Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 305: Lu Changsheng returned to Saint Star City to rebel against the Heavenly Sage! blood fi

  Chapter 305 Lu Changsheng returns to the Holy Star City to rebel against the Heavenly Sage! The death of the blood fire patriarch!


  Holy Star City, Secret Boundary Building.

  Lu Changsheng and Mo Kong teleported here together.

   "This is the Holy Star City?"

   Mo Kong felt it for a while, but he didn't seem to have much interest.

  Just now, he has swept away all the masters in Saint Star City.

   There are no characters that interest him.

  Of course, Mokong is the top celestial sage in the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao. How can some celestial saints from the outside world compare?

  His eyes are higher than the top, which is natural and normal.

  Lu Changsheng brought Mo Kong all the way to Baihuazong.


  Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

   What did he see?

  Hundred Flower Sect has been razed to the ground, completely reduced to ruins.

   That is to say, even if the members of the Hundred Flowers Sect want to rebuild the Hundred Flowers Sect in the future, it will be impossible at the original mountain gate address.

   This place has become ruins.

   It is impossible to establish a sect anymore.

  Lu Changsheng was furious.

  He probably guessed who did it.

   "Go, do whatever you want."

   "The old man is just walking around the Holy Star City. When you need the old man, I will naturally show up."

   After finishing speaking, Mo Kong's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

  He still wanted to see how Lu Changsheng would deal with it alone?

  Anyway, Saint Star City is not big, so he can monitor the area around Saint Star City.

  Once Lu Changsheng is in danger, Mo Kong will definitely be there as soon as possible.

   "Blood Fire Patriarch..."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

  He probably guessed that Patriarch Bloodfire did it.

  This blood fire patriarch is both good and evil, unscrupulous, capable of anything.

  Lu Changsheng came directly to Chen's house, and immediately met Old Ancestor Chen.

   "Old Ancestor, the gate of the Hundred Flowers Sect was razed to the ground, and the people of the Hundred Flowers Sect..."

  Old Ancestor Chen shook his head and said: "The people of Hundred Flowers Sect have nothing to do, they were all stopped by this old man, and even had a fight with Old Ancestor Bloodfire, but they just repelled him."

   "Because of this, the ancestor of blood fire was extremely angry, so he vented his anger on the mountain gate of Baihuazong, and directly razed the address of the mountain gate of Baihuazong to the ground."

   "Moreover, Patriarch Xuehuo also annoyed the old man because of this incident. I suspect that he will go crazy and attack the Chen family. Recently, he has been worried."

   Ancestor Chen obviously dislikes Patriarch Bloodfire.

   This blood fire patriarch is obviously not his opponent.

   Last time he was beaten up by Old Ancestor Chen.

The results of it?

   Patriarch Bloodfire didn't want to admit defeat at all.

   Instead, she became angry from embarrassment and wanted to attack the Chen family.

   On the contrary, Old Ancestor Chen had no good solution.

  Although his strength is stronger than that of the Bloodfire Patriarch, he can definitely defeat the Bloodfire Patriarch in a frontal battle.

  However, he couldn't kill Patriarch Bloodfire.

   This also led to the unscrupulous ancestor of blood fire, and it was only a matter of time before it became completely crazy.

   This gave Old Ancestor Chen a headache.

  He also didn't expect that Patriarch Xuehuo is such a crazy person, he doesn't care about skinny at all, even at all costs, he is simply a lunatic.

  But it is such a heavenly lunatic who can bring disaster to the Chen family.

   "Where is the blood fire ancestor?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.


   "Little friend Lu, looking at you, it seems that you have made some progress, but you haven't been promoted to Tiansheng yet."

   "Not Heavenly Sage, definitely not the opponent of Patriarch Bloodfire."

   "You should first think about how to become a Heavenly Sage. Once you are promoted to a Heavenly Sage, it won't be too late to attack the Bloodfire Patriarch."

  Patriarch Chen seemed to have guessed Lu Changsheng's plan, so he tried his best to persuade him.

   No matter how strong the earth sage is, it is still the earth sage.

  Want to rebel against the Heavenly Sage?

   That's simply not possible.

   At least Old Ancestor Chen had never heard of it.

  The gap between the Holy Land and the Heavenly Saint is so large that it is unimaginable. It is like a chasm in the sky, which is simply insurmountable.

  Lu Changsheng knew that what he said now was useless.

   Rebelling against the Heavenly Saint?

  Patriarch Chen certainly didn't believe it.

   "I just want to know where the Bloodfire Patriarch is?"

   "Some things need to be dealt with before I leave."

  Lu Changsheng's words startled Old Ancestor Chen slightly.

   "Get rid of it before you leave? Xiaoyou Lu, do you want to go to the Holy Temple again?"

   Chen Patriarch asked.

Lu Changsheng shook his head, he didn't hide anything, and replied directly: "I didn't go to the Holy Dao Temple, it's useless to me, I participated in the Dao of Transformation battlefield not long ago, and was favored by the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao in the Dao of Transformation battlefield .”

   "Now I am coming back to deal with some trivial matters, and I will go to the Holy Land of the Holy Land after processing, and I don't think I will come back in a short time."

  Lu Changsheng's words shocked Old Ancestor Chen's heart.

   His face was even more incredible.

  Chen Paozu naturally knew about the battlefield of Huadao.

  After all, Old Ancestor Chen also came out of the Earth Sacred Dojo and was promoted to the Heavenly Sage.

   He has naturally heard of the Huadao Battlefield.

   It's just that he was unlucky at the beginning. During the period of time in the Disheng Temple, he didn't encounter the opening of the Dao of Transformation battlefield.

  However, Old Ancestor Chen is no stranger to the various rumors about the Huadao battlefield.

  Lu Changsheng participated in the battlefield of the Dao of Transformation and was favored by the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao. This is simply unbelievable.

  Even Old Ancestor Chen was even more surprised than the news that Lu Changsheng was promoted to Heavenly Sage.

  If Lu Changsheng was promoted to Heavenly Sage, Patriarch Chen would not be surprised at all.

  He knew a long time ago that Lu Changsheng's talent has a great possibility of being promoted to Tiansheng.

   But, join the holy land of the extreme.

   What this means, Old Ancestor Chen is too clear.

   Hope to be the supreme martial artist!

  Chen Patriarch didn't know it before, but since he was promoted to Tiansheng, he has learned about the 21 top martial arts holy places.

  The twenty-one top martial arts holy places recruit people who are promising martial arts supremes.

  Similar to Chen Laizu and Xuehuo Patriarch, who were barely promoted to Heavenly Sage by luck, it is impossible to join the twenty-one top martial arts holy places.

  Because they have no possibility of becoming the Supreme Martial Arts.

   Among the twenty-one top martial arts holy places, the three major forces are especially respected.

   Extreme Dao Holy Land is one of the three major forces.

  Once you join the Holy Land of Ji Dao, you will not have a little hope of becoming the Supreme Martial Arts Master, but you will have great hope!

   As for being promoted to Heavenly Sage?

   That's almost a sure thing.

   Among the people recruited by the three top martial arts holy places, there is not a single person who cannot become a heavenly saint.

   If you really can't become a heavenly saint, it will definitely be a big joke.

   Among the three holy places, Tiansheng is all powerful.

   It is by no means comparable to ordinary heavenly saints from the outside world.

   "Congratulations, Xiaoyou Lu."

   "Once you join the Ji Dao Holy Land, it is only a small problem to be promoted to the Heavenly Sage, and there is even hope to go further."

  Patriarch Chen was very envious.

  He used to be high-spirited?

  Especially when he was just promoted to Tiansheng, he felt that there was a lot to do, even the Martial Dao Supreme could think about it.

  However, over time.

  Especially now, Old Ancestor Chen's high spirits seemed to be a joke.

  He knew that it was impossible for him to go further in this life.

   Martial Dao Supreme is also completely useless.

   But Lu Changsheng was different.

  Lu Changsheng is really expected to take that step, but the starting point is much higher than him.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, since you have joined the Holy Land of the Ultimate Path, you should be very aware of the power of the Holy Land of the Extreme Path."

   "If you want to kill a **** ancestor, why do you need to do it yourself?"

   Chen Laozu said.

"I know."

   "If I can't kill Patriarch Bloodfire, someone will take action."

  Lu Changsheng said calmly.

  He didn't deliberately hide this matter.

   Because it is completely unnecessary.

  He is about to leave Saint Star City, so it is necessary to let Old Ancestor Chen have some "scruples".

   Sure enough, Old Ancestor Chen was shocked.

   "What do you mean... the Heavenly Sage from the Extreme Holy Land also came together?"

   Old Ancestor Chen guessed something right away.

  Lu Changsheng did not answer directly, but nodded.

  Patriarch Chen took a deep breath.


   This time I completely understand.

   Dare to love Lu Changsheng's back, there is a heavenly saint protecting him.

   Then what are you worried about?

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, the blood fire patriarch is in the blood fire sect he founded."

   Chen Laozu said.

   "Blood Fire Cult?"

"Yes, the Blood Fire Cult! The Blood Fire Patriarch has also created a force, but it's just very secretive. Moreover, the Blood Fire Patriarch doesn't pay much attention to the Blood Fire Cult. Once the critical moment comes, the Blood Fire Patriarch can abandon the Blood Fire at will. teach."

   "If you use the Blood Fire Cult to threaten the Blood Fire Patriarch, it will be of no use at all."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

   Patriarch Bloodfire is an extremely selfish person.

  In the eyes of the blood fire patriarch, only oneself is the most important.

  The rest can be discarded.

  This is completely different from Old Ancestor Chen.

  The Chen family is the brainchild of Old Ancestor Chen.

   is impossible to give up.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, I will take you there."

  Chen Patriarch decided to go with Lu Changsheng.

  The sage of the earth rebelled against the sage of heaven!

  Even the well-informed Old Ancestor Chen has never heard of it, let alone seen it.

   So, anyway, he wanted to go and see for himself.

  Lu Changsheng didn't refuse, nodded and said: "Then I'll have to thank Old Ancestor Chen."

  With Old Ancestor Chen leading the way, Lu Changsheng soon found the Blood Fire Sect.

  As soon as Lu Changsheng appeared, a group of warriors in black flew out from the Blood Fire Sect.

   Then a familiar figure appeared in the crowd.

   It is the ancestor of blood fire!

Patriarch Xuehuo narrowed his eyes slightly, saw Lu Changsheng and Patriarch Chen, couldn't help but sneered and said, "Lu Changsheng, are you finally willing to show up? Don't think that with Patriarch Chen, I wouldn't dare to kill you." about you!"

  Lu Changsheng was not angry either, and asked in a calm tone: "You razed the gate of the Hundred Flowers Sect to the ground?"

   "Hey, so what if it's me? Why, do you still want to raise a teacher and ask for a crime?"

   "Without Old Ancestor Chen protecting you, you would have died long ago!"

  Although Patriarch Xuehuo was talking to Lu Changsheng, in fact most of his attention was on Patriarch Chen.

   And Old Ancestor Chen remained motionless, as if he hadn't noticed it at all, and had no intention of intervening at all.

   This can't help but make the ancestor of blood fire a little surprised.

  Chen Patriarch came to the Blood Fire Sect, or came to the Blood Fire Sect with Lu Changsheng, but he just did nothing, what is this?

   Is it true that Lu Changsheng is going to deal with him alone?

   Patriarch Xuehuo knew about Lu Changsheng.

   He even knew that Lu Changsheng was very powerful.

   But no matter how strong the strength is, he is still an earth sage, and he is definitely not his opponent.

  The aura on Lu Changsheng's body is clearly the aura of an earth sage, and he has not been promoted to a heavenly sage.

  Don't look at Patriarch Xuehuo as arrogant and unscrupulous, but he is the most cautious person.

   "Blood Fire Patriarch, Lu will kill you today!"

   After finishing speaking, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated, and instantly released the Earth Saint Dao Body.


  When Lu Changsheng's Earth Saint Dao Body was released, the terrifying aura and coercion immediately covered the sky and the sun, and even the two heavenly saints immediately felt a little pressure.

   "Huh? This smell..."

   Patriarch Xuehuo's complexion changed drastically.

   Holy Land!

   This is still the breath of the Holy Land.

   It's just, why is the martial arts breath so terrifying?

  Obviously only the embryonic form of martial arts, but the will of martial arts is so strong.

   Breath is not even inferior to Tiansheng.

How can this be?

  Of course the Patriarch Bloodfire didn't know that Lu Changsheng is now the Lord of Myriad Ways.

  When he fought the Bloodfire Patriarch before, he wasn't even the Lord of Hundred Ways.

   But now he is the Lord of All Ways.

   It's a world of difference.

  Just the coercion of the Lord of Myriad Ways can distort the void and make the heavenly saints look sideways.

   And, this is only the beginning.

   "Fa Tian Xiang Di!"

  The next moment, Lu Changsheng displayed Fa Tian Xiang Di.

  The combination of flesh and blood and the sacred body of the earth.

   And he is also the Lord of Myriad Ways.

  Suddenly, the power of Fa Tian Phenomena and Earth soared ten times, dozens of times or even hundreds of times.

  Indistinctly, it seems as if a certain threshold has been crossed.


   Patriarch Xuehuo was shocked.


   Huge threat!

  He felt severe danger from Lu Changsheng at this moment.

  This is different from before.

  Even if he used the terrifying Earthly Saint Dao Body before, it was only a little shocking and dangerous.

   And now, he felt a mortal threat.

   It seems that if this blow cannot be blocked, he will die!

   This is completely the power of the heavenly level.

  Yes, just now, Lu Changsheng, as the Lord of Myriad Ways, displayed Fa Tian Xiang Di.

   Then it is equivalent to breaking the critical point between the earthly sage and the heavenly sage.

  The power has completely entered the power of the heavenly level.

   This is considered to have used the strength of Rebel Tiansheng.

   "However, even if you use the secret method to hit the holy blow, you want to kill me? Idiots!"

   Patriarch Xuehuo sneered.

   Immediately, he didn't dare to be careless, and directly displayed the power of martial arts in his body.


  A **** flame appeared, filling the void.

   This is the martial art of the blood fire patriarch, and the source of his strength is the blood fire martial art.

  The **** flame collided with Lu Changsheng's fist hard.

  The collision of the power of the complete heavenly saint level spread in all directions.

   It's just that, after this head-on encounter, Patriarch Xuehuo's face changed drastically in an instant.


  He widened his eyes, as if in disbelief.

   Just now, he was completely defeated in a head-to-head encounter.

   No, it's not just as simple as being at a disadvantage.

  Lu Changsheng's punch directly crushed his Blood Fire Martial Arts, and even rolled back the **** flame, and finally the terrifying force slammed on him.


   With this blow, the Bloodfire Patriarch heard a crisp sound.

   Patriarch Xuehuo's complexion changed drastically.

   There was a crack in his blood fire martial arts.

  Although the blood fire martial art was not completely shattered, a crack appeared.

  If there is one, there are two.

   This means that the Blood Fire Martial Art has reached its limit.

  Lu Changsheng's strength has obviously exceeded the limit that the Blood Fire Martial Arts can bear!

   "How can your strength be so strong?"

   Patriarch Xuehuo really finds it incredible.

  An earth sage, even if he uses some kind of secret technique, he can temporarily cross the critical point between the earth sage and the heavenly sage.

   But how could it be stronger than him, a heavenly saint?

   "Boom boom boom".

  Lu Changsheng didn't stop.

  He immediately displayed superpowers.

  The six arms punched one after another, pouring down towards the blood fire patriarch like raindrops.


   Another crisp sound.

   Patriarch Xuehuo was extremely angry.

  However, while angry, he was also a little scared.

   After all, time and time again, his blood fire martial art has been covered with cracks.

  If it continues, he can no longer imagine.

  Maybe, he will die!

  His blood fire martial arts will also collapse.


  The blood fire patriarch was finally afraid.

   He was even ready to go right away.

  Although he was very aggrieved, his majestic patriarch, the heavenly sage, was about to run away in front of another earth sage.

  Once he escapes, he will definitely become a laughing stock.

  However, it is better to be a laughing stock than to lose your life.

   Patriarch Xuehuo has never been a person who cares about face.

  He knew that Lu Changsheng's momentum had come.

   Now that the Earth Sage can repel him, then when Lu Changsheng is promoted to the Heaven Sage, wouldn't it be easy to crush him to death?

  Thinking of this, Patriarch Xuehuo lost his fighting spirit even more.

  He was going to run as far as possible.

  In the future, I will never show up, lest I be hunted down by Lu Changsheng.


  The next moment, the blood fire patriarch turned around and left regardless of his identity.



  Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

   But the Bloodfire Patriarch did escape.

   And escaped with all his strength.

  Even if his current strength is higher than that of the Bloodfire Patriarch, it is still very difficult to kill a Heavenly Sage.

  The other party wanted to escape, but Lu Changsheng couldn't stay.

   Old Ancestor Chen was at the side, seemingly calm, but in fact, a turbulent storm had already set off in his heart.

  He never imagined that Lu Changsheng's head-on confrontation could actually make the blood fire patriarch flee.

  Even if he did it himself, it would be nothing more than that.

  Who would have thought that Lu Changsheng, who was only a holy man, would be able to grow to where he is today?


  However, he also saw the blood fire ancestor fleeing.

   "Not good, once the blood fire patriarch escapes, there will be no way to keep him."

  Chen Patriarch made a decisive decision and acted immediately, trying to intercept the Bloodfire Patriarch.

  However, Patriarch Xuehuo wanted to escape wholeheartedly, so he ignored Patriarch Chen at all.

   Therefore, even if Old Ancestor Chen made a move, he still failed to leave Ancestor Bloodfire behind.


   "Once the bloodfire patriarch is allowed to escape, it will be a hidden danger after all..."

   Patriarch Chen felt pity.

   Patriarch Xuehuo is a heavenly saint after all.

  If he has been hiding in the dark and staring at the Chen family, how will the Chen family be peaceful in the future?

   Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

   But Lu Changsheng didn't seem worried at all, he said to the void: "Senior Lao Mo is here."

   "It's easy to say."

   "This blood fire patriarch, I will clean it up for you."

  An unfamiliar voice came from somewhere in the void.

  Patriarch Chen and Patriarch Xuehuo were both in shock.

  Is there anyone around?

  They are majestic, how come they don't know anything?

   falls with the voice.

  Somewhere in the void, a palm actually appeared.

   This palm is simply indescribable.

   Falling from the sky, and getting bigger and bigger.

   Patriarch Xuehuo desperately wanted to escape, but the whole person seemed to run closer and closer to the palm, as if there was an invisible force pulling him into the palm.

   "Forgive me..."

   Patriarch Bloodfire begged for mercy.

  He felt the threat of death.

  It doesn't matter if it's Old Ancestor Chen or Changsheng Lu.

  Even though he was stronger than the blood fire patriarch, the blood fire patriarch didn't feel the breath of death.

   But now, seeing this palm, Patriarch Bloodfire is very desperate.

  He felt the breath of death.

   This palm falls, and he will definitely die!

   There is no doubt that this is a top celestial sage.

   The first strike was like a thunderbolt, and the Bloodfire Patriarch was going to be completely wiped out.

  The owner of the palm was unmoved.

   Patriarch Xuehuo roared angrily: "I will fight with you..."

  The blood fire patriarch is also a **** person, and he actually directly detonated his own blood fire martial arts.


  The huge sound spread in all directions.

  This is a celestial sage capable of self-destructing martial arts.

   At the center of the self-destruct, it seems that even the void has collapsed.

   It shows how terrifying this self-destruct is.

  However, with the huge palm in the sky covering it, the terrifying power of the bloodfire patriarch's self-destructive martial arts spread in all directions, but it was only limited to the range of the palm.

  The area covered by the palm is the area where the blood fire patriarch blew himself up.

  The rest of the power cannot be revealed at all.

   Take control!

   This is real control!

  Even the self-exploding power of a celestial sage can be directly suppressed, gathered in one area, which shows how terrifying Mo Kong's strength is.

  Finally, the restlessness in the void disappeared completely.

  Although the void has collapsed, how powerful is the void in the Xianwu world?

   Self-healing almost instantly.

   It can't be seen at all that there was a celestial sage who blew himself up just now.

   Seeing this scene, Old Ancestor Chen was shocked.

  Knowing that the one who made the shot must be a top celestial sage.

   And it is very likely that he will be the top heavenly saint in the holy land of the extreme.


  At this time, a figure appeared in the void.

   It's Mo Kong!

   "This blood fire patriarch is not bad, with a ruthless heart, and ordinary heavenly saints really can't handle him."

   "Lu Changsheng, this time I helped you get rid of the blood fire patriarch, so that you will not be so troublesome in the future. Once such a person escapes, hiding in the dark and watching, it will be a hidden danger after all."

  Mo Kong also explained.

  Lu Changsheng immediately saluted to express his gratitude: "Thank you, Senior Mo, Patriarch Bloodfire deserves more than his death!"

  Lu Changsheng is not a pedantic person either.

   Be sure to kill the blood fire patriarch yourself.

  Actually, Lu Changsheng didn't care whether he killed the Bloodfire Patriarch himself or not.

  He insisted on doing it himself before, just to see his own strength.

   Now, Lu Changsheng has basically understood his own strength.

   It should be comparable to ordinary saints.

  But if you want to kill Tiansheng, you can't do it.

   Unless the opponent never retreats, but it is impossible.

  Which heavenly sage knows that he cannot be defeated, but will fight to the death?

  However, even so, Lu Changsheng's strength at the moment is earth-shattering.

  An earth sage, the lord of myriad ways, can hit a celestial sage, and even repel a real celestial sage.

   This is actually unprecedented in the entire history of the Holy Land of Goblins.

  At this time, Old Ancestor Chen also stepped forward and said, "I have seen fellow Taoist."

  Mo Kong also nodded and said: "Old Ancestor Chen, Lu Changsheng mentioned it to me. In Saint Star City, it is thanks to you who protect Lu Changsheng, otherwise, he would not be able to stay in the Earth Saint Dojo with peace of mind."

  Patriarch Chen also smiled.

  The ancestor of blood fire is dead, and finally there is no serious problem.

   And Lu Changsheng is about to join the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao.

  Chen Laozu felt that he firmly supported Lu Changsheng at the beginning, and this step was really very correct.

  In the future, if Lu Changsheng has achieved success in cultivation, and even became the supreme martial artist, then his benefits will be even greater!

   "Old Ancestor Chen, I still have to ask Ancestor Chen to take care of the Hundred Flowers Sect for me."

  Lu Changsheng saluted again.

  Old Ancestor Chen naturally agreed.

  So, Lu Changsheng found Zhang Ling and others.

  Help Zhang Ling rebuild the Hundred Flowers Sect.

   About a month later, the Hundred Flowers Sect was rebuilt.

  Lu Changsheng also arranged things thoroughly.

   "Senior Mo, everything has been arranged, we can leave now."

   Lu Changsheng said to Mo Kong.

   "Is everything well arranged?"

   "Okay, let's go."

  Mo Kong was able to accompany Lu Changsheng for such a long time, which is already the reason why he attaches great importance to Lu Changsheng.

  Otherwise, how could Mo Kong be so dedicated to warriors who usually join the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao?

   Afterwards, the two left Saint Star City directly with the help of the teleportation circle of the Secret Realm Tower.

  The holy land of the extreme path is far away from the Holy Star City.

  Even if it is an ultra-long-distance teleportation circle, it cannot be teleported in place at one time.

   Instead, I changed the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle a few times in the middle, and then I arrived at the holy land of the extreme.

  However, this also shows from the side how vast the entire Xianwu world is.

  Even if it is a celestial saint, it is impossible to travel through the entire Xianwu world in a lifetime.

   "This is... the holy land of the extreme way?"

  Lu Changsheng looked at an ordinary river in front of him.

   And mountains.

  But I just didn’t see where the Holy Land of the Extremes is.

   "Lu Changsheng, the holy land of extreme dao is the highest holy land in the world of immortal martial arts, but it is not in the world of immortal martial arts."

   "You should know the secret world, right? In fact, the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao is in a secret world."

   "It's just that this secret world was firmly bound to the edge of the Immortal Martial World by Martial Ancestor, and it is closely connected with the Immortal Martial World."

   "But if you want to enter the Holy Land of the Extremes, you still have to carry the Holy Land of the Extremes token."

   "Otherwise, even the Heavenly Sage would not be able to find the Holy Land of the Ultimate Path, let alone enter the Holy Land of the Ultimate Path."

   After finishing speaking, Mo Kong directly took out a token.


   Tokens shine brightly.

   Immediately afterwards, the void twisted slightly.

   Subsequently, a huge portal was formed.

   "Let's go."

  Mo Kong took Lu Changsheng straight into the portal.


  Lu Changsheng felt as if his body twisted for a while.

   It was as if he had come to the secret world.

   When he opened his eyes, he found that he had come to a giant city.

   His consciousness was swept away.

  But found that even with his consciousness, he couldn't completely cover the entire giant city.

   How big is this?

   Even, the population may exceed hundreds of millions!

   "Is this the holy land of extremes?"

  Lu Changsheng's eyes widened.

   It seems a little weird.

   "Why, not like?"

   "Hahaha, almost every warrior who comes to the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao will be so surprised."

   "Do you think that the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao should be in the clouds and mists of the high mountains, and the mountains with many mountains and peaks seem to be inaccessible, high above, and detached?"

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

   Indeed, that's what he thought.

  Perhaps this is the inherent impression.

   "Lu Changsheng, why must our holy land be in the deep mountains?"

   "This secret world is also called the Ji Dao world. The whole world is the mountain gate dojo of our Ji Dao Holy Land."

   "What's more, we are not immortal cultivators, so we don't need to swallow clouds and mists in remote mountains and old forests to refine spiritual energy."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

  The Holy Land of Pole Dao is the Holy Land of Martial Arts.

   After all, it is not a fairy gate.

   Besides, the entire secret world belongs to the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao.

  It doesn’t matter where the mountain gate is set up.

   "Let's go, I'll take you to go through the registration procedures."

   "Once you enter the Holy Land of Extreme Dao, you will naturally gradually understand the situation in the Holy Land."

   After finishing speaking, Mo Kong led Lu Changsheng all the way to the depths of the Holy Land.

  (end of this chapter)

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