Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 355: The majesty of the immortal body can defeat the giant cauldron with one move! two fair

  Chapter 355 The power of the immortal body, defeating the giant cauldron with one move! The two immortal paths, the giant cauldron surrenders!

   "Fellow Daoist Juding, how do you want to try?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "Then offend."

   "I hope that Fellow Daoist Deng Tian can go to the arena with me."

  The ancestor of Juding said directly.

   Going to the arena is obviously to test Lu Changsheng's "weight" to see if he is the top ancestor?

   Can it really protect the giant spirit race?

  Although there are already three or two big cats and kittens in the giant spirit tribe, there are not many giant spirit tribes.

   But Patriarch Juding was still very cautious.

   After all, this might be the only chance the genies have.

  So, both sides went directly to the ring.

  The arena is divided into open and closed.

  The ancestor of Juding naturally didn't want to make it public, so he chose a closed arena.

  However, the ancestor of Juding was originally a master who came out of the Zhou family, and even his experience is legendary.

  As soon as the ancestor of the giant tripod appeared in Zhou's house, he immediately attracted attention.

   "Is that the ancestor of Juding?"

   "Yes, that's him."

   "Who would have thought that a slave would be able to get to where he is today, step by step, and become a high-ranking ancestral realm? How lucky."

   "Lucky? Hey, there are thousands of life-and-death arena battles, you can try it and see if you are lucky?"

   "The ancestor of Juding has left the Zhou family, so he doesn't have to fight in the arena of life and death, what are you doing now?"

   "I don't know, maybe it has something to do with those two strange ancestors..."

  Although everyone was talking about it, they didn't know the specific reason.

  Can only guess one or two.

  The ancestor of Juding didn't care what the outside world said.

  He and Lu Changsheng both stepped into the ring.

   "Fellow Daoist Ascending Heaven, this arena can be used defensively, even the power of the top ancestors can never damage the arena."

   "So, fellow Daoists ascending to heaven, please do your best!"

  The ancestor of Juding said in a deep voice.

  He is no ordinary ancestor.

   Even, in the high-level ancestral realm, he is also a strong one.

   After all, thousands of battles in the arena of life and death gave him extremely rich combat experience.

   When it comes to fighting to the death, defeating the strong with the weak, the Patriarch Juding is very familiar with it.

   Even in the top ancestral realm, it is not impossible for the ancestors of Juding to fight!


  Lu Changsheng nodded.

  He will not underestimate the giant spirit race.

   After all, Lu Changsheng is very clear that the immortal way of the flesh body is the well-deserved number one combat power among the four great immortal ways!

  The ancestor of the giant spirit back then was such a terrifying powerhouse that even the mortal fairy Liu Yun had to avoid the edge for the time being.

  The current ancestor of Juding is already a high-level ancestor, and he is only one step away from the top ancestor.

  With its terrifying giant spirit power, maybe it really has the strength to fight against the top ancestral realm.

   "The giant spirit opens the sky!"

   Patriarch Juding did not hesitate.

   A huge force burst out instantly.

   directly cast the most terrifying blow of the giant spirit clan.

   That is the power to climb to the extreme.

  The terrifying aura locked on Lu Changsheng.

  The hands of the ancestor of the giant tripod seemed to really destroy the world.

   "What a giant tripod ancestor!"

   "It is indeed the last hope of the giant spirit clan."

  A strange light flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

  The ancestor of Juding actually made him feel a slight threat.

   This is a little lower than his realm.

   It shows how terrifying the combat power of "Flesh Immortal" is.


  Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.

  He immediately erupted into the Myriad Spirit Immortal Physique.

  The Immortal Physique soars into the sky, comparable to any top ancestral realm.

  As soon as this terrifying momentum came out, it instantly suppressed the ancestor of Juding.

  Afterwards, Lu Changsheng also stretched out his palm, and gently turned it down.


  It seems that the sky and the earth are hanging upside down.

  In an instant, Patriarch Juding felt as if the world was rolling towards him.

  He roared angrily and lifted his hands to the sky, trying to "hold up" the crushing of heaven and earth.

   It's a pity, it's useless.

  The heaven and the earth "crushed" to come, in fact it was the palm of Lu Changsheng, crushed down mightily, and landed on the body of the ancestor of the giant cauldron.


  The ancestor of Juding was shocked.

  His physical body collapsed instantly.

   In the battle between the two, one move decided the winner.

  The ancestor of Juding was obviously defeated!

  Lu Changsheng stopped his hands.

  Although the body of the ancestor of the giant tripod collapsed, he is a giant spirit clan, and his body is extremely strong.

  As long as the physical body is not annihilated, it can be restored.

  What's more, Lu Changsheng and the ancestor of Juding were just exchanging ideas, not a battle of life and death. Therefore, Lu Changsheng did not annihilate the body of the ancestor of Juding.

   Soon, Patriarch Juding's physical body returned to its original state.

  His eyes were full of surprises, he nodded and said: "It really is the top ancestral realm, and the aura of Fellow Daoist Ascending Heaven seems somewhat familiar in my blood memory."

   "Should be... Immortal Physique?"

  Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

  The ancestor of Juding actually knew about the Immortal Physique?

  However, Patriarch Juding mentioned bloodline memory just now.

  If it is the inheritance left by the ancestor of the giant spirit through the blood, then it can be explained.

   What does the ancestor of the giant spirit not know?

   Knowing that the fairy body is also normal.

   "That's right, it's a fairy body."

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

   "Since fellow daoist already has an immortal body, why does fellow daoist still need my body of the giant spirit clan to become a daoist?"

  Ju Ding Patriarch talked about enlightenment in the physical body, but in fact it is the immortal way in the physical body, just a different way of saying it.

  Lu Changsheng smiled slightly, and his body exuded the aura of the world of mortals.

   "Then fellow Daoist Juding, take a look again, what is this?"

   Patriarch Juding sensed it carefully, and then his heart was shocked.

   "This is... the world of mortals..."

  The ancestor of Juding was shocked.

   The immortal way of the world of mortals!

  Plus the fairy body aura emanating from Lu Changsheng before.

   Doesn't it mean that Lu Changsheng already has two kinds of immortals?

  What is this for?

   I have two kinds of immortality, and now I still want to be immortal in the flesh.

   Doesn't that mean you want to practice the three kinds of immortality?

   This is just insane.

   It's incredible.

  Everyone wants to achieve fairyland.

   But it is not that the more immortals, the better.

  This involves a spiritual issue.

  Even if it is an extreme genius, it is extremely difficult to walk a fairy road, and it may not even be one-ten-thousandth sure.

   Not to mention walking the three immortal paths.

  Taking the three immortal paths will only be futile in the end and will not bring any benefit.

   Patriarch Juding wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  The three of them returned to the house of the ancestor of Juding together.

   Patriarch Juding took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Since Dengtian Daoist has decided to practice the three immortals, it must be a deliberate decision, and I will stop persuading."

   "As for the immortality of the physical body that friends who climb to heaven want..."

  The ancestor of Juding stretched out his hand.


  A drop of blood essence appeared in its hand.

   "All kinds of things about the immortality of the flesh body can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words."

   "All I know is the inheritance of the blood of the giant spirit in the body."

   "Refining this drop of blood, you should be able to know the information inside."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

   It's the blood of the giant spirit again.

   Actually, Lu Changsheng had refined it before.

  Even that drop of blood essence is the blood essence of the ancestor of the giant spirit.

  Now he got another drop of blood essence, which is the essence blood of the ancestor of Juding.

  Lu Changsheng was not polite, he reached out and put the blood essence in his hand.


  Lu Changsheng did not avoid the Patriarch Juding and the Martial Ancestor of Gufu.

   Immediately began to refine this drop of giant spirit blood.

  Back then, Lu Changsheng spent a lot of effort and a long time in order to refine that drop of blood essence of the ancestor of the giant spirit.

   But it’s not what it used to be.

   Now Lu Changsheng is different from before.

  He is now embarking on the road of the world of mortals.

   Besides, the ancestor of the giant tripod is far inferior to the ancestor of the giant spirit.

  So, Lu Changsheng immediately began to analyze.

  The ability to analyze the world of mortals is quite terrifying.

   In just half an hour, Lu Changsheng successfully analyzed it.

  His mortal world has improved a little bit.

   But it is difficult to increase by 10%.

   After analyzing the giant spirit's blood essence, Lu Changsheng refined it smoothly.

  As the essence and blood were refined, some strange memories really began to appear in Lu Changsheng's mind.


  Sections of pictures and information appeared in Lu Changsheng's mind.

   There was even a figure of "Giant Ancestor" again.

   "Giant Ancestor" began to explain all kinds of physical immortality.

  Especially combined with the blood of the giant spirit, so that it is convenient to embark on the fairy road of the flesh body.

  After Lu Changsheng sorted out his memory, he suddenly realized.

  He understands the immortal way of the flesh body!

  For the giant spirit race, the physical immortality is actually very easy.

   Even within your reach.

  When the giant spirit tribe stepped into the ancestral realm, they actually automatically stepped onto the fairy road of the flesh body.

the reason is simple.

   The blood of the giant spirits in the giant spirit clan actually carries the immortality of the flesh body!

   It is also easy for the Giant Spirit Race not to set foot on the immortal path of the flesh body.

   It is enough not to cultivate the blood of the giant spirit in the body.

   But isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

  If you have a good giant spirit bloodline, don't practice, but instead practice the immortal way or immortal body?

   That was really thankless.

  Giant blood, this is the greatest gift from the ancestor of the giant to the giant family!


  Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

   "Giant bloodline..."

  Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

  He has basically figured out what the "Flesh Immortal Way" is all about.

  The immortal way of the physical body follows the route of proving the way with strength.

   Break through all methods with one force.

  The flesh is the foundation of everything.

   On the contrary, it is not important to understand the nature of the world, the spirit of the gods, etc.

   It is too difficult to become enlightened in the flesh.

   After all, all flesh and blood life has its limit.

  In the beginning, martial arts in Xianwu world was based on the physical body.

   Can you post it?

   Gradually embarked on the road of comprehending the rules.

  Why is this happening?

  The reason is actually very simple, it is too difficult to temper the body.

  When the physical body reaches a certain level, there is a limit.

   It is impossible to improve infinitely all the time.

   If it is really that easy, then the entire world sea should be full of races that temper their bodies.

  But in fact, there are too few races that have been tempering their bodies.

   If you really want to keep hammering the iron, there is a high probability that you will not be born in the ancestral realm.

  Not to mention the ancestral realm, I am afraid that even the extreme realm will be difficult to be born.

   It is easy for the giant spirit clan to follow the immortal path of the flesh body, the key is to have the blood of the giant spirit.

  The upper limit of the blood of the giant spirit itself is very high.

  The giant spirits only need to constantly tap the power in their blood to be able to step into the ancestral realm, and then embark on the fairy road of the flesh body.

   may differ from others.

  For example, Lu Changsheng, or ordinary warriors in the world of immortal martial arts.

  It would be too difficult for them to step into the immortal realm of the flesh body.

   Even, almost impossible.

   "When the first ancestor of the giant spirit was able to set foot on the immortal path of the flesh body, I don't know how many adventures and hardships he experienced, and finally he was able to set foot on the immortal path of the flesh body, and finally achieved the fairyland."

   "But this kind of experience cannot be replicated. Often the immortality of the flesh body is actually some divine beasts, fairy beasts, spirit beasts and the like. Only those who are born with strong physical bodies can step into the immortality of the fleshy body more easily."

   "As for those with weak bodies, such as human beings, such as an ordinary ant, no matter how hard they exercise, how can an ant be trained to be as good as an elephant? This is an inherent disadvantage..."

  One thought after another flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

  Although it is difficult to walk the immortal path of the flesh.

   Even getting started was difficult, but Lu Changsheng didn't want to give up.

  At the beginning, the ancestor of the giant spirit was actually born with a weak body. Since the ancestor of the giant spirit can successfully embark on the immortal path of the flesh, there is no reason why Lu Changsheng cannot step into it.

   After all, Lu Changsheng's conditions are better now.

   "Actually, I already have a certain foundation of physical immortality."

   "My flesh and blood martial art has now grown eight times, and this direction should be correct."

   "After eight growths, it will be difficult to deduce. But if it can be raised to nine growths, ten growths, etc., it may not be impossible to step into the immortal path of the flesh."

   "What's more, I still have the analysis ability of the world of mortals. I can analyze the blood essence in the body of the giant spirits, so as to gain insight into some mysteries of the immortality of the flesh..."

   "If it really doesn't work, I can still use my comprehension points to deduce it. I don't believe that I can't deduce nine times of growth, ten times of growth or even more..."

  Lu Changsheng was full of confidence.

  This is his self-awareness of himself, and also his understanding of the ability to analyze the world of mortals.

  Red Dust Immortal, feel the nature of the world.

   can analyze everything.

   This is the process of "enlightenment" by Hongchen Immortal.

   The more "enlightenment" is, the faster the progress of the world of mortals will be.

  However, if Lu Changsheng wants to forcibly walk the immortal way of the flesh body, he must cooperate with the ancestor of Juding.

   It's better to have more genies.

   Then, it is imperative to place the Giant Spirit Race in the Xianwu Realm.

   Even, the existence of the Giant Spirit Race in the Immortal Martial World can also increase the heritage of the Immortal Martial World.

   At that time, the Giant Spirit Race will be a part of the Immortal Martial World!

  Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng also showed a smile.

   "Fellow Daoist ascending to heaven, can you get something?"

  The ancestor of Juding asked.

   "Great harvest."

  Lu Changsheng also responded.

   Patriarch Juding was a little surprised.

  Just a drop of blood, did Lu Changsheng really gain a lot?

  However, he is very clear about the immortal way of the flesh body.

  It is almost impossible for a race with a weak body to go to the immortal path of the flesh.

   Does Lu Changsheng have the blood of a giant spirit, how can he walk the immortal path of the flesh body?

   However, this has nothing to do with him.

   As long as Lu Changsheng is satisfied.

   "Fellow Daoist Juding, you can call your people to the Immortal Martial Realm now."

   "I forgot to ask, do fellow daoists still have clansmen?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   This may have hit Patriarch Juding's pain.

  The ancestor of Juding sighed and said: "In these years, I have actually been looking for my clansmen."

   "One after another, we did find some clansmen."

   "I need time to gather my people, can I wait for a while?"

  Lu Changsheng nodded and said: "It's okay, we can wait quietly in the Sky City."

  Lu Changsheng is not in a hurry, so it doesn't matter how long he waits.

  Therefore, Lu Changsheng and the Martial Ancestor of the Gufu lived temporarily in the Sky City.

  Waiting for the Juding Patriarch to summon the members of the Giant Spirit Clan.

   And Lu Changsheng also took advantage of this time, he had to deduce the flesh and blood martial arts well.

   Time passed day by day.

  Lu Changsheng is also relying on his superb comprehension and the analytical ability of the world of mortals to constantly deduce the martial art of flesh and blood.

  Of course, Lu Changsheng didn't mean to waste his understanding.

  Because it is not necessary.

  Has the analytical ability of the world of mortals, as long as he is given time, it is impossible to deduce more than nine growths.

   As time went by, Lu Changsheng really deduced some clues.

   "The way of flesh and blood martial arts is to give myself the essence of foreign objects. The idea is good and the intention is great, but it is actually difficult to get it right."

   "Even my flesh and blood have limits. The foundation of the immortal body can be casted because of those gods, which are the function of gods themselves, not my flesh and blood clone."

   "My flesh and blood clone, in fact, has not improved at all."

"But other people can't, but I'm different. I can analyze any powerful bloodline and refine those powerful bloodlines, such as the bloodlines left by some divine beasts. I can first analyze and then refine. Although it takes a little longer, but But it can really supplement my own weak physical body, so as to continuously strengthen my physical body, and thus embark on the road of physical immortality!"

  Lu Changsheng's heart gradually became clear.

  Who said that the three kinds of celestial beings cannot be cultivated at the same time?

  Actually, the three immortal ways can complement each other.

  Especially in the world of mortals.

   In fact, it can help the other two immortals to practice.

   It's just that it takes a lot of energy.

not worth it.

   But Lu Changsheng is not sure which kind of immortal way can step into the immortal way.

  He can only practice the three immortal ways together.

  Lu Changsheng had an idea, and immediately thought of the blood of the Giant Spirit Race.

  He asked the ancestor of Juding for another drop of blood essence.

   This time, Lu Changsheng analyzed the essence and blood again.

   And the direction of analysis is different.

   The direction of this analysis is to strengthen one's own flesh and blood.

   Parsing was successful.

  Lu Changsheng also tried refining.

   As a result, it went well.

  Lu Changsheng's physical body, which had been stagnant for a long time, unexpectedly improved again this time.

  Although the improvement was not obvious, it proved that Lu Changsheng's thinking was correct.

   He's heading in the right direction!

  Lu Changsheng also knew that it was not enough to rely solely on the blood essence of the Juding Patriarch.

  Can't he just let Patriarch Juding bleed every day?

  If he really wants to do that, the Patriarch Juding probably should suspect his plan for the Giant Spirit Race.

   What's more, a single kind of giant spirit essence blood can only improve Lu Changsheng's physical body to a limited extent.

  He also needs a lot of other more powerful blood essence.

  And in the vast sea of ​​realms, the giant spirits are not the only beings whose bodies are so powerful that they rival the ancestral realm.

  Lu Changsheng came to the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce again.

   It was another woman who received him.

  Lu Changsheng asked straightforwardly: "Does your Spirit Catcher Guild have some beings with very strong physical bodies? It doesn't matter if they are spirit beasts or divine beasts, but the premise is that the physical bodies must be strong, at least in the ancestral realm!"

  Lu Changsheng's words made the woman happy.

   Big business!

   After all, how could it not be a big business to be able to come directly to the door and ask for the life of the "ancestral realm"?

   It's just that the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce generally doesn't capture ethnic groups with ancestral realms.

   But there are exceptions to everything.

   "Dear guest, please enter the VIP room for a detailed discussion."

  Lu Changsheng entered the VIP room.

   After a while, the woman found a master from the ancestral realm again.

  The other party said with a smile: "I am the deacon of the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce. I heard that distinguished guests need ancestral life, and is it a powerful ancestral life?"

   "Yes, the physical body must be comparable to the life in the ancestral realm."

  Once the physical body is comparable to the ancestral realm, it meets Lu Changsheng's requirements.

   However, even if the physical body breaks through the ancestral realm, it cannot be said to have set foot on the immortal path of the physical body.

   The Djinn are an exception.

  The giant spirit clan has the blood of giant spirits, and if they break through the ancestral realm, they can embark on the immortal path of the flesh body.

  But for other ethnic groups, there is no similar strong bloodline, even if the body enters the ancestral realm, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to embark on the immortal path of the flesh body.

   "It is rare to see a life whose physical body is comparable to the ancestral realm. But it is not uncommon. For example, our Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce once captured a Gaia mythical beast."

   "This Gaia mythical beast is very strange. It is the guardian animal of a world. It absorbs the beliefs of that world, but uses the beliefs to continuously temper its fleshy body to the point where it is comparable to the ancestral realm."

   "Because it was just a single divine beast, not a group, it was suppressed by my Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce. Because it is too expensive, there have been no buyers so far."

   "I wonder if the guest wants to buy?"

   Lu Changsheng's heart skipped a beat.

  Does the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce really have a life comparable to the ancestral realm?

  Gaia beast...

  This is also the first time Lu Changsheng has heard of it.

   "I want to see Gaia for myself."

  Lu Changsheng said.

   "Of course."

  Thus, the members of the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce took Lu Changsheng to the depths of the Chamber of Commerce, and Lu Changsheng also saw the suppressed Gaia beast.

  Its body exudes terrifying power fluctuations, especially the physical body is simply extremely powerful.

   It is indeed a physical body comparable to the ancestral realm.

   "Yes, it is indeed a very powerful physical body, which meets my requirements."

   "I don't know, how to sell this Gaia mythical beast?"

  Lu Changsheng was a little moved.

  The ancestral deacon of the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce seems to have a smile on his face.

  He said very enthusiastically: "This Gaia mythical beast has cost me a huge price for the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce. I even did not hesitate to know the top ancestral realm masters, so that I can suppress it in one fell swoop, so this price..."

   "How much?"

   "One hundred fairy crystals!"


  Lu Changsheng fell silent.

  He took a deep look at the deacon of the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce.

  The other party's smile seemed so "reluctantly".

  Lu Changsheng thought he was rich and powerful.

  However, a fairy crystal still made him feel silent.

  The common currencies in the world are spirit stones and spirit crystals.

   But that's just for most stuff.

  Actually, many precious items require fairy crystals to purchase.

  One hundred spirit stones can be exchanged for one spirit crystal.

  However, 10,000 spirit crystals can be exchanged for one fairy crystal.

   And one hundred fairy crystals means one million spiritual crystals.

  Where did Lu Changsheng find so many spirit crystals?

  Even if Lu Changsheng sells all kinds of treasures, it may be difficult to get them together.

  He can't sell the Water Palace...

   For a while, the atmosphere became silent.

   "I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it?"

   After a long time, Lu Changsheng spoke slowly.

   "Please tell me, distinguished guest."

  The deacon was still smiling.

   "I don't need to buy this Gaia mythical beast, I just need something on it for research."

   "For example, the blood essence on it."

   "How about this, can your Chamber of Commerce sell the blood essence from the Gaia mythical beast, I can produce a spirit crystal with three drops of blood essence!"

  Lu Changsheng said.


  The deacon's face froze.

  Is this going to sell Gaia as a part?

  Although the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce does all kinds of business.

  Adhering to the principle of customer first.

  However, this Gaia mythical beast is very precious, and it is really unthinkable to "take apart" and sell it separately, and it is not up to him to decide.

  Finally, the deacon began to hesitate and said: "My dear guest, wait a moment, I will ask the elders of the chamber of commerce for instructions."


  So, Lu Changsheng waited quietly.

   About a quarter of an hour later, the deacon came back.

  He said with a smile on his face: "The elder of the Chamber of Commerce agreed, three drops of Gaia's blood essence and one spirit crystal."

  The reason why the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce agreed is actually very simple.

  This is only good for the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce, and has no disadvantages.

  The Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce has nothing to lose.

   Even, the blood essence lost on the Gaia beast can be recovered automatically after a while.

  So, this is equivalent to picking up the spirit crystal for nothing.

   Moreover, if the effect is good, Lu Changsheng may continue to buy the blood essence of the Gaia beast.

   That is a steady stream of spirit crystals.

   There can be at least three to five, or even ten spirit crystals.

   "Well, let's start with six drops of blood essence."

  Lu Changsheng took out two spirit crystals.

  He also wanted to try the effect first.

   Soon, Lu Changsheng returned to the rented cave with six drops of Gaia's blood essence.

   This time it is a brand new blood essence instead of the blood essence of the giant.

  Lu Changsheng also wanted to give it a try.

  Is the method he deduced useful?

  So, Lu Changsheng began to analyze.

   Analyze the blood essence first, and then refine it after a thorough analysis.

   Time flies, two months have passed.


  Lu Changsheng opened the time.

  In two months, he analyzed and refined all six drops of Gaia's beast blood essence.

   And it works... surprisingly well!

  Lu Changsheng's physical body has really been greatly improved.

   Such an effect gave Lu Changsheng complete confidence.

   It shows that the direction of the physical body he deduced is correct.

  However, the effect of the blood essence of the Gaia beast will weaken after five drops.

   It is estimated that after ten drops, the effect will be weaker.

   But it doesn't matter, there is no Gaia mythical beast, there are other mythical beasts.

   Or other existences whose physical body is comparable to the ancestral realm.

   Direction is most important.

  As long as he finds his way.

  A physical body comparable to the ancestral realm, you can find it slowly in the future.

  Lu Changsheng got up and went out.

  Outside the gate is the Martial Ancestor of the Ancient Mansion.

  After seeing Lu Changsheng coming out, the Martial Ancestor of the Gufu hurried forward and said, "Fellow Daoist Dengtian, fellow Daoist Juding is ready, and you can leave at any time."

   "Are you ready? How many giant spirits have fellow Daoist Juding summoned?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "This... is not a large number, only thirty or fifty people."

  Lu Changsheng pondered for a while.

  Thirty to fifty people, this number is indeed not many.

   Even, if there is only this amount, I am afraid that the reproduction of the giant spirit race will be a problem.

   I just don’t know, can the Giant Spirit Race intermarry with people or other beings in the Immortal Martial World?

this is a problem.

  Lu Changsheng found the ancestor of Juding.

  There are indeed thirty or fifty giant spirits beside the ancestor of Juding.

  These giant spirits are all extremely extreme!

  Of course, it is estimated that if it is not the extreme situation, it will not be able to survive now.

  Looking at the appearance of the ancestors of the giant spirits, it may take a lot of energy to summon these giant spirits, and it is not so easy.

   Many giant spirits are actually "slaves" who were "redeemed" by the ancestors of the giant tripod.

   "This is Fellow Daoist Ascending Heaven."

   "I have seen the ancestor who climbed to the sky!"

   Many giant spirits saluted Lu Changsheng respectfully.

  Lu Changsheng thought for a while, and went to the Spirit Catching Chamber of Commerce to buy fifteen drops of Gaia's divine beast blood.

  Even if the effect of Gaia's divine beast blood essence weakens after ten drops, it still has some effect after all.

   Fifteen drops is almost enough.

   "Okay, we can go."

  Lu Changsheng, Juding Patriarch and others left the Sky City and returned to Xianwu Palace.

   It's just that, for some reason, Lu Changsheng seems to have a faint sense of prying eyes.

  But it is very hidden, even Lu Changsheng can't find out the source of prying eyes.

   "Is it an illusion?"

   "Is someone still watching us?"

  Lu Changsheng is a fairy of the world.

   This feeling can't be wrong.

  Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and many thoughts passed through his mind.

  But he didn't stretch out, but took the flying boat of Gufu Martial Ancestor with Ju Ding Patriarch and others, and quickly rushed to the depths of the boundary sea.

  As for the water house, it may be safer.

   But Lu Changsheng can't completely trust Patriarch Juding now.

  Of course the Juding Patriarch and the others would not be allowed to enter the Water Mansion.

   Right after Lu Changsheng and the others left, there were a few vague figures looking at the direction in which Lu Changsheng and the others left.

   "The giant tripod is gone."

   "It's not convenient to do it in Sky City, but if you go to Jiehai, you don't have any scruples."

   "The giant tripod is not weak, and the two ancestral realms are probably not good. If you do it rashly, I'm afraid..."

   "Don't worry, Patriarch Luo Sheng will make a move this time, and there will be no mistakes."

   "With Patriarch Luo Sheng taking action, then I can rest assured..."

  The voice disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

  (end of this chapter)

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