Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 185: Forge the Dao foundation, the beginning of martial arts! Condensing the Eight Rules

  Chapter 185 Forging the Dao Foundation, the Beginning of Martial Arts! Condensing the eight seeds of law, the shock of the master of the Hall of True Inheritance!

   "Hahaha, the younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!"

   "It took a full fifteen days for the brain to become solid. You have been promoted to Shenzang for several months, and you have forged a Dao foundation. Lu Changsheng, your future in martial arts is immeasurable, and you even have the opportunity to gather supernatural powers and become a giant!"

   It was Zhong Yu, the master of the Law Enforcement Hall of Tianzong in the Ancient Domain, who spoke.

  He really didn't expect that Lu Changsheng could forge the Dao Foundation so quickly.

   Moreover, it even took a full half a month to realize the brain domain.

   Its potential is truly immeasurable.

   This was a huge surprise for the entire ancient Tianzong.

   "Congratulations to Brother Zhong, congratulations to Ancient Domain Tianzong, and congratulations to Lu Changsheng."

  The deputy owner of Feiyan Building also walked over with a smile, and his eyes fell on Lu Changsheng.

   This was the first time he met Lu Changsheng.

  However, if you know Lu Changsheng well, there may be few people who can match him.

  The deputy host collected all kinds of information about Lu Changsheng, and "understood" Lu Changsheng a long time ago.

   But the more he understands, the more terrified the assistant landlord is.

  With Lu Changsheng's terrifying talent and understanding, Dao Ji will definitely not be the end of Lu Changsheng.

   Even, even supernatural powers may not be the end of Lu Changsheng's martial arts.

   Lu Changsheng's future is unimaginable!

   "Deputy landlord, too much praise."

  The Lord of the Hall of Law Enforcement, Zhong Yu, is now full of joy.

   This trip to Yanshan Mountain was really fruitful.

  Lu Changsheng not only beheaded Yu Feixiao, but also became the number one in the two rankings.

   Moreover, Lu Changsheng was on the top of Yanshan Mountain, forged the Dao foundation in public, and became a Dao foundation powerhouse.

  Even the displayed potential exceeds that of Tianwenzong's once-in-a-thousand-year top genius.

   Tian Wenzong is the one who has never met in a thousand years.

   And what about the more talented Lu Changsheng?

   "Lu Changsheng, let's go."

   Zhong Yu said.

  Lu Changsheng nodded. On the top of Yanshan Mountain, he didn't have many acquaintances.

  Now that he has broken through the Dao Foundation, there is no need for him to stay in Yanshan any longer.

   This time, Lu Changsheng didn't need Zhong Yu to lead him with his brain.

  Lu Changsheng's brain descended and surrounded him.

   Then, he stepped up.


  The next moment, Lu Changsheng volleyed into the air, and his speed was no less than that of Zhong Yu.

   In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky and disappeared without a trace.


  Lu Changsheng has already left the top of Yanshan Mountain, and he is flying in the void with the power of his brain.

  The so-called flight actually uses the power of the brain.

  In the brain domain, Lu Changsheng is almost omnipotent.

  The brain region is a "world" that Lu Changsheng absolutely controls.

   Of course, saying "the world" is just a metaphor.

  The domain of brain domains is actually a metaphor.

  The brain domain is transformed into reality, not into the real world.

   instead resembles a space.

   But this space has all kinds of magical powers.

  Flying is just one of the means of brain domain realization.

   "Master, Shenzang cultivates the brain domain, but what about Daoji? What does Daoji practice?"

   Lu Changsheng asked Zhong Yu while flying in the void.

  Although Lu Changsheng can go to Chuangong Hall to read some books to understand the situation of Daoji and the direction of Daoji's practice in the future.

  However, he now has a famous Daoist strongman beside him.

   Wouldn't it be a pity not to ask for advice at such a good opportunity?

  Therefore, Lu Changsheng asked Zhong Yu for advice.

  Zhong Yu did not hesitate to answer Lu Changsheng's doubts, so he said with a smile: "Lu Changsheng, do you know the origin of the word 'Daoji'?"

   "Why do you have to create Daoji?"

   "What is the so-called 'Taoist foundation'?"

  Lu Changsheng listened intently.

  He knew that the next words might be the key to Daoji practice!

   "The foundation of Dao refers to the foundation of martial arts! Just like the foundation of the immortal way, what is cast is the foundation of the immortal way."

   "Immortal Dao, refining qi and cultivating immortals, comprehending the laws of the operation of heaven and earth."

   "Martial arts, practice the law and practice supernatural powers, gather thousands of great powers in one body!"

   "Immortal Dao and Martial Dao take diametrically opposite paths. Immortal Dao borrows the power of heaven and earth, while Martial Dao aims to cultivate warriors themselves into heaven and earth, so as to be able to fight against heaven and earth."

   "So, our Taoist foundation is the law of cultivation."

   "When you comprehend a law, and then continue to comprehend it, improve the law, and comprehend the terrifying supernatural power from the law, this is from Daoji to supernatural power."

"It's just that it's too difficult to comprehend supernatural powers by relying on one law alone. Therefore, many Daoists will comprehend two or even three laws, and then use the differences between different laws to comprehend some supernatural powers. "

   "At the same time, the law can also burst out terrifying power in the brain domain, and every gesture can release earth-shattering power."

   "Theoretically, the more laws there are, the stronger the brain. The more laws there are, the greater the hope of comprehending supernatural powers from them. After all, if one kind of law cannot comprehend supernatural powers, then change to another, and the probability will naturally be higher."

   "However, there are too many laws. If you can't comprehend them, you will never be able to gather supernatural powers, and you will be Daoist all your life."

   "So, before you determine the law of cultivation, you must imprint the seed of the law and integrate it into the brain, so that you can practice. Once the law is determined, the seed of the law is imprinted, and it cannot be changed."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

   Daoji practice the law, and the law is very important, you must first determine which laws to practice.

  Or, how many rules must be determined first?

   Must master a degree.

  The greater the number of laws, the better in theory.

  But too many are not conducive to perception.

   Along the way, Lu Changsheng asked many questions, and Zhong Yu answered every question, explaining very carefully.

   Soon, the two returned to the ancient Tianzong.

   "Lu Changsheng, you can go to the Hall of Chuangong and read some classics."

   "The path of each Daoji warrior is different. Once the law is chosen, it cannot be changed."

   "The law is not only related to the practice of the Daoist foundation, but also related to the concentration of supernatural powers in the future, and even the size of supernatural powers. It is closely related."

   "Taoist foundation and supernatural power, strictly speaking, these two realms are actually complementary. And the foundation of everything is the law."

   "Martial arts begins to enter the classroom, in fact, it starts from the law of perception!"

   Zhong Yu exhorted again.

   "Thank you, Palace Master."

  Lu Changsheng bowed sincerely.

  Zhong Yu nodded.

  He believed that with Lu Changsheng's talent and understanding, he should understand what he meant.

   Also aware of any trade-offs.

  Cultivation is a very personal matter. Even the master will not intervene indiscriminately at such a time, but just give suggestions.

   What kind of law should be practiced, and how many kinds of laws should be practiced, must be decided by Lu Changsheng himself.

   Zhong Yu left.

  Lu Changsheng thought about it, and simply went directly to the Chuan Gong Hall, and went directly to read the classics.

  The classics are all the cultivation experience of some ancient Tianzong Taoist powerhouses.

  From these cultivation experiences, Lu Changsheng has a deeper understanding of Dao foundation, laws and even supernatural powers.

   From the experience of these Daoji seniors, Lu Changsheng also summed up some experience.

  If you just practice a law, it is really difficult to break through to supernatural powers.

   Of course, not absolutely.

  If there is a law, if it is cultivated to an extremely advanced level, there are quite a few people who have condensed supernatural powers.

  However, Lu Changsheng looked through a large number of classics, coupled with Zhong Yu's explanation, he already had certain guesses about the two realms of Daoji and supernatural powers.

  At this moment, there are a lot of sparks of inspiration colliding in Lu Changsheng's mind.

  There are many wonderful ideas in my mind.

   Each of these whimsical ideas is very bold.

   "Martial arts practice itself, gathering thousands of mighty powers in one body, and even being able to fight against the vast heaven and earth in the end. However, the human body is weak after all, much weaker than demons, how can they fight against the world?"

   "Thus, warriors need to transform their brain into reality, and they need to practice the law. Enrich themselves with laws, support the brain with laws, and gradually transform the brain into a real world, so that they can fight against the world."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

  Although even the Divine Ability Realm didn't mention "Evolution World".

  However, Lu Changsheng had a vague feeling that this is the way of martial arts.

  Otherwise, how could it be possible to compete with the Immortal Dao who borrowed the mighty power of heaven and earth?

   "And if you want to evolve the real world, then a single law is simply impossible."

   "For example, the two basic laws of time and space are required. But these are the moon in the mirror, and no one can perceive these two laws."

   "General Dao-based powerhouses rely on the domain they have evolved to slowly understand the law from it. This is the realistic approach."

   "My laws also have to be comprehended from the field of my own comprehension. Moreover, the number of laws cannot be small, but it cannot be too many. An appropriate number is needed."

   "Since the direction of martial arts I speculate is to evolve the world, what laws can be used to evolve the world?"

  Lu Changsheng fell into deep thought.

  Don’t think about time and space.

Totally impossible.

   No one can comprehend these two laws.

   Then, Lu Changsheng changed his mind.

  In the memory of his previous life, there are many sayings about the world, heaven and earth.

   For example, five elements.

  Many Taoist theories say that everything in the world is evolved from the five elements.

  The five elements are metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

   It just so happens that Lu Changsheng has also comprehended the field of the Five Elements. If he comprehends these five laws, it will be relatively easier.

  However, some world views believe that the material world is composed of four basic elements: earth, fire, water, and wind.

  Earth fire water wind and metal wood water fire earth.

   Two of them are the same, water and fire are indispensable.

   There may be other theories.

  But on the whole, they are similar to these two statements.

   "So, if we have the laws of earth, fire, water, wind and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, can we evolve the world? Or stabilize the world?"

  Although Lu Changsheng didn't know how to evolve the world.

   But with the basic rules, there should be no mistakes.

   "The laws of water and fire coincide, so the nine laws, in fact, only need to understand the seven laws!"

   Lu Changsheng's eyes flickered with brilliance.

  Seven Laws!

  When Lu Changsheng looked through various classics in the Chuangong Hall, he also learned about the cultivation rules of some Daoist powerhouses.

   There are many Daoist strongmen who practice two or three kinds of laws, which can be regarded as the mainstream.

   After all, if there are too many, most Daoist powerhouses will not be able to comprehend.

   If there is less, it is really difficult to gather supernatural powers.

   Two or three are most suitable.

   There are only a handful of more than five types, and they are very rare.

   Not to mention seven kinds.

  Lu Changsheng looked through so many classics, but he didn't see any strong Taoist who chose to practice the seven laws.

  However, if you can really comprehend the seven laws.

   With these seven laws colliding with each other, it is much easier to gather magical powers.

   "With my understanding, it shouldn't be difficult to comprehend the seven laws."

   Lu Changsheng's eyes flickered with brilliance.

  He knows exactly what his strengths are.

  Superb understanding gave Lu Changsheng a lot of advantages compared to other warriors.

  However, among warriors who can become Daoist, whose comprehension is poor?

   "The seven laws are not only as simple as condensing supernatural powers with a greater probability, they are even related to the evolution of the world... Wait, the earth, fire, water, wind or the five elements mentioned just now are the composition of the material world."

   "So, what about life?"

  "The basic composition of life, or what is the most important? The difference between intelligent life and matter, what is the most fundamental difference?"

  A light flashed in Lu Changsheng's mind.

   A thought gradually appeared in his mind.


  The most fundamental difference between intelligent life and things like stones is spirit.

   Spirit gives birth to consciousness.

  Spirit means intelligent life.

  Life is an important component between heaven and earth.

  A world without life is like a pool of stagnant water, which is incomplete.

   "So, do we still have to comprehend the spiritual law?"

  Lu Changsheng happened to have the Golden Heart Sword in his brain.

  The golden heart sword represents spiritual power.

   If you understand the spiritual law, you will definitely need the help of the golden heart sword.

   "So, there are eight laws that I want to comprehend. Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements, plus the laws of earth, fire, water, wind, and spirit."

  Lu Changsheng already made a decision in his heart.

   "Then these eight laws."

   "If you want to understand the law, you must first imprint the seed of the law."

   "If there is no domain corresponding to the law in the brain domain before, then the law seed cannot be imprinted."

   "Therefore, how many laws Shenzang warriors perceive are actually closely related to Daoji's practice and have a great impact."

  Lu Changsheng was thoughtful.

  Martial arts are never practiced individually in every realm.

Totally impossible.

  Budo is a road of inheritance.

  Each realm is closely related to the previous realm.

   In fact, it is whether the foundation is solid.

  If there is an extreme warrior in the divine possession state, there is only one realm of perfection. All he relied on to expand his brain was strange things. In theory, he could also expand his brain to hundreds of miles, thereby impacting the Dao foundation, and even successfully forging the Dao foundation.

  After Ke became Dao Ji, he didn't have any choice.

  Because there is only one field, there can only be one kind of law.

  Then the road to foundation is basically over.

  Everything has pros and cons, especially in practice.

  Every realm cannot be tricked.

  The foundation still needs to be solid.

  The stronger the foundation, the more choices you will have in the future, the wider the path of martial arts, and you will naturally be able to go higher!

  Like now, Lu Changsheng has understood enough fields.

  Then even if he comprehends the eight laws, he can still find the corresponding domains in his brain.

   At least, there is no problem with the branding law seeds.

  He is qualified to practice the eight laws!

   Many Taoist powerhouses do not have eight domains in their brain domains.

  How to practice the eight laws?

  You know, one level of law and one level of heaven.

  One more law, not only the hope of condensing supernatural powers, but also the power of a law.

  In terms of combat power, the more laws, the stronger the strength.

  The more laws, the more benefits.

  However, the premise is to be able to comprehend the law.

   Not many Taoist fighters have the courage of Lu Changsheng to directly target the eight laws.

  Once the law seed is imprinted.

  If he doesn't comprehend the eight laws, then Lu Changsheng will never be able to condense his supernatural powers.

  This is equivalent to increasing the difficulty by itself.

   But Lu Changsheng felt that the "difficulty" he increased was very necessary.

   Otherwise, the road above the road foundation may not be far away.

   "Go back to the cave first."

  Lu Changsheng returned to the cave.

  He has basically determined that he needs to practice the eight laws.

   Now, you have to start practicing.

   "Let's start, first brand the eight law seeds."

  Lu Changsheng took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes.


  Lu Changsheng's brain descended, covering the entire cave.

  In the brain area, Lu Changsheng is like an omnipotent god.

  Countless domains that were raised in the brain domain before have been integrated into his brain domain.

  However, as long as Lu Changsheng is willing, he can display it in his brain.


  Lu Changsheng thought about it.

  Suddenly, a gust of wind appeared in the brain.


   Immediately, a monstrous flood appeared in the brain, and the waves were rolling and mighty.


   There was also a fire that fell from the sky, as if burning everything.

   This is the brain domain.

  As long as the field that Lu Changsheng had comprehended before, any power can be displayed in the brain domain.

   Still, these forces look terrifying.

  However, the power of a brain domain without laws is actually very average.

  Even if there is one law, it can crush Lu Changsheng's brain at the moment.

  One level of law and one level of heaven is not just talk.


  With a thought in Lu Changsheng's mind, the Five Elements Domain of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, as well as the Earth Domain, Storm Domain, and the Golden Heart Sword appeared beside him!

   "Law Seed..."

  Lu Changsheng is blessed to the soul.

  The brain trembled slightly.

  Suddenly, the cores of these eight powers began to condense the seeds of the law of silk.

   This is not difficult at all.

  Including the golden heart sword, it also condenses a trace of spiritual law seeds.

  The seeds of law have condensed out.


  The next moment, Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated.

  Suddenly, my brain trembled.

  The eight seeds of law are instantly integrated into the brain domain, and they are indistinguishable from the brain domain.

  After fully integrating the eight seeds of law, Lu Changsheng felt that his brain seemed to be more solidified, as if some qualitative changes had taken place, but there was still something lacking.

  Lu Changsheng is enlightened.

   What is missing is the real law!

   Now it's just the fusion of law seeds.

  It is still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the law of perception, which is equivalent to just beginning.

   "The seeds of the eight laws have been imprinted in the brain."

   "From now on, I have to start to understand the law."

   "If I realize a law as soon as possible, my brain will be completely transformed."

   "One law, brain domain transformation once. Eight laws, that is, complete transformation eight times."

   "This is the real reason for one level of law and one level of heaven!"

  Lu Changsheng now understands.

   Once each law is realized, it will bring about earth-shaking changes in the brain, and the brain will also change accordingly.

  One metamorphosis, the brain region will become stronger.

  Eight transformations, its combat power is unimaginable.

  Lu Changsheng didn't ask Zhong Yu, how many laws did he realize.

   But it shouldn't be much.

  Even though Zhong Yu is one of the strongest among Daoist strongmen, Lu Changsheng reckoned that he could only comprehend two or three laws at most.

   "Eight laws, which one should be comprehended first?"

  Lu Changsheng thought about it, and finally fixed his gaze on the two laws of "water and fire".

   After all, the law of water and fire is the overlapping part of the law of understanding and the law of earth, fire, water and wind.

   It is of great significance to understand the law of water and fire.

  Lu Changsheng continued to choose the Law of Fire.

  He wanted to comprehend the law of fire first.

   After all, the law of fire is inherently powerful, and the flame bursts. Once he understands the law of fire, Lu Changsheng's strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.


  The next moment, the monstrous flames instantly enveloped the entire brain.

   This is not a fake flame, but real.

   After all, the brain domain has been solidified.

  Lu Changsheng felt an extremely hot breath.

  The flames kept rising.

  Lu Changsheng calmly comprehended in the flames.

  One day, three days, five days, ten days...

   In the blink of an eye, it is a month.


  Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

   However, Lu Changsheng's eyes showed a hint of surprise and disappointment.

   "No, I still haven't comprehended the law of fire."

   "It's not just as simple as not having any insight, but having no clue at all..."

   That's a whole month.

   Almost most of the time, Lu Changsheng was trying to comprehend the law of fire.

   But he failed.

  Lu Changsheng was very disappointed.

   After all, his understanding is very high.

  Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check his own situation.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 8200 (praise from all directions)

  Heart Sword Mantra: 1% Progress (Golden Heart Sword)

  In Lu Changsheng's attribute panel, his comprehension has reached 8200.

  However, with more than 8,000 comprehensions, they are still unable to comprehend the law.

   Not even a clue.

   This is not normal!

  As for the Heart Sword Mantra, it has remained motionless since it transformed into a golden Heart Sword, no matter how long it has been.

  Lu Changsheng doesn't have the energy to pay attention to the Heart Sword Mantra right now.

  He put all his energy on the law of perception.

   But the reality gave him a blow to the head!

   Perception failed.

   Have no clue.

   Even, Lu Changsheng felt that if he continued to comprehend like this, let alone a month, even a year or even ten years, he might not be able to comprehend the Law of Fire.

  For the first time, Lu Changsheng felt "frustrated".

   "It turns out that although my comprehension is very high, it is not high enough to comprehend everything..."

  Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

  When his understanding was in Shenzang, he was almost invincible and invincible.

  What kind of artistic conception, field, etc., are nothing at all, and can be easily understood.

   But when it came to Daoji, Lu Changsheng suddenly woke up when he was about to comprehend the law. Although his comprehension was very high, it was not high enough to comprehend the law casually.

   In other words, Lu Changsheng's comprehension has not been able to touch the "law" for the time being.

   "My understanding is not enough..."

  Lu Changsheng finally realized the feeling that his comprehension was not enough.

  He used to think that his understanding was so high that he crushed everyone.

  However, now that he has been promoted to Dao Ji and comprehended the law, he realizes that comprehension is not enough.

   "If the comprehension can reach 10,000 and completely transform, it may help me understand the law."

   "However, based on the current increase of 150 points of comprehension every month, an increase of 1,800 points of comprehension in one year is just enough to make the comprehension reach 10,000, and thus transform."

   "But, it will take a year..."

  Lu Changsheng frowned.

  One year is actually not long.

   Even relative to Dowkey, it was fairly short-lived.

  Since a warrior is promoted to Shenzang, his lifespan will be improved.

  Shenzang, one hundred and five years old.

   Dao Ji, Shou, three hundred.

  Of course, compared with Immortal Master and Foundation Establishment, the lifespan must be shorter.

  But a lifespan of three hundred years is actually pretty good.

  Lu Changsheng has only practiced for less than eight years.

   It is too long for him to wait in peace for a year now.

   "The law of perception should have other methods."

   "Otherwise, relying on comprehension alone, even I can't comprehend the law. What laws can other Daoist powerhouses comprehend?"

  Lu Changsheng is still very confident in his understanding.

  Even my own comprehension is not enough to comprehend the law, let alone other people?

  It is really necessary to completely rely on perception to comprehend the law, I am afraid that there are very few Daoist strongmen who can comprehend the law.

   "Lu Changsheng."

  At this time, outside the cave, a strange voice came into the cave.

  Lu Changsheng raised his head, a little surprised.

   "This is... the master of the Hall of True Inheritance!"

  Lu Changsheng saw an old man outside the cave.

  The aura of the other party was much more terrifying than that of Zhong Yu, the master of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

   Definitely a top Taoist powerhouse!

  Lu Changsheng recognized at a glance that the other party was the Master of the Hall of True Tradition.

  The Master of the Hall of True Biography is named Wang Feng, his name is ordinary, and even his deeds are ordinary.

  Practice all the way, and finally became the master of the Hall of True Tradition.

  However, no one dared to underestimate Wang Feng.

   After all, the Hall Master of Zhenchuan Hall is the most powerful Hall Master of Tianzong in the entire ancient domain.

   Even stronger than the Hall of Law Enforcement!

   "The disciple has met the Palace Master!"

  Lu Changsheng immediately opened the cave, and respectfully saluted Wang Feng.

  Wang Feng nodded, and then walked into the cave.

  Lu Changsheng was also very puzzled.

   Don't know what happened.

  But it would definitely not be a trivial matter for the Master of the Hall of True Inheritance to come to his cave in person.

   "You have just been promoted to Daoji, many things..."

  Suddenly, Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face changed drastically in an instant.

   "Lu Changsheng, have you branded the law seed?"

  Wang Feng shouted loudly.

   "Yes, the disciple just imprinted the law seed. Hall Master, is there something wrong?"

  Lu Changsheng was full of doubts.

   "Unleash your brain domains."

   "Yes, Hall Master."

  Thus, Lu Changsheng directly released the brain domain.

  Suddenly, the brain descended, covering Wang Feng.

  Looking at the brain region released by Lu Changsheng, Wang Feng's calm mind was suddenly shocked.

   He even took a breath.

   "Eight seeds of actually branded eight seeds of law?"

  Wang Feng opened his eyes wide, and his heart was full of shock.

  He already knew the name of Lu Changsheng, the Hall of True Biography.

   This decisive battle on the top of Yanshan Mountain made Lu Changsheng even more famous.

  However, no matter how many rumors there are, it is not as good as seeing it with your own eyes.

  As soon as they met, Wang Feng was "shocked" by Lu Changsheng's generous writing.

   Eight kinds of law seeds!

   How confident does this person have to be to imprint the seeds of the eight laws?

  (end of this chapter)

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