Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 234: Lu Changsheng showed his holiness in front of others, and slashed against the martial


  The entire headquarters of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce suddenly fell silent.

  Everyone stared blankly at the figure of Lu Changsheng in the void.

  They seemed unable to believe their eyes.

   What did they see?

  Lu Changsheng actually volunteered to deal with the Black Light Martial Saint?

  That is the Black Light Martial Saint, the majestic Martial Saint!

  Although they all know now that Lu Changsheng is very powerful and has terrifying talent.

   Gathered countless supernatural powers, almost the first person in the supernatural power realm!

  However, dominating in the realm of supernatural powers and facing martial saints are completely different things.

  For a martial arts saint, once he casts a holy body, every move is the power of supernatural powers.

   Moreover, depending on the strength of the holy body, it can also increase the supernatural power by dozens to a hundred times.

   At worst, it can increase by dozens of times.

  Magic power increased dozens of times?

  How terrible is that?

   Every move is earth-shattering.

  With the power of a martial sage, if he wants to, he can easily destroy a city.

  However, in the face of a martial arts saint, Lu Changsheng was eager to try it himself, wanting to try it himself.

   "Lu Zun is too arrogant. He thinks he is the number one supernatural power, but he dares to confront Wu Sheng head-on?"

"Lu Zun thinks that his immeasurable supernatural powers can compete with martial saints, but in reality? Throughout the ages, there are almost no people who can compete with martial saints at the level of supernatural powers. Maybe it can compete with the Martial Saint."

   "Lu Changsheng may be invincible in the realm of supernatural powers, but he thinks that martial saints are no more than that. Really... looking for a dead end!"

  Many warriors shook their heads slightly.

   Feel incredible.

   Sending death is not like this.

   Lu Changsheng's move, in their view, was really sending him to death.

  No matter how strong the supernatural powers are, how can they be the opponents of Wu Sheng?

   Only Wu Zun Xiao Cong of the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce saw Lu Changsheng stepping forward and walking towards the Black Light Martial Saint step by step, his eyes flashed brightly, and his face was extremely excited.

"Here, Lu Changsheng is finally here. He's going to challenge the Martial Saint head-on. It's... unbelievable! He was able to slay the holy beast dragon in the Yuntu Mountains. Could it be that this time he will show his holiness in front of people in Tianguang City and slash against it?" Wu Sheng?"

  Xiao Cong was very excited.

  Holy beasts are holy beasts, and martial saints are martial saints.

   There is still a difference between the two.

   But such a once-in-a-lifetime battle, even for a martial artist, is actually very difficult to encounter.

   It can be said that it is possible but not desirable.

   And now, he was about to witness this shocking scene with his own eyes.

  Many people may not know what a shocking scene they are about to see.

   But Xiao Cong knew.

   Even the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce knows.

   For this battle, the ones who are most looking forward to and watching most seriously are the fighters from the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce.

   One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps...

  After about ten steps, Lu Changsheng stopped.

  He had passed the crowd, stood in the void, and faced the Black Light Martial Saint far away.

   Seeing this scene, Heiguang Wusheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

   A killing intent flashed in his eyes.

   "Old Ghost Li, why don't you send a mere supernatural power realm martial artist to die?"

  The eyes of Martial Saint Heiguang passed Lu Changsheng and landed directly on Li Zhenggang.

  From beginning to end, he was guarding against Li Zhenggang.

  He was also afraid that Li Zhenggang would use Lu Changsheng to attract his attention, and then attack him unexpectedly.

  There is such a possibility!

  As for Lu Changsheng being so strong, can he compete with the Martial Saint?

   This point, Heiguang Wusheng didn't take it to heart at all.

   No matter how strong a supernatural warrior is, he is just a supernatural warrior.

   There is an essential difference from Wu Sheng.

  There is an insurmountable gap between the two sides, like a natural moat!

   No matter how much he thinks highly of Lu Changsheng, he won't think that Lu Changsheng can really compete with him, a majestic master of martial arts.

  It must be Li Zhenggang using it to restrain him and attract his attention.

  Lu Changsheng looked at Wu Sheng Heiguang.

   "Come on, let Lu have a look, how amazing is Wu Sheng's supernatural power?"

  Heiguang Wushang was about to laugh at Lu Changsheng's words.


  The next moment, Lu Changsheng made a move.

   As soon as he waved his hand, a terrifying black vortex formed in the void.

  The black vortex seemed to have a great deterrent effect on his spirit.

   Even, even he felt a little bit of pressure.

   It seemed that once the black vortex fell, his spirit would be swallowed up.

  Warrior Sage Heiguang didn't make any movement yet, and in the next second, a cage had vaguely formed around him.

  Sixiang Prison!

  In the blink of an eye, Lu Changsheng had already displayed two immeasurable supernatural powers.

  Lu Changsheng did not hesitate at all.

  Five-color brilliance shines out.

  The third supernatural power, decomposition of the five elements!

   Instantly swept towards the Black Light Martial Saint.

  The three infinite supernatural powers complement each other and were released by Lu Changsheng together.

  For the first time, facing a martial artist in the supernatural power state, the Heiguang Martial Sage actually felt the slightest threat.

  Yes, it is a threat.

   It seemed that Lu Changsheng in front of him was very dangerous.

   Once the three supernatural powers covered him.

   Well, he might die!

  Wu Sheng's intuition is terrible.

   Wusheng Heiguang never imagined that he would feel this way.

   You know, this kind of aura that can make him feel dangerous can only be felt when facing other martial saints.

  However, Lu Changsheng is clearly only a supernatural power realm warrior, and there is absolutely no mistake in this.

  How could it make him feel extremely dangerous?

  However, Heiguang Wusheng has experienced many battles after all.

  He hardly hesitated, a layer of white flame suddenly appeared on his body.

   "White Flame Eucharist!"

  Warrior Sage Heiguang did not hesitate to display the Eucharist.

   Moreover, it is also the "White Flame Eucharist" of the fire of the five elements.

   This kind of holy body is still relatively common.

   Good at bursting.

  Under the Holy Body of the White Flame, the Black Light Martial Saint raised his hands and feet, and the flame supernatural power increased by as much as thirty-eight times!

   is actually quite good.

  Generally, the increase is twenty times or thirty times.

   And his White Flame Holy Body has increased by as much as thirty-eight times!

   What is the concept of a thirty-eight-fold increase in supernatural powers?

   Now Lu Changsheng has met him.

   Even, personally experienced it.

  With the wave of Wusheng Heiguang, the flame magic power was released instantly.

  Suddenly, the void seemed to be filled with large expanses of flames.

  Everyone seemed to have fallen into a fiery purgatory.

  Lu Changsheng's Four Elephant Prison is indeed very strong.

  However, under the supernatural power amplified by the Eucharist, the Sixiang Prison was broken with just one blow.

   "What a terrible holy body, what a terrible supernatural power increase!"

   "However, the Holy Body of the White Flame, the supernatural power of the flame... just happened to be restrained by my five-element decomposition supernatural power!"

  Lu Changsheng's eyes turned cold.

  The moment the Sixiang prison was broken open, Lu Changsheng's five-element decomposition supernatural power descended mightily.

   Moreover, the flames in all directions were actually directly decomposed.

  By the time Wusheng Heiguang reacted, he had already been enveloped by the supernatural power of five elements decomposition.

   At the same time, the spiritual black hole above Lu Changsheng's head also disappeared in a flash.

   In fact, it fell into the consciousness of Wusheng Heiguang, and was crazily devouring the spiritual consciousness of Wusheng Heiguang.

  Under the double attack, the holy body of Martial Saint Heiguang flickered.

   It seems unstable.

   Seems like it might crash at any moment.

  Seeing this scene, everyone was in an uproar, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

   "The Eucharist, Heiguang Wusheng displayed the Eucharist!"

   "However, the Baiyan Holy Physique is powerful, but it seems to be suppressed by Lu Changsheng's immeasurable supernatural powers. Is this... is it true? The Physique will be suppressed by the supernatural powers of warriors in the supernatural power realm?"

   "This has completely overturned my cognition. Shouldn't the Holy Body be crushed against supernatural powers? What's going on now?"

   "Boundless supernatural powers, this is boundless supernatural powers! Its power can actually fight against the Eucharist, it is unbelievable..."

   Many people gasped.

  They couldn't believe what they saw.

   But again, this is the truth.

  Warrior Sage Heiguang is still the one who released the holy body.

   Actually at a disadvantage!

   In a head-to-head battle with Lu Changsheng, he was completely at a disadvantage.

   Even the Eucharist was suppressed.

   This is just incredible.

  Only the people from the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce stared wide-eyed, but secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

   Fortunately, Xiao Cong brought back the news a long time ago.

   Otherwise, how could they believe that someone could use supernatural powers to kill the holy beast?

  Now Lu Changsheng is confronting the Martial Saint head-on and suppressing the Black Light Martial Saint in full view!

  Don't tell me the other people were shocked.

  Even members of the Li family such as Li Guang and Li Zhenggang, and even members of the Holy Land Tianzong were shocked.

  They knew that Lu Changsheng was very strong.

   It can be called invincible.

  However, martial arts and martial arts are two concepts.

  Wu Sheng, martial arts saint.

  The existence that all warriors must look up to.

  However, now Lu Changsheng is actually challenging the Martial Saint head-on, and even clearly has the upper hand.

  This simply subverted their cognition.

   "This is really...unbelievable!"

   "I used to think that Lu Changsheng just wanted to contain the Black Light Martial Sage, but in the end I had to do it."

   "Who knew, Lu Changsheng could solve it by himself..."

   Li Zhenggang murmured in a low voice.

  He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

  However, everyone was shocked.

  However, they still stared at Lu Changsheng and Heiguang Wusheng intently.

the reason is simple.

  Warrior Sage Heiguang is not dead yet.

  Even Heiguang Wusheng was not defeated.

   is just at a disadvantage.

"How can it be?"

   "My holy body cannot be defeated by supernatural powers..."

   "White Flame Eucharist!"

   Heiguang Wusheng almost roared.

  He couldn't believe what he saw.

  He couldn't believe that his Baiyan Saint would be defeated by Lu Changsheng's supernatural power.

  So, the White Flame Holy Body expanded again, releasing terrible flames.

  But all the flames released by the holy body were decomposed by the five-color light one after another, and finally turned into ashes.

   At the same time, Lu Changsheng released the supernatural power of five elements decomposition again and again.

   One note, two notes, three notes, four notes, five notes...

  When one record after another records the supernatural powers of five elements decomposition, and the superposition of spiritual black hole supernatural powers. The spirit and body of Martial Saint Heiguang were defeated bit by bit.

  Especially the Holy Body of the White Flame.

   It was "nibbled" at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and collapsed bit by bit.

  One hour, two hours, three hours...

   "No, it's not possible..."

  A few hours later, Heiguang Wusheng looked terrified, and there seemed to be a trace of fear in his voice.

  He was terrified.

  The White Flame Holy Physique of Heiguang Wusheng is indeed very strong.

   It even lasted for several hours.

  However, after a few hours, I still couldn't bear it.


  Bai Yan's holy body split open.

   A crack appeared.

   And this is just the beginning.

  The breath of death enveloped Heiguang Wusheng.

  He couldn't believe it, he would die, and he would die at the hands of a supernatural power realm warrior.

   It's a shame.

   Shame to all martial saints!

  In the future, Heiguang Wusheng will definitely be mentioned again and again, and will become a stepping stone for Lu Changsheng.

  However, even if Martial Saint Heiguang wanted to struggle, it was already too late to escape.


  The next moment, the Baiyan Holy Body exploded and completely collapsed.

  Lu Changsheng's five-element decomposition supernatural power completely overwhelmed the Black Light Martial Saint.

   Wusheng Heiguang screamed.

   Being directly swallowed by the spiritual black hole.

   Afterwards, there was silence in the void.

   There is no sound anymore.

   A deathly silence.

  Everyone's eyes widened.

   They waited for the smoke to clear.

   Soon, the smoke cleared.

  Lu Changsheng also received his magical powers, and stood quietly in the void.

  However, the Black Light Martial Saint, who was still in the void just now, has disappeared.

   Even the breath disappeared without a trace.

  A bad premonition lingered in everyone's mind.


   "Heiguang Wusheng, is this fallen?"

   "Under the eyes of everyone, it is impossible for Martial Saint Heiguang to escape, and it is even more impossible to disappear quietly. Especially now that there is no breath at all, and there is no corpse. This is no bones left..."

   "Lu Changsheng beheaded the Black Light Martial Saint? Using supernatural powers to reversely slash the Martial Saint?"

  Many people noticed this and were a little confused.

   No matter how high they thought of Lu Changsheng before.

  However, no one expected that Lu Changsheng would be able to kill Heiguang Wusheng.

  Even Xiao Cong was equally dumbfounded, with his mouth wide open, and his mind was shocked!

   That's a martial artist!

  A martial sage fell in full view.

  Lu Changsheng manifested his holiness in front of others, and rebelled against the martial arts sage!


   It's a huge hit!

  No one would have thought that such a thing would happen.

  The majestic martial saint has fallen?

   Still fell in the hands of a supernatural power.

  This is... unbelievable!

   "Boundless supernatural powers, is this boundless supernatural powers? I thought I had already overestimated boundless supernatural powers. Who would have thought that I still underestimated boundless supernatural powers."

   "What is immeasurable supernatural power? It really is immeasurable. It is incredible that even a martial saint can be killed."

   "It turns out that infinite supernatural powers can counteract and even destroy the Holy Body of a Martial Saint..."

   An eye-opener for many.

  At this time, they seemed to think of the ancient classics, why those ancient holy places must do everything possible to let the most outstanding disciples condense immeasurable magical powers.

   It turns out that infinite supernatural powers are so terrifying?

   can reverse the martial arts!

   Once the sacred body is cast based on the infinite supernatural powers, how tyrannical will it be?

  Many warriors simply don't know what a warrior with immeasurable supernatural powers represents.

   I don't know how terrifying the power of infinite supernatural powers is?

  And now, they know it, and they have witnessed the terrifying power of infinite supernatural powers with their own eyes!

  Looking at the empty area in front of him, Lu Changsheng shook his head slightly and said, "Wu Sheng...seems not much better than holy beasts."

   "Even, in terms of defense, the Martial Saint is far inferior to the Holy Beast Flood Dragon..."

  Lu Changsheng actually understood that this was the reason for the Eucharist cast by the Black Light Martial Sage.

  Baiyan Holy Physique is good at bursting out, and its attack power is very terrifying.

   But the defense is actually very average.

   Far inferior to the physical defense of the holy beast dragon.

   But even if Baiyan Saint Physique attacks with all its strength, the flame supernatural power is increased by nearly forty times, so what?

   Wasn't he defeated head-on by Lu Changsheng's three immeasurable magical powers, especially the five-element decomposition magical power.

   This shows that Lu Changsheng's immeasurable supernatural powers are actually dozens of times as powerful as ordinary supernatural powers!

  It turns out that at the moment when Lu Changsheng transformed into the three infinite supernatural powers, he actually possessed the strength of a martial saint!

   It's just that, all along, even Lu Changsheng himself didn't know it well.

   After all, regarding the immeasurable supernatural powers, it has always been just a legend.

  Only among the oldest holy places, there may be detailed records of immeasurable supernatural powers.

   But there are basically no people walking in the Holy Land.

   Naturally, no one knows the power of infinite supernatural powers.

   But these are not important anymore.

  Following Lu Changsheng, he slashed against the Black Light Martial Saint today.

   Then, as Lu Changsheng became famous, the terrifying power of infinite supernatural powers will also be talked about and spread throughout the Holy Land!

   "All warriors of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce must not act without authorization, and wait for the Li Family Chamber of Commerce and the Holy Land Tianzong to take over the Black Light Chamber of Commerce."

   "Anyone who acts inappropriately will be killed without mercy!"

  Lu Changsheng's voice resounded throughout the entire Tianguang City.

  The warriors of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce below all froze.

  Lu Changsheng released the spiritual black hole, which was suspended in the void of the headquarters of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  Once someone makes a move, he can directly devour the spirit of the other party and just "kill" him directly.

  They dare not act rashly.

  Lu Changsheng will not let the Black Light Chamber of Commerce go.

   "Brother Li, and fellow Taoists, please go and check the supplies of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce."

   Lu Changsheng said calmly to Li Guang and the others.

  Li Guang also reacted immediately.

  Black Light Chamber of Commerce!

   This is one of the top forces in Tianguang City, a true martial saint force.

  Its business spreads in many places.

  Compared with the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, it is only stronger but not weaker.

  How many materials does such a chamber of commerce have?

   Even, once the Li’s Chamber of Commerce takes over the Black Light Chamber of Commerce, not only will all the previous losses of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce be made up, it will even inflate wildly.

  Of course, Li Guang immediately thought that this matter must be handled properly.

  After this battle, Lu Changsheng is completely different from before.

   Lu Changsheng cannot be regarded as a supernatural warrior.

   Instead, he should be treated as a martial saint!

  The current Lu Changsheng is not a martial sage better than a martial sage!

  So, Li Guang took his people and quickly flew into the headquarters of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  At this moment, everyone really believed that Martial Sage Heiguang was really dead.

   And the Black Light Chamber of Commerce is completely over.

   "Black Light Chamber of Commerce, this time it's really over."

   "Skylight City, there may no longer be a Black Light Chamber of Commerce."

   "Who would have thought that a supernatural warrior could kill the Black Light Martial Saint and swallow the Black Light Chamber of Commerce?"

   "I heard that Lu Changsheng was born in the Holy Land Tianzong, a small sect. Perhaps, now is still a chance..."

  Some people are quick-witted, and already have the idea of ​​"taking refuge" in the Holy Land Tianzong, and taking refuge in Lu Changsheng.

   After all, everyone can see that Lu Changsheng has a bright future.

  Wu Sheng, that's a certainty!

   Even, there is hope for Heavenly Saints in the future!

  Xiao Cong from the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce brought people to meet Lu Changsheng.

   "I met Lu Zun, I met Li Wusheng!"

   Xiao Cong saluted respectfully.

   "It really is you."

  Lu Changsheng was not too surprised when he saw Xiao Cong.

  When the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce took the initiative to show its favor, he knew that most of them were black-clothed warriors who were in Yuntu Mountain Range back then.

   Now it seems that it is really a warrior in black.

   "Lu Zun, my name is Xiao Cong, and I am a supernatural warrior from the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce."

   "I didn't expect that Lu Zun was able to slay the holy beast dragon, and now he can also slay the martial sage. It's unbelievable."

  Xiao Cong said with emotion.

   Now, there is no need to keep the matter of Yuntu Mountain Range a secret.

   After all, beheading a martial saint is more shocking than defeating a holy beast.

   "What, Lu Zun also beheaded a holy beast?"

  But it was the first time for Li Guang, Li Zhenggang and others to know about Lu Changsheng beheading the holy beast.

  In retrospect, it's no wonder that Lu Changsheng has the confidence to contend with the Martial Saint.

  Holy beast, that's not inferior to martial saints.

  Strength comparable to Wu Sheng.

  Since Lu Changsheng can slay holy beasts, he can naturally contend against martial saints.

   "Xiao Cong, Lu knows about your kindness from the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce."

   "What are you doing here?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "Lu Zun, I, the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce, wants to buy part of the stores of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce..."

   Actually, it’s not just a store.

  The Black Light Chamber of Commerce collapsed, how to distribute is a problem.

  The Deep Space Chamber of Commerce wants a piece of the pie.

  Even if a certain price needs to be paid, the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce is willing.

   "Lu doesn't understand business matters, you can discuss it with the people from Li's Chamber of Commerce."

   Afterwards, Xiao Cong left.

   Only Lu Changsheng, Li Guang, and Li Zhenggang were left in the room.

  Li Guang and Li Zhenggang looked at each other.

Finally, Li Guang said: "Brother Lu, the Black Light Chamber of Commerce was brought down by Brother Lu, so it should be in charge of Brother Lu. The Black Light Chamber of Commerce can be merged into the Holy Land Tianzong. If Brother Lu doesn't understand something, or needs to With the help of Li’s Chamber of Commerce, we can directly say that our Li’s Chamber of Commerce is willing to do our best to help the Holy Land Tianzong take over the Black Light Chamber of Commerce!”

   This is actually a decision made by Li Zhenggang.

   Once the Holy Land Tianzong takes over the Black Light Chamber of Commerce, its power will definitely expand extremely.

   Immediately it will be comparable to or even surpass the Li Chamber of Commerce.

  But the Li Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of such a thing happening.

   Even happy to see it happen.

  In the Holy Land, I was never afraid of being small, but I was afraid of being too powerful and not strong enough to withstand a huge force.

  If the Black Light Chamber of Commerce is added, the power of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce will be too large.

  For the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, which only has an ordinary martial saint, it is impossible to control such a huge force.

   But Holy Land Tianzong is different.

   First of all, the Holy Land Tianzong is actually very small, and it was able to expand rapidly after annexing the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  Secondly, although Lu Changsheng is not a martial sage now, he actually has the combat power of a martial sage, and he can completely regard the Holy Land Tianzong as a martial sage-level power.

  A Martial Saint-level force with the Black Light Chamber of Commerce is simply too suitable.


  Lu Changsheng hesitated for a while.

  He himself is afraid of trouble. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he accepts the Black Light Chamber of Commerce or not.

   But Lu Changsheng is no longer alone.

   Behind him is the Holy Land Tianzong!

   Even, behind the Holy Land Tianzong, there are the Ancient Domain Tianzong and the Northern Territory Tianzong.

  The three heavenly sects are one!

  But in fact, they all rely on the Holy Land Tianzong.

   Without a large chamber of commerce, it is actually difficult to support the consumption of the three major heavenly sects.

   "Okay, then I will not be polite!"

   "However, the Holy Land Tianzong takes over the Black Light Chamber of Commerce, and can increase cooperation with the Li's Chamber of Commerce in the future. Even if the two chambers of commerce complement each other, they will definitely be able to develop better than before!"

  Lu Changsheng said.

   "There is also the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce, they are also eager to cooperate with Brother Lu."

   Li Guang said.

  Lu Changsheng smiled.

  He knew it was true.

   There is also the Deep Space Chamber of Commerce.

   Once the three major chambers of commerce joined forces, a consensus was reached.

  That is undoubtedly faster than a single chamber of commerce.

  So, the three of them discussed for a while.

  Lu Changsheng immediately sent elders back to Tiansheng City, brought a large number of warriors from the Holy Land Tianzong, and took over the entire Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  The process of taking over was also very smooth.

  Lu Changsheng's battle completely broke the back of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

   Even the Martial Saint has been beheaded, who else in the Black Light Chamber of Commerce dares to stop the Holy Land Tianzong?

   So, the takeover went smoothly.

   And Lu Changsheng is also paying close attention to the supplies of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

   Or, he has already made a request.

  Check the Black Light Chamber of Commerce, focusing on finding the innate essence of the five elements.

  Especially the wood of the innate five elements and the soil of the innate five elements, as well as the virtual magic beads.

  Lu Changsheng just felt that with the background of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce for so many years.

   More or less, there should be some precious things, right?

   Now look for it first, what if there is one?

  Lu Changsheng sits at the headquarters of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  Some people from the Holy Land Tianzong came to the Black Light Chamber of Commerce to take over.

  With Lu Changsheng in charge, nothing major happened.

   Time passed day by day.

  The news that Lu Changsheng had rebelled against the Martial Saint also spread like wildfire.

   Like a storm, it swept across all directions in an instant and spread to the entire holy land.

  Suddenly, the Holy Land became a sensation.

   Countless forces are in shock.

  It seems that I can't believe it.

   People have been sent to inquire about the news.

  Especially the Martial Saint Mansion was extremely shocked.

   After all, Lu Changsheng is now an inner martial artist of the Martial Saint Mansion.

   Even, Lu Changsheng has occupied the No. 1 cave for almost a year.

  Some inner palace warriors are even ambitious, eager to challenge Lu Changsheng and seize the No. 1 cave.

  However, when the news spread, the entire Martial Saint Mansion was in an uproar.

   "Lu Changsheng killed a Martial Saint head-on in Tianguang City?"

   "This is not a rumor, is it? How is it possible?"

"This is absolutely true! Lu Changsheng is still a martial artist in the supernatural power realm, but relying on the immeasurable supernatural powers at the top of the three sects, he defeated the black light martial saint! This battle, under the watchful eyes of everyone, caused a sensation in the entire Tianguang City. There will never be any wrong."

   "My God... Originally, I wanted to challenge Lu Changsheng after the end of the year, but now I'm really lucky, it hasn't been a year yet. If I try to challenge it, it would be a disgrace!"

   "That's right, who would have thought that Lu Changsheng, who is at the supernatural power level, could actually kill a martial saint?"

  Many disciples of Wusheng Mansion were dumbfounded.

   This news is really shocking.

  Especially the Venerable Destiny.

  When he heard the news, he was shocked.

  However, the news is true.

   Venerable Destiny sighed: "No wonder Qi Ling assigned the No. 1 cave to Lu Changsheng."

   "Such a Lu Changsheng should occupy the No. 1 cave!"

   "Supernatural Slash Martial Saint..."

   Venerable Destiny still had a little thought in his heart.

  However, now I have nothing to think about.

  He immediately declared retreat.

   All I want to do is cast the holy body and become a martial saint!

   Time flies by.

  When the entire holy land was spreading the reputation of Lu Changsheng as "Supernatural Power Slashing Martial Saint".

  Lu Changsheng looked at the three treasures in front of him with great excitement.

  Innate wood of the five elements, innate soil of the five elements, and two virtual magic beads!

   These are the treasures that Lu Changsheng needs in the Blackwater Chamber of Commerce.

   This is really... a surprise!

   "With these few treasures, it is almost possible to smelt the Eucharist..."

  Lu Changsheng immediately announced the retreat.

  He had to do his best to cast the Eucharist!

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