Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3689: Surrender the true spirit (gone today)

In the eyes of Wang Changsheng and others, after the golden halo passed over the bodies of Jiu Wuying and the three of them, the gazes of the three of them froze.

"They are trapped in the illusion, and they should not be able to break free for a while, so hurry up and kill them."

Ni Tianlong said.

Wang Changsheng's right index finger lit up with a dazzling blue light, and there was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and a blue long rainbow flew out, leaving a white mark in the void, and went straight to Jiu Wuying.

Jiu Wuying's chest shone with a dazzling silver light, his eyes returned to normal, and he saw a round silver jade pendant on his chest, with amazing aura.

The Xuantian Treasure, the Illusory Moon Pendant, a treasure that restrains illusions, was snatched from a certain rich family.

Black light radiated from Jiu Wuying's body surface, and he recovered his body, turning into a huge ghost dove.

Ghost Dove opened its mouth and spewed out a black sound wave. At the same time, it flapped its wings lightly, and a gray tornado swept out.

The black sound wave collided with the blue Changhong and collapsed instantly. The blue Changhong defeated the gray tornado and pierced through the left wing of the ghost dove. The blood flow continued and a large number of feathers fell off.

Guijiu's right paw slapped towards Likong, and there was a ripple on the top of Wang Changsheng's head, and a huge bird's claw as black as ink emerged out of thin air, and slapped Wang Changsheng's Tianling cover.

Wang Changsheng's body surface was full of blue light, and his body turned aqua blue, like seawater patchwork. Black bird claws pierced his body, and no blood flowed out.

Standing upright without a shadow, Wang Changsheng cultivated into a true spirit and mastered unique supernatural powers, ignoring most of the attacks of spells and treasures.

Only by using this supernatural power can some unpopular treasures or supernatural powers hurt Wang Changsheng, such as soul attack, illusion, and immortal pearl.

Of course, this supernatural power is related to Wang Changsheng's realm. If someone uses a fairy weapon to deal with him, he can still be killed, but no monk in the lower realm can use a fairy weapon.

Wang Changsheng punched out, and the black bird claws crumbled and disappeared.

A thick silver thunderbolt descended from the sky, struck Guijiu's body, and at the same time a blue sound wave swept over.

Guijiu wanted to avoid it, but the powerful force of space imprisoned him in place, and at the same time, he was greatly affected by the continuous sound of Sanskrit and beast roars, and his reaction became slow.

After the blue sound waves passed over Guijiu's body, Guijiu twitched, and all internal organs were shattered. Without treasures like Xuanyin Pei, Wang Ruyan, who opened the three orifices, could not stop the blow.

As soon as a miniature ghost dove left its body, it was enveloped by a cyan glow and was drawn into a cyan jade bottle

At this time, Xiao Haze and Wu Feng also regained their sobriety.

"Open three orifices! You actually opened three orifices!"

Wu Feng exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

They had no power to resist in front of Wang Changsheng, and they were always suppressed and beaten. Apart from the interference from Master Miaode, Gongsun Yang and Ni Tianlong, it also had a lot to do with Wang Changsheng's supernatural powers.

It was also in the middle stage of Mahayana, there was no reason for them to be suppressed and beaten, unless Wang Changsheng opened the three orifices.

Xiao Yang's eyes showed fear. Before that, with Die Wei around, they could escape even if they were defeated. Now that Die Wei was killed, it was not easy for them to escape.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance, whoever survives, I can spare his life."

Wang Changsheng said.

Now Xiao Yang and the Three-legged Golden Crow are left. These two true spirits have very strong supernatural powers, and Wang Changsheng intends to subdue one of them.

"Why should we trust you?"

Xiao Xiao frowned.

"Presumptuous, the master gave you the opportunity and didn't cherish it. At this time, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with my master, and don't **** to take care of yourself."

Wang Xiao sneered.

Xiao Yang showed displeasure on his face, and was about to say something, when a powerful high temperature fell from the sky, and a golden flame fell on his body, drowning his body.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, you actually believe his words, he is telling us to kill each other!"

Xiao Yang frowned and said, with a look of pain on his face.

"I've come this far with great difficulty, I don't want to die, so, go die!


Wu Feng's complexion turned cold, and the golden light on his body shone brightly, turning into a three-legged golden crow wrapped in golden flames, emitting terrifying heat.

Black light radiated from the owl's body surface, and it transformed into a huge seven-headed owl, fighting with the three-legged Golden Crow. Wang Changsheng and others watched, but did not make a move.

With the same cultivation level, the Seven-headed Owl is no match for the three-legged Golden Crow at all. It was pinched and exploded by the sharp claws of the three-legged Golden Crow.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, please spare me, I am willing to recognize Fellow Daoist Wang as the master, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

The seven-headed owl begged for mercy.

"I don't raise trash, just one person."

Wang Changsheng said.

Hearing this, the three-legged Golden Crow didn't hold back any more, grabbed the last head of the seven-headed owl with its right hand, and crushed it into pieces. As soon as the miniature seven-headed owl left the body, it was covered by a blue glow, rolled into a cyan jade bottle.

The three-legged Golden Crow flew towards Wang Changsheng and the others, and as soon as it arrived in front of Wang Changsheng, the three-legged Golden Crow turned into a human form.

"Wu Feng pays his respects to the master. His subordinates know a lot of secrets and have collected some good materials. I will dedicate them all to the master."

Wu Feng bowed to Wang Changsheng, took out a golden storage bracelet, and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng showed approval. He was very satisfied with Wu Feng's attitude. He took the golden storage bracelet, swept his consciousness, and his eyes flashed with surprise. There are many good things in it.

He planted a restriction on the spot, as long as he had a single thought, he could severely injure Wu Feng.

"From now on, your name will be Wang Yang!"

Wang Changsheng changed Wufeng's name.

"Yes, thank you Master for giving me the name."

Wang Yang agreed honestly.

"Congratulations! Fellow Daoist Wang, surrender a true spirit."

Gongsun Yang opened his mouth to congratulate, his face full of envy.

He could tell that Wang Changsheng wasn't just opening the third orifice. The magical power of standing upright and shadowless was too strong. When he was dealing with the Yinmei and Mantis tribe monks, he didn't see Wang Changsheng displaying this magical power.

He suspected that Wang Changsheng had cultivated into a true spirit. Only in this way could he explain clearly that Wang Changsheng wounded the true spirit that had opened two orifices with one blow.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, have you cultivated into a true spirit?"

Ni Tianlong asked curiously, if this is the case, it would be terrible.

"It's a fluke to become a true spirit. Who would have thought that they would kill them."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, UU reading www.uukanshu. com admitted it.

"They rely on themselves to open the second orifice. They are too arrogant. They came to **** the soul-killing plate, the black jade shield and the bean soldiers. Who would have thought that the master was superior."

Wang Yang explained, separating himself from Jiu Wuying and the other four.

If Wang Changsheng hadn't cultivated into a true spirit, even if he could kill Jiu Wuying and the other four, the Wang family would suffer a considerable loss.

"It's not a problem for a true spirit with three apertures to sweep across the East Xuanzhou world. Ni Wuting is full of envy."

"Sweeping the Eastern Xuanzhou Realm? Friends Ni Daoyou joked, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Wang Changsheng said modestly.

The background of the super rich is profound, and he is not arrogant enough to deal with the super rich, nor is he interested in it.

They put away Jiu Wuying's body and belongings, and returned to Qinglian Island. The result of the battle quickly spread, shaking the world of cultivating immortals.

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