Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3840: Enemy destroyed

The white flood dragon uttered a dragon chant that resounded through the sky, and a white sound wave swept out, collided with five giant blue beads, and shattered instantly.

A burst of dazzling white rays of light bloomed from the surface of the white flood dragon, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, the sea quickly froze, and a large number of white ice chips appeared in the void.

The five blue giant beads touched the white glow, and quickly froze and were frozen.

There was a deafening tsunami sound, and a huge wave hit the sky, just approaching the white dragon Baizhang, the white dragon's right claw slapped towards the void, and a white dragon claw appeared, smashing the huge wave to pieces .

Yuan Yuliu frowned tightly, and was about to use other supernatural powers, when a familiar scream sounded, she turned her head and saw that the head of a fellow clan was chopped off by a sky-lifting sword light, and there was still an obsessed expression on his face.

"The Law of Dreams!"

A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body and exclaimed.

There was a burst of golden light on Wang Meng's body. The monks in the early stage of the true immortal were not her opponents at all. She used the law of dreams to easily make the opponent fall into a dream.

The illusion is different from the dream. At present, Wang Meng can only make the real immortal monks fall into the dream, but cannot kill them in the dream. Her cultivation base is not enough.

This is already very powerful. The early stage monks of the true immortal are lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of her. Once they fall into a dream, they will be killed by Wang Lihe and the other three.

Yuan Yu's face darkened, the opponent had more people than her, now the enemy can use the law of dreams, and there is also a swordsman who is proficient in sword control, it is really difficult to deal with.

She flicked her sleeves, and a blue light flew out, turning into a flying boat with blue light and a blue cannon on it.

This is one of the trump cards of the Changyuan Clan. A single blow from the low-grade Immortal Cannon is enough to kill the early-stage cultivator of the True Immortal, provided that the early-stage cultivator of the True Immortal resists the attack of the Immortal Cannon.

When she pinched the magic formula, the blue cannon suddenly lit up with a burst of dazzling blue light, and shot out a thick blue beam of light, heading straight for Wang Lihe.

The three of Wang Lihe pinched their sword art, and a large swath of fierce sword energy swept out, gathered in one place, turned into a sky-lifting sword light, and faced the blue beam of light.

The blue beam of light is as powerful as a rainbow, easily defeating Qingtian Jianguang.

Wang Lihe also took the opportunity to dodge it, it was not easy for the Immortal Extinguishing Cannon to hit the real immortal cultivator.

The void above Yuan Yu's head fluctuated together, and a white dragon claw appeared and went straight to Yuan Yu.

Yuan Yu had been on guard for a long time, and with a pinch of Fa Jue, the blue shield went up to block the white dragon's claws.

A thick white dragon tail came, and at this moment, the Miexian Cannon fired again, and a blue beam of light flew out. The white dragon tail quickly avoided it, but it was still a step too late. The blue beam of light rubbed shoulders with the white dragon tail. After that, a large number of scales fell off, blood flowed profusely, and the flesh was mutilated.

Wang Qingbai flew over, a glaring blue light emerged from his palm, covering the wound, and the wound healed quickly and stopped bleeding.

Rejuvenation Divine Light! Can heal companions when fighting.

Yuan Yu frowned tightly, and was about to use other supernatural powers when a huge sword holding up to the sky slashed at him, but before it fell, the sea was split into two.

At the same time, a giant cyan palm slapped him head-on.

With a pinch of Yuan Yu Fa Jue, the sea water rolled violently, and a huge wave that lifted the sky appeared and slapped towards the giant blue palm.

With a loud bang, the two died together.

The giant sword of Qingtian hit the blue shield, and there was a muffled sound. The blue shield shook slightly, and the giant sword of Qingtian collapsed, turning into twenty-seven flying swords of different colors, surrounding her live.

"Sword array!"

Yuan Yu was shocked.

As soon as Wang Lihe's three swordsmen changed, the twenty-seven flying swords uttered ear-piercing sword cries, and thick sword lights swept out, heading straight for Yuan Yu.

As soon as Yuan Yu's method changed, a series of thick water waves and tornadoes shot up into the sky, blocking the incoming sword light, and the Miexian Cannon sprayed out a thick blue beam of light again, hitting a blue flying sword, The flying sword flew backwards in an instant, and the aura dimmed.

Wang Xiuling pinched the sword art, and the nine flying swords with blue light flashed quickly, and a powerful air current emerged, and a huge wave appeared on the sea.

The huge water wave and tornado reached the sky and ground, and the momentum was huge.

Not long after, the water wave tornado began to freeze, and Yuan Yu was also frozen. There was a loud noise, a huge blue light lit up, and the water tornado burst open. Just as Yuan Lu was out of trouble, a white dragon claw emerged out of thin air and hit her body, and she flew upside down in an instant.

Before she landed, a beam of sword light from the sky came, cutting her in half, and the body turned into a blue bead with a blue light.

With a "pop", the blue ball shattered into pieces.

Somewhere thousands of miles away, a ball of blue light emerged from the void, and Yuan Yu appeared in a blink of an eye.

As soon as she appeared, a white dragon claw appeared out of thin air, and her figure swayed to avoid the white dragon claw.

The law of speed!

An afterimage passed by and hit Yuan Yu's body-protecting aura, she flew upside down, and Xia Houyao appeared with an indifferent expression.

A thick white dragon tail slapped her head-on, Yuan Yu's body-protecting aura instantly shattered, the white dragon tail hit her body, she flew upside down instantly, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, a miniature Nascent Soul was just separated from the body, a burst of The golden halo swept over, passing the mini Nascent Soul,

The mini Yuanying became drowsy, lost the ability to resist, and was put into a white jade bottle.

Once Yuan Yu died, the remaining true immortal monks were no match for Wang Qingling and others, and were killed not long after.

At this time, Xia Sibing and the others were fighting fiercely with Fu Feng and the others, and it was hard to tell which was the best. "Shoot and break the formation!"

The white dragon said that it was not easy to kill Fu Feng, so he had to break the formation before dealing with Fu Feng.

The white flood dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a beam of white light, which landed on the silver light curtain, and the silver light curtain quickly froze.

A sky-high sword slashed on the silver light curtain, and the silver light curtain sank. Lan Yigan and others attacked the silver light curtain one after another.

Yang Chunqiu's right index finger lit up with a dazzling purple light, and with a light tap of the finger, a purple light shot out, hit the silver light curtain, and a puff of blue smoke rose.

Wang Zongyun sacrificed a gleaming red bead, which burst instantly and turned into a huge red scorching sun, flooding a large area.

A white flood dragon descended from the sky, and a pair of huge white dragon claws hit the silver light curtain, which sank and shattered.

The formation was broken and Yue Lei escaped.

Bai Jianghe was the key target of the Changyuan Clan's attack and had already been killed. The Bai Clan lost five True Immortal monks, and Yue Lei was also injured.

A cloud of blue light emerged from Wang Qingbai's palm, falling on Yue Lei's wound, and the wound healed quickly.

The divine light of rejuvenation is for healing, which is different from Wang Yulan's divine light of nirvana.

With Wang Qingbai around, ordinary injuries can be treated.

Fu Feng was fighting with Xia Sibing. The Golden-winged Soul-killing Ant was too difficult. Two real immortal monks were wounded by the Golden-winged Soul-killing Ant. Their souls were wounded, and Xia Sibing took the opportunity to kill them. "Fellow Daoist Fu, be careful."

A hurried male voice sounded.

As soon as the words fell, a white dragon claw emerged out of thin air and patted Fu Feng.

Fu Feng was about to avoid it, when a strange and ear-piercing hiss sounded, he felt a little unwell, and his reaction was a little slow.

The white dragon claws slapped Fu Feng's aura of body protection, the aura of body protection sank, and a huge sword that held up to the sky shot out, smashing the aura of body protection to pieces.

Fu Feng was also cut in half, and Yuanying could not escape. After Fu Feng died, the other true immortal monks of the Changyuan clan suddenly lost their fighting spirit and fled in all directions. Wang Zongyun and others shot out one after another, killing the Changyuan clan True immortal monk.

Not long after, all the true immortal monks of the Changyuan clan were killed.

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