Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 173: Xu Haotian blocked the door and was invincible, Lu Changsheng appeared and led

  Chapter 173 Xu Haotian blocked the door and was invincible, Lu Changsheng appeared, and the five-in-one domain crushed Xu Haotian!

  At the foot of Tianzong Mountain in the ancient domain, a large group of disciples surrounded them.

  In the middle of the crowd, there was a martial artist who just stood there quietly, with his eyes closed, as if he was resting with his eyes closed.

  However, the whole person has almost become the "public enemy" of Tianzong in the entire ancient domain.

the reason is simple.

  The behavior of the other party is actually "blocking the door".

   How crazy and arrogant is it to block the door at the foot of Tianzong Mountain in the dignified ancient domain?

  However, for a whole month, no one was able to defeat it.

   "It's been a month, where is the top true biography of my ancient Tianzong?"

   "That's right, several true disciples couldn't stand it one after another, and made bold moves, but they were all defeated in the end. Huang Tianzong Xu Haotian really lived up to his reputation."

   "Hmph, Xu Haotian also took advantage of the absence of the top true disciples of Tianzong in my ancient domain. If the top true disciples come back, how can Xu Haotian be so rampant?"

"Xu Haotian's goal is Senior Brother Lu Changsheng. But Xu Haotian is too shameless, the dignified top divine treasure, even one step away from casting Dao Foundation, but he came to 'challenge' a new senior divine treasure like Senior Brother Lu? "

   "Brother Lu will definitely not accept the challenge. But now that Xu Haotian is blocking the door like this, what is the face of Tianzong in the ancient domain?"

  Many disciples were a little bit upset.

  Of course, the Daoist powerhouses of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain can also expel Xu Haotian, or even kill Xu Haotian.

  However, Xu Haotian did not make any exceptions after all.

  Everything is done according to the rules.

  The martial arts schools in the ancient domain still follow the rules.

  For example, Xu Haotian once broke the rules and sent Wu Qingyi to kill Lu Changsheng.

   As a result, Tianzong of the ancient domain directly lost the entire Wu family.

   Even put pressure on Huang Tianzong, almost grounding Xu Haotian.

  If the big faction doesn't even follow the basic rules, then the entire ancient domain will be completely chaotic.

  No matter how bad the rules are, it is better than no rules.

  Therefore, if Xu Haotian doesn't do something out of the ordinary, it's not easy for the Daoist strongmen of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain to personally expel them.

   Can only be shot by true disciples.

   But the most important true disciple of Tianzong in the ancient domain has gone out and cannot return to the mountain gate for the time being.

  The remaining true disciples couldn't help Xu Haotian at all.

   "Xu Haotian, you have crossed the line!"

  Suddenly, a cold voice came from the crowd.

   Immediately afterwards, a true disciple came out and came in front of Xu Haotian.


  Xu Haotian opened his eyes.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the true disciple in front of him.

   "Lu Guan... I didn't expect to see some old friends."

   "However, are you sure you want to fight me?"

   "The one I want to kill is Lu Changsheng, and it has nothing to do with you. Once we fight, life or death will matter!"

  Xu Haotian said coldly.

  Actually, he has some friendship with Lu Guan.

  When he was still in the Divine Gang Realm, he and Lu Guan fought together and joined forces to deal with some opponents.

  Later, both of them were promoted to Shencang, one became the true biography of Huang Tianzong, and the other became the true biography of Ancient Tianzong. Since then, they have hardly met each other.

  I didn't expect that it would be like this when we meet again.

   "Xu Haotian, you are still the same as before, nothing has changed."

   "I know that once you make a decision, no one can make you change it."

   "However, since you have come to the ancient Tianzong to block the door, I, a true disciple of the ancient Tianzong, cannot turn a blind eye."

   "One move will determine the outcome!"

   Lu Guan said word by word, in a deep voice.

   "Yes, one move determines the outcome."

   "After today, everything in the past will be completely broken!"

  Xu Haotian's tone was still cold.

  The dialogue between the two made the disciples of Tianzong in the surrounding ancient domains curious.

   "Senior brother Lu Guan is still related to Xu Haotian?"

   "I heard that the two of them were struggling together when they were still in the Divine Gang Realm."

   "Senior brother Lu Guan is a veteran true disciple. He has rarely made a move in recent years, but his strength must not be weak. After all, it must not be bad to be able to fight side by side with Xu Haotian back then."

   "I wonder if Senior Brother Lu Guan can defeat Xu Haotian?"

  However, compared to the discussions of the surrounding disciples, Lu Guan and Xu Haotian did not speak any more.

   They all have their departures.

  No matter what kind of love you have in the past.

   Today we have to make a clean break!


  The next moment, Lu Guan made a move.

  The domain descended on him and manifested.

  It is mighty, with more than a dozen layers of domains.

   Among them, there are even fusion fields!

  The terrifying aura instantly covered the sky and the sun, making the surrounding disciples feel suffocated.

   This is the old true disciple of Tianzong in the ancient domain.

  The overall strength is definitely not inferior to Long Yun, even stronger than Long Yun!

  Xu Haotian looked at the field released by Lu Guan.

  He sighed and said: "Lu Guan, you are still the same as before after all these years. Even your practice is stable and you don't want to take risks."

   "At the beginning, I was about the same strength as you, but I didn't know that after so many years, the gap between you and me has become bigger and bigger.

   "You have no hope for Daoji in this life! And me, the next step is Daoji!"


  Xu Haotian is different from before.

   casts a fusion field.

   Four in one!

   It turned out that the four fields were integrated into one.

  Before dealing with other true disciples of the ancient Tianzong, they have never displayed such a terrifying fusion domain.

  However, to deal with Lu Guan now, Xu Haotian has used the strongest method.

  Four kinds of domains are combined into one, which is comparable to 30-layer domains!

  Even if it is a 30-layer domain, it will be pierced by the four-in-one fusion domain.

  At this moment, as soon as the four-in-one domain appeared, it crushed Lu Guan's domain instantly.

  Lu Guan's face turned pale.


   Lu Guan seemed to be hit hard, his figure was thrown high, and then fell heavily to the ground.

   Lu Guan lost.

   However, he is not dead.

   After all, this place is under the gate of Tianzong in the ancient domain. Even if Xu Haotian abides by the rules among some big factions, he dare not kill people.

  Once someone kills someone, it's out of line!

"I lost…"

   Lu Guan's face was ugly.

  He actually thinks very highly of himself.

  I think that I am not much worse than Xu Haotian.

  However, now it seems that he is more than a star and a half behind Xu Haotian?

  The gap is too big!

  In the four-in-one domain, how many people are there in the Tianzong of the entire ancient domain?

   No wonder Xu Haotian dared to be so confident, blocking people under the gate of Tianzong Mountain in the ancient domain.

   This is having absolute confidence in one's own strength!

   "My God, in the four-in-one domain, I didn't expect Xu Haotian to hide so deeply?"

   "It's more than just four in one? Xu Haotian still has a two-in-one fusion domain. Once fully displayed, even the 30th or 40th-level domain will be crushed by Xu Haotian's fusion domain."

   "It's really too strong. If there are no top true brothers who come back, I'm afraid no one can stop Xu Haotian."

   "It is said that Xu Haotian's brain area exceeds ninety miles. He is very talented in martial arts practice, but he did not expect to be so powerful in combat."

  For a while, many disciples were amazed.

  Four in one field!

   What a feat?

  As long as all the gods and warriors who can do this are the pride of heaven, all are the top geniuses in the entire ancient domain!

   "Lu Guan, go and send a word to Lu Changsheng."

   "If he keeps acting like a turtle and his heart is covered with dust, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive the catastrophe of his soul in the future!"

  Hearing Xu Haotian's words, some well-informed disciples couldn't help but sink slightly in their hearts.

   Calamity of the soul!

  This thing is actually very mysterious.

  The catastrophe of the mind is mainly aimed at the mind.

  As long as there is a slight flaw in the mind, it will not survive the catastrophe of the mind.

  This kind of spiritual flaw is a very personal matter.

  Threats like Xu Haotian's, it's hard to say whether they will work.

  Some people feel that they have just been promoted to Shenzang, and being threatened by such a top Shenzang like Xu Haotian, they will naturally not take it to heart, and there will be no flaws in their hearts.

  But there are also some people who are competitive and feel that they are "avoiding" Xu Haotian.

   Once you have this kind of thinking, avoiding and not fighting, it is actually a flaw in your mind.

  Xu Haotian also has mental flaws.

  His spiritual flaw is Lu Changsheng.

  That's why Xu Haotian thought of ways to kill Lu Changsheng again and again.

   "Xu Haotian, I will not bring your words to Lu Changsheng."

   "If you have the ability, go to the Tianzong of the ancient domain by yourself and tell Lu Changsheng directly."

  Of course Lu Guan will not be used by Xu Haotian.

  He can't speak.

  Once he speaks, it may make Lu Changsheng feel weak.

   He's not that stupid.

   "Take it with you or not, I will always be here waiting for Lu Changsheng."

   After Xu Haotian finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

  Even though countless eyes looked at him, he remained motionless.

   "Stop talking, Lu has already arrived!"

  Suddenly, a strange voice came into Xu Haotian's ears.


  Xu Haotian opened his eyes almost immediately, and looked in the direction of the voice.

  At this moment, a figure slowly came from the direction of the Tianzong Mountain Gate in the ancient domain.

  A figure that shocked countless disciples of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain.

  Lu Changsheng!

  A true disciple of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain!

   Once the number one **** in the ancient domain, he rebelled against the gods.

  The top genius who created a path of martial arts in the Divine Gang Realm.

   Now, actually went down the mountain?


  The crowd was in an uproar.

   "That's Senior Brother Lu Changsheng, why did he go down the mountain?"

"Oops, Senior Brother Lu Changsheng, such an astounding and brilliant genius, must be proud and arrogant, so how can he tolerate Xu Haotian's provocation again and again? Even if he knows that Xu Haotian is a violent general, Senior Brother Lu has to go down the mountain. "

"Xu Haotian's goal has been achieved. Brother Lu is really unwise. He has endured for a month, so why can't he bear it any longer? Maybe after a few more days, the top true biography of the ancient Tianzong will come back, and Xu Haotian will naturally be expelled at that time." gone."

   "That's right, Senior Brother Lu doesn't need to take any risks at all. He has just been promoted to Shenzang and only refined one boundary stone. Even if he doesn't face Xu Haotian, who can say anything?"

   "That's right, Senior Brother Lu going down the mountain now, it's too unwise."

   "I only hope that Senior Brother Lu will have the protection of a Daoist strongman. Even if he fails, his life will not be in danger. However, once he loses, Senior Brother Lu probably has a flaw in his heart, and the future of martial arts may be difficult."

  Many disciples were talking about it.

   He even felt sorry for Lu Changsheng.

  Once Lu Changsheng goes down the mountain, many things are probably already doomed.

   "You really went down the mountain!"

  Xu Haotian smiled.

  He guessed correctly about Lu Changsheng.

   A top talent like Lu Changsheng will definitely not be able to resist his provocation.

   Now it seems that it is true.

  Actually, Xu Haotian asked himself.

  If anyone wants to challenge him by name, even if he is still at the gate of the mountain, even if he knows he is invincible, he will go up.

   "Yes, I'm going down the mountain."

   "I will send you to reunite with your brother."

  Lu Changsheng said calmly.

   It seems that the cloud is calm and the wind is breezy, as if there is no pressure at all.

  Just this calm demeanor defeated most of the disciples.

   Not all disciples have such a bearing when facing Xu Haotian.

   "Oh? Safe and secure?"

   "You probably think that for a genius like you, a strong Daoist from the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain will definitely keep you."

   "It doesn't matter, maybe I can't kill you, but I will send you a disastrous defeat, leaving your heart dusted, and you will have inner demons breeding all your life, and the road to martial arts will be completely blocked!"

   "So, it's better to relieve hatred than killing you."

  Xu Haotian did not hide his purpose.

   "No need to talk nonsense, see the truth under my hands."

   "Let me see, the real strength of the top Shenzang!"

  Lu Changsheng took a step forward.

   There was no sign of flinching or fear at all.

   Instead, he walked towards Xu Haotian step by step.

  At this moment, Lu Guan is the closest to Lu Changsheng.

   "What courage!"

   "As expected of a newcomer to Shenzang, he can kill Long Yun's top disciples. He can even rebel against Shenzang..."

   Lu Guan was sincerely amazed.

  Although they are all true disciples, Lu Guan knows it very well.

   There are also differences between true disciples.

   Even very different.

  Lu Changsheng is expected to forge a Daoist foundation, and he is the top genius who is concerned by the Tianzong of the entire ancient domain.

   And what about him?

  It’s just a senior true disciple.

  Ding Tian is the peak of Shenzang.

   It is almost impossible in this life to take that step and forge a Dao foundation.

  In the past, Lu Guan thought that it might be because of his lack of talent.

  However, seeing Lu Changsheng's courage now, he suddenly felt that perhaps his talent was not a problem from the beginning to the end.

   The problem is his mind!

   His mind is too weak!

   How can a weak mind be able to support and build a Daoist foundation?

  Lu Changsheng didn't care what the people around him thought.

  He just walked slowly towards Xu Haotian step by step.

  He has been cultivating for several months, isn't his purpose just to solve Xu Haotian?

  A day when Xu Haotian is around, Lu Changsheng will not be at peace.

  Since Xu Haotian has come to his door, Lu Changsheng simply took advantage of this opportunity to completely solve Xu Haotian!

  One step, two steps, three steps...

   After three steps, the distance between Lu Changsheng and Xu Haotian was only about ten feet.

  Shizhang, for the top Shenzang, it is almost "a short distance away".

   "Heart sword, cut!"

  The next moment, Lu Changsheng's brain was shocked.

  The jade-colored heart sword flew out instantly.

   And one strike after another, he directly used the ten swords of heart, slashing into Xu Haotian's spirit.


  Xu Haotian's spirit was shaken violently.

  However, in Xu Haotian's mind, an ancient bronze clock unexpectedly appeared.


  Heart Sword Slashed in the spirit, and the spirit that was already violently shaken was shaken by the bell of this simple and simple bell, and Xu Haotian's spirit quickly calmed down and stabilized.

   "Hmm... is this, a spiritual treasure?"

   Lu Changsheng's heart skipped a beat and he thought of something.

  Spiritual Mystery Treasure!

  Only spiritual treasures can exist in the spirit.

   It's just that spiritual treasures are extremely rare.

   Unexpectedly, Xu Haotian had one on his body.

  This spiritual treasure is not mainly for defense, but for recovery.

  The broken spirit can be recovered in an instant.

   Therefore, Lu Changsheng's heart sword has no effect on Xu Haotian.

  As long as he can't annihilate Xu Haotian's spirit in an instant, even if the heart sword cuts Xu Haotian's spirit to pieces, with the help of the spiritual treasure, Xu Haotian's spirit can be restored instantly.

  However, Xu Haotian's spirit can recover, but the pain of being cut by the heart sword will not be less.

  Xu Haotian's will is also very firm, he sneered and said: "Spiritual mysteries, do you think you can deal with me? Long Yun died under your spiritual mystics, how could I be unprepared?"

  Xu Haotian knew that Lu Changsheng relied on spiritual mysteries.

  Once the spirit magic method fails, Lu Changsheng's 100% strength will also lose half.

   Nothing too threatening.

   "So, die."

  Xu Haotian's expression became distorted.

   There seemed to be a trace of excitement in the distorted expression.


  The next moment, the domain in Xu Haotian's brain descended.

   Moreover, one of the most striking is a field.

   That's the four-in-one field!

  Just now, Lu Guan was defeated by Xu Haotian's four-in-one domain.

  Combined with the two-in-one domain, with the strength Xu Haotian displayed at this moment, I am afraid that it is comparable to those top gods who have 50 layers of ordinary domains!

  Lu Changsheng took a deep breath.


  Lu Changsheng's brain was shaking wildly.

   At the same time, in Lu Changsheng's fifteen-mile brain domain, one layer after another descended.

  The field of swords, the field of swords, the field of killing!

   This is the three-tier general domain.

   Two-in-one starry sky waterfall field!

   2-in-1 waterspout field!

  The two 2-in-1 fusion domains are superimposed together, comparable to 20-layer domains.

  However, as far as this field is concerned, compared with Xu Haotian's mighty and terrifying four-in-one field, it is simply not enough.

   However, this is only the beginning.

  Lu Changsheng's brain continued to oscillate.

  Five more realms manifested.

  Five Elements Water Domain, Five Elements Fire Domain, Five Elements Earth Domain, Five Elements Wood Domain, Five Elements Metal Domain!

   This is the field of five elements!

   "Five elements field, fusion!"

  The next moment, an astonishing scene appeared in front of everyone.

  I saw the field of five elements, which merged quickly.

  In the blink of an eye, the five fields merged into one field.

  Five in one field!

  At this moment, when the Five Elements Domain was born, everyone could feel the terrifying aura it exudes.

  Even if they are ten miles apart, they can vaguely feel the terrifying aura of the Five Elements Domain.

   After all, the field of five elements includes the power of the five elements between heaven and earth.

  Any power and matter in the world will be suppressed by the five elements within the five elements.

   What kind of mighty power is this?

   "Impossible... five-in-one domain, how is it possible?"

  Xu Haotian couldn't believe his eyes.

  Five in one field!

   How shocking is this to him?

  He has worked hard and exhausted all means, but at best he can only achieve the four-in-one field.

  Five-in-one domain, how did Lu Changsheng do it?

  This seems to be a fairy tale.

   But, this is the truth!

  Five Elements Field, Starry Sky Waterfall Field, Waterspout Field.

  The three major domains are comparable to the 60th floor domain.

  Even the 60th-floor domain has to be pierced and crushed.


  Lu Changsheng's voice was cold.

  As his voice fell, all of Lu Changsheng's domains fell on Xu Haotian in an instant.

   "Kacha Kacha Kacha".

   Layers of domains were instantly crushed.

  Even the four-in-one domain that Xu Haotian placed high hopes on was eclipsed in front of the five elements domain and was instantly crushed.


  For the first time, there was a look of fear in Xu Haotian's eyes.

  Because, he already felt the breath of death.

   When Lu Changsheng's domain falls completely, he will die!


   A loud shout, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, resounded in everyone's ears.

  Especially Lu Changsheng, even the five-in-one domain seemed to be shaken apart.

  At the same time, an old man in a white robe walked up step by step just like that.


  Being able to volley through the void can only be done by a strong Daoist.

   Moreover, the clothes on the other party's body already showed the other party's identity.

   Huang Tianzong, Daoist powerhouse!

  Lu Changsheng didn't intend to stop at all.

   How firm is his heart?

  He wants to kill Xu Haotian, so that there will be no future troubles!

  Even if the Daoist powerhouse comes, he will kill Xu Haotian!


  Lu Changsheng's five-in-one domain still fell hard.

   "Dare you?"

   Huang Tianzong Daoji strongman seemed extremely angry when he saw this scene.

  The next moment, the wind and cloud in the void changed.

  Everything around seems to have changed.

  Everyone raised their heads.

  It seems that there are endless mountains, falling down mightily.

   Around the mountains, there are countless strong winds raging.

  An extremely real feeling arose spontaneously in Lu Changsheng's heart.

  Lu Changsheng was blessed to the heart, and almost blurted out: "Brain domain?"

  The most prominent feature of the strong man who forged the foundation of Daoism is the realization of the brain domain.

  The entire brain domain is manifested, from the virtual to the real, it seems that a real world has descended.

   What kind of terrifying power is that?

  Just for a split second, even before the brain domain actually descended, Lu Changsheng felt unable to move his whole body.

   "Old man Huang, you are half a foot in the coffin. Take care of yourself and wait for the end to come, can't you?"

   "Are you going to hurry up and let me kill you?"

  Suddenly, a cold voice echoed in the sky.

  With this use, the terrifying mountains in the void were also instantly shattered.

   It was as if it collapsed all of a sudden.


  The old man in white robe let out a scream.

  His brain is broken!

  Lu Changsheng could vaguely see a figure walking step by step from the void.

  Finally, he stood in the void with his hands behind his back, looking down at everyone, including Huang Tianzong Daoji powerhouse!

  Lu Changsheng knew that this must be the Daoist strongman of Tianzong in the ancient domain.

  This is at the foot of Tianzong Mountain in the ancient domain, so Xu Haotian is nothing more than a junior after all.

  But how can the ancient Tianzong sit idly by when the powerful Daoist Huang Tianzong takes action?

  Lu Changsheng took advantage of this opportunity, almost without thinking, the five-in-one domain fell instantly.

   "Master, save me..."

  Xu Haotian showed fear on his face, and let out a scream.

  But the next moment, Xu Haotian's voice stopped abruptly.

  Xu Haotian's body turned into powder.

   Was directly crushed by the five-in-one field!

  (end of this chapter)

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