirit Realm kills our Rock Clan?"

"Yes, we know the Thunder Spirit Realm, but similarly, the Thunder Spirit Realm must also know the specific location of our Rock Clan. After all, we have sent so many people to the Thunder Spirit Realm. Once the Thunder Spirit Realm is allowed to counterattack, the consequences will be disastrous. "

"What else can we do? No matter how the Thunder Spirit Realm managed to kill many ancestral masters of our Rock Clan, if the Rock Clan wants to protect themselves, they cannot rely on us alone, but divert their attention. The Thunder Spirit Realm has Lei Shi, this is much more valuable than our Rock Clan, once this news is leaked, everyone will know the exact location of the Thunder Spirit Realm, do you think the Thunder Spirit Realm is still willing to deal with our Rock Clan?"

   "This method is good. However, in this way, any benefits of the Thunder Spirit World will have nothing to do with our Rock Race."

   "What benefits are you still thinking about now? Right now, I will protect myself at all costs. I will go to Sky City in person to get news about the exact location of the Thunder Spirit Realm..."

  So, the Yan Clan negotiated properly, and an ancestor Jing left the Rock Clan in person and flew towards the city of the sky.


  Lei Lingjie, time passed day by day.

  One month, two months, three months...

  Lu Changsheng has been trying to analyze the corpse of Kui Niu.

   It's just that this time the parsing seems to be in trouble.

Very difficult.

  For several months, Lu Changsheng got nothing.

   But the more this is the case, once the analysis is successful, Lu Changsheng will gain more.

   Even, Lu Changsheng has already made sufficient preparations.

  Even if it is analyzed for ten or eight years, it is nothing.

  Actually, Lu Changsheng thought about removing the corpse of Kui Niu.

  Put it in the water house, and analyze it slowly later.

   It's a pity that Lu Changsheng tried it, but it didn't work.

  He couldn't even shake the corpse of Kui Niu, how could he move it away?

  Lu Changsheng could only analyze and comprehend slowly in Kui Niu Mountain.

  Under normal circumstances, Lu Changsheng will not have any problems analyzing it for ten or eight years.

  However, Thunder Spirit Realm is in trouble.

   On this day, Lei Quan rushed to ask for help.

   "Fellow Daoist Dengtian, please save the Thunder Spirit Realm!"

  Lei Quan immediately bowed to Lu Changsheng, and knelt down in front of Lu Changsheng.

  A look of anxiety and even despair appeared on his face.

  Lu Changsheng was a little surprised. What kind of accident could make Lei Quan dignified in his ancestral realm and panic to such an extent?

   "Fellow Daoist Lei, why are you here?"

   "Tell me, what kind of trouble did ThunderClan encounter?"

  Lu Changsheng asked.

   It stands to reason that ThunderClan should have no more trouble.

  He has already wiped out the Eldar and Rock Clan.

   Could it be that the support from the Rock Clan has arrived again?

   But the Rock Race should not be so stupid.

  Knowing that there is nothing to be done, she still wants to seek death again.

  Lei Quan hurriedly said: "It's not that the Lei Clan is in trouble, but the entire Lei Ling Clan is in trouble."

   "I don't know why, but the specific location of the Thunder Spirit Realm was exposed in the Sky City, and the news has even spread. The news that there are a large number of Thunder Stones in the Thunder Spirit Realm is well known in the Sky City."

   "There are many strong ancestral realms who have come to the Thunder Spirit Realm to occupy and compete for Thunder Stone."

   "Not only high-level ancestral realms, but even top-level ancestral realms! Today's Thunder Spirit Realm is already in jeopardy, and may be divided up by many ancestral realms at any time."

   "Please ascend to the heavens, friends, to save the Thunder Spirit Realm!"

  Lei Quan could only beg Lu Changsheng.

  This situation is no longer within the control of the Thunder Clan or the Spirit Clan.

  They fought life and death in the Thunder Spirit Realm.

The results of it?

  The news leaked out. Facing so many strong men in the sea of ​​realms, the world of Thunder Spirits is so small.

  It doesn't matter whether it is Thunder Clan or Spirit Clan.

   are as insignificant as dust, not worth mentioning.

   Now the Thunder Spirit Realm has become a battlefield.

   If you are not careful, even the Thunder Spirit Realm will be smashed to pieces.

  Lu Changsheng frowned.

  Actually, he didn't want to take care of the Thunder Spirit Realm's affairs.

  The life and death of the Thunder Spirit Realm, what has it to do with him?

  He and Thunder Clan are just a deal.

   There is no benefit now, so let him protect the Thunder Spirit Realm, is it possible?

  Lu Changsheng didn't speak, Lei Quan seemed to know what Lu Changsheng was thinking.

  He turned pale, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "If Fellow Daoist Dengtian is willing to help, then 30% of the proceeds from the Thunder Stone business in the Thunder Spirit Realm will go to Fellow Daoist Dengtian."

   This is a condition that Lei Quan has negotiated before.

   This is the only way now.

   Otherwise, not to mention the Leishi business, even the entire Leiling Realm will be lost.


   "30% of Leishi's business income is not low. Can you Leishi be willing?"

  Lu Changsheng looked at Lei Quan.

   "Willing, of course willing!"

   "Under the current situation, we in the Thunder Spirit Realm just want to survive."

   "If you can survive, no matter how much you pay, it's worth it!"

  Lei Quan didn't mean to cover up, and said directly.

  Anyway, the current situation in the Thunder Spirit Realm can be known at a glance.

   What's the point of being secretive?

  Lu Changsheng weighed it.

   Leishi earns 30% of the income.

   And doing nothing is white.

  Of course, it is definitely not of much benefit to Lu Changsheng's own practice.

   But Lu Changsheng is not alone.

  He is also the fourth martial ancestor of Xianwu Palace.

  He also has some relatives, friends, subordinates, etc. in the Xianwu world.

  Although Xianwu Palace is one.

   But there is still a difference.

  If there is a stable income, for Lu Changsheng, it can be regarded as finding a source of income for his subordinates, relatives, etc.

   Even without him in the future, those subordinates and relatives can enjoy various benefits of practice.

   Not afraid of the shortage of cultivation resources.

   Besides, this is actually a good thing for the entire Xianwu world.


   After a long time, Lu Changsheng agreed.

   Anyway, he doesn't need to send manpower.

   At most, it is to send some people to supervise Leishi's business.

   He doesn't need to worry too much.

   This is a great thing!

   Moreover, if the Thunder Spirit Realm really falls apart, it will be troublesome for Lu Changsheng to analyze the corpse of Kui Niu.

  What if someone covets the corpse of Kui Niu?

  Especially those Xeons.

  Although Lu Changsheng is full of self-confidence now, the only thing he is afraid of is those supreme ancestral realms.

   Once the Xeon Ancestral Realm is provoked, it will definitely not be a good thing for Lu Changsheng.

  Perhaps, the Xeon Ancestral Realm also needs the corpse of Kui Niu.

   Therefore, it is best not to let the news of Kui Niu's corpse spread.

  Then, Lu Changsheng can't let the people in Jiehai realize that there is a corpse of Kui Niu in the Leiling Realm.

  As long as the Thunder Spirit Realm can be kept, there will be no possibility of news of Kui Niu's corpse being leaked.

   As for keeping the Thunder Spirit Realm.

   Is it difficult for Lu Changsheng now?

   Not difficult at all.

   As a top ancestral realm, can't he protect a world?

"Very good!"

   "Friend Xie Dengtian!"

  Lei Quan was overjoyed.

  As long as Lu Changsheng is willing to make a move, there is hope for Lei Lingjie to be saved.

   Of course, there is only hope.

   This time the news spread, and countless ancestral realms came to the Thunder Spirit Realm.

   Among them, there are many top ancestral realms.

  Lu Changsheng is indeed powerful, but can he keep the Thunder Spirit Realm?

  In fact, Lei Quan was also very disturbed.

   But this is the only way for Thunder Spirit Realm.

   "Fellow Daoist Dengtian, when will you make a move? The situation is a bit too critical now, let me tell you in detail who are the masters..."

  Lei Quan wanted to give Lu Changsheng a detailed introduction to the current situation in the Thunder Spirit Realm.

   But Lu Changsheng shook his head.

   "No need, Lu will act now!"

   After finishing speaking, Lu Changsheng left a clone and continued to analyze the corpse of Kui Niu.

   It's just an analysis. In fact, for Lu Changsheng, the avatar can be analyzed.

  Afterwards, Lu Changsheng took Lei Quan and flew directly into the void.

  Lu Changsheng got closer and closer to Jiehai.

   His consciousness was swept away.

  He could sense that the Thunder Spirit Realm was indeed in chaos.

   Chaos beyond compare.

   Not only the Thunder Spirit Realm, but even the sea near the Thunder Spirit Realm has gathered many powerful people.

  Everyone is the ancestral realm, and they are all eyeing the Thunder Spirit Realm, ready to "carve up" the Thunder Spirit Realm.

  Seeing so many ancestral realm masters, Lei Quan's face became paler and paler.

   No wonder Lei Quan was so desperate.

   If it were the Immortal Martial Realm, if there were no Lu Changsheng, so many ancestral realms would suddenly appear and stare at the Immortal Martial Realm, what would the three great Martial Ancestors and Mahayana in Anxian Martial Palace do?

   It is estimated that he will be as desperate as Lei Quan.


   "One Thunder Spirit Realm has attracted so many ancestral realms."

   "The ancestral realm in the Jiehai is like a wolf. It smells meat and comes here to carve up the Thunder Spirit Realm."

   Afterwards, Lu Changsheng stood with his hands behind his back.


   Followed by Lu Changsheng's voice.


  Lu Changsheng's body instantly swelled.

   Not only is it swelling, but the breath is also rising.

  The horrible breath suddenly overwhelmed the sky, sweeping the entire Thunder Spirit Realm.

  Lu Changsheng's body also swelled to ten feet.

   Just like that, straddling the void of the Thunder Spirit Realm, the aura belonging to the top ancestral realm on his body swept across the four directions mightily.

  Basically all the ancestors sensed it, and their faces changed suddenly.

   "Who is it? This ancestral realm!"

   "It's another top ancestral realm, which one is it?"

   "A mere Thunder Spirit Realm has attracted so many high-level ancestral realms and even top ancestral realms. The benefits of this thunder stone are really hard to resist the temptation."

   "I originally wanted to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the chaos to gain some benefits. But now it seems that the disputes of the top ancestors should be kept as little as possible, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

  For a while, many ancestral realms that originally wanted to enter the Thunder Spirit Realm stopped.

  Stayed in Jiehai all the time, not daring to enter the Thunder Spirit Realm rashly.

  As for the ancestral realm that has already entered the Thunder Spirit Realm, I don't care much.

   They just want to go crazy and snatch.

   Just grab it and run, no loss anyway.

  Lu Changsheng said directly: "The Leiling Realm is under Lu's protection."

   "Ten breathing time, all the ancestral realms of Jiehai will exit the Thunder Spirit Realm."

   "If you don't quit the Thunder Spirit Realm, you will be killed without mercy!"

  Lu Changsheng's voice was mighty, sweeping in all directions.

  The voice of Lu Changsheng can be heard throughout the Thunder Spirit Realm.

  Suddenly, there was an uproar.

   "Hey, who is this? He is so domineering, he wants to dominate the Thunder Spirit Realm!"

   "I seem to know this person. It seems to be a little-known ancestral realm. The number of times he has appeared in Sky City is very small. But he is actually a top ancestral realm? It is really hidden."

   "What about the top ancestral realm? It's not that there is no top ancestral realm in the Thunder Spirit Realm this time. After ten breaths, does he really dare to kill?"

   "We have so many ancestral realms, and he is too domineering in a top ancestral realm..."

  For a while, many ancestral realms in the Thunder Spirit Realm were dissatisfied.

   After all, they have already competed for benefits in the Thunder Spirit Realm.

  Where are you willing to quit now?

  As for the top ancestral realms that have already entered the Thunder Spirit Realm, they just glanced at Lu Changsheng one by one, and then they didn't care.

  They are also top ancestral realm, how can they be afraid of Lu Changsheng's threat?

   Even ThunderClan is worried.

  They knew that Lu Changsheng was very strong, he was a top ancestral realm.

  But if such "overbearing" words really make countless ancestral realms in Jiehai withdraw from the Thunder Spirit Realm?

   Even Lei Quan frowned.

  He invited Lu Changsheng to solve the predicament of the Thunder Spirit Realm.

  But I didn't expect Lu Changsheng to be so "reckless" and overbearing.

  How can this solve the problem in the Thunder Spirit Realm?

   After all, the ancestral realm is proud.

  How could Lu Changsheng leave the Thunder Spirit Realm with a single threat?

   But Lu Changsheng didn't seem to care about the outside world's comments.

   Still going its own way.

  He was still standing quietly in the void, without saying a word. .

  One breath, three breaths, five breaths, eight breaths...

As time goes by.

  Finally, it's time for ten breaths!

  (end of this chapter)

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