Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 254: Let's go together, I want to fight dozens of them!

   "Two notes of dark energy."

   "I didn't expect that you would be a blessing in disguise..."

  Fei Qianliu looked at Lu Yuan, still feeling a little unbelievable.

  According to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan was wounded by Jiemai Jin, but instead realized the real Jin, and he immediately understood the essence of Jin.

  After recovering from the injury, after careful consideration, he actually comprehended the Cutting Vessel Strength and Spiral Strength in one fell swoop.

   Spiral strength is not difficult to understand.

   After all, it is the unique skill of Feiheliu Martial Arts.

  Lu Yuan has also practiced for at least two years. He is a Ming Jin warrior himself, and his talent is not bad. It is not surprising when he develops Spiral Jin.

   But, what about Jumaijin?

  That is the secret of Jiemai Quan. If someone who has not mastered the core formula of Jiemai Quan, how can he master Jiemai Jin?

   Lu Yuan, just got hit in the heart by someone, and he realized it after realizing the Jumai Jin?

  If this is the case, then Lu Yuan's talent is simply appalling!

  However, Lu Yuan is very clear.

  What a blessing to the soul, I realized it.

   In fact, it was his effort to hit it casually.

  With Lu Changsheng's comprehension, not to mention the dark energy, if he is willing, it may not take a few months for him to fully grasp the energy of Huajin, Danjin, and Gangjin.

   Or, a month is fine.

   After all, Huajing, Danjin, Gangjin are just skills.

   You don’t need to be too good at physical fitness, as long as you understand its essence, you can master it.

   It's just that Lu Changsheng didn't spend his mind on Hua Jin, Dan Jin, and Gang Jin.

  Because, he has already seen through the essence of "martial arts".

   It is simply impossible to step into the extraordinary realm.

   It's just art, but it can't become Tao.

   And what Lu Changsheng needs is martial arts, not martial arts.

  Since he can't embark on the path of transcendence, Lu Changsheng naturally won't waste time.

   What he cares about is still his self-created "Extreme Martial Arts Style".

   "Master, I am weak now, and I need to have good physical fitness to generate more dark energy."

   "I want to buy some great supplements. I wonder if the master has a channel?"

   Lu Changsheng said directly.

   "Great tonic... You call this number and go to the ancient medicine shop in the west of the city. The medicinal materials there are very authentic. Apart from being expensive, everything else should be able to meet your needs."

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the phone number and remembered it in his heart.

   "By the way, since you have developed your inner strength, then we, master and apprentice, will join hands."

   Fei Qianliu stood up.

  Holding hands in the martial arts circle actually refers to the use of satisfaction and the use of one's own body.

  It is different from fighting to the death.

  But it can probably tell the winner.

  Generally, between masters and apprentices and friends, they all use hand-holding to distinguish each other.


   "Okay, let's try it."

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

  Then, the two stood up. Fei Qianliu was tall and straight, with a strong body and a certain momentum.

   On the other hand, Lu Changsheng was also very calm.

  The two put their hands together, and the two began to exert force slowly.


  Fei Qianliu was a little surprised.

  His strength is actually great, and he has practiced Feihe Liu countless times for more than 20 years, and he is about to see through Huajin.

   As a result, he couldn't push his disciple Lu Yuan?

  Therefore, Fei Qianliu continued to increase his strength.

   Eighty percent, ninety percent, ten percent!

  Fei Qianliu used all his strength, but Lu Yuan remained motionless.

  At this time, Fei Qianliu also sensed that something was wrong.

  He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Be careful, I'm going to use the spiral force for my teacher..."

   After finishing speaking, Fei Qianliu sent out a spiral force in an instant.

  Once the dark energy is released, the strength of the warrior will skyrocket.

   A spiral force burst out and fell on Lu Changsheng in an instant.

   And then... no then.

  Lu Changsheng remained motionless.

   That spiral energy entered Lu Changsheng's body like a mud cow entering the sea, but it didn't have any effect.

   "Lu Yuan, haven't you felt my spiral force?"

   Fei Qianliu couldn't help asking.

   "Spiral strength?"

   "Master, that is the spiral strength. Just now my palm felt numb, and I thought it was because of the long time. It turned out to be the spiral strength played by the master..."

  Lu Changsheng said truthfully.

  Of course, he actually knew that Fei Qianliu had already developed a spiral energy.

  After all, Lu Changsheng's consciousness is the consciousness of the Holy Land.

  Mere spiral energy, how could he not discover it?

   It's just that Lu Changsheng also wanted to see, what is the power of Fei Qianliu's 20-year "kung fu" spiral force?

  It's a pity that the spiral force can only slightly numb Lu Changsheng's palm.

  After entering Lu Changsheng's body, he disappeared without a trace.

   It was blocked by the muscles, membranes, bones, and blood in Lu Changsheng's body.

   It did not pose any threat to Lu Changsheng at all.

   This is Lu Changsheng's ultimate martial arts style, the level of 8% progress at a time.

  The progress is only 8%, which seems to be far from the limit of the human body.

  However, this 8% physical fitness is already very scary.

  It was so frightening that Fei Qianliu's 20-year "skill" of spiral energy couldn't hurt him.

"What did you say?"

   "If the palm of your hand numbs slightly, will you be fine?"

   Fei Qianliu's eyes were filled with disbelief.

  He couldn't believe it.

  He has 20 years of skill in spiral strength. Normally, once he uses spiral strength, a cow will be beaten to death.

  Why can't Lu Yuan do anything now?

   "Is it really because boxing is afraid of the young?"

   "Lu Yuan, try punching me."

  Fei Qianliu still couldn't believe it.

   Did something go wrong?

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

  He punched directly.

   In fact, it was just an ordinary straight punch.

  However, this punch was too fast.

  It was so fast that the nerve reaction that took thousands of years of hard work seemed to be unable to match the speed of Lu Changsheng's punching.

   He was punched **** the body.

  Lu Changsheng has actually collected most of his strength.

  However, even with only a small amount of power, Fei Qianliu's huge body was directly blown away.


  With a muffled sound, Fei Qianliu fell heavily to the ground.

"what sound?"

   "It's the voice coming from the master's room."

   "Just now it seems that Junior Brother Lu entered the master's room, could it be..."

   "Master, don't..."

  On the second floor of Feihe Martial Arts Hall, Lu Changsheng's senior brothers and sisters were always paying attention to the situation in the master's room.

  They all knew that Lu Yuan went in to meet the master.

  Now when I hear the sound of "Muffling", I feel anxious.

  They all guessed that the master was probably very angry and was "punishing" Lu Yuan.

  Lu Yuan has just recovered from his injury, so he can't be injured again.

  So, the brothers and sisters immediately pushed the door open and entered, shouting "Master, no".

   Then, they froze.

   What did they see?

   It was not Lu Yuan who fell to the ground, but Master Fei Qianliu.

   Even, Fei Qianliu was still very embarrassed, holding his chest and coughing continuously.

   "Master, what's going on?"

   "What's wrong with you? Didn't you punish Junior Brother Lu?"

   Senior sister Xiang was stunned and couldn't help asking.

   "Quick, help me up."

   Fei Qianliu staggered and got up with the support of his disciples.

   It's just that his chest hurts.

   However, not much injury.

  Of course he knew, Lu Yuan pulled back.

   Otherwise, with just one punch, his chest would collapse.

   Thus killing with one punch!

   In other words, Lu Yuan could even kill him with one punch without showing any signs of energy?

   This made Fei Qianliu feel a little ridiculous.

  This is simply a fantasy.

  However, this is the truth!

   "Lu Yuan, why did your strength suddenly become so great?"

   "And the speed of your punching, why so fast?"

   "You didn't even develop your dark energy, but you almost punched me to death. What...what's going on?"

   Fei Qianliu had a series of questions, which he blurted out almost without thinking.

  However, these words sounded like a thunderstorm in the ears of Senior Sister Xiang and the others, setting off a turbulent sea in their hearts.

   "Master, you said that Junior Brother Lu Yuan is full of energy?"

   "Just now, junior brother Lu Yuan almost took you to kill master with one punch?"

   "Is this impossible? Junior brother Lu Yuan was almost beaten to death in a martial arts competition not long ago..."

  Many disciples of Feihe Martial Arts School didn't quite believe it.

   This is really appalling.

   It's like a fantasy.

  Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Lu Changsheng's heart skipped a beat.

  If he wants to condense martial arts, he needs more than just being strong.

  Even if you step into the extraordinary, you have only embarked on a path of practice.

   If you want to condense martial arts, you must spread martial arts in this world and have a great influence.

   Only in this way can the true martial arts be condensed under the joint efforts of everyone!

  If Lu Changsheng lives for a long time, then he can develop slowly and slowly spread the influence of Ultimate Martial Arts Style.

   But, he didn't have much time.

  His plan is to condense martial arts within three years.

  Therefore, not only must his cultivation speed be fast, but also the influence of Ultimate Martial Arts Style must also be fast.

   Well, he needs help.

  Need a lot of "like-minded" helpers.

   And right now, aren't there many potential helpers?

   "I just need to create a martial arts genre, and then continue to challenge the major martial arts masters, spreading the influence of the extreme martial arts style."

   "As for the development and growth of extreme martial arts, it is natural for people around you to think of a way."

   "As for my own position, it is best to be a martial idiot!"

   "If you're not a martial idiot, how can you establish a sect, how can you create extraordinary martial arts?"

  Lu Changsheng already made a decision in his mind.

   "Master, all senior brothers and sisters, you should all know that in the martial arts competition, I was wounded in my heart by cutting the pulse force, and almost died."

  “During that time, I was on the edge of life and death every day, so I thought a lot.”

   "I have faintly discovered the essence of martial arts. Whether it is dark energy, transformation energy, or even Dan energy and Gang energy? Essentially, these energy are just a skill."

   "Because Dan Jin and Gang Jin can stop bullets? Can't stop them! Not to mention bullets, even scissors and sticks can't stop them."

   "Then, we warriors have worked hard for decades to practice martial arts, for what?"

   "After decades of hard work, a warrior can be defeated with a kitchen knife. The warrior in my mind is not like this, and neither is the way of martial art in my mind."

  Everyone's eyes widened.

   Want to see what Lu Yuan is going to say?

   And these words also spoke to the bottom of their hearts.

  Yeah, what's the use of practicing martial arts for decades?

  It is a tragedy that a kitchen knife and a single bullet can wipe out their decades of hard work.

  Grandmaster Gang Jin once said that it is a tragedy for a warrior to die under a gun.

  Seeing the sad expressions on the faces of the people, Lu Changsheng's expression became solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "So, I have some insights between life and death. That kind of insight is like the legend that the Buddha became a Buddha under the bodhi tree."

   "I have enlightened."

   "I created my own extreme martial arts! I don't practice strength, I just focus on excavating my body and improving my physical fitness. I can even make my body grow secondary and tertiary in the future."

   "I believe that one day, we warriors will not have to be afraid of guns, and decades of hard training will not become a joke instead!"

   "I also believe that my ultimate martial arts style is the real martial arts!"

  After Lu Changsheng finished speaking, the whole room was completely silent, except for the sound of heavy breathing.

   "Self-created extreme martial arts style, real martial arts?"

   "If you don't practice strength, just improve your physical fitness, you won't be afraid of guns in the future?"

   "Crazy, Lu Yuan, you are really crazy..."

  Finally, some senior brothers came to their senses and looked at Lu Yuan one by one, as if they were looking at a lunatic.

   Not afraid of guns?

   That is the dream pursuit of many warriors.

   But, who can do it?

   No matter how amazingly talented a martial artist is, even the grand master of Gang Jin dare not say that he is not afraid of guns.

   Now that Lu Yuan is a mere martial artist, even if he is a dark martial artist now, he dares to say that he created his own martial arts and is not afraid of guns?

   Isn't that a big joke?

   It's like a primary school student who suddenly said he created calculus.


  Lu Changsheng smiled.

  He naturally knew that other people would not believe it just by speaking.

   But warriors are actually a group that is easy to deal with.

   There is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts.

  Whether it works or not, you will know after one game.

   "Brothers and sisters, there are many warriors among you who have developed dark energy."

   "It's only been more than a month since I created my own extreme martial arts style."

   "I don't use dark energy, but I use my body strength to compete with my senior brother and senior sister. Everyone will naturally know if I am crazy or am I just trying to please the public."

   "What do you think, brother and sister?"

   Lu Yuan's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

   "Okay, I'll go first."

  Senior Xiang was quick to speak, and was the first to stand up.

  She didn't believe Lu Yuan's "nonsense".

   Create your own extreme martial arts style?

   That's a big joke!

  Senior Xiang now feels more and more that Lu Yuan was stimulated because he was almost beaten to death in the martial arts competition, and his spirit is a little abnormal.

  As long as she beats Lu Yuan all over the floor, Lu Yuan will naturally be "sober" and stop talking nonsense.

   "Master, look..."

  Sister Xiang looked at Fei Qianliu.

  Lu Changsheng also looked at Fei Qianliu.

   "Okay, let's learn from each other in the same sect, click it!"

  Fei Qianliu also nodded in agreement.

  He himself lost somewhat inexplicably.

   Now that a disciple has made a move, he can also take a look from the perspective of a bystander, what is going on with Lu Yuan's so-called extreme martial arts style?

  So, Lu Yuan and Senior Sister Xiang walked out of the house and came to the lobby on the second floor.

  The hall is very spacious, enough to let go of your hands and feet.

  This is not only a sparring, but it is actually a real fighting battle!

   "That's senior brother Lu Yuan, right? He participated in the martial arts competition and was almost beaten to death in the first round."

   "However, I heard that it's not that senior brother Lu is too weak, but that his opponent is too strong. In the end, senior brother Lu's opponent also won the third place in the martial arts competition?"

   "Yes, Senior Brother Lu lost to the third place in the Martial Arts Competition, and the loss is not wronged."

   "Senior Sister Xiang is said to have cultivated dark energy, and her strength is very strong. Senior Brother Lu Yuan competes with Sister Xiang, I'm afraid I will be beaten again..."

  Many martial arts students stood aside, looking very excited.

   After all, actual combat between martial arts masters is still very rare.

   Not to mention that senior sister Xiang is still a master of dark energy.

  They all wanted to see how amazing the so-called An Jin was?

  Lu Changsheng and Senior Sister Xiang stood in the hall.

   Said to the senior sister solemnly: "Fist and feet have no eyes, if you can't hold it, you will admit defeat."

  Lu Changsheng nodded and said: "Senior Sister, just let go and use it freely, don't hold back, the dark energy can't hurt me."

  Seeing Lu Changsheng's confident face, Senior Sister Xiang also faintly felt ruthless, and decided not to hold back.

   It is necessary to "teach" Lu Yuan a good lesson, so that Lu Yuan can "wake up" and face the reality.


   Moved towards the senior sister.

  There were a few steps between the two, but with a sudden leap towards the senior sister, they were in front of Lu Changsheng in an instant.

  Lu Changsheng did not dodge.

  Actually, in his eyes, Senior Sister Xiang is very slow.

   With that little speed, what is it?

  He wanted to avoid it, it was a breeze.

  However, this time is the best time to show his extreme martial arts style.

   Therefore, he simply didn't give way, and just stood there quietly.


  Sister Xiang slapped Lu Changsheng on the body.

   After all, the two are in the same sect, and now they are discussing each other, not fighting to the death. Therefore, Senior Sister Xiang just slapped Lu Changsheng on the arm, and didn't hit the vital part.

   But even so, once her spiral force enters her body, it can instantly make Lu Yuan lose consciousness in his arm.

  However, Lu Yuan hit a spiral force, but he didn't seem to respond at all.

  He actually raised his arm and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Xiang, this power is not enough."


   Sister Xiang was shocked.

  She stared at Lu Yuan's arm.

  However, she could see clearly.

  Lu Yuan's arm was not broken, nor was it red or swollen, and his activities were not affected in any way.

   It was as if her spiral force had no effect.

  However, firing a spiral force consumes a lot of money for Senior Sister Xiang, so how could she not know how powerful a spiral force is?

   "Come again."

   Sister Xiang gritted her teeth, turned her palm into a fist, and slammed it towards Lu Yuan's abdomen.

  The abdomen is the softest place.

  Once penetrated by the dark force, it can harm the internal organs.

  However, Lu Changsheng remained motionless, letting Senior Sister Xiang be hit in the abdomen.

  He still has no effect.

   And burst out two dark energies in a row, which greatly damaged the physical strength of the senior sister.

   But the shock in her heart was the greatest.

   There are two full spiral strengths, there is absolutely no mistake.

  Why did Lu Yuan act like a normal person, without any response?

   "Sister Xiang, it's my turn."

  Lu Changsheng smiled slightly.

   Then he punched out.


   With this punch, Lu Changsheng had absorbed most of his strength.

  But Senior Sister Xiang felt as if she was directly knocked into the air by a huge force, she fell heavily and hit the ground.

   For a while, the entire martial arts training hall was silent.

   Many people cannot believe their eyes.

  Senior sister Xiang and Lu Yuan, is this the winner?

  How it looks, is a bit "acting".

  Because from the perspective of bystanders, it is simply too "fake".

  Senior Sister Xiang made two attacks, which were almost weak, and then Lu Yuan punched Sister Xiang out with one punch.

Too fake.

  Even if the loss was intentional, it couldn't be so "fake".

   Lu Yuan glanced at the many students who were watching, and seemed to know what they were thinking, so he said with a smile: "You seem to be useless when looking at Senior Sister Xiang, but Senior Sister Xiang has already made a dark effort, but I blocked that's all."

   "There are so many of you, you can all come up and try, everyone can go up together."

   "I'm going to hit dozens!"

  Lu Changsheng unscrupulously glanced at many students one by one.

  Since these students come to Feihe Martial Arts Hall to practice martial arts, they are naturally full-blooded people. How can they bear Lu Yuan's "presumptuous" gaze?


  These students don't know what "martial arts ethics" are.

   After all, they have not even entered the school, and they are not warriors, they are pure enthusiasts.

   When a group beats up a person, how can they attack one by one?

  So, a group of people, dozens of them, rushed directly towards Lu Yuan.

  The owner of the museum, Fei Qianliu, didn't stop him either.

  Traditional martial arts masters, even if they have developed dark energy, are actually afraid of beatings.

  Once being surrounded and beaten, most of them will be beaten to death.

   After all, the number of dark energy outbreaks is limited.

  It takes a few times to get an erection before exhaustion.

   One person fighting to kill dozens of people?

   That's courting death!

  Perhaps, only Huajin martial arts masters can deal with gang fights if they reach the level where one feather cannot be added to the whole body.

   But the quantity can't be too much.

  Otherwise, Huajin martial artist will be exhausted.

  Fei Qianliu also wanted to see how Lu Yuan's "Extreme Martial Arts Style" performed in the face of gang fights?

  Actually, Fei Qianliu was already shocked.

   Even, he was a little shaken about martial arts.

  When he relied on the spiral strength for decades, it was useless to Lu Yuan, a young man.

   Even the faith in his heart began to crumble.

  At this moment, in the hall.

   Facing the beating by dozens of people, Lu Changsheng seemed very calm.

   "Well done."

  His ultimate martial arts style is actually to increase physical fitness in all directions.

   Increase muscle, membrane, bone, blood, etc.

   That is to enhance strength, speed, resistance to blows and so on.

  In short, it is to improve physical fitness in an all-round way, instead of practicing those bells and whistles, but it is useless.

   No matter how strong he is, can he be as powerful as his fist as big as a sandbag?

  Dozens of students swarmed up, fists, whip legs, etc., all beckoning to Lu Yuan.

  Lu Changsheng violently pushed with both hands.


  Suddenly, more than a dozen students were directly pushed out by Lu Changsheng and fell to the ground.

   At the same time, his figure is extremely flexible.

   Shuttled through the crowd, caught a student and threw it out.

  In just one minute, dozens of students lay on the ground and howled.

   But Lu Changsheng was unscathed, standing calmly in the hall.

"Who else?"

  Lu Changsheng glanced away.

  All the students lowered their heads.

   There are even a few brothers.

   "Senior brothers, are you still not finished?"

  The senior brothers who were stared at by Lu Changsheng all lowered their heads, not daring to leave.

   This is simply appalling.

  Usually, it would be scary to hit ten with one.

  Now Lu Yuan actually hits dozens of them?

   Even, depending on Lu Yuan's physical strength, it might not be difficult to hit one hundred.

   Could it be that Lu Yuan's so-called "Extreme Martial Arts Style" is really so magical?

   "Forget it, Junior Brother Lu's Ultimate Martial Arts Style is indeed very powerful. We are not opponents of Junior Brother, so we will not end."

   "Yeah, even Senior Sister Xiang was defeated, it would be a joke for us to end up again."

   "Junior Brother Lu, your speed, strength, and ability to resist attacks just now are all terrifying. Is it really the effect of your self-created extreme martial arts style?"

  For a while, these brothers were very curious about "Extreme Martial Arts Style".

  They knew very well how long it took Lu Yuan to be injured in the martial arts competition.

   Besides, you have to take good care of your body.

   Lu Yuan really created his own extreme martial arts style, so the practice time must not be long.

  In just such a short period of time, Lu Yuan's physical fitness has completely changed, and it is even more terrifying than those of those who are gifted and born with supernatural powers.

  If this is the case, then the ultimate martial arts style is too scary.

"of course it's true."

   "Why, how many brothers want to learn?"

  Lu Changsheng asked with a half-smile.


   Several senior brothers looked at Master Fei Qianliu from the corner of their eyes.

  They are all formal disciples of Feihe Martial Arts School, they learn Feihe Liu and practice spiral strength.

  You cannot easily change to other schools of martial arts.

   Unless the master agrees.


  Lu Changsheng saluted Fei Qian respectfully.

   Fei Qianliu was greatly shocked.

  I even feel that the belief I have been insisting on has collapsed.

  For the first time, he felt that the energy he had worked hard for decades had become useless.

   "Lu Yuan, is your extreme martial arts really so amazing?"

   Fei Qianliu asked.

   "Master, you will know once you try it."

   "Even, not only masters, brothers and sisters, but also students in martial arts gyms, and even ordinary people can practice."

   "Moreover, it doesn't take too long, you should be able to feel the obvious effect in a month."

   "Master, why don't you give it a try for a month?"

  Lu Changsheng is very confident.

   One month!

  He believes that once Fei Qianliu and everyone in the martial arts hall have practiced extreme martial arts for a month, they will be inseparable from extreme martial arts.

   Must be extremely crazy about extreme martial arts.

  Of course, the speed of ordinary people practicing extreme martial arts style is definitely not comparable to that of Lu Changsheng.

  After all, their consciousness is not as strong as that of Lu Changsheng, and they cannot control every organ and every inch of flesh and blood in their bodies.

   But Lu Changsheng had already considered this point.

  He created several specific actions based on his own situation.

  By practicing these movements every day, you can promote digestion in the stomach and promote the absorption of nutrients by all parts of the body.

  The efficiency is only about one percent of that of Lu Changsheng's own practice.

   But don't underestimate the one percent.

  How great is Lu Changsheng's progress?

  Even if the efficiency of ordinary people is only 1% of that of Lu Changsheng, that would be terrifying.

   Moreover, the efficiency of beginners may only be one percent.

  But if one is immersed in extreme martial arts for a period of time and can control the stomach and other organs by himself, the efficiency will definitely increase.

   At that time, it is not impossible to reach one-tenth of Lu Changsheng's efficiency, or even higher efficiency.

   "Okay, one month, I will try."

   "And you, anyone who wants to learn can try."

   "However, extreme style martial arts must be kept secret and must not be passed on without permission!"

  Fei Qianliu hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

   Anyway, a month is not much time.

  He only needs to try it himself to know the effect of the so-called extreme martial arts style.

   More than a thousand streams.

  Senior sister Xiang from Feihe Martial Arts School, several senior brothers, and the dozens of students who were beaten to the ground by Lu Changsheng alone, all expressed their desire to practice extreme martial arts.

  Lu Changsheng smiled.

  His self-created Ultimate Martial Arts Style has been practiced by dozens of people in just a month or two.

  I believe that in a month's time, these dozens of people will be the seeds of Ultimate Martial Arts, and they will definitely help him spread the Ultimate Martial Arts!

  The premise is to have an effect.

   Even if it works well.

  So, Lu Changsheng used the one million compensation from the organizer of the martial arts competition to go to the ancient medicine shop to buy great tonics.

   Then practice extreme martial arts in Feihe Martial Arts every day, and also teach the people of Feihe Martial Arts along the way.

   Time flies, a month has passed by,

  Today is the last day of the January term.

  On the second floor of Feihe Martial Arts Hall, dozens of people gathered together.

   No one was absent.

  Extreme martial arts style, can it be carried forward?

   Even, whether it can replace the traditional martial arts training strength, maybe it depends on today!

  (end of this chapter)

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