Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3232: 7 Hulu Sanren Newsletter

Xuanyang Realm, Xuanling Continent, Qinglian Island.

In a manor that covers an extremely wide area, Wang Qingshan and Wang Qingcheng are sitting in a blue stone pavilion, and Wang Moshan is reporting the situation to them.

The Wang family got the Xuantian blood vine, and there are less than five people who know about this matter, the fewer people know about it, the better.

Wang Pinfeng sent the Xuantian blood vine back to the Wang family and handed it over to Wang Mengbin in person.

Considering the existence of the interface storm, they did not bring the Xuantian blood vine up, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if the Xuantian blood vine was destroyed, it would be a big loss, and the Wang family could not bear this loss.

The Wang family's Huashen fought to the death with the demons, and lost seven gods. The loss was not small. There was no way to do it. In the face of the late-stage demons who carried the sixth-order talisman, they were not opponents at all. If they hadn't had a fifth-order puppet beast, the loss would have been even greater.

They captured a demon, searched for his soul, obtained some information about the demon, and then withdrew from the blood cloud world.

? The outside world will not doubt the Wang family, mainly because the Wang family does not know when the demons will attack the blood shadow clan's nest. Even if they know, it is impossible to send only one cultivator to infiltrate the blood cloud mountain range, unless the demons tell the Wang family all plans, And cooperating with the Wang family's divine transformation action, this is simply ridiculous.

On the bright side, the Wang family cooperated with the Zhenhai Palace cultivator to enter the blood cloud world, but the demons took the lead and snatched the Xuantian blood vine. The Wang family had no credit or hard work.

How could Tianmogong tell the Wang family the whole plan, and cooperate with the Wang family to make wedding dresses for others? Not to mention the Wang family, Zhenhai Palace does not have such a big face.

To be cautious, Wang Mengbin did not tell others about the existence of Xuantian blood vine. In addition, Wang Mengbin personally destroyed a number of family books, and erased the records of Begonia in the family books. For a thousand years, no one is allowed to consult relevant books.

If Zhenhai Palace knew about the relationship between the Wang family and Ye Haitang, it would at most be a scolding. Ye Haitang could not represent the Wang family, and there was no head-on conflict between the Demon Realm and the Xuanyang Realm, and Zhenhai Palace would not destroy the Wang Family for this matter. Which immortal family? There are not a few mouse droppings, at most Ye Haitang is regarded as the mouse droppings of the Wang family. @ Essence\/Book Pavilion · No mistake starting~~

If the Blood Shadow Clan knew about the relationship between the Wang family and Ye Haitang, they would definitely destroy the Wang Family. will retaliate.

This action also proved the great role of Ye Haitang. In the future, if there is something good in the lower realm, or if there is any trouble, the Wang family is inconvenient to take action, so they contacted Ye Haitang and asked Ye Haitang to send the demons to do it.

To this end, Wang Mengbin raised Ye Haitang's security level and changed the Haitang Hall to Yutang Hall. The elders of the lower realms were not allowed to step into the Yutang Hall. Only Wang Mengbin and a few people who knew Ye Haitang could contact Ye Haitang from the lower realm.

"Let's wait until the parents come back! Not only will we get the Xuantian blood vine this time, but we can also control a few more interfaces." Wang Qingcheng said with a smile.

After the Demon Race retreated, the Wang Family cooperated with Zhenhai Palace to deal with the interface occupied by the Blood Shadow Race.

I don’t know if there is no more Boundary Breaking Stones, or if the Blood Shadow Clan in Xuanguang Continent is annoyed at the uselessness of the people in the Nether Realm, and they did not send people from the Nether Realm to support it. It is only a matter of time before the Wang family captures the interface controlled by the Blood Shadow Clan. question.

Zhenhai Palace was not looking for the Xuantian Spirit Wood, but unfortunately it failed. In this way, the Wang family controlled thirteen lower-level interfaces. After this battle, a group of masters have also been honed, and they have a lot of experience in life and death battles.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said: "Pinqing killed himself, and selected twenty people from his descendants to focus on training, giving priority to helping them advance into the virtual refining period." If it wasn't for Wang Pinqing's sacrifice, the Wang family got the Xuantian blood vine, and the news is also It will leak out and cause trouble.

"Meng Bin announced to the public that Pinqing has ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, and in the future, the people from the lower realms will ascend to the Xuanyang Realm, and ask about the situation of Pinqing, Moshan, think of a suitable reason to prevaricate and make them feel that after Pinqing has ascended to the Xuanyang Realm , go out to perform tasks and just die." Wang Qingcheng urged.

Wang Moshan nodded and agreed.

Wang Moshan took out a blue-light flickering magic plate and entered a magic formula, a little surprised.

"What happened?"

Wang Qingcheng asked.

"Qihu Sanren came over and said that there is something important to meet with the ancestors.

Wang Moshan frowned and said, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan went to the Qingli Sea Area to grab the Qiankun Glass Stone. (This chapter is not over!)

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, impossible to show up.

"I'll go receive him! Tell me the same thing, invite him to the reception room."

+... Wang Qingcheng ordered.

Wang Moshan responded with a sound, entered a magic formula, and gestured for a while.

Wang Qingcheng came to the reception room and waited quietly.

After a while, Qilu Sanren walked in, his face was slightly pale, and he looked like he was injured.

"Friend Jiang, my parents are practicing in seclusion. If there is anything, you can tell me the same."

Wang Qingcheng said sincerely.

"My friend and I went to the wild land to hunt monsters, and accidentally found a seventh-order Primordial Devourer, but my friend was killed, and I couldn't kill this monster alone, so I came here to tell you the Wang family, your father treats me Great favor."

The Seven Gourd Sanren said slowly, they encountered the seventh-order poisonous insect, and the friend had already died.

He was injured, and he didn't have the confidence to take down the Primordial Devourer by himself, so he simply left and informed the Wang family.

$ The Wang family has been looking for the seventh-order Primordial Devourer, and its hide is the main material for refining the Thunder Talisman.

"Seventh-order Primordial Devourer?"

Wang Qingcheng was a little moved.

Qilu Sanren took out a pale blue jade slip, threw it to Wang Qingcheng, and said, "This is where I found the Primordial Devourer, I don't know where its lair is, if you want to find the Primordial Devourer, you have to spend a little more. thought.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Jiang, what do you want?"

Wang Qingcheng said politely, this kind of thing is not easy to handle, if they arrive at their destination and can't find the Primordial Devourer for a long time, it will be a waste of time. This situation is not uncommon.

"Wait until you catch the Primordial Devouring Beast. If you go one step late and get killed, it will be bad."

Qihu Sanren said sincerely, comparing his heart to his heart, Wang Changsheng didn't kill someone for a defensive mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and he wouldn't speak loudly.

After Wang Qingcheng and the others found the Primordial Devouring Beast, and then talked about the reward, he could trust the Wang family.

"Friend Jiang trusts us so much?"

Wang Qingcheng said with a light smile.

"The bark of the shadow tree of people, Jiang can trust your Wang family, I will live in Tianhaifang City for a period of time, and notify me if I succeed. If I don't succeed, you don't have to contact me. I'm too embarrassed to receive payment for you to run for nothing. .UU Reading"

After Qihu Sanren said this, he turned and left.

Wang Qingshan walked in with a thoughtful expression on his face: "The seventh-order Primordial Devouring Beast is rare." Seventh brother, if you stay at Qinglian Island, I will just run with Yidao.

Wang Qingcheng took the initiative to ask Ying, Wang Mengbin's soul had not returned, and the main body could not go to the wild land.

Wang Qingshan's strength is strong, and it is better to sit on Qinglian Island. In land fighting, Wang Qingcheng can play a lot of advantages.

"Okay! Be careful, call your fellow Daoist Duan! Be safe."

Wang Qingshan suggested.

Wang Qingcheng nodded and agreed, he called Wang Yidao, left Qinglian Island, and rushed to the Cangyuan Mountains first, and asked Shang Duan Tongtian to go to the wild land together. .

3232 Seven Gourd Sanren Report (Updated)

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