Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 314: Refining Martial Dao fragments, comprehension point breaks through tens of millions, c

  Chapter 314 Refining and refining martial arts fragments, the understanding point has broken through tens of millions, and the understanding has finally transformed!


   "I see that you broke your way just now, but you were actually damaged, and it may take months or even years to recover."

   "You can't waste your precious time on recovering martial arts."

"How about this, here is a copy of the God of Recovery Water, which can not only restore the spirit and consciousness, but also repair all kinds of avenues comprehended by warriors, including martial arts. The effect is very good. It is estimated that you will be able to fully recover within ten days and a half months. "

  The Martial Ancestor of Gufu directly threw out a treasure.

  Fu Shenshui!

  Lu Changsheng was not polite either, and put it away directly.

"Although you have the ring of the giant spirit, the hide of the kui ox, and the blood of immortality, it is really good to temper the body. But the hide of the kui ox still needs to be refined. How about this, I will find a Mahayana and let him The hide of the Kui ox is refined into a treasure that is easy to carry, so that you can feel the tempering of the thunder in the hide of the Kui ox all the time."

   "The most precious of these three treasures are not the hide of the Kui ox and the ring of the giant spirit, but the blood of immortality."

"Immortal blood is the blood essence left by the ancestor of the Giant Spirit Clan. Just this drop of blood seems to contain the supreme mystery. After all, the ancestor of the Giant Spirit Clan is said to be not only the ancestor of martial arts The level is so simple, it seems to have broken the shackles of the Martial Ancestor and sublimated to a higher level."

"Of course, this is just speculation. But in any case, the blood of immortality is very precious. It's just that our three martial ancestors, and even many Mahayanas, couldn't comprehend anything from the blood of immortality, so I put it in the into Tongtian Tower."

   "If you have time, you can also take a good look at the blood of immortality, maybe you can understand something."

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

"Remember, after you leave the Tongtian Pagoda, you should practice with all your strength and raise your physical body to the level of the heavenly saint as soon as possible. Your method of heaven and earth is very good. If the physical body can be stronger, the physical body and the Taoist body can be integrated to a certain extent. In fact, it is imitating the Martial Dao Supreme."

"So, once your physical body reaches the level of the heavenly saint, once you cast the law of heaven and earth, maybe you will be able to possess the power of the supreme martial arts for a short time! This is undoubtedly a qualitative leap for you, especially in Kunwu. world, that is a unique advantage!"

   "If you still have any problems in practice, or need any resources, feel free to bring them up, not only the Holy Land of the Ancient Mansion, but also the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Laws and the Holy Land of Extreme Dao will give you full support!"

  The words of the Martial Ancestor of the Ancient Mansion let Lu Changsheng understand.

   This is almost the resources of the entire Immortal Martial World, all of which are offered to Lu Changsheng and support his practice.

  There is only one purpose.

   Make him stronger!

   "Xie Wuzu."

   "However, what else is needed, the junior has to go back and think about it, and make a practice plan."

   "If necessary, how to notify Martial Ancestor?"

  Lu Changsheng asked.

   "Don't worry, the Jidao Martial Ancestor of your Jidao Holy Land will naturally know about the Jidao Holy Land."

   "If there is any need at that time, please apply directly to your Holy Land of the Holy Land. As long as there are treasures from our three great martial ancestors, we will definitely not be stingy."

  The Martial Ancestor of the Ancient Mansion also made a promise.

   "The junior understands."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Changsheng took his leave and left.

  He even wanted to go back immediately and make a good practice plan.

  Lu Changsheng stayed in Tongtian Tower on the ninth floor for a long time.

   For several hours.

   But there is still no movement.

  The entire Tongtian Tower is still shining brightly.

   Many heavenly saints have been waiting for Lu Changsheng to appear.

   Even connecting to the Sky Tower, no one appeared.

   "What's going on? It's been so long, and you haven't come out of Tongtian Tower?"

   "Although it has been speculated by various parties, it has been confirmed that the celestial sage in the Tongtian Tower is probably Lu Changsheng, the Lord of Myriad Ways in the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao. But if you haven't seen Lu Changsheng coming out of the Tongtian Tower with your own eyes, you can't be completely sure."

   "The big movement in the Tongtian Tower just now should have broken through the ninth floor. But, I haven't come out for such a long time. Could it be some great chance?"

   "Even, I think Martial Ancestor will show up in person to meet the Heavenly Sage who broke through the ninth floor. Maybe there are some unimaginable opportunities left behind."

   "For Martial Ancestor, it is not worth mentioning even if he becomes the supreme martial artist. But if Martial Ancestor meets Lu Changsheng in person, it shows that he attaches great importance to Lu Changsheng."

   "Wait a little longer, I don't believe that after waiting for a few days, I can't wait for Lu Changsheng to come out?"

  So, everyone continued to wait.


   Waited for another hour.

  Finally, a figure suddenly stepped out of Tongtian Tower.


   At this moment, countless eyes fell on that figure.

   "It's him, it's really him, the true disciple of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao, Lu Changsheng, the Lord of Myriad Ways!"

   "It's absolutely true! I didn't expect that the Tiansheng who broke through the ninth floor Tongtian Tower is actually Lu Changsheng?"

   "Unbelievable, breaking through the ninth floor Tongtian Tower, you are indeed the Lord of Myriad Ways."

  Seeing Lu Changsheng's figure.

  At this moment, countless heavenly saints are boiling.

   They no longer have any doubts.

  The first day of the Immortal Martial World!

  Lu Changsheng probably deserved it.

  Especially Mokong and Jialan are the most excited.

  Lu Changsheng was brought to the Holy Land of the Extreme by Mo Kong alone.

   This is a great achievement!

   Now, for Lu Changsheng, I am afraid that it is no longer as simple as becoming a martial arts supreme.

   After all, for the current Lu Changsheng, it is not easy to become the supreme martial artist, but it should not be too difficult.

  In the future, Lu Changsheng's achievements will be even more difficult to limit.

  Some people even think that the fourth Martial Ancestor in the Immortal Martial World must belong to Lu Changsheng.

   However, it is too early to say.

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the crowd.

  One of the heavenly sages couldn't help asking: "Fellow Daoist Lu, may I ask if you have broken through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower?"

  This is also the question of countless heavenly saints.

  Although they all guessed it.

   But the party is right in front of us.

  The person involved personally admitted that it is a certainty, it is absolutely true!

"it's me."

  Lu Changsheng directly admitted.


   Countless heavenly saints have set off turbulent waves in their hearts.

   It really was Lu Changsheng.

  The ninth floor Tongtian Tower!

  They dare not even think about it.

   " broke through the ninth floor. Dare to ask, what kind of tower spirit exists on the ninth floor?"

  Many people want to know, what is the tower spirit on the ninth floor?

  After all, they can't even think of it.

  The tower spirit on the ninth floor has never been seen by Tiansheng.

   Only Lu Changsheng has seen the tower spirit on the ninth floor, and even defeated the tower spirit on the ninth floor.

   "Ninth Floor..."

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the numerous heavenly saints.

   "The ninth floor, you can pass through it only when you have the supreme power of martial arts!"

   After finishing speaking, Lu Changsheng stopped talking and came directly in front of Mokong and Jialan.

   "Senior Brother Mokong, Senior Sister Jialan, let's go."

  Thus, the three of them soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

  However, Lu Changsheng did leave.

  But the many heavenly saints present were greatly shocked by Lu Changsheng's last words.

   "Lu Changsheng said that the ninth floor needs the power of the Martial Dao Supreme to break through? What does this mean? Isn't the Martial Dao Supreme unable to enter the Tongtian Tower?"

"Fellow Daoist Lu is saying that you must reach the supreme level of martial arts. I even think this should be the case, otherwise the seventh level is so difficult, so what about the eighth level or even the ninth level? Tiansheng will definitely not be able to break through the ninth level." level, but if Tiansheng has the power of martial arts supreme, he should be able to break through."

"I understand Lu Changsheng's meaning. A heavenly sage must have the supreme power of martial arts. Whether it is a secret method or other means, he must be able to burst out the power of the supreme martial arts. But in the entire world of immortal martial arts, which heaven Holy energy burst out with the supreme power of martial arts?"

   "Yes, if the supreme power of martial arts was so easy to achieve, it wouldn't be called 'Supreme'."

   "Does Lu Changsheng's words also explain from the side that Lu Changsheng has already exploded the power of martial arts supremacy? Otherwise, how could he break through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower?"

  Thinking of this, all the saints are silent.

  Tian Shengneng burst out with the supreme power of martial arts.

  There is only Lu Changsheng in this world.

  However, this also pointed out the way for some warriors.

  It turns out that Tiansheng can burst out the supreme power of martial arts.

   Even if the conditions are harsh, it will be difficult.

  However, it proves that this path works.

   Opening the way is the hardest.

  Once there is a road, if you walk along this road, even if it is difficult, at least you will not take detours.

  From today onwards, the name of Lu Changsheng will definitely resound throughout the world of Immortal Martial Arts!

  The three of Lu Changsheng returned to the holy land of the extreme.

  Although the Holy Land of Ji Dao also got the news.

   But Lu Changsheng and the others are true disciples.

  The status is so high that ordinary people dare not disturb her at all.

   Therefore, the three of them returned to the cave very smoothly all the way.

  After returning to the cave, Lu Changsheng immediately took out the concentric fruit.

   "Senior Brother Mo Kong and Senior Sister Jialan, this is the fruit of the previous agreement. Luckily, Lu lived up to his fate, and finally did not disappoint Senior Brother Mo and Senior Sister Jialan."

  Lu Changsheng handed the concentric fruit to Jialan.

   Jialan Tiansheng was very excited.

  Even if it is dignified and holy, his hands are trembling slightly.

   She had waited too long for this concentric fruit.

   Now I finally got what I wanted.

  With the concentric fruit in hand, Jialan has a great hope of breaking the shackles of the physical body and breaking through the physical body to the level of the Holy Land.

   At that time, Jialan and Mokong will be able to successfully conceive an heir.

   For Jialan, this is equivalent to solving a heart problem.

   "Junior Lu, thank you so much."

   "This is the geocentric grass."

   "Actually, even if it is a geocentric grass, there is no way to exchange for a concentric fruit."

   "Senior Brother Mokong and I owe Junior Brother Lu a favor!"

  Jialan spoke solemnly and solemnly.

   "Senior Sister Jialan is too serious."

   "Without senior brother Mokong and Jialan World, I'm afraid I wouldn't have broken into Tongtian Tower, let alone the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower."

   Lu Changsheng said with emotion.

   Breaking through the Tongtian Tower is almost "flying into the sky" for him.

   Received the full support of the three Martial Ancestors.

  The resources of the Immortal Martial World, and even some treasures in the world can be used as much as you want.

  In the entire world of Immortal Martial Arts, is there any Heavenly Sage who can be trained like this?

  Only Lu Changsheng!

   "Junior Brother Lu, even without us, you will know the Tongtian Tower sooner or later, and you will pass through the Tongtian Tower sooner or later."

   "We dare not take credit for this."

  Mo Kong was still very clear-headed.

  He paused for a moment, then asked in a low voice: "Junior Brother Lu, what you said outside Tongtian Tower, if you want to break through the ninth floor Tongtian Tower, you must have the supreme power of martial arts!"

   "Could it be that Junior Brother Lu has already exploded with the supreme power of martial arts?"

  Mo Kong was really curious and couldn't help asking.

   "That's right, I've already exploded with the supreme power of martial arts."

   "Besides, if senior brother Mokong intends to break through to a higher level of the Tongtian Tower, he still needs to master the method of breaking the way."

  Lu Changsheng had nothing to hide from Mo Kong.

  He is in the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao, and one of his most familiar friends is Mo Kong.

   Therefore, Lu Changsheng also shared some experience of breaking through the tower with Mokong.

   Especially the method of breaking the way.

  As long as there is only one percent of the broken path, there will be no problem.

   Even, even if the Broken Dao is one-tenth, the problem is not too big.

   It's just a few years of recuperation.

   But being able to break through the higher-level Tongtian Tower will give Mo Kong and others huge benefits.

   This is clearly a bargain!

  The two sides exchanged for several hours, and Mo Kong gained a lot.

  So he left and said: "Thank you, Junior Brother Lu, for imparting your experience. I will study the method of breaking the Dao when I get back here."

   "Junior brother Lu probably wants to meditate for a while after he went all the way to the tower, so I won't bother you, so I will leave."

   Mo Kong and Jia Lan got up and left quickly.

  There was only Lu Changsheng left in the cave.

   "This Tongtian Tower, the harvest is too great."

  "Before formulating a practice plan, first take the recovery water to fully restore the martial arts that has been damaged."

  Lu Changsheng is now "injured".

   Martial arts must be restored first.

   Among his 10,000 kinds of martial arts, he used the method of breaking the way for the first time, and the way of breaking the way was broken by 1%.

   The second broken track was a tenth.

  The injuries are not very serious, and they can recover slowly on their own.

  However, it takes a long time.

   With Fushen Water, it will be different, and it can speed up the recovery of one's own martial arts.

  Thus, Lu Changsheng began to use Fushen Water.

  One day, two days, three days...

  Fushenshui gradually started to take effect, and the effect was even great.

  Lu Changsheng could clearly feel that his broken martial art was rapidly recovering.

   It doesn't take years.

   It doesn’t even take months.

  In just one month, Lu Changsheng's martial arts were all back to normal.

   "Fushenshui is amazing..."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

  This Fushen Water is really a treasure.

  The recovery effect is actually so good.

   Besides, in a month, Lu Changsheng's Fushen Water has not been used up yet.

   There are still many left.

   This is a treasure, not only can quickly restore martial arts, but also has a pretty good recovery effect on mental injuries.

  Lu Changsheng put away the Fushen Water.

  No matter where you go, you may be able to use Fushenshui.

  Now that his own martial art has recovered, Lu Changsheng also began to formulate a practice plan.

  He is currently a saint.

  Then the shortcomings are actually two aspects.

  One is the physical body, which must be elevated to the heavenly level.

  If you want to improve your body, you can use the ring of the giant spirit, the hide of the kui ox, and the blood of immortality.

  Kui Niu's hide has been taken by Martial Ancestor to the Mahayana to refine it into a treasure. I believe it will be sent to him in a short time.

   The second is martial arts.

  Tiansheng's martial arts can also be cultivated.

  And the stronger the martial arts, the stronger the strength of Tiansheng.

   It's just that the completion of martial arts cultivation does not help much to break through the martial arts supreme.

   Therefore, many heavenly saints are unwilling to spend time practicing martial arts.

   There is one more important reason.

  Practicing martial arts is too energy-intensive and time-consuming.

   But Lu Changsheng is different, he has a clone.

  Use the avatar to practice martial arts, and you can practice many kinds of martial arts at the same time.

  Lu Changsheng can temporarily split into fifty clones, which can be used to practice martial arts.

  But even with fifty clones, it would take two thousand years to practice all ten thousand kinds of martial arts to perfection.

  Although Martial Ancestor did not have a specific time limit, two thousand years is really too long.

   It is impossible for Lu Changsheng to endure two thousand years to practice martial arts.

  The only way is to continue to increase the number of clones.

   But in order to increase the number of clones, the physical body must be improved.

  Once the physical body breaks through to heaven.

  Lu Changsheng reckoned that the number of his clones might usher in a skyrocketing increase.

   At that time, the number of avatars may be directly increased by ten times or a hundred times!

   So, went around and went back.


   Must upgrade the physical body!

   "The ring of the giant spirit, and even the treasures refined from the hide of the Kui ox, can actually temper the body automatically, and I don't need to spend any thought."

   "These two treasures can improve the physical body step by step, but the speed of improvement may not be too fast."

   "If you want to make a big breakthrough in the physical body in a short period of time, I'm afraid you have to fall on the immortal blood."

  Lu Changsheng focused his gaze on the Immortal Blood.

   This immortal blood looks like a drop of bright red blood.

  But they get together and don't disperse.

   Like a huge blood bead.

  It seems to contain terrifying energy.

   It's just that even Martial Ancestor couldn't use the energy in the Immortal Blood.

  However, Lu Changsheng was not discouraged.

   Martial ancestors were unable to comprehend the secret of the Immortal Blood, not necessarily Lu Changsheng could not comprehend it.

   After all, comprehension of the Immortal Blood only requires comprehension.

   As far as savvy is concerned, Lu Changsheng is very confident.

  He felt that even the Martial Ancestor, Lu Changsheng's comprehension could be regarded as terrifying.

   Martial Ancestor's understanding may not be comparable to that of Lu Changsheng.

   This is also the biggest advantage that Lu Changsheng is truly blessed with!

  Lu Changsheng put the Immortal Blood in his hand.

   Then quietly feel the energy in the Immortal Blood.

   Have a touch!

  Lu Changsheng seemed to be able to feel the touch of the energy in the Immortal Blood.

   Just, that touch is very slight.

   Moreover, he could only feel the slightest touch, but he couldn't fully comprehend the mystery of the immortal blood.

   I'm afraid that Martial Ancestor could not have such a keen insight, or even Martial Ancestor did not have such a terrifying comprehension to sense the energy of the Immortal Blood.

   Time passed day by day.

  One month, two months, three months...

  For three whole months, Lu Changsheng was comprehending the immortal blood.

  Try to unravel the mystery of the Immortal Blood.

   It's a pity that Lu Changsheng always felt that he was a little bit worse.

   It seems that I am about to fully understand, but there always seems to be some hazy feeling.

  Lu Changsheng stopped.

  He was thinking why.

   "The Immortal Blood must have a secret, even surpassing the secret of Martial Ancestor."

   "Martial Ancestor can't sense anything, but I have a little feeling, which means that I should be higher than Martial Ancestor in terms of comprehension."

   "However, although my understanding is superb, it seems that I have not yet reached the point where I can comprehend the immortal blood."

   "If I want to comprehend the immortal blood, there is only one way, and that is to improve my comprehension!"

  A gleam of brilliance flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

   Improve understanding!

  Actually, he uses his avatar to practice martial arts, and a kind of martial arts is calculated on the basis of ten years.

   No matter how many clones there are, it will take ten years to perfect one martial art.

   Even more than ten years.

   This time is too long.

  Now think about it carefully, why does it take ten years to practice martial arts to achieve perfection?

  The reason is very simple, not enough savvy!

  If his understanding can be stronger, how can it take ten years?

  Maybe, five years, three years or even one year...

   "Savvy, it's time to find a way to increase..."

   Lu Changsheng's heart moved, and he immediately called up the attribute panel.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 7980000 (born saint)

  Infinite Martial Arts: Lord of Myriad Ways

  Flesh and Flesh Martial Arts: Seven Growths

   "Savvy still hasn't reached eight million."

   "The growth rate of understanding is a bit slow..."

  Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

  I didn’t think so before.

  However, now Lu Changsheng feels that the growth rate of comprehension is too slow.

  One month can only increase 10,000 perceptions.

   It takes the year of the monkey to reach 10 million enlightenment points, so that enlightenment changes?

  At this moment, what Lu Changsheng really thought about was whether he should try his best to increase his understanding to ten million, thus transforming him?

   After all, sharpening a knife is not a mistake for a woodcutter.

   Comprehension is fundamental!

   Moreover, the most important thing is that the savvy is close to 8 million, and the distance from 10 million is only 2 million.

   It seems that if you work hard, you can really quickly increase your understanding by two million points?

   "I remember that the fastest way to gain comprehension points was actually martial arts fragments..."

   "As long as there are enough martial arts fragments, my comprehension will definitely improve quickly."

   "It's just that it is difficult to obtain martial arts fragments, even if I am a heavenly saint, it is difficult to obtain."

   "But now is a special period, and I can also get the full support of the three martial arts ancestors, so the martial arts fragments can be obtained from the three martial arts ancestors. As for the reason, martial arts cultivation also needs to refer to the martial arts fragments..."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes gradually brightened.

  He felt that this could be done.

   Now is such a good opportunity, if you don’t ask for resources, when will you have to wait?

  For Lu Changsheng, martial arts fragments are difficult to obtain.

   But for Martial Ancestor, is the martial arts fragment difficult?

  Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng got up and left directly, and directly sent a message to the senior management of the Holy Land.

   "I need a lot of martial arts fragments! It is best to have complete martial arts fragments!"

  Lu Changsheng summoned an elder named Feng.

   It is said that this Elder Feng is the supreme martial artist!

   As for what he is responsible for, Lu Changsheng is not clear.

  But the other party claimed to be appointed by the Jidao Martial Ancestor to solve problems for Lu Changsheng.

  If you need anything, go directly to Elder Feng.

   Only half an hour after the summons, Elder Feng arrived.

   "Lu Changsheng, you need relatively complete pieces of martial arts, and it's hard to find them in a hurry."

   "Here is a fragment of martial arts at the level of the Holy Land, which is relatively complete."

   "If it is not enough, you can continue to search."

  Elder Feng has a relatively complete fragment of martial arts in his hand, which is actually at the level of the Holy Land.

  Lu Changsheng fell silent after seeing it.

  Divine-level martial arts fragments.

  That can be met but not sought.

  In the world of immortal martial arts, countless people want to obtain fragments of martial arts at the holy level, but they cannot get them.

   It is because the secret world of the holy level is too difficult to come across.

   Very rare.

  However, now Elder Feng took it out casually.

   He even said that he couldn't come up with too much in a hurry.

   Given time, would Elder Feng have more to come up with?


   "How many pieces of martial arts at the holy level do you want!"

  Lu Changsheng said decisively.

  Divine-level martial arts fragments.

   Don't be in vain!

   It is estimated that only Martial Ancestors can collect martial arts fragments at the Holy level.

   Changed to Martial Dao Supreme, it is estimated that they do not have such a large amount of energy.

   "Okay, then the old man will not bother you, and will continue to collect the martial arts fragments of the earth saint level for you."

   "If you have any other needs, feel free to bring them up. Martial Ancestor has told you that you must meet your needs!"

  Elder Feng took a deep look at Lu Changsheng.

  Even if he is the supreme martial artist, he still knows the news from the outside world.

   The first day of all time holy!

   Break through the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower!

   This kind of reputation is indeed great.

  However, Elder Feng is very clear.

   What's really scary about Lu Changsheng is not how famous he is, but because he got into the eyes of Martial Ancestor!

   Even, let the Martial Ancestors do their best to help Lu Changsheng practice at all costs.

What's this?

  This is simply unprecedented treatment in the entire Xianwu world.

   None of the Heavenly Saints can get the full support of the three great Martial Ancestors.

  There is only one Lu Changsheng!

  Such a person will soar into the sky sooner or later.

  Therefore, even though Elder Feng is the supreme martial artist, he is still very polite to Lu Changsheng.

   Elder Feng left.

  Lu Changsheng took a deep breath, looking at the fragment of martial arts at the Earth Sacred level in his hand, he was also very excited.

  He remembered very clearly that in the first secret world, Lu Changsheng obtained 100,000 comprehension points by refining martial arts fragments.

   Later, in the second secret world, refining martial arts fragments gained one million comprehension points.

   And came to the third secret world, which is the secret world of the earth holy level.

  Lu Changsheng obtained a fragment of martial arts at the level of an earth saint.

   As a result, it was the piece of Martial Dao Fragment at the Earth Sacred level that provided Lu Changsheng with a total of five million comprehension points!

   This is downright scary.

   That’s five million enlightenment points!

  Lu Changsheng's cultivation went smoothly all the way before.

  So I don’t care much about whether the comprehension points increase or not.

   But not now.

  Now Lu Changsheng feels that all aspects of his practice seem to have slowed down.

  Whether it is practicing martial arts or comprehending the immortal blood, it seems that they have encountered some problems.

   There is no doubt that the understanding is faintly not enough.

  He has to continue to improve his understanding.

   This fragment of martial arts at the Holy level is an excellent resource for understanding.

   "How much comprehension can be improved by refining this piece of martial arts?"

  Lu Changsheng also had some expectations.

  Thus, Lu Changsheng began to refine martial arts fragments.

  Although he is now refining martial arts fragments, it doesn't help martial arts much.

  But it can increase the comprehension point.

   Time passed day by day.

   I don't know how long it has passed.

   Maybe a month.

   Maybe only a few days.

   Anyway, somewhere in the dark, Lu Changsheng's heart skipped a beat.

  He felt that his understanding had reached a critical point.

   Then in the process of refining martial arts fragments.

   This critical point was easily broken.

  Eight million, nine million, ten million!

  The moment when Lu Changsheng's comprehension points reached 10 million.


   Lu Changsheng's mind roared.


   Transformation of perception!

  At this moment, Lu Changsheng's understanding began to change again!

  (end of this chapter)

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