"Shhh...... It hurts, it hurts, brother, you start with it. "

Hot in the bathroom.

Wu Ling was holding a little golden retriever that was still dripping, and his hands were forced to pestle the tiles in front of him, and he inhaled straight in his painful mouth.

Perhaps because it hurt too much, his brows furrowed slightly, his eyes were slightly red, and he looked like he had been bullied.

The pink toes that stepped on the little yellow duck slippers curled up together because of the pain.

Wu Ling was like a naughty little erha, who was pressed by the owner under the shower for a shower.

It's just that when this little Erha was rushed to his body, the water droplets that slipped from his collarbone were not crystal clear.

Instead, it's a reddish-brown with a hint of iodine and blood.

Behind him.

Wu Xian held the shower with the appropriate outlet in his hand, and gently and gently used the warm hot water to gently press the edge of Wu Ling's slightly dusty wound.

The fingertips with a little calloused also carefully helped Wu Ling clean up the dust from the wound.

It's just that no matter how gentle his movements are, the pain caused by his fingertips touching the edge of the wound is still essential.

Wu Ling felt the wound on his back being gently brushed, and his body trembled.

His fingers curled up, his breath was a little uneven, his mouth hissed, and he wanted to cry without tears:

"Brother, you start lightly, I am human flesh, not pork, and pork has not been ravaged like this." "

Wu Ling is uncomfortable, and Wu Xian is also uncomfortable.

He looked at the man sitting in front of him, whose body was twisted like a little loach, the green tendons in his temples bulged, reached out and grabbed his shoulder, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice:

"Don't mess around, the wound will open in a while."

The little loach was held by the shoulder and couldn't move, so he could only snort a few times like a kitten in his nose, and said aggrievedly

: "Brother, can we have a discussion, I don't move, can you do it lightly?"

Wu Xian listened to the small voice with a thick nasal voice that sounded like he wanted to cry or not, rolled his Adam's apple, and said in a dark voice:

"Okay." "

The reason for this seemingly difficult bathing scene goes back to twenty minutes ago.

After a rainstorm, the May night was cold and cold for the season.

The temperature plummeted to 13 degrees Celsius.

After Xiao Shanqing took the car, Wu Ling, a lively little man who couldn't sit still, took the lead in jumping off with his small backpack.

However, his little golden retriever, who was free like a bird, had just jumped out of the car for a short time.

I haven't had time to breathe some fresh air.

Suddenly, a cold wind howled.

The icy and biting cold wind blew on Wu Ling's wet clothes, bringing endless coldness.

This time, he was directly frozen.

Originally, Wu Ling's clothes were wet by the cold rain, and his body was cold because he was injured and had lost some blood.

At this time, the cold wind blows, and multiple buffs are blessed together.

Wu Ling's little sneeze immediately came out, and this time he hit several times in succession, so that he couldn't get his snot bubble out.

His movement is neither big nor small, but it is especially evident in the empty night.

In addition, there is no one around them who has a bad ear, and it is no exaggeration to say that even if there is a mosquito flapping its wings 10 meters away, they can hear it clearly.

So this caused Wu Linggang to sneeze, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

As soon as Wu Sanxing got out of the car, he heard his little nephew's sneeze in his nose, and he kept sneezing.

When he looked up, he saw Wu Ling, who was still lively and high-spirited like a little monkey just now.

Now it was as cold as a frosty little eggplant, his teeth were shivering with cold, and the tip of his nose was red.

Although Wu Sanxing is a rough man, he is also a person who loves his own children.

When he saw this scene, his brows furrowed instantly, and he said to Wu Xian, who was holding a paper for Wu Ling next to him and brushing his nose:

"Big nephew, you take your brother back to the room to change his clothes and take a hot bath, he is weak, don't let him catch a cold."

"After a while, we will book a room, settle down, and then call you, and then you will come directly to us with your brother, let's book a private room, drink some wine, and warm up."

Before Wu Xian heard this, Wu Ling, who had just finished snotting his nose next to him, rubbed over with his messy little blonde hair:

"Third uncle, can I order food?" I want to eat braised pig's trotters, and the braised elbow here is also very delicious, and the rice is fragrant."

Wu Sanxing looked at the little head melon in front of him, and glanced at the little gluttonous cat that was shivering and shivering with some amusement, and joked in his mouth:

"You snacks have been frozen like this, and you haven't forgotten to eat them?"

Wu Ling's little soft hairs that were suddenly frozen were a little frozen, but he still looked like a dry rice man.

He sniffed, looked at Wu Sanxing with bright eyes, and said with a recommendation in his mouth:

"Third uncle, let me tell you, their braised elbow and big roast chicken are really delicious, I ate two big elbows and half a roast chicken by myself yesterday, it's really fragrant."

As he spoke, Wu Ling remembered the soft and glutinous taste of the braised elbow and the fragrant, refreshing, oily chicken thigh, and instantly secreted some unknown crystal liquid

in his mouth, and he unconsciously sucked his small saliva, feeling that his stomach was already a little empty, and he was even hungrier at this moment.

Wu Sanxing looked at him from the side, and as he spoke, he told himself that he was greedy, and he couldn't cry or laugh.

This little bastard is still as greedy as he was when he was a child.

He lowered his head to meet the little suggestive little eyes of this little nephew, as if he was amused, a low laugh overflowed from his throat, rubbed Wu Ling's little head melon with his big hand, and said with a puff of cigarette:

"Okay, okay, don't stay in Ha Lazi, you little bastard has hinted so obviously, if I don't say it again, wouldn't it be even more bastard?"

As he spoke, Wu Sanxing took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, patted Wu Ling's shoulder with his hand, and said with some urging:

"Okay, hurry up and go up with your brother to change your clothes, take a bath, don't catch a cold then."

"When you come down from the bath, what kind of big elbows, roast chicken, etc., the third uncle will arrange them for you."

Hearing this, Wu Ling's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Hmm." Wu Sanxing nodded, rubbed his already messy little golden retriever with his big hand, held a cigarette in his mouth, and said angrily:

"When did Lao Tzu lie to you?

Saying that, Wu Sanxing glanced at Wu Ling's overly thin body with some disgust.

He shook his head, glanced at Wu Xian next to him, snorted lightly in his mouth, and said:

"Stinky boy, you can't do this, look at the one raised by your brother, except for a little meat on his face, he is as thin as a chick." "

But ......"

Halfway through the words, Wu Sanxing finished a few serious glances at Wu Ling.

found that although this stinky boy was thin, he was well raised.

The face is very ruddy, and the big eyes are bright, and the whole body also reveals a pampered momentum.

This kind of pampered momentum can't be imitated.

It seems that Wu Xian, a stinky boy, has a good way of raising children, not so bad.

Wu Sansheng nodded with some satisfaction, and continued to say

, "But Xiao Ling's little face looks a lot more ruddy than before, like a little goblin who has absorbed yang energy. Wu

Ling, who was described as a little goblin: "......"

Third uncle, you can describe it.

God he meows the little goblin who is full of yang energy.

Wu Xian next to him glanced at Wu Sanxing a little helplessly.

At this moment, it seems that he knows his third uncle's language level for the first time, and it seems that he also needs to further study.

His language description is as outrageous as Wu Ling's previous metaphor of the forbidden woman who grew up and is a combination of Princess Grow Hair and Medusa.

No wonder these two people are uncles and nephews, the language wording is exactly the same, and they all need to apply for a language use course.

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