Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4119: divination

Seven days passed, and Yunlang City became more and more lively.鎿

Green Lotus Garden, the foothold of the monks of the Wang Family in Yunlang City.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingfeng and Wang Qiulin were sitting in a hexagonal blue stone pavilion, talking about something.

During this period of time, they frequently participated in the gatherings of the golden immortal monks, met many golden immortal monks, and exchanged some immortal cultivation resources.

Wang Qiulin exchanged divination and deduction techniques with Cao Yufeng, and now the outside world knows that the Wang family has a fortune teller in the Golden Immortal Period, but in terms of fame, Wang Qiulin is not as good as the old fortune tellers like the old man Jinlin and Fairy Luoshui.

Wang Qiuting came in and said, "Uncle Nine, Master Broken Soul is outside, and he said he wanted to see you and Qiulin, and asked for something."

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment, then ordered: "You bring him in!"

Wang Qiuting responded, turned and left.

"Why are you looking for me? I haven't seen him before."

Wang Qiulin was slightly taken aback, confused.

"He'll know when he comes."

Wang Qingfeng said.

Not long after, Wang Qiuting walked in with Master Broken Soul, and Wang Changsheng asked Master Broken Soul to sit down and chatted.

After a few words of politeness, Master Broken Soul talked about the business: "I heard that Wang Daoyou is a fortune teller, can you help me to predict the fortune?"

He took out a golden storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. There was a six-color Chaos Beast corpse and some Hunyuan Stones in the storage bracelet.

"Qiu Lin, you decide for yourself!"

Wang Changsheng handed the storage bracelet to Wang Qiulin and said.

Wang Qiulin has already entered the Golden Immortal Stage, and Wang Changsheng doesn't want to force him.

Wang Qiulin swept his consciousness, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Su, why didn't you find Fairy Luoshui? She is much more famous than me."

"In the beginning, I really wanted to find Fairy Luoshui for divination, but she was inconvenient, so I had to find someone else. Daoist Taihao is proficient in refining weapons, and dragons and phoenixes are born of dragons and phoenixes. Daoyou Wang is a descendant of Daoist Taihao. There are real talents and real learning."

Master Broken Soul explained.

Wang Qiulin nodded, this explanation is reasonable.

Fairy Luoshui did not show up for a while. This time, the Ten Thousand Immortals Merchant Alliance held a large auction in Yunlang City. Murong Yilong brought many people from his tribe to Yunlang City, but there was no Fairy Luoshui.

"Fellow Daoist Su, come with me! Divination for the Golden Immortal cultivator is not so simple."

Wang Qiulin got up and walked towards a courtyard, Master Broken Soul followed.

"Father, I'll go and have a look."

Wang Qingfeng greeted and followed.鎿

Wang Changsheng took out a blue Dharma disk, entered a Dharma formula, and gestured for a while.

After a while, the Dharma plate lit up with a dazzling blue light. Wang Changsheng glanced over and saw a line of small characters——Fairy Luoshui hasn't shown up for many years. Many Jinxian monks came to ask her for divination, but Fairy Luoshui didn't even have one. show up.

Wang Changsheng nodded, it seems that what Master Broken Soul said is true.

Fairy Luoshui practiced in closed doors, which just gave Wang Qiulin a chance to become famous, and when his fame spread, the fee would naturally be higher.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the three of Wang Qingfeng came out of the courtyard, Master Broken Soul was smiling.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Wang, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Master Broken Soul bid farewell.鎿

"Fellow Daoist Su, I'll give you a gift."

Wang Qingfeng personally sent him away.

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qiulin and asked, "Qiulin, how are you?"

"He has a small opportunity. The southeast direction is rich in water and grass, high in mountains and dense in forests."

Wang Qiulin said that not all opportunities have place names, but some have a general direction.

According to the hexagrams, Master Broken Soul's chance is in the wilderness, not in the city. As for whether he can find it, it's up to him.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and said: "I have sent someone to check, Luoshui Fairy has not shown up for more than 100,000 years, and many Jinxian monks have asked her for divination, but they have not been able to see her. This is a shame for you. Opportunities are good for you and our family."

"Grandson understands."

Wang Qiulin nodded.

Wang Qingfeng came back, Qin Zhaoming and Chen Bingru followed behind him.

"Friend Qin, Mrs. Qin."

Wang Changsheng greeted them with a smile, and invited them to sit down, drink tea and chat.

After chatting for a while, Qin Zhaoming's eyes fell on Wang Qiulin, and he said, "I heard that Wang Daoyou is a fortune teller? Can you predict the fortune for my wife?"

"To tell you the truth, fellow Daoist Wang, we originally wanted to ask Fairy Luoshui for help, but we found out after asking fellow Daoist Murong that Fairy Luoshui is inconvenient, and this is our wish."

Chen Bingru took out a blue storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Qiulin.

Wang Qiulin swept his consciousness, nodded, and asked, "I can do a divination once, Mrs. Qin, please come with me."

Chen Bingru nodded and followed Wang Qiulin towards the courtyard.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Qingfeng, and Qin Zhaoming sat chatting in the stone pavilion. When they talked about Chaos Beasts, Qin Zhaoming changed the subject and said, "I heard that Wang Daoyou can refine a middle-grade arrow to destroy immortals. Can you sell it to Qin? How much is it?" Very negotiable."

"The refining difficulty of the middle-grade immortal destroying arrow is very high. It is not easy for me to refine a medium-grade immortal destroying arrow. Wang has no shortage of ordinary things."

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully.

It's not that it can't be sold, it depends on your bid.鎿

Qin Zhaoming took out a golden storage bracelet and handed it to Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng swept his consciousness, smiled lightly, and shook his head.

Qin Zhaoming was a little surprised. It seemed that Wang Changsheng had seen many good things, so he put away the storage bracelet.

"The corpse and crystal nucleus of the seven-color Chaos Beast, what?"

Qin Zhaoming said.

Wang Changsheng shook his head. A medium-grade immortal arrow cannot kill the seven-color chaotic beast. In terms of value, Qin Zhaoming's bid is not low, but the medium-grade immortal arrow is very powerful, and it has a very good effect on dealing with the tide of chaotic beasts.

Wang Changsheng could kill the seven-color Chaos Beast himself, so naturally he would not sell it to Qin Zhaoming.

"Friend Wang, this is the seven-color chaotic beast, can you kill the seven-color chaotic beast?"

Qin Zhaoming was puzzled.

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Qin, this has nothing to do with the seven-color Chaos Beast, as I said, there is no shortage of ordinary things."

He emphasized the word "common", telling Qin Zhaoming that the seven-color Chaos Beast is just normal.

Qin Zhaoming nodded and changed the subject tactfully.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chen Bingru and Wang Qiulin came out from the courtyard, and Chen Bingru smiled.

"How is it, ma'am!"

Qin Zhaoming asked.鎿

"Small I hope I can find it."

Chen Bingru said.

Qin Zhaoming looked happy, this time it was not in vain.

After chatting for a while, they said goodbye.

"Qingfeng, ask Meng Shan to pay attention to the situation of the Qin family and Master Broken Soul."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Mengshan has also entered the Golden Immortal Stage, and is also in the Chaos Continent.鎿

"Father, do you think there is something wrong with them?"

Wang Qingfeng asked curiously.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, "That's not true, it's just a big mistake to be careful."

Zhenhai Palace, Ni Family, Li Family, Taiyi Palace, Wanlingmen and other forces are destined to be one with the Wang Family. Wang Changsheng knows everything about Chen Yueying and others, but other forces are hard to say.

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