Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4248: Chu Brothers

Time flies, five years have passed.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, his eyes were slightly closed, and his body was covered by a blue glow.

After a while, a paper crane with flashing blue light flew in, circling around Wang Changsheng non-stop.

The blue glow on Wang Changsheng's body dissipated, he opened his eyes, opened his mouth and sprayed out a blue light, which hit the blue paper crane, and Wang Ruyan's voice sounded: "Husband, Senior Nangong is here, and he said he has something to talk to you in detail. "

After they repelled the Chaos Beast's second counterattack, the Chaos Beast did not counterattack again, so honestly, Wang Changsheng also retreated and cultivated.

Wang Changsheng got up and walked out. Nangong Changqing, Nangong Yuexue and Wang Ruyan were sitting in the stone pavilion chatting.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, is the Chaos Beast going to counterattack?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"I haven't counterattacked for so long, so I probably won't. The Chahar Tribe has to prepare for the Hundred Clans Conference, and if they want to counterattack, they would have counterattacked a long time ago."

Nangong Yuexue explained.

"Having said that, we still need to be on guard, Wang Daoyou, you have contributed a lot this time. We plan to hand over the Hulan Mountains to you to take over, but I'm afraid you can't hold Hulan City by yourself. You'd better invite more A few powerful helpers will sit with you in Hulan City."

Nangong Changqing said.

Wang Changsheng made a great contribution in this battle, which is obvious to all. The dungeon should be handed over to the Wang family. Judging from the reaction of the Chaos Beast, only Wang Changsheng, a Taiyi Jinxian, can hardly defend Hulan City.

"Invite a few powerful Taoist friends?"

Wang Changsheng frowned. He didn't know many Taiyi Jinxians. The only ones who were powerful and could manage Hulan City with him were Xuanling Tianzun and Liuyun Fairy.

Cao Yuanxing's strength was still a bit weak, and the Chaos Beast's second counterattack suffered a big loss. If it wanted to attack Hulan City, it would definitely be led by the Nine-color Chaos Beast, or even the Nine-color Chaos Beast that had mutated three times.

"We know that you don't know many Taiyi Jinxians. We can introduce two fellow Taoists to you. They come from the sect of cultivating immortals and are not weak. You can invite a few more fellow Taoists to manage Hulan City with you. As for the benefits Assignment, you can discuss it yourself."

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Nangong Yuexue said.

"These two fellow Taoists are in Hulan City?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"Yes, I invite them to come over, let's have a chat!"

Nangong Yuexue took out a dharma disk with flashing white light, entered a dharma formula, and gestured for a while.

Wang Ruyan took out a Dharma disk with flashing blue light, entered a Dharma formula, and made a few gestures.

After a while, Wang Qingcheng walked in with two men with exactly the same facial features, a tall and thin man in green shirt, and a tall and thin man in red shirt.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, let me introduce you. These two are fellow Daoists Chu. They came from the Chu family in the Yunmeng Sea Region and have a long heritage. The two fellow Daoist Chus have mastered the technique of combined strikes, and their strength is extraordinary."

Nangong Yuexue introduced.

"Let's do it next time."

"I'm Chu Yikun."

Two men reported their names one after another.

They are all late Taiyi Golden Immortals, they have mastered the law, and they have also cultivated into peak true spirits. The most important point is that they have mastered the technique of combined strikes.

"I have heard the names of two fellow Daoists of Chu for a long time, and I have met two fellow Daoists, Wang Changsheng."

Wang Changsheng said politely.

"Wang Daoyou has been to Yunmeng Sea?"

Chu Yigan asked curiously.

"I haven't been there, but my people have traveled to the Yunmeng Sea Territory and heard about the deeds of two fellow Taoists, who jointly killed a Taiyi Jinxian Dzogchen evil cultivator."

Wang Changsheng showed admiration.

With the development of the Wang family, the dark hall's personnel were sent to multiple sea areas, on the one hand to inquire about intelligence, and on the other hand to search for the Murong family's remnants such as Fairy Luoshui.

The Yunmeng Sea Territory is a large area in the Northern Sea Immortal Territory. There are many Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage forces, and the Chu family is one of them.

The Chu family has been passed down for tens of millions of years. At its peak, there were more than forty Taiyi Jinxians, and it was the largest force in the Yunmeng Sea Region. However, the Chu family encountered several catastrophes, and many Taiyi Jinxians fell. , is currently re-prosperous, and the number of Taiyi Golden Immortals continues to increase.

"So that's the case. In terms of names, we are no match for Daoyou Wang, and the Eight-Color Chaos Beast is no match for Daoyou Wang."

Chu Yiqian said seriously.

They have been promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage for many years, but they have not been able to master a single supreme law.

"This is not the work of me alone, but the result of the concerted efforts of fellow Taoists."

Wang Changsheng said modestly.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, talk slowly, so we won't bother you. This place will be handed over to your Wang family. By the way, our family will hold a Daluo celebration for Patriarch Yueshuo after a thousand years. You must come and have a few glasses of wine, Kunlun Daozu's disciples and grandchildren will also participate, and the place will be in Tianfeng City."

Nangong Yuexue said.

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Wang Changsheng agreed, and he also wanted to make friends with a few more Taiyi Jinxians.

Nangong Yuexue and Nangong Changqing left, Wang Changsheng looked at Chu Yiqian and Chu Yikun, and said, "Fairy Nangong should tell the two fellow daoists!"

"I said, but how to allocate resources is a problem."

Chu Yiqian said seriously.

"Fellow Daoist Chu may have misunderstood. I haven't agreed to let you take over Hulan City together. See Zhenzhang under my hand. Let's go out of the city to compete, how about it?"

Wang Changsheng said.

"Competition? Who is Wang Daoyou going to compete with?"

Chu Yigan asked.

"Of course it's two fellow daoists. If you take five moves from me, I will use the top-grade immortal cannon."

Wang Changsheng said, he didn't care too much.

"Five tricks? Our cultivation base is higher than that of Wang Daoyou, so it's okay to take it, let's do it! Wang Daoyou takes three moves from our brother, how about it?"

Chu Yigan said politely.

"No problem, let's go out and learn from each other."

Wang Changsheng turned into a blue rainbow and flew out of Hulan City, Chu Yigan and Chu Yikun followed.

Not long after, the three came to an open field.

"We won't keep our hands back. Don't be careless, fellow Daoist Wang. Our joint strike technique is quite powerful."

Chu Yigan reminded Fellow Daoist Chu just make a move. "

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, looking calm and breezy.

At the same time, Chu Yigan and Chu Yikun's bodies were full of spiritual light. Their palms were closed together, and they slashed towards the void, and a huge two-color knife light swept out.

Wang Changsheng drew his hands towards the void, and a huge Tai Chi pattern appeared and blocked in front of him.

The two-color knife light hit the top of the Taiji pattern, and the Taiji pattern shook violently, and a large number of cracks appeared and collapsed.

Wang Changsheng's right fist released a blue light, and when he punched out, it collided with the two-color saber light, and the two-color saber light collapsed.

There was a light bloodstain on the surface of Wang Changsheng's fist, he was secretly surprised, it was worthy of a joint attack, if not for his strong physical body, the injury must have been serious.

Chu Yigan and Chu Yikun were a little surprised, but they didn't say anything. Chu Yikun stood behind Chu Yigan and put his hands on Chu Yigan's shoulders.

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