Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3822: 0 years

Spring goes and autumn comes, and thousands of years have passed.

At dawn, three loud bells rang.

The colorful lights flew up and passed over Qinglian Island, and a busy day began again.

A huge and steep mountain peak, the top of the mountain is a vast bluestone square, and there is a blue palace with a height of more than 30, with three big characters "Spiritual Beast Palace" written on the plaque.

From time to time, monks from the Wang family would fly to the square and enter the Spirit Beast Hall.

The Spirit Beast Hall is where the monks of the Wang family choose or rent spirit beasts. Any monk of the Wang family can receive a spirit beast for free in their lifetime, which is one of the family benefits.

Clansmen who advance to the Transformation Stage can receive a spirit beast below the fifth rank, and those who enter the Mahayana stage can receive a spirit beast below the eighth rank, of course, dragons are not included.

. Ordinary monks of the Wang family want to receive a dragon as a spirit beast from the Spirit Beast Hall for free, and they need to have credit for it. Layer by layer assessment.

The higher the cultivation level, the higher the level of spirit beasts that can be received.

A blue peacock descended from the sky and landed in front of the Spirit Beast Hall.

A thin young man in blue shirt stood on top of the blue peacock. The young man in blue shirt had piercing eyes. Wang Ruixiong, in the early days of Mahayana, he is a descendant of Wang Gonghu and a spirit master. He just entered the Mahayana stage not long ago. He has not received a spirit beast yet, and plans to come here to receive a spirit beast of the fusion stage.

Wang Ruixiong put away the blue peacock and strode in,

"Ancestor Ruixiong, you are here."

A graceful young woman in a green skirt walked over quickly and said enthusiastically.

Wang Changtong, the deacon elder of the Spirit Beast Hall in the early days of Mahayana.

"Changtong, I'm here to get a spirit beast."

Wang Ruixiong said, took out a cyan square token and handed it to Wang Changtong.

"Please take out your ID token, I'll check it."

Wang Changtong took out a shiny silver jade plate and put a square token on it, and the lotus pattern on the front of the token suddenly brightened.

"You haven't received a spirit beast yet. According to regulations, you can receive a spirit beast below the eighth rank. Please follow me."

Wang Changtong said politely and made a gesture of please.

Wang Ruixiong followed Wang Changtong to a side hall. There was a circular groove on the wall. Wang Changtong took out a blue circular token and put it in the groove.

The round token lit up with a dazzling blue light, and the wall was split into two, revealing a stone room with a size of one hundred feet. There is a blue scroll hanging on the wall. There are mountains and waters on the painting, and there are many strange birds and animals.

The Picture of Ten Thousand Beasts, this is a mysterious treasure of space. The precious spirit beasts and insects of the Wang family are all here. The elites of the family or those who have made great achievements can choose spirit beasts and insects from the Picture of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The two people's bodies were full of spiritual light, and they walked into the picture of ten thousand beasts.

Wang Ruixiong felt a blur in front of his eyes, appearing in a space full of aura.

In a vast cyan bamboo forest, hundreds of cyan praying mantises lie on each bamboo, blending in with the environment.

"The seventh-level color-changing mantis is good at wind escape, and can blend in with the environment. It is very ferocious. It lives in groups of spirit insects, and its bloodline purity is mostly four."

Wang Changtong introduced.

Wang Ruixiong shook his head, not interested, the spirit worm was too easy to be killed.

Wang Changtong continued to lead the way, and came near a huge lake. The surface of the lake exploded, and a giant black python with seven heads came out of the lake.

"The seven-headed python in the early stage of fusion, the seven heads can display seven kinds of supernatural powers, and it has the blood of the dragon, and the blood purity reaches four."

Wang Changtong introduced.

Wang Ruixiong still shook his head, not liking it.

Wang Changtong continued to lead the way and came to a group of red volcanoes. A giant red tiger was lying on top of a huge red peak with a pair of golden wings on its back.

"Golden Winged Tiger in the middle stage of fusion, proficient in dual-attribute supernatural powers of wind and fire, how about it?"

Wang Changtong continued to introduce.

Wang Ruixiong was a little tempted, thought for a while, and said, "I want a spirit beast that is proficient in water-type supernatural powers." Wang Changtong nodded and brought Wang Ruixiong to the beach.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the sea was violently tumbling.

The sea was tumbling, and a blue whale emerged from the sea with golden eyes and a huge body.

"This is a golden-eyed spirit-swallowing whale in the middle stage of fusion. It is proficient in water-type magical powers. It can..."

Before Wang Changtong could finish speaking, a resounding roar of beasts came from the depths of the sea, followed by thunder and lightning.

"This is?"

Wang Ruixiong froze for a moment, opened his mind, and searched for the source of the sound, but was blocked by a strong restraint.

"Hall Master don't need to be nervous when taming spirit beasts."

Wang Changtong introduced.

The hall master she was talking about was naturally Wang Qingling, and Wang Qing was the deputy hall master.

There are some restricted areas in the Myriad Beasts that raise very precious spirit beasts, and her level is not high enough to detect them at all. On a huge island, Wang Qingling and Wang Qing stood on the top of a peak. They looked at a huge pit emitting black smoke. A burly man in golden shirt stood in the huge pit. .

After more than a thousand years of cultivation, the Wang family has more than 300 Zijin Leipeng beasts, and the three Zijin Leipeng beasts of the true immortal stage are all under Wang Qingling's jurisdiction.

The body surface of the man in the golden shirt is filled with countless purple-gold arcs, exuding an aura as vast as the sea. Wang Feipeng, in the early stage of true immortality, has just passed the ninety-nine thunder calamity.

Wang Qingling and Wang Qingfei landed in front of him, smiling all over their faces.

"Fei Peng, you should retreat and cultivate first, and convert mana into immortal power."

Wang Qingling exhorted.

"Yes, Hall Master."

Wang Feipeng agreed.

Wang Qing took out a dharma plate that was shining with white light, and entered a formula, and a pleasant female voice sounded: "Ancestor Qing, Wang Jiao has entered the stage of true immortality."

Wang Jiao's body is a double-headed Yanjiao. Under the training of the Wang family, he has continuously advanced, stood out from many spirit beasts, and entered the stage of true immortality.

In addition to the Zijin Lei Peng beast, the Wang family also focuses on cultivating Jiaolong, planning to form a Jiaolong Immortal Armor Army. Of course, it is only a prototype now, and has not yet formed a scale.

The Wang family has been cultivating dragons in the lower When they arrived in the fairy world, they are still cultivating dragons

With the powerful physical body of the dragon, and wearing the chaos armor stomach, the strength is even stronger.

"That's great, let him take good care of him and transform his magic power into immortal power. I'll go see him later." Wang Qinghao ordered, and put away the Dharma plate.

"Sister, according to this speed of development, there will be more masters of the true immortal stage in Yulingtang."

Wang Qing excitedly said that after the transformation of the spirit beasts in the Yulingtang, they can take up positions in the Yulingtang, and they can also be sent out to do things.

Wang Qingling nodded and said: "Qingbai probably refined the Nine-Turn Beast Jade Pill, you go and get it!"

Thanks to the immortal cultivation resources obtained by Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan in Yunxuan Cave, the skilled talents of the Wang family have more research and development expenses, improving pill recipes, refining new immortal charms, new immortal wine recipes, etc.

Wang Qingjing nodded, her body surface radiated white light, disappeared from the spot, and left the picture of beasts.

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