Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 196: After a year of deduction, the magical art of annihilation of the five elements was fi

  Chapter 196 After a year of deduction, the magical art of annihilation of the five elements was finally born! The reputation is out, the top Daoji seeks help!

  If Lu Changsheng wanted to deduce the magic, he also needed some kind of magic as the basis, or in other words, he also needed a reference.

   And Lu Changsheng's reference is the magical flame flow!

  The magical flame flow is still based on the law of fire.

   Rearrange and combine the Law of Wind, the Law of Wood, and the Law of Fire to form a powerful top-notch compound magic.

   Now that Lu Changsheng wants to deduce the magic spell by himself, it is the same.

   It's just that he has five laws now, and he needs to break up the five laws, rearrange and combine the five laws, so as to deduce a new compound magic.

   Every time a law is added, if it is to be deduced, it needs to be rearranged and combined. The complexity and the number of arrangements are almost geometrically multiplied, which is very scary.

  Ordinary warriors have to spend a lot of time and energy to perform deduction again and again.

   But Lu Changsheng's understanding is indeed very strong.

  In his own brain, he directly broke up the five laws.

  Start rearranging and combining the five laws.

  One kind after another, try them all one by one.

  However, Lu Changsheng tried many times, dozens of times, but none of them succeeded.

   "No, the arrangement is wrong this time. If the arrangement continues like this, there will be no magic at all."

   "This arrangement is good, but the two laws will conflict and consume each other. Even if they are deduced into divine arts, their power will be greatly reduced."

   "The arrangement of the three laws is not bad, but adding the fourth law will not work..."

  Lu Changsheng tried again and again, concentrating wholeheartedly on deducing the magic.

   From time to time, Lu Changsheng would also check the attribute panel.

   But there is almost no magic spell.

   It shows that none of the magic spells he deduced were successful.

   Time flies, and several months have passed.

  Two top Taoist experts, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian, came from Wang Yun's cave, where the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain resided!

   These two people are well-known in the ancient Tianzong.

  Used to be the genius of Megatron Tianzong in the ancient domain, and now he is a top Taoist powerhouse.

  However, now Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian looked very solemn.

   "Fellow Daoist Wang, we sincerely want to invite the top Daoist who killed the Daoist of Mountains and Seas to join us and fight for the secret realm with us."

"That's right. Fellow Daoist Wang should also be very clear about how brutal the fight in the secret realm is. Even with the strength of the two of us, we can't say that we will definitely be able to obtain the Divine Stone of Law. Those who make a move will be stable."

   "The two of us are short of the law of consummation now. We need to make the law perfect before we can try to gather supernatural powers. This is related to the critical moment for the two of us to become enlightened. Please also ask Fellow Daoist Wang to complete it!"

   "Fellow Daoist Wang, the two of us are extremely grateful!"

  The attitude of the two is very sincere.

   Moreover, Wang Yun also knows very well what a large secret realm means.

  There will be countless top Taoist foundations and top foundation establishment Taoist monarchs entering the secret realm together to compete for various treasures.

   For Daoist powerhouses, the most precious treasure is the Divine Stone of Law.

  Because, the divine stone of the law can speed up the understanding of the law by the Daoist powerhouse, and even make the law perfect.

   Only the perfect law can hope to condense supernatural powers.

   No wonder even Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian came to ask for help.

   These two people are not simple, they have mastered the four laws, and in the third layer of the entire ancient domain, the strength of both of them can be called the top.

   But even so, the two still felt that they were not very sure.

   Still have to pull another top-notch Daoist.

  But there are actually only so many top Daoji.

   There are not many people who can be seen by the two.

  In recent months, the incident about the beheading of Taoist Shanhai has intensified.

   It also made the two pay more attention.

  Shanhai Daojun, the two of them know their strength.

  Facing Taoist Dushanhai, the two of them dare not say that they are absolutely sure to kill.

  Even if Mr. Shankaidao had his hole cards, they might still be the ones who died.

  Being able to kill Lord Shan Hai Dao, this level of strength is definitely not inferior to them.

   Isn't this the "helping hand" they dream of?

  Wang Yun was indeed sincere when he saw the two of them.

   Moreover, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian are both well-known top Taoists, and they are expected to have supernatural powers.

   Being able to help these two people can be regarded as making friends with these two people.

  Thinking of this, Wang Yun nodded and said, "Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

   "As for whether he is willing or not, that is his business. You can't force others to make things difficult."

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian were overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "With the strength of that fellow Taoist, he can kill the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas. If he is not willing, who else can force him in the third layer of the ancient domain?"

   "Who is that fellow Taoist?"

   Both of them looked closely at Wang Yun.

  Afterwards, Wang Yun said word by word: "The one who killed the king of mountains and seas is Lu Changsheng, Tianzong of the Ancient Domain! You should be familiar with this name..."

  When Wang Yun mentioned "Lu Changsheng", Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian were shocked.

   Their eyes widened.

  It seems that I can't believe it.

   "Is it Lu Changsheng who became famous in the entire ancient region when he was in Shenzang, ranked first in the two rankings, and overwhelmed the generation of Immortal Dao and Martial Dao?"

   "That's right, it's Fellow Daoist Lu."

   The two were silent.

   Naturally, they had heard of the name "Lu Changsheng".

  However, that was just the prestige of Shenzang.

  Even if Dao Ji is forged, there are still some means.

  However, how could Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian take it seriously?

  They thought it was some mysterious Daoist who helped Wang Yun.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Daoist strongman of Tianzong in the ancient domain, and even the famous Lu Changsheng.

   "Fellow Daoist Wang, Lu Changsheng has just cast the Dao Foundation for about a year, his strength..."

  Zhao Yujian still hesitated.

  Wang Yun frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Lu beheaded the Daoist of Mountains and Seas, I saw it with my own eyes, there is no mistake."

  Wang Yun's words convinced the two of them completely.

   This level of talent, this level of strength, is simply incredible.

   "However, Fellow Daoist Lu is currently retreating."

   "I have contacted before, no response."

   "If you sincerely want to invite Fellow Daoist Lu, then wait patiently."

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian discussed for a while, then nodded and said: "We can wait, but within a year, I hope that Lu Changsheng can leave the customs and meet with us to decide whether to go to the secret realm."

   "No problem, Fellow Daoist Lu should be out of customs within a year. After fellow Daoist Lu is out of customs, I will ask. You just wait patiently for the news."

  Wang Yun nodded.

   "Okay, then thank you, Fellow Daoist Wang."

  So, the two got up and left the cave.

Looking at the backs of Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian, Wang Yun sighed and muttered to herself: "Who doesn't want the divine stone of law? It's a pity that in the battle for the secret realm, one must offend the top Taoist and foundation-builders." Okay. I don't even have the qualifications to go to the secret realm..."

   "However, Lu Changsheng has really soared into the sky. This is a good thing for Lu Changsheng, and he should agree..."

   Immediately afterwards, Wang Yun closed her eyes again and began to concentrate on comprehending the law.

  At this moment, Lu Changsheng's cave.

  He didn't know the situation outside.

   Didn't know that Wang Yun summoned him many times.

  He was just concentrating on deducing divine arts.

  One month, three months, five months, eight months...

  Lu Changsheng had never retreated for such a long time.

  However, Lu Changsheng couldn't feel the passage of time at all when he was concentrating on deducing the magic spell.

  Lu Changsheng deduced again and again, overturning his own deduction again and again.

   The five laws may be rearranged and combined tens of thousands of times.

  Lu Changsheng's superb understanding was almost used to the limit by him!

   Only when he was deducing divine arts, did Lu Changsheng really realize how terrifying his current understanding of the "dragon and phoenix among people" level is.

   Almost touched the limit of "dragon and phoenix among men" understanding!

  In the past, Lu Changsheng comprehended the blood of the sky demon, comprehended the law, and practiced magic.

  In fact, they are far from touching the limit of the understanding of "dragon and phoenix among people".

   But now, Lu Changsheng has reached the limit.

  It was only because he had reached the limit that Lu Changsheng realized how terrifying his comprehension was, and he could understand even more how difficult it is to deduce the compound magic of the five laws.

  However, even with such a difficult task, Lu Changsheng was slowly finishing it.

  His deduction has already completed more than half of it.

   It seems that it is a little bit close to a complete deduction.

  Nine months, ten months, eleven months, twelve months, thirteen months...

  Lu Changsheng spent thirteen months!

  Finally, one day, there was a roar in Lu Changsheng's brain.

   Immediately afterwards, he was deducing the five laws of divine arts when he suddenly collapsed.

   Then it seemed that they merged together again, and they were gestating something.

  Finally, a terrible breath came from the brain.


   That is a terrible magic!

  In the brain area, there seemed to be a black flame.

  Where the black flames passed, everything collapsed and destroyed.

   Even the void is distorted.

   And the coverage is incredible.

  Even if it is a simple law, facing this kind of magic, even the law will collapse.

   "It's done!"

   "The top-notch composite divine art deduced from the five laws!"

   "The law of fire is the main one, and the characteristics of the other four laws are all contained in it, and even rearranged and combined, it produces unparalleled terrifying power."

   "It's time for a name."

  Lu Changsheng pondered for a long time.

  Shenju should be famous!

  For example, the divine spell Flame Flow, or the divine spell Wind Fire Purgatory.

  These magical names are more appropriate.

  Lu Changsheng deduced the divine art using the law of wind, the law of metal, the law of wood, the law of water, and the law of fire, a total of five laws were deduced.

   "The law of metal, wood, water and fire is short of the law of the five elements. Then this magical technique is simply called the annihilation of the five elements!"

  Lu Changsheng came up with a more appropriate name.

   It was just a deduction.

  Lu Changsheng has not practiced this divine art to perfection.

  However, this magical technique was deduced by Lu Changsheng himself.

   Therefore, it is easy to achieve consummation.

  Lu Changsheng thought about it.


  The annihilation of the small five elements was released instantly, and the entire brain area turned into a black flame.

  Wherever the flame passes, everything is reduced to ashes.

   Completely and completely annihilated.

  Under such circumstances, the progress of Lu Changsheng's small five-element annihilation magic is rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, a line of small characters appeared before Lu Changsheng's eyes.

   "The magical annihilation of the five elements is complete, and the understanding is increased by 5000 points."

   In just a quarter of an hour, Lu Changsheng's top-notch compound magic technique was completed.

  Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check the situation.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 58520 (dragon and phoenix among people)

  Spiritual law: 75% (progress)

  Law of Fire: 73% (progress)

  Law of Wind: 63% (progress)

  Law of Wood: 54% (progress)

  Golden Law: 39%

  Law of Water: 39%

  The Annihilation of the Minor Five Elements: Consummation

  Lu Changsheng saw that his comprehension had almost reached 60,000 points.

   It is very close to the 100,000 mark.

   There are also the laws of spirit and law of fire, both of which have exceeded 70% of the progress.

  The distance is 100%, and the law is not far from complete perfection.

  The rest of the laws have been significantly improved.

  Six laws, progress is very high.

   Now even if Lu Changsheng doesn't use magic, his strength can be described as earth-shattering.

   There is absolutely no comparison with other Dao-based powerhouses.

   Not to mention that Lu Changsheng also has compound magic.

  Currently, Lu Changsheng has three kinds of compound magic spells, namely, Fenghuo Purgatory, Flame Flow, and Minor Five Elements Annihilation.

  These three kinds of compound divine arts are very powerful.

  Especially the flame flow and the annihilation of the small five elements, the power is even more earth-shattering.

   "Now that I lack the law of soil and the law of the earth, I can master all eight laws."

   "When the time comes, practice the laws one by one to perfection, and even consider concentrating supernatural powers."

   "It's just that the law of the earth and the law of the earth seem to be somewhat similar?"

  Lu Changsheng is already thinking about the next direction of cultivation.

  Law of the earth and the law of the earth.

  Looks similar, seems to be the same.

   But in fact, when Lu Changsheng condensed the seeds of laws, he discovered that they were two different laws.

   Needless to say, the law of earth must be one of the five elements, representing the "earth" element in all things in the world.

  The law of the earth is different.

   seems to be somewhat similar to the Earth's magnetic field.

   In short, these are two different laws.

   There are a lot of sky demons with earth attributes, after all, there are many sky demons with five elements attributes.

   It's just that there are very few sky demons with earth attributes, let alone the blood of sky demons.

   "It's better to get two drops of the blood of the sky demon first, understand the law of the earth, and try to get the law of the five elements together!"

  Lu Changsheng already made a decision in his heart.

  Lu Changsheng began to check the situation of the cave formation.


   "Many subpoenas?"

   "It seems to be...Wang Yun?"

  Lu Changsheng felt a little strange.

  What did Wang Yun ask him for?

   You know, the last time Lu Changsheng made a deal with Wang Yun, helping Wang Yun behead the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas.

  Besides that, Lu Changsheng and Wang Yun had nothing to do with each other.

  However, judging from the message Wang Yun left in the cave formation, the other party should have something to do.

  So, Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave, and flew directly towards Wang Yun's cave.

   Soon, Wang Yun received the news.

   "Lu Changsheng is out?"

   "Hurry up, fellow Daoist Lu please."

  Wang Yun was slightly surprised.

   Several months have passed since Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian came to her for help.

  During the past few months, Wang Yun sent messages to Lu Changsheng from time to time.

   As a result, there was no news.

   Calculating the time, Lu Changsheng has been in seclusion for almost a year and a month.

   Now it is finally out.

   Moreover, it was still within one year as agreed with Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, you're finally out."

  Wang Yun welcomed Lu Changsheng into the cave.

  Lu Changsheng glanced at Wang Yun who was opposite, and asked suspiciously: "Fellow Daoist Wang, do you need something to find Lu?"

   "Yes, there is indeed something, and it is still a good thing for you."

   "Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian found me a few months ago, and they wanted to go to a large secret realm to compete for the Divine Stone of Law. But relying on the two of them alone, there is no certainty."

   "Later, when they heard about the deeds of Daoist Lu beheading Lord Shanhai, they found me and hoped that I could send a message so that they could meet with fellow Daoist Lu."

   "I don't know, is Fellow Daoist Lu interested?"

  Wang Yun directly told about Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian.

   "Secret Realm, the Divine Stone of Law?"

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

  Law Divine Stone, he has heard of it.

  It can help Daoji warriors understand the law, thereby improving the progress of the law.

   It can even improve the law of warriors to perfection!

   This is certainly a very precious treasure, but to Lu Changsheng, it is not actually the most precious treasure.

  In fact, Lu Changsheng's comprehension of the blood of the sky demon can improve the progress of the law.

   There is no need for the precious God Stone of Law.

   But others are different.

  Others did not have Lu Changsheng's horror perception.

  They need the help of the divine stone of the law to improve the progress of the law, and even make the law reach perfection.

  Even if Lu Changsheng didn't comprehend the blood of the sky demon, relying on his own comprehension, he could increase the progress of the law by 3% every month, and still make the law complete.

   "What price can they pay? Or, what benefits can they offer?"

  Lu Changsheng asked directly.

   This person came to ask him for help. It is impossible for Lu Changsheng to help for no reason, so he naturally had to ask for benefits.

   Coincidentally, Lu Changsheng still needs four drops of the blood of the heavenly goblin to fully grasp the eight laws.

   No, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian came to your door?

   "This is not clear."

   "If Fellow Daoist Lu is willing to meet, I'll send a message to Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian immediately. They should visit Fellow Daoist Lu's cave. The specific situation at that time, you can discuss it slowly."

  Wang Yun is a middleman who belongs to the messenger.

   "In this way, there will be Lao Daoist friends."

  Lu Changsheng did not refuse either.

   This is clearly the benefit of being delivered to your door, so don’t take it for nothing.

  No matter what happened, let's meet first and listen to Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian's opinions.

  Lu Changsheng returned to the cave.

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian did not keep Lu Changsheng waiting.

  The two of them are at the Tianzong residence in the ancient domain.

   Therefore, in just half an hour, the two visited Lu Changsheng's cave.

  Lu Changsheng naturally opened the cave and invited the two of them in.

   "I met fellow Daoist Lu."

   "Fellow Daoist Xia and Fellow Daoist Zhao, you don't have to be polite. After all, we are from the same school, so we can discuss things carefully."

  Lu Changsheng said with a smile.

  Actually, from the moment they entered the cave, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian were silently sizing up Lu Changsheng.

   They were really curious about Lu Changsheng.

   It's not just them who are curious. I'm afraid that the Daoji fighters and Daoist Lord Zhuji in the third layer of the ancient domain are very curious about Lu Changsheng.

  From Shenzang to Daoji.

  Lu Changsheng's martial arts journey can almost be called thrilling and far-reaching.

   "Please sit down, both of you."

  Lu Changsheng was also looking at Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian.

   These two people are not unknown people.

   Instead, they have big names.

  Especially in the ancient Tianzong.

   It is said to be one of the top road bases.

  Now the two of them are visiting together, obviously for the sake of the secret realm.

   This secret realm is certainly not simple.

  Lu Changsheng asked directly: "Are you two here for the secret realm? Dare I ask you, what is a secret realm?"

   "What is a secret realm?"

  Xia Chengfeng pondered for a while, and took the initiative to explain: "The secret realm... is actually some special spaces formed naturally. The secret realm is attached to the ancient domain, but separated from the ancient domain."

   "Only in certain special time periods, when the secret realm and the ancient realm space merge with each other, will the secret realm manifest in the ancient realm."

   "Some of these secret realms are very old, while others have been formed for a short time. Some have life, and some are barren."

   "Some large-scale secret realms are relatively stable, and there will be some natural treasures inside. After all, no one has ever set foot in it. There are countless natural treasures, and there are all kinds of treasures that are even more unimaginable."

   "Among them, when the secret realm was formed, some laws would collide, thus forming the divine stone of laws."

   "These sacred stones of the law are of unimaginable help to our Daoist fighters to understand the laws, and they can even directly help our Daoist fighters to practice the laws to perfection!"

"Since the secret realm has so many benefits, it will naturally cause a lot of competition for Dao foundation and foundation building. Although the strength of the two of us is not bad, we are not completely sure, so we specially invite Lu Daoyou to enter the secret realm together with us." In the middle, compete for the God Stone of Law!"

  After hearing the words, Lu Changsheng finally understood what a secret realm is.

   Moreover, I also know the purpose of the two of them.

   Sure enough, he wanted to invite Lu Changsheng to enter the secret realm together.

   It's just that Lu Changsheng smiled and said nothing.

  If you want to invite him to enter the secret realm together, then see what price or benefit the other party can pay.

   After all, the competition for the secret realm must be very fierce.

   At that time, not only will you have to face the top Daoist foundation, but you will also have to face the top Daoist foundation builder.

   There are no one knows how many strong people are at the level of Taoist Shanhai.

   Even, there are many beings who are far stronger than Daojun Shanhai.

   Entering the secret realm to compete for the God Stone of Law, that is to take a certain risk!

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian immediately understood Lu Changsheng's smiling but silent expression.

   This is asking for benefits!

   Or in other words, waiting for them to give conditions.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yujian immediately said bluntly: "Brother Lu, we won't repeat any more. If Brother Lu is willing to help us, we can give Brother Lu six drops of Heavenly Fairy Blood!"

   "And, if you find three sacred stones of law, give brother Lu one sacred stone of law. If you find six sacred stones of law, give brother Lu two sacred stones of law, and so on. Brother Lu will never be treated badly."

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian gave the conditions.

  The six drops of the blood of the Heavenly Demon Essence obviously refer to Lu Changsheng's "price" for Wang Yun's beheading of the Daoist Mountain and Sea.

  Back then Wang Yun gave Lu Changsheng five drops of the blood of the Heavenly Fairy.

   Now the two of them added another drop, showing how much they valued Lu Changsheng.

   Moreover, he is also willing to give Lu Changsheng's law **** stone.

  Of course, Lu Changsheng must get one for every three divine stones of law.

  Actually, this is painting cakes.

  If the Divine Stone of Law was so easy to obtain, countless Daoist powerhouses would not be scrambling to compete for it in the secret realm.

   Getting two or three dollars is already the limit.

   As for more?

  Maybe neither of Xia Chengfeng thought about it.

  Lu Changsheng didn't answer, but was also evaluating.

  So, the cave fell into silence.

   After a long time, Xia Chengfeng couldn't help asking: "Brother Lu, what do you think?"

   "Not enough!"

  Lu Changsheng's tone was firm, beyond doubt.


   "Isn't that enough?"

   "Brother Lu, how much do you want?"

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian looked at each other.

   "If it was the past, six drops of Heavenly Fairy blood plus the Law God Stone, maybe it would be enough for me to take action."

   "But not now."

   "Because, a year has passed. I am no longer who I was a year ago..."

  Lu Changsheng's voice fell.


  The next moment, the brain domain descends.

  Feeling the arrival of the brain domain, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian almost reflexively released the brain domain, trying to fight against Lu Changsheng's brain domain.

  However, in Lu Changsheng's mind, brilliance flickered one after another.

  One, two, three, four, five, six!

   There are six brilliance flashing.

  Each brilliance represents a law.

  The six laws are all filled in Lu Changsheng's brain, making Lu Changsheng's brain so powerful that it is unimaginable.

  In just a split second, the brains of Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian were actually suppressed by Lu Changsheng.

"How can it be?"

   "Six...six laws?!"

   "It's unbelievable... It's unbelievable that you have mastered the six laws!"

"I remember that when Brother Lu fought with Daojun Shanhai, he clearly only mastered the four laws, which are similar to us. But now, in just one year, Brother Lu has mastered two more laws. The speed is simply unimaginable..."

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian were both shocked in their hearts.

   There was a storm in my mind.

  Six kinds of laws, just in terms of the number of laws, there is no doubt that Lu Changsheng is already the well-deserved number one in the Tianzong of the entire ancient domain!

  Among the Taoist warriors of the Tianzong in the ancient domain, the strongest one has mastered the five laws.

  That is not as good as Lu Changsheng mastering the six laws!

  Being suppressed by Lu Changsheng's brain, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian felt ashamed.

  Although they still have magic spells that they haven't used yet, Lu Changsheng also has magic spells.


   "Brother Lu, since you have mastered the six laws, you will naturally have to increase the price if you ask Brother Lu to help."

   "Brother Lu, what do you want?"

   Both of them looked at Lu Changsheng.

  They also wanted to hear about Lu Changsheng's conditions.

  If they can be satisfied, they will be satisfied.

  If you are not satisfied, this matter can only fall through.

   "Ten drops of heavenly demon blood, plus the divine stone of law you just mentioned. If you can give it, Lu can accompany you to the secret realm!"

   Lu Changsheng spoke.

   As soon as he opened his mouth, there were ten drops of blood from the sky goblin.

  Actually, the six drops of Heavenly Fairy blood were already cobbled together by the two of them.

  If it is really ten drops of the blood of the sky goblin, it is equivalent to five drops of the blood of the sky goblin for each person.

  Even if the two are top Taoist fighters and have been in the third layer of the ancient domain for a long time, I am afraid that they will have to completely empty out their family resources to get ten drops of sky demon blood.

  Actually, for Lu Changsheng to gather the remaining two laws, he only needs four drops of the blood of the Heavenly Fairy.

   But Lu Changsheng still needs to use the blood of the sky goblin to speed up the progress of the law.

   The more blood of the goblin, the better.

  He also wants the law to be complete.

  Of course, because Lu Changsheng's understanding is too strong, there is no need for the Divine Stone of Law.

  However, if there is a divine stone of laws, that would be the best.

  Even if Lu Changsheng doesn’t need it, he can exchange it for some sky demon blood.

  Go to the secret realm, maybe you can get a lot of blood from the sky demon, which will directly make the eight laws perfect.

   "Ten drops...we promise!"

  Finally, Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian gritted their teeth and agreed.

  Think about the **** stone.

   Think again about the supernatural powers.

   No matter how much you pay, as long as you can get the God Stone of Law, it will be worth it!

   After all, this is the key to whether they can condense their supernatural powers.

   "Both of you made a right choice."

  Lu Changsheng said with a smile.

   "However, we still have one condition."

   "If we die, brother Lu will not have a drop of the blood of the sky demon, no matter whether we get the divine stone of law or not."

   Zhao Yujian added a sentence.

  Actually, none of them thought that they would fall.

   After all, they have already stood on the top of Dao Foundation.

  Maybe lost to some strong players.

   But it is too difficult to kill them.

  They have accumulated many methods over the years.

   There are more than one diversion symbols.

   There are also some life-saving treasures that are stronger than the diversion talisman.

  However, I saw that Lu Changsheng had mastered the six laws.

  This kind of terrifying perception caused a ripple in their hearts.

   Or rather, a trace of fear of Lu Changsheng.

  What if?

  If Lu Changsheng played tricks in the secret realm, what would they do?

  Although they come from the same school, they must be guarded against.

  Lu Changsheng naturally understood the concerns of the two of them.

  Therefore, without hesitation, he nodded directly and said: "It's okay, if the two of you fall, I don't want a drop of the blood of a certain demon in Lu."

   "But if the two left the secret realm alive, but didn't get a piece of the divine stone of law, then Lu couldn't make the trip in vain. He must get four drops of heavenly demon blood as compensation."

   "Furthermore, four drops of the blood of the Heavenly Fairy must be put on the middleman."

  The two hesitated a while for Lu Changsheng's request, but they still agreed.

  Four drops of heavenly goblin blood.

  For the Law God Stone, they also have to fight once.

   What's more, they went to a large secret realm, and with the strength of the three of them, no matter what, they could win at least one piece of the divine stone of law.

   Impossible to leave empty-handed.

   "Okay, we promise."

   "As for the middleman, how about Zhao Yuanshan?"

  Lu Changsheng naturally agreed after hearing this.

  With Zhao Yuanshan as the middleman, he is also relieved.

  So, the group of three went directly to the trading hall, found Zhao Yuanshan, and explained the reason.

  Zhao Yuanshan naturally readily agreed.

  After all, no matter Lu Changsheng, Xia Chengfeng, or Zhao Yujian, they were all his "big clients" at one time, so they would naturally help with such a small matter.

   "Everything is over. Brother Lu, you can make some preparations first, and we will set off for the secret realm immediately in three days!"

   "Okay, let's go in three days."

  Having agreed on a time with Xia Chengfeng, they left the trading hall.

  Zhao Yuanshan heard that Lu Changsheng was going to the secret realm.

   Actually called Lu Changsheng to stop.

   "Brother Lu, if you go to the secret realm this time, if you can get some more sacred stones of laws, can you give me a piece of sacred stones of laws?"

   "Don't worry, I will never let brother Lu suffer. How about a piece of magic stone, how about six drops of sky goblin blood? And, brother Lu's rented drop of sky goblin blood is also free."

   "I just need a law **** stone..."

   Zhao Yuanshan also had a trace of longing in his eyes.

  Law God Stone!

   This is a good thing, something you can't find.

  Basically, there is a price but no market.

  After all, all Taoist fighters need the sacred stone of law, even if they get the sacred stone of law, they will not take it out, they will only use it by themselves.

  Although Zhao Yuanshan has the blood of the sky demon, he cannot buy the divine stone of law.

  With Zhao Yuanshan's talent, without the divine stone of laws, it is estimated that it would be impossible for decades or hundreds of years to complete a law, let alone condense supernatural powers, which is basically impossible.

  If there is a divine stone of laws, for Zhao Yuanshan, it can be regarded as a glimmer of hope to advance to the realm of supernatural powers.

   "Law God Stone..."

  Lu Changsheng took a deep look at Zhao Yuanshan.

   "If I can get more Divine Law Stones, I will naturally give one to Brother Zhao."

   After speaking, Lu Changsheng turned around and left.

   "Thank you brother Lu..."

  Zhao Yuanshan was extremely excited in his heart, and bowed deeply towards Lu Changsheng's back, with a smile on his face uncontrollably.

   Finally there is hope!

  He had always expressed kindness to Lu Changsheng before, and he often helped Lu Changsheng a little, and kept maintaining the relationship with Lu Changsheng.

   Now finally received a huge reward!

  Lu Changsheng quickly returned to the cave, and also started some preparations.

   After all, it is in a secret realm, and anything can happen, so it is always right to prepare more.

   Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Xia Chengfeng and Zhao Yujian came to Lu Changsheng's cave together again.

  (end of this chapter)

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