Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 189: The metamorphosis of understanding is too scary, the seeds of the law of fire are fina

  Chapter 189 The metamorphosis of understanding is too terrifying, and the seeds of the law of fire are finally fulfilled!

  Fire attribute sky goblin blood, Lu Changsheng has already comprehended more than one drop.

   Therefore, he is already familiar with the road.

   What's more, his understanding now exceeds the 10,000-point mark, even in the evaluation of the attribute panel, he belongs to "genius".

  The progress of Lu Changsheng's flame law seed has improved very quickly after comprehending the fire attribute of the sky goblin blood.

  70%, 80%, 90%, 98%...

  When the progress of the law of fire suddenly jumped to 100%.


  Lu Changsheng felt his brain tremble.

   At the same time, Lu Changsheng was blessed to the heart.

  In an instant, he realized all the mysteries about the law of fire.

  With a thought in his mind, a blazing flame rose instantly in his brain.

   Moreover, the flames covered the entire brain area, exuding terrifying heat.

  Even Lu Changsheng can manipulate flames into various shapes.

   For example, a flame dragon.

   Another example, a mountain of flames, etc., are not a problem.

   However, there is a problem.

  Laws and brain domains complement each other.

  If you don't use your brain, you can't use the Law of Fire.

  However, this does not mean that the Law of the Basic Warrior has limitations.

   On the contrary, this just shows the essence of a warrior.

  Warriors do not comprehend the world, do not borrow the power of the world, but instead work hard to cultivate themselves, making themselves a small world, and finally grow enough to fight against the whole world!

  The law of flame is attached to the brain domain and is closely related to the brain domain.

  The brain domain itself is part of the "body" of the warrior.

   I have never heard of a Daoji warrior who is still alive, but his brain cannot be used.

   There is simply no such situation.

   Even if the mind is shaken, as long as the mind is not completely broken, the brain can still be used.

   "Law of Fire..."

  Lu Changsheng could "see" that the Law of Fire did appear in his brain.

   It's just that it's not the same as Lu Changsheng saw the law of flames between the sky and the earth outside.

  The law of fire in the brain is too weak in comparison.

   But essentially no difference.

   It's just that the brain domain is too weak, and the law of fire attached to the brain domain is naturally too weak.

  However, no matter how weak the law is, it is still a law.

  Once the law is mastered, any Daoist warrior, as long as he has not comprehended other laws, cannot fight against it.

  Only the law can fight the law!

  Even if it is the foundation establishment Daojun, the law is equivalent to the magic weapon of the warrior.

  Only magic weapon can hold the law.

   As for the strength of laws and magic weapons, it depends on the person.

  The law, you have to learn how to use it.

   How to make the law stronger is also a means.

  However, for Lu Changsheng, he finally grasped a law.

   It can be regarded as gaining a firm foothold among Daoji.

  The next step is nothing more than to continue to look for the blood of the sky demon with other attributes, and to continue to understand the second, third and even more laws.

   "As for the application of laws, I am still very superficial."

   "The same is the law of fire, the stronger the brain, the stronger the law. My brain is strong enough, it should not be inferior to any Daoist strong, but it lacks the application of some laws."

   "The method of using laws to fight is called magic."

   "Actually, divine arts are somewhat similar to the structure of supernatural powers. It is to apply the laws to the extreme and explode powerful combat power. Although it is far inferior to real magical powers, if the divine arts are cultivated properly, it will also be beneficial to the concentration of supernatural powers in the future."

  Lu Changsheng already understood some common sense of the law.

  Shenshu, the name sounds lofty.

   But it is actually similar to martial arts.

  Martial arts is to bring out one's own physical advantages.

  The magic is to bring out the power of the law.

  The truth is the same.

   "Practicing martial arts skills increases comprehension points, but if you don't know how to practice divine arts, can you increase comprehension points?"

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

  Actually, Lu Changsheng's growth in understanding is already terrifying.

  But the sixth, seventh, and even tenth-level martial arts he cultivated will eventually be finished.

   After all, in Shengang, martial arts are rarely used.

  Not to mention Shenzang, everything is domain-based, and almost no one uses martial arts.

   As for Dougie.

  Martial skills are completely useless.

   Dao Ji, all those who practice are divine arts.

   corresponds to martial arts.

   Even, it can be said that it corresponds to the spells under the immortal system.

   But much stronger than ordinary spells.

   Even if Daoist Lord Zhuji casts spells, the power is far inferior to that of Daoji warriors.

  Only magic weapons can match the terrifying power of divine arts.

   "I have to go and see the magic."

  The Tianzong station in the ancient domain, there are magical books here.

   Of course, it's all transcripts.

   But even transcripts are precious.

  Lu Changsheng came to the Temple of Divine Art.

   All the magical arts are stored in it.

   To redeem a divine spell, you need contribution points.

   Even a huge contribution point.

  Of course, for any Daoist powerhouse, there will be no shortage of contribution points.

  Catch some monsters casually, or get some natural materials and earth treasures, and you can get a lot of contribution points.

  Lu Changsheng speculated that the ancient Tianzong also used magic and other things to actually "recycle" various resources and treasures such as heaven, material and earth treasures.

   Otherwise, is it possible to expect Daoist powerhouses to take the initiative to give resources to the sect?

Totally impossible!

   Therefore, resources can only be "recycled" with divine spells.

  Lu Changsheng casually took out a magic fire technique called Burning Heaven Magic!

  The name is earth-shattering, but in fact it is just an ordinary divine art.

  But even for ordinary divine arts, the contribution points required are terrifying.

  Lu Changsheng naturally has no shortage of contribution points. He only has one requirement, which is to try to have a more powerful magic.

  He is not afraid of difficult cultivation.

   With more than 10,000 points of comprehension, can't you still practice a divine technique?

   Regarding this point, Lu Changsheng is very confident.

   In other words, he is confident in his understanding.

  Divine magic classics are dazzling.

  Actually, the truly powerful magic is compound magic.

   It is the combination of several laws to form a powerful magic.

  The power of one blow is simply earth-shattering.

  For example, in the future, if Lu Changsheng combines the eight laws to practice a divine technique, it will be terrifying.

   I just don’t know if there will be any magical magic with the eight laws.

  Maybe, maybe not.

  Lu Changsheng didn't think about this question.

   After all, he is still far away from mastering the eight laws.

  He has only mastered one law of fire now.

  The magical powers derived from the simple law of fire are also strong and weak.

  Lu Changsheng searched for them one by one.

   "Wait a minute, this air-burning divine art seems to be quite powerful."

   After several hours, Lu Changsheng finally discovered a powerful flame magic.

   This divine art is called Fen Kong.

   Can use the law of fire to burn the void.

   It is said that nothing is burnt!

  Of course, Lu Changsheng felt it was a bit exaggerated.

  However, in terms of divine arts derived from a single law, Fenkong is a well-deserved top attack divine arts.

  A divine spell derived from laws, with a huge quantity.

   There are also compound magic spells derived from more than two laws, each of which is extremely powerful.

  Lu Changsheng now only has the law of fire, so naturally he can only practice the magic derived from one law.

  The magic is divided into offensive magic, defensive magic, control magic and so on.

   Anyway, there are a lot of categories.

   After all, Daoist strong men live three hundred years.

  Most Daoji powerhouses are unable to advance to the Supernatural Realm, and Daoji is the end of their lives.

  With a lifespan of three hundred years, there must be a lot of fights with people or monsters.

   Naturally, the means of attack must be abundant, the more comprehensive the better.

  Of course, the law of fire itself is very suitable for offense. Basically, it is an offensive magic spell, and there is no defensive magic spell.

   "Choose it, Burning Sky Divine Art!"

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the exchange price.

  100,000 contribution points!

  Yes, it’s just a divine technique that requires 100,000 contribution points.

  At the beginning, 10,000 contribution points could be exchanged for an Enlightenment Pill.

  It means that ten pills of enlightenment can be exchanged for one divine technique?

   "The price of magic...should be very expensive."

   "But such an expensive price is necessary. It is estimated that other martial arts sects are the same."

   "Otherwise, how could the many resources obtained by so many Daoist powerhouses feed back the sect?"

  Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

  The disciples of Tianzong in the ancient domain, from Shengang to Shenzang, are basically the sect subsidizing various resources.

   Finally arrived at Daoji, it's time to "feed back".

  The way to feed back is actually to increase the exchange price of magic spells.

   After all, it is impossible to ask every Daoist powerhouse to hand over 30% of his gains to the sect, right?

   Isn't that a mess?

  By adjusting the exchange price of magic spells, as you like, I will let Daoji complete the "feedback" of the sect without knowing it.

   After all, divine arts must be used by every Daoist strongman.

  Lu Changsheng exchanged this "Burning Sky Divine Art" and returned to the cave.

  The divine art of burning air is extremely difficult to get started.

  Once you get started, you can slowly increase the power of the divine art of burning air until it reaches the realm of perfection.

   Fen Kong, who is in a perfect state, is powerful and earth-shattering.

  Under normal circumstances, if a Daoist strong master has mastered the Law of Fire, he may have to spend several years of hard work if he wants to practice the divine art of burning air.

  If you want to achieve consummation, I'm afraid it will take decades or even hundreds of years of hard work.

   But Lu Changsheng was different.

  He has more than 10,000 points of horror perception.

  In this case, it's time to test your understanding!

  Lu Changsheng looked through the divine art Fenkong.

   Then he closed his eyes.


  The brain domain descends.

  In the brain area, Lu Changsheng sat in the void.

   On his body, there is a strong law of fire shrouded.

  The law of flames is constantly scattered and reassembled, and it seems that some kind of "reorganization" is underway.

   "The so-called magic is actually to arrange and reorganize the laws in various unimaginable ways, and then control the rearranged and reorganized laws not to explode."

   "Wait until it is released, no longer suppress it, and then burst out. The law will automatically restore. It is this automatic restoration process that can stir the power of the flame in the entire brain domain, thus bursting out with unparalleled power."

   "In the same way, compound magic should be the same, only more complicated. Because at that time, facing two different laws, the possibility of arrangement and combination will be countless times more, and the difficulty will naturally increase countless times..."

  Lu Changsheng had only been immersed in the practice of burning air magic for a few hours, and he had already thoroughly understood the mysteries of the magic and grasped the essence of the magic.

   It's just that knowing it is one thing, but being able to do it is another.

  The laws are rearranged, the complexity is unimaginable for ordinary people.

   Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or millions of recombinations must be completed in an instant.

   After all, the enemy will not give you time to slowly activate the magic.

   Moreover, if the speed of recombination is not fast enough, then it may not be able to suppress the outbreak of divine magic.

  Lu Changsheng's superb understanding was fully demonstrated at this time.

  One hour, three hours, five hours, eight hours...

  In just about ten hours, Lu Changsheng's brain suddenly burst into flames.


  A terrifying coercion was released in the brain.

  The entire brain region seemed to be filled with flames, and these flames seemed to burn even the void.

  The void is distorted.

   Also accompanied by a terrible explosion.

   "Divine Art, Fen Kong!"

  Lu Changsheng gave a soft drink.


  The brain region was violently concussed.

   ten times stronger than the previous flame power!

   This is the real divine art Fenkong!

  This kind of power is simply incredible.

   Compare it with the Fire Crow Sky Demon that Lu Changsheng met back then.

  If he burns the sky with a divine technique, the Fire Crow Sky Demon will have no resistance at all.

   are also talent means of fire.

  But the divine art Fenkong can directly crush the Fire Crow Sky Demon.

   Moreover, even in the face of several or even dozens of bull monsters.

   A magical spell burns the sky down.

   Those wild bull monsters are not to be feared at all, they will all be reduced to ashes.

   Lu Changsheng glanced at the progress of Fenkong, which is 1%.

   This also means that the magical art of burning air has indeed been introduced.

  Once it is 100%, it is complete.

  In just a few hours, the speed of getting into a top-notch divine art is simply appalling.

  However, this is Lu Changsheng's understanding at the moment.

   However, this is not enough.


  Lu Changsheng continued to practice.

  He wants to practice the divine art Fenkong directly to perfection in one go!

  Even if it takes a little more time, it's worth it.

  He also wanted to see if the divine art Fenkong after consummation could increase one's comprehension?

  So, time passed day by day.

   In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

  Suddenly, a line of small characters appeared before Lu Changsheng's eyes.

   "The magical art of burning air is complete, and the understanding is increased by 1000 points."

  Lu Changsheng was shocked when he saw this line of small characters.

   "One thousand points! Comprehension has increased by a thousand points, and it's just a divine technique..."

  Lu Changsheng actually had a guess in his heart.

  Successful divine arts will definitely increase comprehension points.

   It's just that he didn't expect it to increase so much.

   A full thousand points.

   You know, before Lu Changsheng was a month old, his comprehension points only increased by 150 points.

   Of course, that was before.

  Since Lu Changsheng's comprehension broke through the 10,000 mark and his comprehension transformed, the efficiency of Lu Changsheng's martial arts practice has increased countless times.

  Lu Changsheng called up the property panel to check the situation.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 12501 (dragon and phoenix among people)

  Divinity burning air: 100% (complete)

  Law of Fire: 4% (progress)

  Heart Sword Mantra: 1% Progress (Golden Heart Sword)

   The data on the properties panel varies greatly.

   Such as understanding.

  Before, Lu Changsheng's perception was 10001 points. In a month's time, the divine art Fenkong successfully increased by 1000 points.

   But in addition, 1500 points of comprehension are still added.

  Actually, this is the comprehension gained from practicing martial arts.

  After Lu Changsheng's understanding changed, practicing martial arts has become very simple.

  Those fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-level martial skills, and even tenth-level martial skills, with Lu Changsheng's current comprehension, it doesn't take long to practice them.

   After a month like this, 1500 points of comprehension can be added.

  It is almost ten times that when the understanding has not changed!

   "If I can practice one divine technique every month, plus practice martial arts, that will be 2500 points of comprehension, which is exactly 30,000 comprehension points a year."

   "In just three years, I will be able to obtain 90,000 comprehension points. By then, my comprehension points will break through the 100,000 mark, and it is very likely that my comprehension will change again..."

   Lu Changsheng's eyes flickered with a trace of brilliance.

  Basically, he has figured out the law of the transformation of understanding.

  Ten times!

   From one thousand to ten thousand.

   Ten thousand to one hundred thousand.

  Basically, the ability to transform can only be achieved after a tenfold increase in understanding.

   Even, the time for Lu Changsheng's enlightenment transformation may be advanced.

   After all, if he practiced stronger divine arts, wouldn't he be able to gain more comprehension points?

   There is really such a possibility!

  However, one divine technique a month is still a bit high.

  Lu Changsheng sometimes has to comprehend other things.

   It is impossible to focus on divine arts and martial arts like now.

   But no matter what, 1500 points of comprehension a month is a certainty, and it can be guaranteed.

   In terms of savvy, Lu Changsheng doesn't have to worry about it now.

  After the completion of the magical art of burning air, the power increased tenfold!

  For a top-notch divine art, ordinary Daoist fighters need at least dozens of years of hard work if they want to perfect it.

   But Lu Changsheng doesn't need it, one month is enough!

  Now Lu Changsheng's combat power has soared again.

  Even among Daoists who master the laws, they are definitely strong.

  As for the progress of the Law of Fire, it has been increased from 1% to 4%.

   This is Lu Changsheng's understanding of the law for a month.

  The progress is very slow, only an increase of 3%.

   To achieve consummation, it will take about three years.

   But even so, the efficiency is amazing.

  This is the case without comprehending the blood of the sky demon, and the law can be comprehended to perfection in three years.

   If there is the blood of the sky demon, Lu Changsheng's law will be perfected, I am afraid it will be faster!

  Lu Changsheng's various statistics have almost improved qualitatively.

  Cultivation efficiency has increased tenfold, dozens of times.

   It is a world of difference from before!

   And Lu Changsheng knew very well what the root of all this was.

   is understanding!

  The change in perception led to Lu Changsheng's earth-shaking changes.

  Eight kinds of rules are truly hopeful to realize all of them!

   "With the law of fire, now you can try to kill the sky demon, get the blood of the sky demon, and then exchange for the blood of the sky demon that suits you, and use it to comprehend the other seven laws."

  Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave.

  He was going to find Gu Nian.

  In the Tianzong residence in the ancient domain, the only person Lu Changsheng knew well was Gu Nian.

   During this period of time, the two have become friends who talk about everything.

   "Huh? Gu Nian is not here, gone out?"

  Lu Changsheng was slightly taken aback.

   Unexpectedly, Gu Nian was not at the Tianzong residence in the ancient domain.

   You know, Gu Nian usually seldom leaves.

  However, thinking about it carefully, Gu Nian's mental trauma has long since recovered.

   Gu Nian also has to practice and comprehend the law. It is normal to go out to find the sky demon and obtain the blood of the sky demon.

   "There's a note, a message for me?"

  Lu Changsheng saw that there seemed to be a message in the Gu Nian cave.

  Under normal circumstances, other people cannot enter the other party's cave when the master is away.

   But Lu Changsheng is too familiar with Gu Nian.

  Lu Changsheng can enter and leave Gu Nian's cave at will.

   There is a message left by Gu Nian on the note.

   "Skull Mountain, there is a skeleton demon appearing, Lu Changsheng, if you finish the retreat, come to Skull Mountain quickly!"

   Gu Nian's message was actually a message from the Skeleton Sky Demon.

  Skeleton Sky Demon, this is very unusual.

   This is a terrifying sky demon with spiritual talents.

  Once the skeleton demon is killed, the blood of the skeleton demon can be obtained.

   This is the blood of the sky demon who comprehends the spiritual law!

  Gu Nian has been staring at the Skull Mountain and the Skull Sky Demon.

  Once a skeleton demon appears, Gu Nian will never miss it.

   It's just that the birth of the skeleton demon is very difficult.

   And extremely concealed.

  Even if Gu Nian has been staring at it all the time, there is basically no trace of the skeleton sky demon.

   Now, the Skeleton Sky Demon finally appeared on Skull Mountain. No wonder Gu Nian left the station and went directly to Skull Mountain.

   This is the key to whether Gu Nian can condense the spiritual law!

  However, Lu Changsheng also needs spiritual laws!

   Heavenly demon bloodlines that can comprehend spiritual laws are very rare.

   This also directly led to the fact that in the third layer of the ancient domain, there were very few Daoist strongmen who understood the spiritual law.

   Just look at Gu Nian.

   After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for a spiritual sky demon to have the opportunity to understand the blood of the sky demon, so as to improve my understanding of spiritual laws.

  Spiritual attribute of the sky demon blood, can be encountered but not sought.

   "Go to Skull Mountain!"

  So, Lu Changsheng immediately made a decision.

  He's going to Skull Mountain.

  The purpose is of course for the skeleton demon.

   Of course, there is another reason.

  Skeleton Sky Demon is very strong.

   Even, there are many Taoist powerhouses who want to obtain the blood of the skeleton demon.

  Lu Changsheng worried that Gu Nian might not be able to handle it alone.

  After all, Gu Nian didn't even master a single law, which is quite weak compared to those Taoist warriors who have mastered the law.

   If you really want to compete for the skeleton demon, Gu Nian has no advantage.

  Thus, Lu Changsheng immediately got a map of Skull Mountain, and quickly left the ancient Tianzong's residence, heading towards Skull Mountain.

  At this moment, Gu Nian is at Skull Mountain.

  He is very unwilling!

   Gu Nian hurried to the Skull Mountain, and indeed met the Skeleton Sky Demon.

  However, he was not the only Daoist strongman who encountered the Skeleton Sky Demon.

   There are also many Daoist powerhouses, also staring at the skeleton demon.

   "There are three skeleton demons in total!"

   "There are three heads."

   "But I can't even compete for a skeleton sky demon."

   Gu Nian was aggrieved.

  He looked at the three skeleton demons in front of him with red eyes.

  There is also a group of Daoist powerhouses around.

  However, there are very few who are qualified to step forward to besiege the skeleton demon.

   There are only seven or eight people.

  And those seven or eight people, without exception, all mastered the law.

  Even if he only masters one law, his strength is far superior to that of ordinary Taoist warriors.

  The two are simply not comparable.

   Whether you have mastered the law or not is completely two different things.

  Gu Nian was actually the first to discover the appearance of the Skeleton Sky Demon.

  However, three skeleton demons suddenly appeared, and Gu Nian dared not go forward.

  Because of a skeleton demon, Gu Nian may not be able to deal with it, and it may be possible to trap it by relying on various means.

   But what if there are three heads?

  Gu Nian dares to rush forward, he will surely die!

  Later, some Daoist strongmen came one after another, and went up to besiege them one after another.

  The number is increasing, and the last few Dao-based powerhouses who have mastered the law almost expelled other Dao-based powerhouses, and only a few of them are allowed to approach and compete for the skeleton sky demon.

   As for the others?

  Anyone who dares to approach will be directly blasted away by the law of several people.

   This scene made Gu Nian's heart bleed.

   He clenched his fist tightly.

   His eyes were full of unwillingness.


"It's still not strong enough. If I had the strength, I would have killed the three skulled sky demons by myself, and I could get three drops of spirit-attributed sky demon blood. Where is it like now, I can only wait on the sidelines but there is nothing I can do .”

  Gu Nian is really unwilling.

  What a great opportunity.

  If he wants to comprehend the spiritual law, he must have the blood of the spiritual attribute of the sky demon.

  This time was originally a good opportunity.

  He was the first to meet the Skeleton Sky Demon.

  But I am not strong enough, so I can only give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

   He hates it so much!

   Very unwilling!

   But, it didn't work.

  Now the three skeleton demons are still there, but he doesn't even have the qualifications to step forward.

   "Perhaps, Lu Changsheng may be able to fight for it when he comes?"

   "No, it can't. Although Lu Changsheng's brain is powerful, he has not mastered any laws. He still has no advantage in the face of those who have mastered the laws."

  Gu Nian shook his head.

  Lu Changsheng's Spiritual Mystery Technique is certainly very strong, but what Lu Changsheng has to face is not only the skeleton demon, but also those Daoist powerhouses who have mastered the laws.

  Even if Lu Changsheng came, he might not be qualified to compete for the Skeleton Sky Demon.

  Gu Nian could only continue watching from the sidelines.

   "Spiritual Storm!"

  The three-headed skeleton demon roared.

   cast a mental storm.

  A terrible shock spread in all directions.

   In the face of this kind of mental shock, the law does not play a big role, but it is also useful.

   Otherwise, those Daoist powerhouses who have mastered the law will not be able to bear it at all.

   They were able to go to Skull Mountain, and they were well prepared.

   But even so, he could barely suppress the skeleton demon, and he couldn't kill the skeleton demon for a while.

   Time passed little by little.

   The three-headed skeleton demon seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.


  At this time, a figure appeared from a distance.

   And step by step through the void, standing in the void.


   "Lu Changsheng?"

  Gu Nian was slightly taken aback.

  He saw Lu Changsheng at a glance.

  Similarly, Lu Changsheng seemed to have a feeling in his heart, seeing Gu Nian.

  Thus, Lu Changsheng came directly in front of Gu Nian.

   "Brother Gu, didn't you come to the Skull Mountain to compete for the Skeleton Sky Demon? Why are you waiting and watching here, wanting to wait for those people to fight for a bargain?"

  Lu Changsheng looked a little strange.

   Unexpectedly, Gu Nian also wanted to be a "sorrel".

  Gu Nian heard the words and said with a wry smile: "Where am I qualified to take advantage of it? I don't even have the qualifications to participate in the competition."

   "The three skeletal demons were besieged by Daoist powerhouses who have mastered the laws. Anyone who approaches will be blown away by their laws."

   "Doesn't have Daoji fighters who have mastered the laws, and they don't even have the qualifications to approach them. How can they compete for the skeleton demon?"

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

  Indeed, he saw the power of law in the minds of those Daoist powerhouses who besieged the skeleton demon.

   "The three-headed skull demon..."

  Lu Changsheng was naturally moved.

   "Brother Gu, then you just wait here, I'll go up and give it a try."

  Lu Changsheng said with a smile.

"Brother Lu, don't be impulsive. Although you are powerful with mysterious methods, but if you don't master the laws, you can't get close even if you go up. If you offend a Daoist who has mastered the laws, you will even be in danger. Why bother?" Woolen cloth?"

   Gu Nian immediately dissuaded him.

  Lu Changsheng did not explain, but still walked towards the three-headed sky demon step by step.

  However, the brains of several Daoist powerhouses enveloped the three skeleton demons.

  The law keeps bombarding and vibrating.

  Ordinary Taoist fighters can't even get close.

   "Laws? I have them too!"

  Lu Changsheng thought about it.


  Suddenly, the brain domain came!

   At the same time, Lu Changsheng's mind was filled with terrifying flames.

  The sky was full of flames, as if even the void was distorted.

   "This is... the law of fire!"

   "Has Lu Changsheng understood the law of fire?"

   "How did Lu Changsheng master the law of fire? How long has it been since he forged the foundation?"

  When Gu Nian saw this scene, his eyes widened suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his face was even more shocked.

  After all, Gu Nian knew Lu Changsheng quite well, and even knew the bottom line.

  Lu Changsheng has just cast the Dao Foundation for a few months.

  Ordinary people are only familiar with power.

   And what about Lu Changsheng?

   Actually mastered a law!

   This is just incredible.

  (end of this chapter)

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