Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4141: Celestial box

Sky Fire Sea Area, Chilifang City.

A secluded small courtyard with blue tiles, there is a three-storey blue attic and a blue stone pavilion in the courtyard. Yu Hong and a pale blue robed old woman were sitting in the stone pavilion, talking about something.

"The Fire Clan will not let us go. If we leave Fangshi, we will be targeted immediately." The blue-robed old woman said with a frown.

The murlocs used to be one of the most powerful forces in the Tianhuo Sea Area. After the Taiyi Golden Immortals all fell, the murlocs began to decline, and now they are just a small tribe that is not popular.

"How about handing over that thing to save your life?" Yu Hong suggested.

"Old Ancestor Yufeng sacrificed their lives for it. Even if they hand it over, it's not for the Huoyan Clan." The blue-robed old woman shook her head and said.

"Leave it to the Shangguan family? We are too weak. If we make a deal with them, they can send us away with just a few things. They can't solve our predicament."

Yu Hong objected, the difference in strength was too great, it was not fair at all, the main reason was that they hadn't made a deal with Shangguan's family, so they didn't know what to do. "It's a pity that we can't break the restriction. We don't know what's in the heavenly box, otherwise we wouldn't be so passive."

The blue-robed old woman sighed.

Just as Yu Niang was about to say something, she took out a flashing red Dharma plate from her bosom, and entered a Dharma formula, her face beaming with joy. "What's the happy event?"

The blue-robed old woman asked doubtfully.

"The Five Elements True Monarch of the Qinglian Wang family has arrived in Chilifang City. We have dealt with them before. The Wang family is quite kind. They can sell the heavenly machine box to the Wang family in exchange for a sum of cultivation resources."

Yu Lang said with a smile, the last time they made a deal with the Wang family, they didn't lose money.

Qinglian fairy couple have cultivated into peak true spirits, with extraordinary strength, especially Daoist Taihao, who killed six-color chaotic beasts with one punch, and even seven-color chaotic beasts couldn't stop them.

It's no secret that the Wang family is proficient in weapon refining, and has good relationships with the Cao family, Ye family, and Shangguan family. The Wang family caravan is active in multiple sea areas, collecting resources for cultivating immortals, and has many partners.

The overall strength of the Wang family is not as good as that of the Shangguan family. The most important thing is that Yuhong sold the ghost to Ye Haitang last time and made a small profit, which made him have a good impression of the Wang family.

"Wang Family, I heard that the Wang Family can refine the Immortal Extinguishing Arrow. If they sell us a medium-grade Immortal Extinguishing Arrow, it would be the best to use against the Huo Si tribe."

The blue-robed old woman said excitedly.

"Mid-grade Immortal Extinguishing Arrows are too precious. The Wang family may not give them to us, but they can be exchanged for other resources. I will contact the Five Elements True Monarch, hoping to meet him."

Yu Niang's expression was a little apprehensive, it was the first time for the Five Elements True Lord to go to the Skyfire Sea Area, and he was not sure to see the Five Elements True Lord.

Wang Yingjie was walking on the spacious and clean street, followed by a group of members of the Wang family. Wherever they passed, they attracted the attention of many monks.

Before they had gone far, Shangguan Xuetang brought several members of the Shangguan family towards them, and said with a smile: "Senior Wang, you are finally here. Patriarch Fei Yue has prepared a banquet, please come with this junior."

Wang Yingjie nodded, letting the clansmen move freely, followed Shangguan Xuetang to a secluded manor, and saw Shangguan Feiyu and a plump young woman in a golden skirt in a small courtyard planted with many exotic flowers and plants.

"Wang Daoyou, why are you here?"

The young woman in the golden skirt asked doubtfully, it was Wang Moxin who handed over to her in the past. Shangguan Feiyue, the head of Shangguan's economic and trade hall in the mid-Golden Immortal Stage.

"This is the first time we have done such a large-scale business. Our family attaches great importance to this matter and specially sent me here." Wang Yingjie explained, naturally he would not say that Wang Moxin is not available, just polite words.

Shangguan Feiyue nodded, Wang Yingjie's words were reasonable.

She asked Wang Yingjie to sit down, and the three of them drank and chatted, talked about current affairs and exchanged their cultivation experience. Half an hour later, Shangguan Feiyue got down to business: "Fellow Wang, have you brought everything?"

"Here we are, what we want!"

Wang Yingjie took out a cyan storage bracelet and asked.

Shangguan Feiyue took out a golden storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Yingjie, who then handed the cyan storage bracelet to Shangguan Feiyue. With a sweep of consciousness, the two of them revealed

Satisfied expression.

"Wang Daoyou, we want to buy middle-grade chaos armor, how about we can exchange it with Hunyuan stone?" Shangguan Feiyue asked.

The success rate of the Shangguan family in refining mid-grade chaotic armor stomach is only 10%, and the cost is too high. It is better to buy it from the Wang family, which is cheaper.

"The refining of middle-grade chaos armor stomach is too difficult. We have to supply it to the Cao family. One or two pieces of chaos armor stomach are no problem. If there are too many, we can't get them out."

Wang Yingjie looked puzzled.

Before leaving, Wang Yongqian mentioned this to him.

Middle-grade chaos armor stomachs can be sold, but the quantity should not be too large. It is not because the Wang family cannot produce them, but because they are not strong enough. Selling a large number of middle-grade chaos armor will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Then it's settled, two pieces of middle-grade chaos armor, this is the deposit."

Shangguan Feiyue said with a smile, took out a blue storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie took the storage bracelet, swept his consciousness, nodded, and personally wrote a note to Shangguan Feiyue, signing his name. "Madam Shangguan, it's a pleasure working with you."

Wang Yingjie raised his wine glass.

Shangguan Feiyue and Shangguan Feiyu raised their wine glasses, clinked glasses with Wang Yingjie, and said, "It's a happy cooperation." They drank up the immortal wine in their glasses, and their faces showed joy.

After chatting for half an hour, Wang Yingjie said goodbye and left.

The Wang Family Economic and Trade Hall has a branch in Chilifang City, and the person in charge is Wang Yunshan.

The Wang family's business in Chilifang City was all managed by Wang Yunshan, and Wang Yunshan rented a manor for the clan to live and rest. Wang Yingjie came to a vast manor, with three golden characters "Qinglian Garden" written on the plaque.

"It's the senior king of Qinglian Wang's family."

Just as Wang Yingjie appeared at the gate of Qinglian Garden, an old man in red robes with a kind face came over. There were some red fish scales on his face. "Who are you?"

Wang Yingjie looked the red-robed old man up and down, his face full of confusion.

"The younger generation is the fish girl of the murloc tribe. Master Taihao asked us to help collect ghosts. We paid a deposit, and we happened to collect some ghosts." The red-robed old man said.

"Is there such a thing? The ancestors didn't tell me! Come in with me!"

Wang Yingjie ordered, and strode in, Yuhong thanked him, and hurriedly followed. As soon as they entered the manor, a young man in a yellow shirt with handsome features walked over quickly.

Wang Yunshan, the late true immortal, the deputy head of the economic and trade hall.

" He is Yulang from the murloc tribe. He said that the ancestors asked them to help collect ghosts. Is there such a thing?" Wang Yingjie asked.

"Yes, but they have already delivered a batch of ghosts, so we don't want any more!" Wang Yunshan said truthfully.

"To be honest, this junior has a treasure that I want to dedicate to Master Tai Hao." Yu Hong said.

"Chongbao? Come with me!"

Wang Yingjie led Yuhong into a three-storey blue pavilion, and activated the prohibition in the attic. "You can take out the things now, as long as they are good things, we will not treat you badly." Wang Yingjie ordered.

Yulang responded, took out a glittering golden jade box, and handed it to Wang Yingjie.

"The Golden Immortal cultivators from our clan led a team into the Heavenly Fire Prison to search for treasure. They suffered heavy casualties and finally got this heavenly box. However, the restriction is too strong, so we couldn't open it at all. What is certain is that there must be something good inside."

Yulang said slowly. "Heavenly box!" Wang Yingjie's expression froze.

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