Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3277: Meet the real person in Taiyang

As soon as a miniature human-faced vulture left the body, it was covered by a cyan glow, and disappeared in a cyan jade bottle.

Wang Changsheng put away the corpse of the human-faced vulture and the blue jade bottle, and flew towards the sea.

There was a melodious sound of the piano from the blue water curtain, and the eyes of the human-faced vulture were dull, obviously falling into an illusion.

Wang Ruyan hooked a string with two fingers, released his palm, and a blue sound wave swept out, quickly passing over the body of the human-faced vulture.

The human-faced vulture let out a scream, and a large number of feathers fell off and fell from the sky.

There was no serious injury on the surface, but all the internal organs were shattered by the sound waves.

As soon as a miniature human-faced vulture left the body, it was covered by a blue glow, and it disappeared into a blue jade pot.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the blue water curtain dissipated, revealing Wang Ruyan's figure. \"Finally solved.\" Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

When they crossed the sea, they first had to face all kinds of powerful monsters. On the way, they encountered many seventh-order monsters, including two thunder-type seventh-order monsters, but they did not absorb thunder orbs in their bodies.

Under normal circumstances, the True Monarch of the World and Wang Xiangrong can solve the problem without the need for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but this time is an exception. Wang Ruyan had no choice but to take action.

\"Take a rest, we will continue on our way, and hope to reach the Xuanguang Continent as soon as possible.\" Wang Changsheng suggested. Of course Wang Ruyan will not have any objections, and Wang Xiangrong and the Four Seas True Monarch will not have any objections.

They flew towards a small island not far away and rested there.

Wang Xiangrong took out a piece of cyan animal skin and recorded their route this time. Later, they or their clansmen crossed the sea to the Xuanguang Continent, which could come in handy.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Qingluan boat and walked up, followed by Wang Ruyan and the others.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the azure boat suddenly released its azure light and flew towards the sky. Before the azure boat flew far, a deafening roar came from a distance.

Wang Changsheng frowned, the magic formula changed, and the Qingluan boat stopped.

Wang Ruyan's consciousness opened wide, frowning and said: \"Three cultivators in one body are coming here.\" A red escaping light appeared in the distant sky, and flew towards here quickly.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, but did not avoid it.

After a while, the red escaping light stopped, and it was a flying boat that was flickering with red light. Two men and a woman stood on the red flying boat, their eyes were full of horror, and one of them was Taiyang Zhenren.

The three of Taiyang Zhenren are all middle-stage cultivators, and they seem to have encountered some powerful enemy. \"Fellow Daoist Zhao!\" Wang Changsheng let out a light sigh.

\"Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, it's you, it's great, please help, the masters of the silver shark family are chasing us, and there are cultivators leading the team in the later stage of integration.\"

Taiyang Zhenren's tone was hurried.\"Silver Shark family, led by monks in the later period of integration.\"

Wang Changsheng frowned, for no reason, he didn't want to provoke the Silver Sharks.

\"Friend Wang, Daoyou Xu, they know the whereabouts of the Qiyan Golden Peach Tree, and the Qiyan Golden Peach can assist the integrated monks in the Mahayana period. Our trip is to go to the Xuanguang Continent to pick the Qiyan Golden Peach.\"

Taiyang real person voice transmission explained.

He also knew Wang Changsheng's embarrassment, and if it was him, he was unwilling to confront the enemy in the later stage of the Shanghai Integration for no reason.

If you want Wang Changsheng to help, you must have enough benefits.

He never imagined that after not seeing him for many years, Wang Ruyan had already cultivated to the late stage of integration. Wang Changsheng used treasures to hide his cultivation, and Taiyang real person could not see Wang Changsheng's specific cultivation.

Taiyang Zhenren has been stuck at the bottleneck for tens of thousands of years. He has tried many methods, but he is unable to resolve the bottleneck.

Hundreds of years ago, a friend came to visit and said that he found Qiyan Golden Peach in Xuanguang Continent, and invited Taiyang Zhenren to go to Xuanguang Continent to find Qiyan Golden Peach Tree.

Taiyang Zhenren felt that this was his chance and agreed, but he didn't expect to meet the integrated monks of the Silver Shark family on the road. Taiyang Zhenren had old grudges with one of them.

\"They are coming!\"

A graceful woman in a white dress said, looking nervous.

As soon as the voice fell, the sea rolled violently, setting off a huge wave more than a thousand feet high. Three men and one woman stood on the huge wave, headed by a big man in red shirt with small eyes and long ears, with red eyes in his right hand. Wearing a red harpoon, his body is full of evil spirits.

Yin Shuo, in the late stage of the fusion.\"Qinglian Xianlu! The late fusion!\"

Yin Shuo felt the powerful spiritual pressure emanating from Wang Ruyan, and his face changed.

According to the information, Wang Ruyan is only in the middle stage of the integration, why did he suddenly enter the late stage of integration, this cultivation speed is too terrible!

\"Quick withdrawal!\"

Yin Shuo's magic trick was pinched, and countless red spirit patterns appeared on his body, and he was about to cast a spell to escape.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. There are seven cultivators in the human race, and Qinglian Immortal Companion is there. He has no certainty to destroy the opponent. Thirty-six strategies are the best.

\"Since you are chasing after you, don't leave.\"

Wang Ruyan said, with a flick of his right hand, a ray of blood shot out and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, the top of Yin Shuo's four people's heads swayed, and a blood-colored round bowl appeared, which was the blood-turning bowl.

Yin Shuo's body glowed with red light, and a thick red pillar of fire rose into the sky and greeted him. He disappeared from the spot.

The two body cultivators hurriedly avoided, but the reaction of one body cultivator was half a beat, covered by the blood-colored glow from the blood-turning bowl, and was involved in the blood-turning bowl.

\"Fellow Daoist Zhao, you are responsible for dealing with other people, I will deal with the leader.\"

Wang Changsheng said hello, and turned into a blue long rainbow and fell towards the southwest.

A red light lit up in the void hundreds of miles away, and Yin Shuo's figure appeared, his eyes were full of fear.

He was just about to fly towards the bottom of the sea, when a huge wave of more than a thousand meters in the sky was set off on the sea, and countless blue water arrows flew out, heading straight for Yin Shuo.

Yin Shuo hurriedly waved the red harpoon in his hand and released a large piece of red flame to protect himself, and all the blue water arrows turned into a white mist.

There was a rumbling sound of thunder in the sky, the sky suddenly darkened, a huge thundercloud appeared in the sky, lightning and thunder, tens of thousands of thick silver lightnings cut through the sky and struck Yin Shuo.

Yin Shuo's face sank, and the magic trick was pinched, and a huge red shark phantom appeared in the void above his head.

As soon as the shark phantom appeared, a red flame spewed out from its mouth, blocking the falling silver lightning.

The sea tumbled violently, and a blue giant with a height of several hundred meters emerged from the bottom of the sea, with blurred features, and with a move of his arms, he smashed at Yin Shuo.

Yin Shuo hurriedly waved the red harpoon and released a red flame, which drowned the figure of the blue giant, and a large white mist emerged.


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