Thinking of this, Wu Ling had the idea of returning to his old mansion now and flipping out the photo album to take a look at the photos.

Wu Erye and Wu Sanye were forced to wear women's clothes, and they were also cheongsam, dare to ask whether this is a distortion of human nature or a moral degradation? Please watch the large-scale live broadcast scene.

Wu Xiaoling's beaten way home.

Wu Ling felt that if he posted the photos of the second and third uncles on the Internet, not to mention anything else, even if the second and third uncles were mortal enemies, they would definitely have to buy out the photos in their hands, and they would definitely have to make a profit.

However, this little thought had just risen for a second, and Wu Ling hadn't had time to count how much money he could make.

His mind suddenly remembered the big stick full of thorns in his ancestral hall in his memory.

Thinking of his second uncle's upright personality again, his body trembled instantly, and the thoughts in his heart were pressed down by himself.

Forget it, he did it when he was a child, he was young at that time, and his second uncle was definitely reluctant to fight to death.

Now that he is so old, it is when people hate dogs, so he will not die, but obediently stick to it.

Wu Ling's mood went up and down several times in this short period of time, and the expression on his face also changed several times.

Wu squatted on the ground and watched his constantly changing expression, feeling a little funny, but at the same time, he also knew that his little ancestor had not changed into a good fart.

Because this expression is so familiar to him.

Usually if his little ancestor does something bad, or when he is ready to do something bad in advance, he often looks at him with such innocent and pure, but still a little shy eyes.

This kind of look is usually used to confuse the opponent, so that people can't beat him up in the process of making him funny.

Wu Xian suffered several losses in this kind of look, and every time he was teased enough, he had to greet him with a helpless smile.

Thinking of this, he put his tongue on his cheeks a little helplessly, looked up at his brother's face that was still changing, pinched his instep with his hand, and asked gently:

"What do you think?" The expression on his face is so strange, what kind of prank are you going to do?"

Wu Ling came back to his senses when he heard this, he looked down and saw his brother looking at him with blazing eyes, and coughed a little weakly.

I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to make copies of the photos of my second and third uncles, and then set up a stall to sell them, two pieces for two, two pieces for four, and ten pieces for eight.

Of course, this idea can be thought about in his heart, he didn't dare to tell his brother, either afraid of anything else, or afraid that the wall had ears.

Wu Ling rubbed his nose, vaguely said a few words, coughed a few times and changed the topic:

"I didn't think about anything, cough cough, by the way, brother, I have some impressions of what you said before, but there seems to be something wrong."

Speaking of this, the expression on Wu Ling's face was a little confused, he held his chin with both hands, and said thoughtfully:

"I remember that person doesn't seem to be Uncle Yun, that person seems to be an aunt with very long hair."

Speaking of this, Wu Ling seemed to remember something, he gestured with his hand and said

, "Just an aunt who is so tall and tall, taller than the door edge in our old house, it's like-"

Speaking of this, Wu Ling suddenly got stuck, because he remembered that when he was in the car just now, Uncle Yun was so tall and tall.

Wu Xian looked at his brother with a little tangled look, as if he had also reacted.

He smacked his lips, looked up at Wu Ling, and asked a little strangely

: "Xiao Ling, do you remember the characteristics on that aunt?"

Wu Ling tilted his head and thought for a while: "Tall, long hair, there will be a lot of ringing small bells on the body, and the body is fragrant, there is a silver bracelet on the wrist, and there is a black snake ...... on the neck."

The more Wu Ling spoke, the quieter his voice became, and the more tangled the expression on his face became, because he had said so much, but every one of them, Uncle Yun seemed to have them, except for the black snake.

However, just as he was about to talk about it, Wu Xian took the lead in asking

, "Xiao Ling, do you know that Uncle Yun's snake

is mutated?" Wu Ling blinked his eyes and nodded obediently, recalling

what Uncle Yun had said before: "I know, Uncle Yun said that it is a species mutated from the triolin tree viper, and its genes are different from ordinary scale tree vipers, so the color of its body and pupils are different from ordinary snakes. Wu

Xian: "Then do you know what color this snake was before it molted and mutated?" Wu

Ling heard this, he had a premonition in his heart, his head was excited

, and he asked tentatively: "It won't be black, right?"

Wu Xian looked at him as a puppy tentatively, feeling a little funny, and teased him in his mouth:

"Although I don't want to admit it, congratulations on your correct answer." "

Really?" Wu Ling heard this, and the little hair on his head was shocked.

His expression was a little confused, thinking about the memory in his head, and he said with some hesitation

: "But I remember that the owner of the little briquette

is a girl, is it difficult to ......" Halfway through the words, Wu Ling suddenly looked down at Wu Xian, his expression was a little complicated, his mouth pondered for a while, and he held back a sentence

: "Could it be that Uncle Chengyun went to Thailand to change sex?"

Wu Xian: "......

". He looked up at his brother's sincere face, as if he was really confused about whether Uncle Yun was transgender, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry for Uncle Yun for a while.

It should have been painful, but how did he feel so funny

? How did this stinky boy's brain circuit grow? Why was it so weird?

Going to Thailand, he could figure it out.

If Uncle Yun knew about this, the expression on his face would not be black to the bottom of the pot.

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