Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4131: Collaborate to destroy the enemy

In the endless emerald green mountains, thousands of immortal armor soldiers are fighting with more than a thousand chaotic beasts. The ground is stained red with blood. You can see a large number of corpses of chaotic beasts, and you can also see the corpses of the immortal armor army.

Wang Changsheng, Murong Yilong, and Qin Zhaoming were besieging a seven-color Chaos Beast in orc form. It held a thick and long meteor hammer in its hand, and when it swung it, there was a piercing sound of piercing the air.

They were ordered to intercept the small army of Chaos Beasts. The strength of the Immortal Armored Army is not weak. Five or six Immortal Armored Army joined forces to deal with a Chaos Beast of the same realm. The situation of the True Spirits is better. Two or three ordinary True Spirits join forces Attacking a chaotic beast of the same realm, a top true spirit deals with a chaotic beast of the same realm.

Whether it is the Immortal Armor Army or the True Spirit, their strength has a lot to do with their own cultivation.

Cao Yuanxing, Wang Mengbin, Ni Tianlong and other top true spirits are nothing more than a six-color chaotic beast of the Golden Immortal stage. It is difficult for them to kill the six-color chaotic beast alone, and it is also difficult for the six-color chaotic beast to kill them.

The three of Wang Changsheng teamed up to deal with a seven-color chaotic beast that possessed weapons and mastered the laws. Qin Zhaoming had the highest cultivation level, and he was also a peak true spirit, and he had cultivated the laws to great success.

The seven-color Chaos Beast swung its meteor hammer at Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng went up to him with a huge white stick in his hand.

The white giant stick collided with the meteor hammer, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron colliding. After careful observation, there were many small cracks on the surface of the white giant stick.

Unlike the fairy artifacts used by immortals, the weapons of Chaos Beasts are mutated. Strictly speaking, weapons are part of their bodies. When they enter a large realm, the power of weapons will also increase, and they are generally stronger than ordinary fairy artifacts.

The weapons of Chaos Beasts in the Golden Immortal Period are stronger than ordinary middle-grade immortal weapons, and the weapons of Chaos Beasts in Taiyi Golden Immortal Period are stronger than ordinary high-grade immortal weapons. This is common sense.

This seven-color Chaos Beast not only has weapons, but also masters the laws. It belongs to the strong among Chaos Beasts. If it enters the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage, it will definitely be a formidable opponent.

Wang Changsheng felt a powerful force attacking him, and he flew upside down. Before he could stand still, a large piece of red flames swept in. Wherever he passed, the void was torn apart, and the ground showed signs of melting, the law of fire.

The white light on Wang Changsheng's body exploded, and a white circle of light swept out and collapsed instantly. He is only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, and he can't compete with the mutated seven-color Chaos Beast in the late Golden Immortal stage.

The red flames came straight towards Wang Changsheng, covering Wang Changsheng's figure. At the same time, the meteor hammer flew towards Wang Changsheng, hitting Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng turned into dots of blue light and collapsed.

The seven-color Chaos Beast wanted to use other methods, but Qin Zhaoming appeared behind him without warning, the law of speed.

Qin Zhaoming's right fist burst out with a glaring blood, the law of blood, a fist blasted out, and hit the seven-color chaotic beast, the seven-color chaotic beast flew upside down, and the blood in the body surged.

It can clearly feel that the essence and blood in the body are slightly heated and slowly boiling.

Before the Seven-Color Chaos Beast could stand still, a three-pointed, two-edged knife gleaming with golden light fell from the sky and struck at the Seven-Color Chaos Beast's head. The seven-color Chaos Beast's right palm lit up with a dazzling seven-color aura, and it greeted it.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife hit its palm, and there was a muffled sound, and there was a shallow white mark on its palm.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeve, and a small mirror with five black lights flashing flew out and floated above his head. The seven-star soul-killing mirror, a complete set of middle-grade immortal artifacts.

A complete set of immortal artifacts is still effective against chaotic beasts, especially the immortal artifacts of the spirit and soul, but they are far inferior to the law of the soul, but immortals who can master the law of the soul are rare, and it is rare to have a complete set of immortal artifacts.

The Wang family collected a lot of Taiyi Soul Jade and refined it into a set of Immortal Soul Artifacts to deal with Chaos Beasts.

When Wang Changsheng pinched the magic formula, a black light was lit on the five seven-star soul-killing mirrors at the same time, and a thick black beam of light spewed out from each, gathered in one place, and went straight to the seven-color chaotic beast.

The seven-color Chaos Beast wanted to avoid it, but a strong force of gravity was generated on the ground, holding it firmly in place. The black beam of light hit its back, and it felt like a stone was thrown into its own soul sea, but it had little effect.

There was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and blood-colored fist shadows flew over, hitting the seven-color Chaos Beast one after another.

There was a muffled sound, but no trace was left.

"The law of blood, you are looking for death."

The seven-color Chaos Beast roared, the essence and blood of its whole body began to burn, and when the essence and blood were burned away, it died. "Hold it for a while, and it will surely die."

Qin Zhaoming said confidently.

Dacheng's law of blood, replaced by Xiaocheng's Golden Immortal cultivator, the essence and blood in his body were quickly burned dry.

It is not easy for them to kill the seven-color Chaos Beast who has weapons and masters the law. Fortunately, they have a lot of means. The seven-color Chaos Beast also knew the seriousness of the problem, and strode towards the distance at a very fast speed.

Murong Yilong's right foot lit up a dazzling yellow light, stomped fiercely towards the ground, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a powerful force of gravity emerged, imprisoning the seven-color Chaos Beast in place.

Its body surface glows with seven-color aura, unable to resolve Dacheng's law of gravity.

Wang Changsheng pinched the magic formula, and the five seven-star soul-killing mirrors sprayed out a thick black beam of light, hitting the seven-color chaotic beast one after another. The seven-color Chaos Beast became a living target, and was attacked by the three of Wang Changsheng in turn.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it fell down and turned into a mummy, with the essence and blood in its body burned dry.

"It's actually able to last for so long. If the Golden Immortal cultivator with the Xiaocheng Law is injured by the Dacheng's Blood Law, I'm afraid it won't last for thirty breaths." Wang Changsheng said.

"Chaos beasts are more difficult to deal with. I didn't expect that fellow Daoist Wang and fellow Daoist Murong have cultivated into peak true spirits." Qin Zhaoming said with a smile.

"Okay, let's help others kill the Chaos Beast! They can't hold on anymore."

As soon as Murong Yilong finished speaking, his figure flickered, and he appeared in front of a seven-color chaotic beast, and his right fist hit the seven-color chaotic beast's head. With a muffled sound, the seven-color Chaos Beast flew out backwards, bleeding from its head and dying.

Wang Changsheng and Qin Zhaoming also attacked the seven-color chaotic beasts, and the seven-color chaotic beasts fell one after another, followed by the six-color chaotic beasts.

In less than a quarter of an hour, they wiped out most of the Chaos Beasts, some of the Chaos Beasts escaped, and the Immortal Armor Army suffered a lot, thousands of them fell.

Murong Yilong frowned, he brought fifty Immortal Armor troops, and there were only three left.

The situation of the Wang family is a bit better. More than 20 people fell from a hundred immortal armor troops. The main reason is that they brought a lot of one-time treasures, such as the Qinglian Soul Slayer Talisman, the Five Thunder Orbs, and the Blood Evil Orb. The Chaos Beasts in the Immortal Period all had good effects, and the Immortal Armor Army brought by Yu Weiwei, Xue Sheng and others all fell.

The Wang family was so rich that they were willing to equip the Immortal Armor Army with heavy treasures. Yu Weiwei, Xue Sheng and others did not have a few treasures similar to the Qinglian Soul Slayer Talisman, so their Immortal Armor Army naturally did not.

"The Chaos Beast escaped in different ways, and I don't know if we can save the senior Cangfly Clan." Qin Zhaoming sighed.

The Qin family is a subordinate force of the mayfly clan, and was also attacked by the chaotic beast. He repelled the attack of the chaotic beast, and then got the news that the mayfly city was breached by the chaotic beast, and the two Taiyi Jinxians were captured by the eight-color chaotic beast. .

He was ordered to dispatch fifty immortal armor troops to go out to intercept the small army of chaotic beasts. On the way, he met Cao Mingjing and others and joined them. The three of Cao Mingjing went to chase and kill a seven-color chaotic beast of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage. .

"Senior Cao and the others are back." Wang Changsheng said.

Murong Yilong and the others looked at the distant sky, and three escaping lights appeared in the sky, and a flash fell in front of them, it was Cao Mingjing and the three of them, their faces were slightly pale, and they looked like they had exhausted their immortal energy. appearance.

"Mingjing Patriarch How is it? Have you caught up?"

Cao Yuanxing asked, they intercepted many chaotic beasts and saved some immortals.

The chaotic beast tribe intercepted this time was led by flying seven-color chaotic beasts with the cultivation base of the early Taiyi Golden Immortal. "It ran away."

Cao Mingjing said that the flying Chaos Beast is not easy to deal with, they just wounded the Chaos Beast. Nangong Yueshan took out a dharma plate with flashing yellow light, put it into the dharma formula, made gestures, and put it away.

"Cao Daoyou, cousin Yueshuo caught up with the Hada tribe that went deep into the hinterland, and wiped out three Chaos Beasts of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage, and is about to join us and kill Hu

Orlando Mountains. "

Nangong Yueshan said.

There are ten tribes under the Chahar Tribe, all of which have many Taiyi Golden Immortals in charge, and a few tribes have a Daluo Golden Immortal. This time, four tribes were dispatched to attack the five dungeons under the jurisdiction of Tianfeng City. Among them, the Hada tribe went deep into the hinterland to attack Jiuyuan City was caught up by Nangong Yueshuo before they could retreat to Hada Grassland, and Nangong Yueshuo killed three Chaos Beasts of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage.

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