Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3255: Blue Fukong Combination

In a four-story cyan pavilion, a guest room, a short and stout old man in cyan robe was holding a cyan communication board and was talking.

"Crazy Blowing True Monarch has entered the integration period and will hold a celebration?"

The blue-robed old man frowned.

"That's right, the Wang family has also received an invitation, and Long Qingfeng is also inside, and the eldest son of Dahao Zhenren personally leads the team."

A deep male voice came from the cyan communication board.

"Understood, you go and tell them the news, change the plan, and see if you can start halfway."

The old man in green robe ordered.

According to their plan, Mu Hai led people to attack Feilongfang City, attracting the attention of the cultivators of the Wang family.

This plan is very unfavorable to the old man in green robe. If the formation cannot be broken, or if the integrated cultivator of the Wang family arrives quickly, he may not be able to escape.

If you do it in the wilderness, you can still run if you can't beat it.

"Could this be a conspiracy of the Wang family? Deliberately set up a scheme?"

A man's voice came from the communication board.

"Probably not! How did the Wang family know that we were going to attack Long Qingfeng? There are less than five people in the know, and the people of the Jinjiu family don't know the target, but to be cautious, wait and see for a while, and find an opportunity to do it. You go to inform first. Their plans have changed."

The old man in green robe ordered.

"Understood, I will inform them immediately."


In the depths of Wanlingyuan, there is a vast black plain.

The thunder continued, and thick silver lightning flashed down from the sky, vaguely mixed with a shrill devil's cry.

A gray shadow broke through the air and flew towards the sky at a very fast speed.

Before the gray shadow flew out a hundred miles, a silver thunder column with a diameter of ten feet fell from the sky, accurately hit the gray shadow, and a scream was heard, and the silver thunder light was drowned for several miles.

The azure light flashed, and a lightning spear with azure light flashed towards it, submerged in the silver lightning, and there was another shrill cry of Devil May Cry.

The thunder light dissipated, the gray shadow disappeared, and a huge pit with black smoke appeared, and a cyan thunder spear was inserted into the giant pit.

Liu Yao flew over, grabbed the void below with one hand, and a black ball flew out and fell into her hand and disappeared.

Wang Mengshan and a young man in yellow shirt with handsome features flew from a distance. Wang Mengshan's face was pale and there was a blood hole on his left shoulder.

"Senior Liu's Taoism is profound, and ghosts in the fusion stage are not your opponents."

Wang Mengshan flattered, his tone a little weak.

The Wang family set up a bureau and set up an ancient monk's cave. The location was in Wanlingyuan. Wang Mengshan and other cultivators entered Wanlingyuan to search for spiritual medicine. They found the ancient monk's cave by accident, but the restriction was too strong, they couldn't open it. Wang Mengshan reports to Liu Yao.

Liu Yao personally led the team, broke the ban, and obtained two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao and a resource for cultivating immortals, promising to provide Wang Mengshan with a spiritual elixir to help him hit the integration period.

The Wang family can improve the panacea and treasures, and help Wang Mengshan to reach the integration period, but in that way, he and the Leng Yan faction are equal. If the Leng Yan faction provides the panacea and assists Wang Mengshan in the advanced integration, they will trust Wang Mengshan more, and Wang Mengshan is closer to Leng Yan. Pie is also a normal thing.

Who would suspect that a fit cultivator that he cultivated by himself is an enemy.

"The master is Lei Xiu, and Lei Fa is the nemesis of demons and monsters."

The young man in yellow shirt looked proud.

Sun Yilei, a disciple of Liu Yao, a cultivator in the late stage of virtual refining.

"Okay, stop flattering, we've got the things, let's go back! Wang Xiaoyou will be in the fusion period of the Ice Flame Mountains!"

Liu Yao said in a deep voice.

Compared to what you get, what is a panacea.

Liu Yao sacrificed a flying boat with silver light and walked up, followed by Sun Yilei and Wang Mengshan.


Liu Yao's tactic changed, and the silver flying boat flew high into the sky and left Wanlingyuan.


The Yunhang Mountains, the ancestral land of the Lan family.

A group of Lan family children are patrolling, headed by a tall young man in a golden shirt, they are smiling.

During the advanced integration period of Lan Fukong, the integration ceremony was held, and guests were invited to celebrate with the whole family.

A cyan escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the cyan light to stop, and a flying boat with cyan light appeared. Hundreds of cultivators stood on it, headed by a purple-robed old man with a ruddy face.

"Meet Senior Wu."

The young man in the golden shirt seemed to recognize the old man in the purple robe and hurriedly saluted.

"Little friend Lan, I'm here to participate in Senior Lan's reunion celebration. This is my invitation."

The purple-robed old man said politely, with a flick of his wrist, a golden invitation flew out and landed in front of the golden-shirted youth.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, he used to laugh at Lan Fukong a lot, and felt that Lan Fukong was flattering, slaughtering horses, and doing nothing right.

Who would have thought that Lan Fukong had entered the integration period.

Many cultivators who ridiculed Lan Fukong either died under the great catastrophe, were killed by powerful enemies, or were killed in a treasure hunt. Only Lan Fukong entered the integration period.

It is said that Lan Fukong is a great counselor, but he was actually counseled into the integration period.

Today is different from the past, the cultivator of the virtual world no longer dares to laugh at Lan Fukong.

The young man in the golden shirt took the invitation, checked it carefully, and after confirming it was correct, returned it to the old man in purple robe.

A loud dragon roar sounded, and a full-bodied red dragon appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

The young man in the golden shirt thought of something, and hurriedly sent a sound transmission.

It didn't take long for the red dragon to stop, and hundreds of monks stood on the back of the red dragon, led by Wang Qingcheng.

"Meet Senior Wang."

The purple-robed old man and others hurriedly saluted with respectful expressions.

The Wang family is now one of the ten major forces of the human race in the Xuanling Continent. The masters are like clouds. They are backed by Zhenhai Palace, and they are also the in-laws of the Lan family.

"Little friend Lan, let's come to participate in the integration ceremony of Fellow Daoist Lan."

Wang Qingcheng said amicably.

With a flick of Wang Ruyi's wrist, a golden invitation card flew out towards the young man in the golden shirt.

The young man in the golden shirt glanced at it and respectfully returned it to Wang Ruyi.

A ray of light flew out from the depths of the Yunhang Mountains, it was Lan Fukong.

"Young Daoyou Wang is here, and Lan has lost his way to welcome him."

Lan Fukong said with a smile.

The wisest decision he made was to marry the Wang family, hug the Wang family's thick legs, and help the Wang family do things.

"Congratulations! Fellow Daoist Lan. UU Reading"

Wang Qingcheng clasped his fists and said with a smile on his face.

"Young Daoyou Wang is very polite, please come in, Lan has prepared a banquet."

Lan Fukong made a gesture of invitation, looked at the old man in purple robe and the others, and said with a smile: "Little friend Wu, it's been a long time, it's rare to come here, have a few more drinks."


The purple-robed old man's expression was tense, and he regretted it in his heart. He was afraid that Lan Fukong would settle accounts in the autumn. If he had known this, he should not have laughed at Lan Fukong before.

Lan Fukong told the clan members a few words, and led Wang Qingcheng and others into the Lan family.

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