Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 236: Holy Land Tianzong Martial Holy Banquet, Lu Changsheng is separated by hundreds of mil

  Chapter 236 Holy Land Tianzong Martial Saint Banquet, Lu Changsheng wiped away the mountain peak from a hundred miles away, and the eight martial sages were all shocked!


  The entire hall fell into a deathly silence.

  Many elders froze, looked at each other, and looked at each other.


  Everyone was shocked!

  Wu Sheng!

  Lu Changsheng has already been promoted to Martial Saint?

   This is unbelievable!

   "Lu...Lu Zun, you said just now that you are going to prepare the Martial Saint Banquet, did you really cast the Holy Body and be promoted to Martial Saint?"

  Lu Tong's voice was trembling.

  Even if he is a mighty supernatural power realm warrior.

  But at this moment, he was extremely excited.

  Excited to the point where it's hard to restrain my emotions.

  In the entire ancient domain for thousands of years, not a single martial saint was born.

  Actually, this has nothing to do with the environment of the ancient domain.

  Once they achieve the supernatural powers, many warriors can still use the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle to come to the holy land to continue practicing martial arts.

  However, there is still no one who can forge the holy body and become a martial saint.

   And now, Lu Changsheng has done it.

   Can be called the number one person in the ancient domain for thousands of years!

  Lu Changsheng didn't speak, but released a little breath of chaotic holy body.

  The phantom of the chaotic holy body instantly appeared behind Lu Changsheng.

  Although it was only a trace of breath, it made many elders present feel suffocated.

  It was as if a towering mountain suppressed them.


   This is definitely Eucharist!

   "Lu Zun... No, Lu Sheng, how should you hold your Martial Saint Banquet? Who are you going to invite?"

  Lu Tong asked.

   "Who are invited to..."

  Lu Changsheng thought about it.

  The Li family and the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce are all invited.

   There are also the Martial Saint forces of Tiansheng City and Tianguang City, even if there is no intersection, they must be invited.

   After all, the Martial Saint Banquet is actually a "shock and awe".

  If the Holy Land Tianzong wants to gain a foothold, it must let all the large forces know that the Holy Land Tianzong has become a martial saint-level force!

  Lu Changsheng discussed with Lu Tong for a while, and Lu Tong expressed his understanding and went down to make arrangements.

  The two sides discussed it properly, and the Martial Saint Banquet will be held a month later.

   During this month, Holy Land Tianzong can make good preparations.

  Lu Changsheng does not participate in these trivial matters.

  He thought for a while, then got up and came to the Li family.

   "Brother Li."

  Li Guang saw Lu Changsheng.

  Just one glance, Li Guang felt a little different.

   It's just that Li Guang's realm is too low, he didn't know that Lu Changsheng had already become a martial saint.

  He just felt that Lu Changsheng's temperament seemed to have changed a lot.

   "Brother Lu, you are..."

   Li Guang asked suspiciously.

  At this time, Li Chengwu's eyes froze sharply, and his heart was shocked.

   "Wu Sheng!"

   "Lu Zun... No, it should be Lu Sheng now? Have you been promoted to Martial Saint?"

  Li Chengwu is a top supernatural warrior.

  I could tell Lu Changsheng's change at a glance.

  Lu Changsheng nodded and said: "Just now, I was lucky enough to cast a holy body and was promoted to a martial saint. Therefore, I still need to ask my ancestors about some follow-up training of martial saints."

  Hearing Lu Changsheng's confession, Li Chengwu and Li Guang looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

  Wu Sheng!

  Lu Changsheng was promoted to Martial Saint without saying a word?

  Even though they knew that Lu Changsheng's promotion to Martial Saint was a sure thing, sooner or later.

  However, they were surprised to be promoted to Martial Saint so quickly.

  Before when Lu Changsheng was still a martial artist, his strength was comparable to that of ordinary martial saints.

   Now that Lu Changsheng has been promoted to Martial Saint, how terrifying should his strength be?

   "Lu...Lu Sheng, the ancestors are here to invite you."

   Li Chengwu's voice suddenly came into Li Chengwu's ears.

  So, Li Chengwu brought Lu Changsheng to Li Zhenggang's secret room.

   Li Zhenggang's eyes also showed a touch of surprise.

   But he wasn't too surprised.

  He knew that it was a matter of course for Lu Changsheng to become a martial artist.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, congratulations, once you become a martial sage, you will enjoy three thousand years of happy life!"

  Three thousand years of life, in fact, is already a long life.

   Of course, eternal life is not eternal life.

  Three thousand years seems like a long time.

  But no one thinks life is too long.

  The road to martial arts requires forging ahead.

   "Li Daoyou."

  Lu Changsheng also called Li Zhenggang a "friend of Taoism".

  Just a change in title, but it actually also shows a change in the status of the two.

  Now, there is no gap between Lu Changsheng and Li Zhenggang in terms of identity and status.

   Even, Lu Changsheng is far stronger than Li Zhenggang.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, do you want to know about the follow-up practice of the Martial Saint Path?"

   "Not bad, please give advice to Li Daoyou!"

  Lu Changsheng did not get carried away.

  Wu Sheng is not the end of martial arts.

  Li Zhenggang looked at Lu Changsheng with a complicated expression.

   Even, there was a hint of envy in his expression.

  He really envied Lu Changsheng.

   Can continue to pursue the road of martial arts.

   And he was seriously injured, and he had long since lost his will to forge ahead.

   What's more, he also knows that Wu Sheng is his limit, and it is impossible to go further.

   But Lu Changsheng still has hope.

   even promising!

  Li Zhenggang nodded, with a solemn expression, and said word by word: "Fellow Daoist Lu should know that there are three realms of martial sages, namely human sages, earth sages, and heavenly sages."

   "Cast the Eucharist and call it Human Saint."

   "The human saint wants to go further in martial arts, the focus is on the 'human'."

   "The way of martial arts is actually the way of mortals. Born among all living beings, we understand the way of all beings, and integrate the power of all beings into the Eucharist, so that the Eucharist can be more refined, so that one day the Eucharist can be transformed again and become a sage."

  Lu Changsheng frowned, and asked again: "What is the power of all beings?"

   "The power of all beings, you can also understand it as the power of all beings."

  "All living beings seem to be extremely weak. However, when all living beings gather together, their spirits gather together, and their strength is directed to one place, mortals can move mountains, and even change the world. This is the power of all beings!"

   "As long as a fellow Taoist governs a large force, he will naturally be able to obtain the power of sentient beings. Then slowly accumulate, or expand the power, to obtain a larger power of sentient beings, which can be used to condense the holy body."

   "That's why, basically, after a warrior casts a sacred body and is promoted to a martial saint, most of them will join or establish a force by themselves. It is because the martial arts practice of a human saint must rely on the power of all living beings."

  Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

  The power of all beings!

  Actually, it has already been said very clearly.

  The momentum of all beings, the power of all beings, the gathering of the will of all beings, etc., all have the same meaning, but the names and appellations are different.

  Budo is completely different from Immortal Dao.

  Xiandao pays attention to understanding the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, comprehending the way of heaven, paying attention to being extraordinary and free from vulgarity, and staying away from the world of mortals.

  The immortal is high above.

   But warriors are different.

  Warriors are born from the mundane, fighting against heaven and earth, "people" are the foundation of martial arts.

   Must rely on "all living beings" to be stronger.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, you established the Holy Land Tianzong a long time ago, which is equivalent to the founder of the Holy Land Tianzong."

   "Actually, you have the power of all beings now, but you don't realize it."

   "The old man taught you a set of methods for sensing the potential of sentient beings. It's just a superficial method, but it's enough for you to sense the potential of sentient beings."

  So, Li Zhenggang taught Lu Changsheng the method.

  Lu Changsheng studied very quickly.

  After learning the method, he immediately tried to sense the momentum of sentient beings.

   Lu Changsheng really sensed this induction.

   On his body, a layer of black and red light emerged.

  The radiance increases moment by moment.

   Gathered from all directions.

   It's just that I don't know how long it takes to let the light grow.

   This is the trend of all beings!

   To be precise, it is Lu Changsheng, as the founder and patriarch of the Holy Land Tianzong, who possesses the power of all beings in the Holy Land Tianzong.

   No, it's not just the power of all beings of the Holy Land Tianzong.

   There are also Ancient Tianzong and Beiyu Tianzong.

  Nowadays, among the three major heavenly sects, Lu Changsheng's prestige is at its peak.

  Now Lu Changsheng almost gathers all the sentient beings of the three major heavenly sects.

  Compared to Li Zhenggang, he is not inferior.

   Even, the power of all beings is even greater.

  After all, the Holy Land Tianzong has just been established, just like the rising sun, with infinite possibilities.

  Everyone is full of confidence.

  The power of all beings is naturally very strong.

  The Li Family, or the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, just now had a conflict with the Black Light Chamber of Commerce and was suppressed by the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  The momentum of all beings was suppressed a lot at once.

  The two are ebb and flow, and there is no comparison at all.


  With a thought in his mind, Lu Changsheng refined the power of all living beings into the holy body.

  Just a little bit, Lu Changsheng clearly felt that some changes seemed to have taken place in the Eucharist.

   But it's not obvious.

  However, this change is indeed developing in a good direction.

  Lu Changsheng felt it, but frowned slightly.

  He felt that after a trace of the power of all beings was refined into the holy body, the power of all beings was quickly consumed.

   But his Eucharist produced very little.

  Even if you don't feel carefully, you can't feel the improvement.

  This speed, or efficiency is too low.

   "Li Daoyou, it seems...very slow to promote the Eucharist with the force of sentient beings?"

   "If this speed is maintained, it will accumulate over many years, decades, or hundreds of years, and I am afraid that there will not be much improvement, let alone a qualitative change."

  Lu Changsheng asked again.

  He was keenly aware of some "difficulties" in the practice of "human sage".

   is slow!

  The inefficiency is outrageous!

  Li Zhenggang smiled slightly and said: "Seeing that Fellow Daoist Lu also dislikes the slow speed of human sage practice, the old man is relieved."

"Haha, I'm just kidding. With Daoist Lu's amazing talent, the practice of being a sage is still so slow. It seems that the realm of a sage is really as rumored. It has nothing to do with talent or understanding, but only with the power of sentient beings." related."

   "Either continue to expand the power, the power expands, the number of sentient beings increases, and the power of sentient beings will naturally become stronger."

"Either it is to govern all living beings, vigorously develop martial arts, let everyone practice martial arts, and everyone is a powerful warrior. In this way, the "power of all living beings" of each living being can be compared to ten times or even a hundred times that of other ordinary living beings. Comprehensive Down, the momentum of all beings can also accumulate a lot, this is 'quality'."

   "Expanding the territory, this is pure quantity. Let all the living beings under one's command practice martial arts, this is 'quality'."

   “You can do both, or you can focus on just one.”

  Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

  He now finally understands why the "Holy Land" was born.

  Actually, the holy land is also a kind of "power of all beings" in a sense.

   What we take is "quality".

  In the Holy Land, every disciple, every warrior is the best among warriors.

  One can be ten times, a hundred times or even more than other warriors.

   Accumulated from generation to generation, all martial artists in the "Holy Land" will undoubtedly go much more smoothly than other martial saints in the realm of "human sage".

  The most difficult thing is for a casual martial artist.

   Taking refuge in other forces, the power of sentient beings is rarely obtained.

   But to form a force by yourself, it has no foundation accumulation at all, and you have to work hard step by step.

   It is as difficult as skyrocketing.

   "I see, thank you Li Daoyou."

  Lu Changsheng basically understood the cultivation method of human sages.

  The power of all beings!

  When it comes to the stage of martial saints, especially human saints, they really need to dare to fight and fight hard to create a thousand or even ten thousand year power.

   And the bigger the power, the better.

  Ordinary forces are simply not enough to support the cultivation of a human saint, let alone be promoted to an earth saint.

  Lu Changsheng returned to the Holy Land Tianzong.

   "Although the ancient and northern regions have a large territory and a large population, the 'quality' of the sentient beings is too poor. Most of them are ordinary people, not warriors."

   "No matter how many such ordinary people there are, the 'quality' of sentient beings is too poor. It is far inferior to the sentient beings that a single Holy Land Tianzong gave me."

  Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

   Now he finally understands why the martial saints are willing to stay in the Holy Land.

   It's not just the holy land but the center of martial arts.

  Because almost only the "power of all beings" in the holy land can support the practice of "human sage".

   "When it comes to the realm of sages, warriors use the word 'struggle' to the fullest!"

   "To be holy is to win! If you don't fight, how can you call yourself holy? If you don't fight, how can you go further in the realm of being holy?"

  Lu Changsheng immediately understood that to some extent, all the other saints were actually competitors.

   "I need a greater power of sentient beings, but it is too slow to rely on the Holy Land Tianzong to expand bit by bit and accumulate the power of sentient beings."

  Lu Changsheng shook his head.

   Relying on the accumulated strength of the Holy Land Tianzong, it may not be possible to go too far in the realm of holiness in a lifetime.

   Still have to find a way to enter some huge forces.

   Even become high-level, even the core, in a huge power, and hold power.

   Only in this way can we use the power of the huge sentient beings to practice.

  Lu Changsheng gradually had an idea in his mind.

   Holy Land!

  If it is the entire Holy Land, which forces are the strongest and the power of all living beings is the greatest?

   There is no doubt that it must be a holy place!

   It's just that the Holy Land is difficult to enter.

   In Tianguang City and Tiansheng City, no warrior can join the Holy Land.

  Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry either.

  He is constantly consolidating his cultivation in the Holy Land Tianzong, and he is also waiting quietly.

   In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

  The day of the Holy Land Tianzong holding the Martial Saint Banquet has also arrived.

   "Lu Sheng, the auspicious time has come, it's time for you to show up."

  Outside the door, Lu Tong's voice came in.

"I see."

  Lu Changsheng responded calmly.

  For a whole month, Lu Changsheng has been refining the momentum of all beings to upgrade the Chaos Holy Body.

   As for the effect...

  Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 441400 (Praised for centuries)

   Chaos Eucharist: Power of All Beings (1%)

  Lu Changsheng's Primal Chaos Physique has the potential to refine sentient beings, but it has only increased by 1% so far.

  This 1% is actually a general figure.

  Because of refining a ray of sentient beings, it will show 1%, and refining it for a month or even a year, the chaotic body will only increase by 1%.

   Even, Lu Changsheng can feel that even if he refines with this efficiency for a few more years, it is estimated that it will still be 1%.

  The speed of practice is too slow.

  This has already shown that the current power of the Holy Land Tianzong is not enough to support Lu Changsheng's practice in the realm of the sage.


  Lu Changsheng pushed the door and walked out.

  Landing pass outside the gate.

   "How many martial sages are here?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

Lu Tong thought for a while and said respectfully: "Three martial saints have come to Tiansheng City, and two martial saints have come to Tianguang City. There are still some forces around, three martial saints have come, and a total of eight martial saints have come. .”

   Eight Martial Saints!

   Such a scene is already very good.

   It can even be called a grand occasion.

  Just these eight martial saints almost covered the forces within a radius of thousands of miles.

  The fact that they can all come to Lu Changsheng's Martial Saint Banquet has already fully demonstrated their attitude.

  Of course, apart from the presence of the Martial Saint, there are many forces that have various reasons. The Martial Saint did not come, but he sent heavyweights with generous gifts.

   It can be regarded as a clear expression of attitude.

   "Let's go."

  Lu Changsheng stepped forward.

  The figure instantly appeared in the Holy Land Tianzong Hall.


  Suddenly, countless eyes fell on Lu Changsheng.

   There are martial sages, supernatural warriors, and even Jindan Daoist.

  Everyone wants to see this living "legend" with their own eyes.

  Yes, now Lu Changsheng is almost a living "legend" of the Holy Land.

  The speed at which Lu Changsheng became a martial sage was simply unimaginable.

   Hope to be holy in the future!

  Of course, it's just hopeful.

  A celestial sage, in addition to talent, understanding, and background, also needs many opportunities to be able to cultivate into a celestial sage.

  Throughout the ages, no matter how many times they were astonishingly brilliant, they were all eventually trapped and died in the realm of "human sage".

  Want to become a saint?

  Let’s cross the Human Saint first.

   But regardless of whether Lu Changsheng can become a sage, at least, there is no one within ten thousand miles around who is Lu Changsheng's opponent.

   There is no doubt about this!

   So many martial saints came here today, just to see with their own eyes whether Lu Changsheng is really so invincible?

   Now, they see it.

  Lu Changsheng didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Thank you all for coming from afar to participate in Lu's Martial Saint Banquet."

   "I think, you all want to see Lu's Eucharist?"

   "Today, Lu will naturally not let everyone go for nothing."

  Lu Changsheng spoke directly.

  There is no falsehood and deception.

  These people came from afar, really just to celebrate Lu Changsheng's achievement as a Martial Saint?

  That's impossible!

   I just want to test my strength.

   In other words, understand how important Lu Changsheng is at this moment!

  The Martial Saint Banquet was originally held to show strength.

   Naturally, Lu Changsheng would not miss this opportunity to show off his strength.


  Lu Changsheng flew directly out of the main hall, flew in the air, and stood in the void.

   "Go, hurry up and follow."

   "Lu Sheng is going to show the Eucharist directly?"

   "It is said that Lu Sheng's holy body is based on immeasurable supernatural powers. The power of infinite supernatural powers is earth-shattering. How terrifying is that if the power is amplified by the holy body?"

   "Must go and have a look."

  So, the people in the hall quickly left the hall and flew towards the outside of the hall.

  Many people went outside the hall.

  They raised their heads and saw Lu Changsheng standing in the void.

  Lu Changsheng stood with his hands behind his back.

   Just standing in the void.


  The next moment, the Eucharist manifested.

  A holy body of hundreds of feet suddenly emerged.

  As soon as the Baizhang Eucharist appeared, the surrounding space seemed to collapse.

  A terrifying coercion swept across the entire Heavenly Holy City in an instant.

  Like a huge ancient mountain, pressing across the heads of everyone.

   Before everyone came back to their senses, Lu Changsheng directly pointed to a mountain a hundred miles away.


   There was a loud bang.

  What did everyone see?

  It’s hundreds of miles apart.

  The mountain peak disappeared.

  Yes, it just disappeared.

   It seems to have been erased out of thin air.

   Nothing earth-shattering.

   There is no earth shaking, sky falling apart.

   But it is more chilling than those earthquakes and landslides.


   What kind of stalwart method is this?

   There are eight martial saints present.

   What kind of supernatural powers and methods have they not seen before?

  However, today's scene made them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

  Such a long distance, forcibly erased a towering mountain.

   Then also, Lu Changsheng can forcefully erase these martial saints!

   They didn't have the slightest doubt about this.

   "Lu Sheng is infinitely powerful!"

   "Such supernatural powers, the power is simply earth-shattering. Among the saints, who can be the enemy?"

   "We have seen many top martial saints, but among the saints, there are only a handful of people with such terrifying supernatural powers. No, it is not a handful, there is no..."

   Suddenly, everyone started talking loudly.

   Even, the emotions are extremely high.

  In any case, Lu Changsheng is the Martial Saint of Heavenly Sacred City.

   That is the symbol of the Holy City of Heaven.

   "Lu Mou made a fool of himself."

   "Everyone is free to participate in the Martial Saint Banquet today."

  Lu Changsheng smiled slightly.

   Then he withdrew and returned to the main hall.

   Show your strength, just one time.

   I believe that after this time, no one would dare to trouble the Holy Land Tianzong within ten thousand miles.

   Even the Chamber of Commerce of the Holy Land Tianzong can develop smoothly.

  In the future, as long as Lu Changsheng is still alive, the Holy Land Tianzong will always be at its peak!

   lasted at least three thousand years.

   This is the influence of a martial saint.

  Three thousand years later, even if Lu Changsheng couldn't break through to the Human Saint, the deadline came and he died.

   At that time, the Holy Land Tianzong must have accumulated enough foundation.

   Maybe there will be a second or even a third Martial Saint appearing.

   "Lu Changsheng, the general trend has come."

   Li Zhenggang felt emotional in his heart.

  He glanced at Li Guang.

  Li Guang's complexion was ruddy, and there was a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

   This made Li Zhenggang also have a smile on his face.

  Fortunately, there was Li Guang, who made friends with Lu Changsheng early on.

  No matter how brilliant the development of the Holy Land Tianzong is, the Li's Chamber of Commerce can take advantage of the east wind and be equally brilliant!

  The Martial Saint Banquet lasted for three full days.

   Three days later, the Martial Saint Banquet ended.

  Many guests left the Holy Land Tianzong.

  Lu Changsheng left Li Zhenggang alone.

   "Li Daoyou, the power of the Holy Land Tianzong may not be able to support my practice."

   "I don't know if Li Daoyou has any suggestions?"

  Lu Changsheng asked directly.

   During this period of time, he kept trying, and he was basically determined.

   Even if the power of the Holy Land Tianzong expanded tenfold, it would not be enough to support his practice.

   Even if it is a hundred times, it is actually the same.

  Perhaps the potential of sentient beings can also expand many times.

   But there will certainly not be much change in a short time.

   It is necessary to manage the Holy Land Tianzong for many years.

   After decades or hundreds of years, perhaps the power of all beings will become very large.

   But Lu Changsheng didn't want to wait that long.

  Li Zhenggang said with a slight smile: "Fellow Daoist Lu, you are a man of heavenly talent, so you naturally feel that cultivation in the realm of sagehood is slow. If the old man guessed correctly, fellow Daoist Lu may have practiced so far, and he is still less than a hundred years old, right?"

   "Hundred years old? Yes."

  Li Changsheng nodded.

   More than a hundred years old?

  He is not even forty years old.

   Li Zhenggang exclaimed: "Before a hundred years old, he has already become a martial saint. If you want a fellow Taoist to spend hundreds or thousands of years in the realm of being a saint, it is indeed too slow."

   "Perhaps fellow Taoists can consider going to the Holy Land to join the Holy Land."

   "Holy place?"

  Lu Changsheng frowned.

   He actually had the Holy Land in mind.

   But the Holy Land is too mysterious.

   Moreover, the Holy Land will receive a martial saint?

  There are so many martial saints in the world, and so many human saints.

  All want to take advantage of the power of the Holy Land, but the Holy Land is not doing charity either.

   It is impossible to casually recruit some martial saints into the Holy Land.

   What's more, even if you enter the Holy Land.

   If you can't enter the core, or if your status is not high, you won't be able to share the power of all beings in the Holy Land.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, Martial Saints can join the Holy Land, but they need to be screened."

   "With Fellow Daoist Lu's capital, it shouldn't be a big problem to join the Holy Land."

   "However, it is not certain how far Fellow Daoist Lu can go in the Holy Land."

   "The nearest holy place to our Heavenly Holy City is the Tianhe Holy Land. If Fellow Daoist Lu wants to enter the Holy Land, you can try the Tianhe Holy Land."

  Li Zhenggang told Lu Changsheng the specific location of the Tianhe Holy Land.

   "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li."

   After sending Li Zhenggang away, Lu Changsheng looked at the location of the Tianhe Holy Land on the map, thinking deeply.

   "Before going to Tianhe Holy Land, there are some things to do."

   "The three-year agreement with Zhang Shu can actually be dealt with now."

   "Also, Li Zhenggang's injury is too serious. He promised a Tianlin Fortune Pill back then, so he has to get it as soon as possible."

  Lu Changsheng thought about it.

   Still have to go back to Wusheng Mansion.

  Wu Sheng Mansion, especially the Outer Mansion, has all kinds of resources.

  Tianlin Good Fortune Pill should be able to be found.

  Lu Changsheng did not delay for too long.

  The next day, Lu Changsheng left Tiansheng City and flew towards Wusheng Mansion.

   Soon, Lu Changsheng returned to the inner palace of Wusheng Mansion.

  However, Lu Changsheng just wanted to step into the inner palace.

  A layer of invisible light blocked Lu Changsheng.

  At this time, Qi Ling's voice echoed throughout the inner palace.

   "Lu Changsheng, the owner of No. 1 cave mansion, has become a martial saint, so he is not allowed to enter the inner mansion."

   "The temporary challenge mechanism is now activated. Inner Palace warriors who want to obtain the No. 1 cave can apply for a challenge..."

  Qi Ling's voice echoed in the Inner Palace.

  Many people have heard Qi Ling's voice.

  However, all the warriors in the inner palace were shocked.

   His face was full of horror.

  It seems that I can't believe it.

  Lu Changsheng, has he been promoted to Martial Saint?

   You know, how long has it been since Lu Changsheng arrived in the inner palace of Wusheng Mansion?

in less than a year!

   It's been less than a year, and it's still in the "protection period of the inner government", and no other warriors can challenge it.

   As a result, Lu Changsheng forged the holy body during the "protection period of the inner government" and was promoted to a martial saint?

  (end of this chapter)

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