Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3290: Ye Xuanji's invitation (no more today)

Chapter 3307 Michelle Ye's invitation (no more today)

Xuanji Shenjun flew beside Cheng Yao, frowned, took out a pale golden pill and fed it to Cheng Yao.

"Junior, come take care of Fairy Cheng!"

Wang Ruyan took the initiative to ask Ying, if Cheng Yao hadn't helped Wang Changsheng with divination, it would not have caused thunder tribulation.

There were nine thunder tribulations and two eight-color divine thunders. Fortunately, Cheng Yao survived, otherwise Wang Changsheng would be in trouble.

The Lord Xuanji nodded and asked Wang Ruyan to take Cheng Yao down to rest.

"No one is allowed to spread the matter today, otherwise there will be no pardon."

Ye Xuanji said coldly.

If this matter spreads out, it may not be a good thing for Wang Changsheng, his enemies will strangle him in the cradle.

"Wang Xiaoyou, come with me, I have something to ask you."

The Lord Xuanji said amicably, his attitude changed a lot.

Wang Changsheng responded and followed Xuanji God and Ye Xuanji to a small courtyard.

"Wang Xiaoyou, what state is your son, nephew and uncle now?"

Xuanji Shenjun asked politely.

"My uncle is gone. My son and nephew are both in the fusion period. What's wrong?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

He thought of Wang Mingren. The Lizards opened the passage to the underworld. A monk from the underworld came over. He looked exactly like Wang Mingren. Could it have something to do with him?

But judging from the time of cultivation, that person cannot be Wang Mingren, he just looks alike.

"you sure?"

Xuanji Shenjun's tone became heavy.

"Sure, if my relatives reincarnate in reincarnation and cultivate to a true immortal, will this happen?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"No, Samsara is another identity."

Xuanji Shenjun said with certainty.

"Senior Xu, does this happen to everyone who is doing divination for me? Did someone do divination for me before, will this happen?"

Wang Changsheng continued to ask.

"It's hard to say, I don't know who covered up your fate for you. This person is at least a true immortal. The reason for this situation is that either this person has been promoted to a true immortal soon, or you have a deeper intersection with him. If Someone used to help you fortune-telling. If you didn’t have a deep relationship with him, or if he didn’t become a true immortal, he wouldn’t attract thunder tribulation. Of course, this is my personal analysis. I don’t know the exact truth. Help, just speak up."

The Lord Xuanji promised that he thought his big chance was Ye Xuanji, but now it seems that his big chance is Wang Changsheng.

He had to hold Wang Changsheng's thigh tightly, maybe he might use it in the future.

"True immortal? Fellow Daoist Xu, are you kidding me! How could a true immortal have anything to do with him? Couldn't a fortune teller make fortune-telling for the true immortal's relatives?"

Ye Xuanji wondered.

"According to what I have learned, I can't explain what happened today, but the true immortal should be able to do it."

The mysterious **** said with a serious expression.

The master of Xuanji Shenjun got a page of Tianxu Jade Book, which recorded the technique of divination, and his master became a fortuneteller because of this, and it was carried forward in his generation.

What he can't explain clearly, Zhenxian should be able to do it.

"Senior Xu, that is to say, this happens when someone close to me has entered the True Immortal Stage?"

Wang Changsheng continued to ask.

"No, the more you interact with him, this will happen. If your relatives are separated from you since childhood, there is no intersection, and the blood is close, this will not happen. If he falls, or you If there is no intersection with him, and if someone divination for you, this should not happen, this is my personal analysis, as for the truth, I don't know."

Xuanji Shenjun explained.

He just analyzed what he had learned, and this matter was beyond his comprehension.

Ye Xuanji took out two exquisite golden jade boxes and a cyan jade slip, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "Wang Xiaoyou, these are two nine-sentence and exquisite fruits, which can help you impact the Mahayana period, and my experience of impacting the Mahayana period, Hope it helps you."

Since Wang Changsheng is likely to have something to do with the real immortal, Michelle Ye is willing to be a favored person, and she has no use for Jiuqu Linglong Fruit.

"This is too precious, Senior Ye."

Wang Changsheng's breathing became rapid. He never expected that because of this incident, Michelle Ye would directly give him two Nine-curved Delicate Fruits.

In order to compete for the Qiyan Golden Peach Tree, the Blood Shadow Clan and the Kuiyuan Clan launched a race war, killing and injuring dozens of integrated monks, including the Mahayana monks.

Of course, he knew that Michelle Ye was showing her favor, but she was just not used to it.

"I gave it to you for the sake of your possible true immortal relatives. If you accept it, I have already entered the Mahayana period, and I don't need the Nine Delicate Fruits. As for whether you can enter the Mahayana period, then It's up to you."

Ye Xuanji did not hide and tell the truth.

"Wang Daoyou, you'd better not spread the matter today. My judgment may not be accurate, and it may not be good for you to spread it out. If the enemy of your relatives knows about this, they may send someone to deal with you."

Xuanji Shenjun remembered something and warned.

"The enemy? Can Xuanyang Realm contact Immortal Realm?"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback.

"Of course, it's just a lot of money. Our Ye family can contact our ancestors, but we can't easily contact our ancestors. It's too troublesome to contact our ancestors."

Ye Xuanji explained.

To contact the ancestors of the Immortal Realm, one needs to use a special set of formations. Every time the formation is activated, a large number of special materials are consumed. These materials are also very rare for the Ye family.

"So, true immortals can go down to the realm?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

"Then I don't know, but I think it is possible, but the difficulty is very high, just like the cultivator of the Xuanyang Realm going to the Dongli Realm, it is estimated that the lower realm of the Immortal Realm is even more difficult!"

Ye Xuanji guessed.

Wang Changsheng nodded, he understood the seriousness of the problem, just imagine that a descendant of one of Wang Changsheng's enemies or a sect is in the lower realm, just in the territory controlled by the Wang family in the lower realm, Wang Changsheng will definitely inform the clan to destroy this person or sect.

Could it be that the underworld cultivator who looks exactly like Wang Mingren has ascended to the immortal world? But what does this have to do with Wang Changsheng? Could that person be the reincarnated Wang Mingren?

Even if it is Wang Mingren, according to Xuanji Divine Monarch, Wang Mingren entered the real immortal stage and helped Wang Changsheng to cover up his fate, and Cheng Yao did divination for Wang Changsheng, which would lead to thunder calamity.

It does not mean that Wang Mingren has entered the real immortal stage, and others will divination for Wang Changsheng, which will lead to thunder tribulation.

Why did Wang Mingren hide his fate for Wang Changsheng, and what major force did he offend? Worried about being checked out?

"Wang Xiaoyou, are you interested in going to the North Cold Icefield?"

Ye Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"Northern Icefield!"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback. UU Reading

"It is also an opportunity for you. If you want to hit the Mahayana period, the inner demon gate is a big problem. Our Ye family has experience in this area and can give you some reference. As for whether we can get something that weakens the power of extraterrestrial demons , it's not up to me to decide."

Ye Xuanji said slowly.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously, "Senior Ye, why did you return to the Ye family because of this today?"

"You don't have such a big face, I just want to go back."

Ye Xuanji explained.

"I take the liberty to ask, Senior Ye, why are you going to the underworld?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

There are some things he didn't dare to ask before, but now he has more confidence.

"Go to my brother, I must get him back. He has been dead for many years. I heard that some dead monks will appear in the underworld. As for whether they are the same person, it is not clear."

Ye Xuanji had a look of reminiscence on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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