Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 248: Head on! Thousand-zhang Holy Physique God of War King!

  Chapter 248 Head-on shock! Thousand-zhang Holy Physique God of War King!

   "God King!"

  Lu Changsheng looked at the huge palm in the void.

   Just holding it with one hand can block out the sky and block out the sun, sealing off the space, as if occupying the entire void.

   Terrible divine power swept across.

   This is the king of gods.

   Powerful and suffocating.

  Rising above the Martial Saint, it is a terrifying existence comparable to the Earth Saint.

  Of course, the king of gods is essentially the manifestation of rules.

   However, the rules represented by the king of gods are very strong!

  The stronger the rule, the stronger the power of the god.

  Innate gods are actually composed of gods.

  A **** king represents a powerful rule.

  A powerful rule actually needs to be divided into countless smaller rules to make up or supplement this rule and completely improve this rule.

   For example, void rules.

  Under the rules of the void, how many rules are there?

   There are simply too many to count.

  Void rule, that is not the king of gods, but the master of gods.

  The God Lord is high above, and countless rules emanate from below to supplement and perfect the rules of the void.

   Then many **** kings and true gods were born.

  These **** kings and true gods are all placed under the **** master, forming a **** system, thus ruling all creatures in the world.

  The world used to be ruled by gods in this way.

   Later he was expelled to the domain of the gods, and the innate gods used the same method to rule the domain of the gods.

  The **** king in front of him is probably the **** king of Fushan True God, belonging to the **** king's lineage.

   Therefore, Fushan True God is dead, and this **** king will naturally avenge Fushan True God.

  Lu Changsheng had never seen a God King before.

   Now is the first time.

   Even, he didn't see the God King clearly.

   Just the palm that blocks the sky and the sun, one can see the horror of the **** king.

  The king of gods descends, and the gods retreat!

   "Supernatural powers... have been suppressed!"

  Lu Changsheng clearly felt that his magical powers were being suppressed.

  The root of magical powers is actually the law.

  Of course, not all supernatural powers, but some supernatural powers have been suppressed.

  Specifically, it is actually part of the five-element decomposition supernatural power.

   It should be that the Five Elements Rule has been suppressed.

   But only part of it.

   Has little effect on Lu Changsheng.

  However, it can also be seen from the side that the **** king in front of him should be related to the five elements.

   I am afraid that he is a **** king in the Five Elements God System.

  Although it can suppress Lu Changsheng's supernatural power, but also, Lu Changsheng's five-element decomposition supernatural power can actually suppress the **** king.

   "Since you can't retreat, then fight!"

  Since Lu Changsheng cast the holy body, he has actually never gone all out.

   No matter who he faces, as soon as Lu Changsheng's holy body comes out, he basically crushes his opponent with momentum.

   Full shot?

   There is no need for Lu Changsheng to do his best.

   At most, it will display 20-30% of its power.

   Even one or two is enough.

  But now, facing a **** king.

  Lu Changsheng has no choice but to retreat.

  Even, there was no fear in his heart, but excitement.

  God King, he wants to meet him.

  Look at his supernatural powers and holy bodies, which have been multiplied hundreds of times, what step can he reach?


  Lu Changsheng's chaotic body instantly manifested.

  At this moment, the Eucharist is more than a hundred feet tall.

   But a sharp expansion.

  One hundred feet, three hundred feet, five hundred feet, eight hundred feet...

  Lu Changsheng's holy body is hundreds of feet in size, even close to a thousand feet in size.

   Such a horrible Eucharist is simply unheard of.

  You must know that ordinary martial arts saints only have holy bodies of tens of feet.

  Lu Changsheng was actually hundreds of feet, even close to a thousand feet.

  Although the size of the holy body cannot directly measure the strength.

  But with such a huge Eucharist, its strength will definitely not be weak.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, what do you want to do?"

   "Could it be that you want to challenge the King of God?"

   "A martial sage, to challenge the **** king?"

   Seeing Lu Changsheng manifesting a thousand-foot holy body, full of fighting spirit, how could Yang Mao not know what Lu Changsheng meant?

   This is to challenge the God King head-on.

  However, human saints challenge the king of gods?

   Simply unheard of!

  It is equivalent to the battle between the saints of the people and the saints of the earth.

  The two are so different that they cannot be compared at all.

   No matter how crazy you are, it doesn't help.

  Lu Changsheng, he is doomed!

  However, Yang Mao also felt ashamed.

   At least Lu Changsheng still had the courage to resist, and the courage to challenge.

   But what about him?

  He was just waiting to die.

  Lu Changsheng's thousand-foot holy body, directly punched out.

  With this punch, the void vibrated.

   This punch has increased the supernatural power hundreds of times.

  This fist contains three kinds of infinite supernatural powers.

  Lu Changsheng had never thrown such a hearty punch before.

  He doesn't have to think about anything.

  I just want to release all my strength.

   With a punch, Lu Changsheng seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

  The power of the sentient beings in the ten holy places attached to the holy body is constantly being refined by the holy body at this time, and the power of the holy body is still continuously increasing.


  Lu Changsheng seemed to feel a huge sense of shackles in the void.

   It seems to be shackled by the void.

   But with this punch blasted out.

   There were cracks in the surrounding void.

   Of course, it's just a crack.

   "The void is broken, is this... a blow from the Holy Land?"

   Seeing this scene, Yang Mao's eyes almost popped out.

   What did he see?

  He actually saw the void rupture?

   The void is broken!

   This is a sign, or characteristic.

  Only the power of the Holy Land can break the void.

  However, Lu Changsheng is obviously only a saint, how could he break the void?

  How can you hit the holy strike?

  Yang Mao didn't know, and he didn't know what was going on.

  He could only watch blankly, Lu Changsheng's terrifying holy body, which was thousands of feet high, punched out, and collided violently with the huge palm that blocked the sky and the sun slapped by the **** king.


  The sky and the earth shook.

   This is a real earthquake.

   For hundreds of miles around, there seems to be a feeling of the sky collapsing.

  It's like the end of the world.

  Countless creatures prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling.

   The void where punches and palms collided suddenly shattered.

   That's the void breaking.

  Originally there were cracks in the void.

   Now that the two forces collided together, the void was directly shattered.

   Formed a huge black hole.

   Of course, the black hole disappears instantly.

  Void also recovers quickly.

  The power of the holy level can only shatter the void.

   It is still far from exploding the void.

  Let’s not talk about earth sages, even heavenly sages can’t blow up the void.

   But even so, it's earth-shattering and unbelievable.

  Lu Changsheng's holy body received a huge shock.

   But, he blocked it.

   Not only was it blocked, but the huge palm of the God King on the opposite side was also directly defeated.

  The palm that covered the sky and the sun disappeared without a trace.

  The Divine King struck, and was smashed head-on by Lu Changsheng!


   "The outer seal of the God's Domain has not been broken, and it is impossible for the Earth Saint to enter the God's Domain. How can you burst out the Earth Saint's blow?"

  In the void, a **** appeared.

  Blocking out the sky and blocking out the sun, it seems that the entire void is covered by its divine body.

  A terrible coercion lingered on Lu Changsheng and Yang Mao.

   God King!

   This is a genuine **** king!

  However, the **** king is shocked now.

  He didn't expect at all that he couldn't win against a mere Martial Saint?

  Even, the other party exploded with power at the level of a **** king.

   This is simply unbelievable, unheard of.

  The body of a martial sage exploded with a blow from the king of gods!

"nothing is impossible."

   "Looking at your aura, it should be the God King of Chongshan, the true **** of Fushan belongs to the true **** under your command?"

  Lu Changsheng's Eucharist spoke.

  The sound was like thunder, echoing in the void.

   "That's right, this seat is the God King of Chongshan."

   "Which martial sage are you? You are definitely not someone who can unleash a blow from a **** king. Even in the ancient war of gods, you are not an ordinary person."

  Shenwang Chongshan asked.

  The so-called war of ancient gods refers to the battle between gods, warriors, and immortal cultivators.

  That battle was so dark that the sun and the moon were dark.

  The sky is whining, and the earth is trembling.

  The whole world was almost smashed to pieces, and countless creatures became extinct.

   But in the end, the gods lost.

   A complete failure.

   Was expelled to God's Domain jointly by warriors and immortal cultivators.

  If it is not the gods but the incarnation of rules, which can never be destroyed, I am afraid that all the gods will cease to exist long ago.

   "Holy League, Lu Changsheng!"

  Lu Changsheng said lightly.

  The Holy League is no secret.

  The gods have known about the Holy League for a long time, but they can't destroy it.

   "Lu Changsheng..."

   "This seat remembers your breath."

   "This seat will report to the Almighty, and the Almighty will kill anyone who has your breath in the future."

   "God's Domain, you don't need a Martial Saint who can hit the King of God!"

   "Shenyu, a martial saint like you is not allowed to appear!"

  Shenwang Chongshan's words made Lu Changsheng open his mouth, but he still didn't say anything in the end.

   Did he make all the gods in the domain of gods feel threatened?

   Or, did it make the gods of God's Domain angry?

  Even the God Lord will do it himself...


  Lu Changsheng didn't bother to say any more.

   It is not a good idea to stand in a stalemate with King Chongshan.

   After a little more delay, the other two **** kings will appear.

   Even, the God Lord may also make a shot from the air.

  No matter how confident Lu Changsheng was, he didn't think he could withstand the blow of the Divine Lord.

  So, he immediately took Yang Mao and fled away together.

   As for the God King Chongshan, he did not stop him.

  Shenwang Chongshan knew that he couldn't keep Lu Changsheng.

   Moreover, Lu Changsheng also broke the void blockade, and the two of them can use the teleportation talisman to move away at any time.

  Looking at the back of Lu Changsheng going away, Chongshan Shenwang murmured in a low voice: "A martial saint who can strike a blow from a **** king...God's Domain, there are going to be waves again."

   "I hope that your Majesty can make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise, this son will sooner or later harm the entire God Realm..."

  Shen Wang Chongshan thought of this, and his huge body quickly disappeared without a trace.


"came back."

  Lu Changsheng and Yang Mao returned to the Holy League branch, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  Especially Yang Mao, he was afraid all the way, for fear of being intercepted by the king of gods.

   "I got two fragments of gods this time, Fellow Daoist Yang. According to the agreement, one of them will belong to Fellow Daoist."

  After Lu Changsheng returned to the Holy League branch, he didn't talk nonsense, and immediately handed over a fragment of a **** to Yang Mao.

  Yang Mao was very excited.

  Shards of gods.

   He finally got it!

   This is the first **** shard he has obtained in the domain of the gods for more than ten years.

   Now that the **** fragments are in his hands, his hard work over the past ten years has finally not been in vain.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, I'm about to leave the realm of the gods. With this fragment of the god, if I devote myself to comprehend it, I may be able to comprehend the rules, thereby gaining a glimpse of the origin of heaven and earth, motivating the origin of heaven and earth to promote the holy body, and thus promote the earth saint."

"Fellow Daoists, please leave God's Domain as soon as possible. You have been targeted by the God King, and you may even be targeted by the God Lord. If you continue to stay in God's Domain, it will be very dangerous. And you already have a fragment of God, you can concentrate on it." Understand the rules."

  Yang Mao advised Lu Changsheng.

  I want Lu Changsheng to leave, so I don't have to take risks in God's Domain anymore.

   Actually, this is normal.

   This is the normal practice of general martial saints.

  As long as the **** fragments are obtained, the warriors will leave the domain of the gods, so as to use the **** fragments to comprehend the rules.

   But Lu Changsheng was different.

  He already had a **** shard before.

   Even, he realized a rule.

  The origin can be activated at any time.

   But Lu Changsheng has lofty aspirations, and he wants to comprehend more than one rule.

   Moreover, Lu Changsheng had an agreement with the ten holy places.

   At least ten **** shards must be obtained.

  There are only four **** fragments in total, which is far from enough.

  However, of course Lu Changsheng would not say these words.

  Finally, Yang Mao left.

   left God's Domain.

  Lu Changsheng continued to stay in the Holy League branch.

  He was not in a hurry to find other gods immediately.

  As Yang Mao said, the name of Lu Changsheng has probably been reported to the God Lord by the God King Chongshan.

  Lu Changsheng is famous among the "divine masters".

   Then it will be very troublesome.

  So, you still have to be steady and low-key first.

  Anyway, there are new **** fragments now.

  In addition to one large **** fragment, there are more than a dozen small **** fragments.

  With Lu Changsheng's comprehension.

   It is enough for him to comprehend the second rule.

  Therefore, Lu Changsheng devoted himself to using tiny fragments of gods in the secret room of the Holy League branch to comprehend the rules.

  In the secret room, Lu Changsheng began to refine the fragments.

   One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

  Refining fragments of gods, Lu Changsheng is already familiar with the process.

  When he refined more than a dozen small pieces.

  Finally, Lu Changsheng realized the second rule.

   And glimpsed the origin of heaven and earth.

  Now as long as he moves his mind, he can trigger the second source of heaven and earth.

   But Lu Changsheng did not immediately activate the origin of heaven and earth.

  He still needs to make more preparations.

   Just two kinds of origins of heaven and earth are not enough.


  Lu Changsheng opened the time.

   It took almost ten days for him to refine more than a dozen **** fragments this time.

   "It's been a while, God's Domain is vast, even if it's a God Lord, it's impossible to guard against me all the time."

   "As long as I'm fast enough, nothing will happen."

   "The most important ear is the clue of the god. As long as there is a clue, I can kill the real **** directly and get the fragment of the god."

   "A few more times, basically there will be enough **** fragments..."

  Lu Changsheng's confidence has greatly increased now.

  He just knew he was strong before.

   Among the saints, it is estimated that there is no opponent.

  However, Lu Changsheng doesn't know how strong he is compared to an earth sage or a **** king.

   I have no idea.

   Now, Lu Changsheng has a bottom line.

  He fought against the God King Chongshan, basically confirming his own strength.

   It should indeed have the combat power of a **** king.

   It's just that he can't do anything to the God King.

  Therefore, as long as he does not fall into the siege of the God King, basically Lu Changsheng can run amok in the God Domain.

   As for the God Lord?

  Gods rarely show up.

   Moreover, the number of **** masters is very rare.

  That is the master of a **** system.

   High above you, why would you care about Lu Changsheng being a martial saint?

  As long as Lu Changsheng is not too unscrupulous, he can basically sit back and relax.

   "I don't want much, just destroy a few more true gods, basically the magic fragments are enough."

   "So, you can be bolder next time, as long as you can get the specific location of the god."

  Lu Changsheng already made a decision in his mind.

  He decided to "high profile".

  Generally in God's Domain, martial saints are low-key.

  But now Lu Changsheng has to "high profile".

  Zangzhuo has no meaning.

  Zang Zhuo, who gave him clues to the gods?

  Lu Changsheng got up and left the secret room.

   went directly to the Holy League Square.

  On the square, there are still many martial saints who are trying to form a team to hunt and kill the gods together.

  Lu Changsheng needs more clues to the gods, more or less.

   There are indeed very few clues to gods alone.

  However, there are many people who form teams to hunt and kill gods.

   It turned out to be a team to hunt and kill the gods, so how could there be no specific clues about the gods?

   "It's still short of a top human saint, and you can form a team to hunt down the True God of Blood River."

  A top human saint is working hard to recruit people to form a team.

   However, many martial saints shook their heads one after another.

  The reason is very simple, True God Blood River is very strong!

   True God Blood River was not the first time he was besieged and killed by Wu Sheng.

   Even killed at least three times.

   However, all three failed.

   Therefore, many martial sages had lingering fears and did not dare to besiege and kill the True God of Blood River.

   But Lu Changsheng had no scruples.

  As long as it is a true god, no matter how strong it is, can it be as strong as a **** king?

  If there is really a god-king strong, then it is not a real god, but a god-king.

  So, Lu Changsheng strode towards the "team" Wu Sheng.

   "Are you going to form a team to hunt down the True God of Blood River?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

  Wu Sheng, who was pulling people to form a team, saw Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up, and immediately replied: "Yes, we need five people in total. There are already four Wu Sheng, and there is only one Wu Sheng missing."

   "However, you need a top martial artist..."

  Lu Changsheng did not answer directly, but continued to ask: "Since the True God of Blood River is going to be besieged, do you know the exact location of the True God of Blood River?"

   "The specific location is not clear, but the general range can be known. Once you do it, you will definitely be able to find the Blood River True God."

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

   It is also possible to determine a range.

   If you really want to do it, it won't take long.

   "Okay, Lu agrees to form a team."

   "However, there are only you and me in the team, and everyone else can be removed from the team."

  Lu Changsheng's words froze Wu Sheng's expression in front of him, his eyes widened, and his face was full of astonishment.

   "What did you say? To eliminate other martial saints, only you and me are left?"

  The strange Wu Sheng was dumbfounded.

He has seen the Martial Saints who form a team, all kinds of arrogance, but like now, other Martial Saints are not allowed to form a team, and even the Martial Saints who have already formed a team are expelled from the team. Second-rate.

   "Hmph, arrogance."

   "Want to clear us out of the team? It depends on whether you have the strength to hunt the true god."

   "I'm afraid he is a fledgling martial artist? You don't even know the strength of the true god, and you want to eat alone? It's just the two of you. Meeting the true **** is a dead end."

   "For so many years in God's Domain, I have never encountered such an arrogant and arrogant Martial Saint."

  Other martial saints sneered when they heard that Lu Changsheng wanted to "eliminate them".

  Even the unfamiliar Martial Saint felt that Lu Changsheng in front of him was too arrogant?

   There are only two people in the team, is it possible?

   Don’t go hunting the true **** at that time, only to be hunted down by the true god, that would be a big joke.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, look..."

  The strange martial saint still didn't quite trust Lu Changsheng.

  Lu Changsheng didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Go to the ring, the three of you go up together."

   Speak with facts!

   "Three of us together?"

  The smiles of the three disappeared.

  The three martial sages can mock Lu Changsheng for his ignorance, and they can laugh unscrupulously.

   But, Lu Changsheng let them go directly to the ring?

  They hesitated instead.

   Without some means, dare to say that?

   "Hmph, what is there to be afraid of? Our three martial saints join forces, and we all hope to hunt down the true god. Why should we be afraid of a martial saint who came out of nowhere?"

   "Yes, since you want to lose face and lose all face, then we will help you."

   "Fellow Daoist Luo, you should be a witness."

  Actually, it is Luo Wusheng who attracts the most Wusheng groups.

  He has already found three people, plus Lu Changsheng, that's exactly five people, the team size is enough to hunt and kill the True God of Blood River.

  However, something has changed now.

  Lu Changsheng asked only the two of them to hunt the True God of Blood River.

   Moreover, he looked confident.

  For a while, Luo Wusheng was also a little hesitant.

  Now seeing that the two sides are going to the ring, Luo Wusheng's heart is lifted.

   This is the best way.

   Can see the strength of both sides very intuitively and clearly.

   "Okay, I hope that fellow daoists are only going to the ring to learn from each other, and don't hurt your friendship."

  So, a group of five people walked straight towards the ring.

   Soon, Lu Changsheng and the three Martial Saints entered the ring together, and the two stood on the ring to face each other.

   This scene immediately attracted the attention of many martial saints.

   After all, those who go to the ring are basically one-on-one.

   But now, it's actually one-to-three.

  One martial sage against three martial sages.

   This is still very rare.

   "This Martial Saint looks familiar..."

   "Isn't he the Lu Changsheng who competed with Martial Saint Yang Mao in the ring some time ago?"

   "Yes, it seems to be him. At the beginning, he defeated Yang Mao with one move, and made Yang Mao take the initiative to admit defeat. It seems that he is quite strong."

   "Why is he in the ring again? Moreover, it seems that he is still facing three martial saints at once?"

  Many martial saints still have impressions of Lu Changsheng.

   After all, there are only so many people in the Holy League branch.

  Wu Sheng is not a Chinese cabbage either.

   It is impossible to see it just now and forget it in a blink of an eye.

  Especially Lu Changsheng's performance was so strong that even Yang Mao gave up, they were still impressed, and naturally recognized Lu Changsheng at a glance.

   Luo Wusheng was a little surprised.

  He didn't know Lu Changsheng.

  However, from the words of these martial sages, it seems that Lu Changsheng is very strong?

  Even Yang Mao can beat him.

  Luo Wusheng knew Yang Mao.

   It's just that I haven't seen Yang Mao recently.

   It seems that he has obtained the fragments of the gods and left the domain of the gods.

  However, no matter what the Martial Saints under the ring say, it will not affect the three Martial Saints on the stage.

  They are all high-ranking martial arts saints.

   I don’t know how many battles I have experienced.

   They all came from fighting between life and death, so the experience in fighting is naturally extremely rich.

   When there is no action, it doesn't matter if you can ridicule or despise.

   But once you do it, you have to go all out.

  It takes full strength for a lion to fight a rabbit, let alone a warrior?

   Therefore, the three of them went all out once they made a move, without any reservations.

   "Boom boom boom".

  The three martial saints instantly released the holy body.

  The sacred body, which is tens of feet high, exudes a terrifying aura.

   Especially one of the holy bodies is even about fifty feet long.

   This is actually very scary.

  General Eucharist is only twenty or thirty feet long.

  The three saints joined forces, sealed off the void, and blasted directly at Lu Changsheng, with extremely astonishing power.

  However, Lu Changsheng didn't seem to be afraid at all. He looked calm and calm, and his expression was extremely calm.


  The next moment, a holy body suddenly appeared above Lu Changsheng's head.

   However, as soon as this holy body appeared, it immediately caused an uproar.

  The holy body, which is hundreds of feet high, stretches across the void.

   This is because Lu Changsheng has received the power of the Eucharist, and has not gone all out.

  Once he goes all out, Lu Changsheng's Eucharist can approach a thousand feet!

   But even so, the holy body, which is hundreds of feet high, exudes a terrifying aura all over its body, as if it is suffocating.

   At a glance, you can see the gap between the four holy bodies.

  Lu Changsheng's holy body was slapped towards the three martial saints with one palm.

   This shot is mighty and mighty, covering the sky and the sun.

  It seems that there are this huge palm in all directions.

  Even if the three Martial Saints join hands, at this moment it feels like they are hovering on the verge of life and death.

  The fear in my heart has reached the point where it cannot be added.

  As if, they really will die!

"how so?"

   "The three of us join forces, why can't we even hold back the other party's momentum?"

   "We can't stop this kind of power..."

  The faces of the three martial sages were as pale as paper.

  All their previous pride was completely shattered at this moment.

  The huge palm of Lu Changsheng's holy body was mighty, covering the sky and the sun. With one slap, the attacks of the three holy bodies collapsed, shattering every inch, and finally even annihilated directly.

  The three holy bodies are all facing the palm of Lu Longevity Holy Body.

  That kind of terrifying power makes people frightened.

   "Admit defeat, we admit defeat."

  The three martial sages gave up immediately without any hesitation.

   If it goes on, I'm afraid their holy bodies will collapse.

  If that's the case, they will suffer heavy losses.

   It's just a battle of spirits, there is no need to fight to the death.

   Besides, even if they fought to the death, they couldn't bear it.

   They will definitely die.

  Lu Changsheng didn't seem surprised when he heard this.

   Immediately received the Eucharist.

   Facing his chaotic holy body, let alone the three martial saints.

  Even if ten and eight martial saints join forces, the result will be the same.

   It's just that the three Martial Saints joined forces and couldn't withstand Lu Changsheng's blow, and even directly surrendered.

   This scene immediately caused an uproar in the arena.

   Countless martial saints were dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe it.

  The scene in front of them obviously had a huge impact on these martial saints.

  (end of this chapter)

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