Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3300: Chen Yueying's plan

Chapter 3317 Chen Yueying's plan

"What the **** is going on here? In detail."

Chen Yueying ordered.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan did not dare to neglect and told the truth about what happened.

"Our strength is low, we can only see them leave, and the Jiulang Stone falls into the hands of the Jinghuo clan. There are four of them, so there should be no embezzlement."

Cheng Zhenyu analyzed.

"How many people know about this? The cultivators of the Jinghuo tribe didn't find you!"

Chen Yueying continued to ask.

"We only told the Sect Master, they must not have found us, otherwise they would have already started."

Cheng Zhenyu said truthfully.

"Nephew Li, it was announced that the nephew Lin led a team to hunt monsters in the wild land. He was plotted by the cultivators of the Jinghuo and Yasha tribes, and he dispatched people and sent people to contact the Xuanqing faction. I am going to launch a racial war, and it is not allowed to leak Jiulang. Stone news."

Chen Yueying instructed that after thousands of years of cultivation, the human race has recovered its vitality and its strength has risen to a higher level. It is no problem to launch a racial war at this time.

Of course, she couldn't say that the racial war was launched for the sake of Jiulangshi. It wasn't a matter of righteousness, but she would startle the snake. If the Jinghuo clan couldn't keep the Jiulangshi, they would either hand it over or destroy it.

If a race war was launched under the banner of revenge for Lin Tianlong, the Jinghuo Clan would not think of Jiulang Stone.

Of course, it is not to launch a race war immediately, you need to be prepared.

"Yes, Uncle Chen."

Li Yan and the others agreed, and they left.


Amethyst Island, Wang Yihong stood at the top of a peak, frowning tightly.

Wang Lihe and Wang Huayue have successively entered the integration period, and Wang Moshan is going through the fifth great catastrophe.

With the Tianlei Huayuan Formation and other treasures, he should have no problem spending the fifth great catastrophe.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and the silver lightning struck down one after another, and the dazzling silver thunder light lit up in the southwest corner of Amethyst Island.

After a cup of tea, the thundercloud rolled violently, and three arcs of different colors emerged.

The cultivator of the virtual world will cross the fifth great catastrophe, which will attract nine three-color thunder catastrophe.

After the three-color thundercloud rolled violently, a thick three-color lightning flashed down, followed by the second and third...

After the eighth three-color lightning struck, the three-color thundercloud rolled violently, revealing a three-color thunder python with a thick waist, exuding a terrifying aura.

The three-color thunder light dissipated, revealing a dim silver light curtain. Wang Moshan stood inside the silver light curtain, holding a silver array plate in his hand. There were more than a dozen tiny cracks on the surface of the array plate.

It is also a three-color divine thunder, and the three-color divine thunder of the fifth great catastrophe is much more powerful than the three-color divine thunder caused by the Six Nine Thunder Tribulations.

The three-color thunder python rushed down from the sky and headed straight for Wang Moshan.

Wang Moshan took a deep breath and patted a five-color talisman on his body. A thick five-color armor appeared out of thin air, protecting his body.

The three-color thunder python slammed into the silver light curtain, and it exploded immediately. A dazzling three-color thunder light lit up, and the ground shook violently.

After a while, the three-color thunder light dissipated, and a huge pit with black smoke appeared on the ground. Wang Moshan stood in the giant pit, his face was pale, and the five-color armor on his body had many cracks.

Bai Yuqi arranged the seventh-order formation, coupled with the Tianlei Huayuan Formation and the treasure talisman, Wang Moshan successfully survived the fifth great catastrophe, but the Tianlei Huayuan Formation and other treasures were scrapped.

If it weren't for him being the head of the family, the people of the imaginary stage who did not have great achievements would not have the authority to use the Tianlei Huayuan Formation to cross the fifth great catastrophe.

He is now in the late stage of Void Refinement. If he does not enter the fusion stage, it will be difficult to survive the sixth great catastrophe.

Wang Yihong flew over, his face full of concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, how are Lihe and the others?"

Wang Moshan talked about business.

"Ancestor Lihe, Ancestor Huayue, Ancestor Yuanwei, Ancestor Yuanjiang, Yi Er, Ancestor Yufei, Yuyuan, Yibing, and Yuling have all entered the fusion period, and the five clansmen are unable to do so. As one, there is no way to advance into one.”

Wang Yihong said truthfully.

Wang Tianlong, Wang Qinglong and many other clansmen could not integrate their spirit, energy and spirit, and they failed to attract thunder calamity. Without great credit, they could no longer obtain spiritual objects from the family to impact the integration period. There were more monks and less porridge. There are many, without great credit, there is no way to obtain the spiritual body shock fusion period from the family.

The fifth great catastrophe came, and they died.

"By the way, the old ancestor Meng Bin was stuck at the bottleneck and took a group of clansmen to the Qingli Sea Area."

Wang Yihong remembered something and added.

Wang Moshan nodded, Xuanling Continent is not a big deal right now, there are more and more integrated monks in the clan, the new generation of clansmen are beginning to take on heavy responsibilities, and the older generation of integrated cultivators can travel with confidence.

"Let's go! Let's go back! Cultivation is fundamental, I hope you can advance to the integration period."

Wang Moshan exhorted and left Amethyst Island with Wang Yihong.


Wanyan Mountains, a manor with blue bricks and red tiles.

Yan Ji was sitting in a red stone pavilion, holding a golden stone in her hand. There were nine red patterns on the surface of the stone, forming an exquisite pattern.

The four cultivators stood in front of her, their expressions excited.

If they got the Jiulang Stone individually, they might not hand it in. If they found it collectively, the distribution would be uneven.

"Yanshuo, you have done a good job, blocking the news of Jiulangshi, you should not go out, stay in the Wanyan Mountains and cultivate with peace of mind, you can use the thunder formation to overcome the great catastrophe."

Yan Ji ordered.

The four of them agreed and bowed down.

She took out a red-light flickering magic plate, entered a magic formula, and asked, "Has he entered the fusion period?"

"It has already entered the integration stage, and Li Fengyang has also entered the integration stage, but with Li Yuqing pressing down, they have not been able to completely control the Li family, but only have power."

A gentle male voice came from the red dial.

The clansmen of the Jinghuo tribe performed the soul-melting method and became one with Li Zonghai, a son of the Li family. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is lurking in the Li family, and with the help of the Jinghuo Clan, Li Fengyang and Li Zonghai have both entered the fusion period.

Li Zonghai and Li Feng went to the wild land to hunt down monsters and connected with the monks of the Jinghuo tribe. The monks of the Jinghuo tribe gave them the resources to cultivate immortals, and they successfully entered the integration period.

"Li Yuqing didn't doubt him? He used the soul fusion technique to integrate with Li Zonghai, impacting the great realm, and the power of thunder tribulation is relatively great."

Yan Ji wondered.

"He attracted the six-colored divine thunder, which did not arouse suspicion. After all, Li Zonghai has performed well these years and his strength is extraordinary. It is normal for him to attract more thunder tribulation. Do you want to find a way to get rid of Li Yuqing?"

A man's voice came from the red dharma plate.

Yan Ji thought for a while, and then ordered, "Forget it, let it be natural! If Li Yuqing doesn't find anything abnormal, leave her alone. If she goes to the wilderness to find treasure in the future, she will find an opportunity to kill her, and let them lurk well, don't Expose yourself, dormant and do not use it, and you will see miraculous effects in wartime."


Putting away the red dharma plate, Yan Ji got up and left the residence, storing the Jiulang Stone in the treasure house.


(End of this chapter)

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