Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4202: Ling Tianzong

Wang Changsheng picked up a cyan jade slip, and immersed his spiritual consciousness into it.

Wang Ruyan and the others each picked up a jade slip and checked the contents.

After a while, they read all the contents of the jade slips.

"Ten Thousand Immortals Sect, Xuandan Sect, Heavenly Soldiers Sect, Tianfu Palace, Nether Corpse Sect, Beidou Sect."

Wang Changsheng said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

A jade slip records the general situation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. The area of ​​the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is extremely large, comparable to several sea areas. There are many sects whose head altars are in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. The Ten Thousand Immortals Sect is the most powerful sect. .

The Ten Thousand Immortals Sect is located in the most abundant place in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. It has five subordinate factions, namely the Xuandan Sect, the Tianbing Sect, the Tianfu Palace, the Nether Corpse Sect, and the Beidou Sect. Jinxian is powerful, and these five forces all have subsidiary forces.

To put it simply, the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is divided into four regions, corresponding to Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, Jinxian and Zhenxian. , their affiliated forces all have many golden immortals, and these golden immortal forces have affiliated forces, and the affiliated forces all have many real immortals.

The heads of these forces all left oaths on the Heavenly Fate Jade Book, that the fate is one, and they will either prosper or decline together.

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Lingtianzong has many golden immortal monks. The main altar is located deep in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Lingtianzong is an affiliated force of Tianbingzong. It is good at refining weapons. There are many Taiyi Golden Immortals.

The relationship between Wanxianzong and other sects is somewhat similar to the relationship between the Wang family and Zhenhai Palace. Zhenhai Palace, Lan family, Wang family, Li family, and Ni family are affiliated forces of the Wang family. They obey the orders of the Wang family and will also recruit troops. Their own affiliated forces, affiliated forces also have their own affiliated forces.

One difference is that the Wang family only signed the Jade Book of Heavenly Fortune with Zhenhai Palace, Wang Family, Lan Family, Ni Family and a few other forces, and their affiliated forces have not left their oaths on the Jade Book of Heavenly Fortune.

It's not that these affiliated forces don't want to sign an oath on the Jade Book of Fortune, but that the Wang family didn't mention it at all. The Wang family doesn't have Taiyi Jinxian, so they can't keep such a treasure as the Jade Book of Fortune.

A jade slip records the location of the Tianbing Sect. The Tianbing Sect has 18 affiliated forces, and Ling Tianzong is only one of them. The jade slip also records the positions of the other 17 affiliated forces.

"First search here to see if there are any good things."

Wang Changsheng said.

The ban on Ten Thousand Immortal Continent is ushering in a period of weakness, but it is only aimed at the forces of Jinxian and True Immortals. It is more dangerous to go to the main altar of Tianbingzong to investigate, there must be elixir to help Jinxian attack Taiyi Jinxian.

Ling Tian Peak is the forbidden area of ​​Ling Tian Sect, the place where Ling Tian Sect's vitality is most abundant, and also the residence of Ling Tian Sect's Great Elder.

They went out and opened the door of the third stone room. The stone room was more than a hundred feet in size. There was a nine-color flat peach tree in the room, and more than fifty nine-color flat peaches were hung on the tree.

"Nine-Colored Flat Peach!"

Wang Changsheng nodded. One nine-color flat peach can prolong life by one hundred thousand years, and more than fifty nine-color flat peaches can prolong life by more than five million years.

They carefully picked the nine-color flat peach tree, transplanted the nine-color flat peach tree, and came to the bluestone passage on the right, where there are also three stone rooms with closed doors.

Opening the first stone room, a small piece of fairy field came into view, and the fairy medicine had long since withered.

Open the door of the second stone chamber, and you can see a pool more than one hundred feet in size. Five purple lotus flowers grow in the pool. The petals are half-moon shaped, and the water in the pool is purple.

"Purple pulp fairy lotus!"

Wang Changsheng was pleasantly surprised.

The purple pulp fairy lotus that is more than 30 million years old is usually used to refine the third-order elixir, the purple pulp pill, and the detoxification effect is relatively good. These five purple pulp fairy lotus are at least 40 million years old, and the highest is more than 50 million years old.

"Purple pulp fairy water! This kind of fairy water is rare and highly poisonous, and can be used to breed some special fairy medicines."

Wang Ruyan looked at the purple pool water and said with a smile.

They picked five purple pulp fairy lotus and took away the purple pulp fairy water.

Open the third stone room, there is a golden lotus fairy fruit tree in the room, and more than 30 golden lotus fairy fruits are hung on the tree.

"Golden Lotus Fairy Fruit!"

Wang Changsheng's face showed joy. With these golden lotus fairy fruits, more golden immortals in the Wang family can cultivate into peak true spirits.

They picked all the golden lotus fairy fruits and put them into jade boxes, and the golden lotus fairy fruit trees were also transplanted away.

They checked carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, they went out.

After leaving Lingtian Peak, they walked around the entire Lingtian Mountain Range, but found nothing. The elixir garden was empty. The elixir had already been picked by other treasure hunters, and the caves of high-ranking monks were also searched by treasure hunters.

If it weren't for Ling Tianfeng's stronger restriction, Ling Tianfeng's things would have been obtained by other treasure hunters.

They left the Lingtian Mountain Range and rushed to the Yaowang Mountain Range.

The Yaowang Mountain Range is the main altar of the Yaowang Sect, and the Yaowang Sect is a subsidiary force of the Tianbingzong. The mountains are relatively far away, and we have to pass through a dangerous place on the way.


In an open field, Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger walked slowly.

Wang Qingshan is currently in the late stage of Golden Immortal, and the law is Xiaocheng, Bai Ling'er is in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, and both husband and wife are sword cultivators.

Since entering the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, they have not encountered any attacks, have not touched the restriction, and have not gained anything, let alone encountered other treasure hunters. The Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is too big.

A quarter of an hour later, they appeared on a low dirt slope.

Bai Ling'er took out a piece of cyan animal skin with mountains and water on it. This is their road map, write it down, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

A deafening roar sounded A huge group of red flames rose into the sky.

Wang Qingshan frowned, his spiritual sense sensed several powerful auras flying towards here.

A huge yellow tornado swept over, and a large number of weeds were uprooted wherever it passed.

A sharp golden sword light swept over, catching up with the yellow tornado.

The yellow tornado exploded, and a pale yellow-robed old man flew out of it. His legs were missing and he looked terrified.

"Li Daoyou, you came at the right time. The Qiankun Pearl is handed over to you, and I will lead them away."

The old man in yellow robe raised his right hand, and an exquisite yellow jade box flew out, flying towards Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger.

Wang Qingshan frowned, flicked his finger, a cyan sword light swept out, smashed the yellow jade box to pieces, and shot out a gleaming yellow bead.

The yellow-robed old man's body glowed with yellow light, and he flew towards the distance.

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