Chapter 325: Demon Corpse Mound


Because of the help of ghost eyes and Lin Yu’s accurate speculation, Sun Honglei can be said to be like a duck to water in the whole Fulong guillotine.

When he passed the Fulong guillotine mechanism and stood on the ground safely, Sun Honglei actually had an unreal feeling!

“I passed it successfully?”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a while, and then burst into ecstasy.

Not only did he survive, but he also successfully passed the Fulong guillotine that he thought was impossible before!

This brought Sun Honglei an unparalleled sense of achievement, and also greatly enhanced his confidence.

“Huang Bo, Huang Lei, come here! I’ll be waiting for you here!”

The complacent Sun Honglei shouted loudly with his hands on his hips.

Hearing Sun Honglei’s voice, Huang Bo and Huang Lei’s face trembled, and it felt like a public execution!

“Sun Honglei, don’t be complacent! Be optimistic, brother will be here soon!”

Huang Bo was not willing to make Sun Honglei look down on him, so he immediately slapped his neck and shouted loudly.

Huang Bo’s chest patted “bang bang”, but the person stood still!

“Huang Bo, why are you still standing there? Come here!”

Seeing Huang Bo’s guilty conscience, Sun Honglei shouted triumphantly over there.

That arrogant appearance, even Zhang Chen can’t stand it!

Naturally, Huang Bo couldn’t bear it either, and immediately began to speak harshly.”Sun Honglei, wait for me! I’ll warm up first!”

Huang Bo started to wriggle his neck and his buttocks. He really started exercising in front of so many people.

Anyone with discernment can see that Huang Bo is cowardly!

But there is nothing different on his face, and his mouth is harder than anyone else!

Zhang Chen shook his head helplessly. In terms of the thickness of his face, he reckoned that no matter how much he cultivated, he would not be able to keep up with Huang Bo.

Yaya came out again.

Zhang Chen nodded cheerfully, no one stopped her this time.

Taking a deep breath, Yaya walked to the Fulong guillotine with a solemn expression.

“Yiya, you can definitely do it!”

Yaya clenched her little fist and cheered herself up in her heart.

When the first dragon guillotine rose, Yaya rushed in.

Zhang Chen’s side was instantly quiet, and everyone stared at Yaya, their hearts pounding into their throats.

This is not making a movie. One wrong step is the distance between life and death!

Zhang Chen couldn’t relax at this time. As for the safety of Yaya and the others, Zhang Chen was actually quite concerned about it.

But Yaya they want to grow, this process is essential!

He has been hiding under the protection of Zhang Chen Yuyi, and he will never become a real powerhouse.

Besides, Zhang Chen can protect them for a while, but not for the rest of their lives!

Don’t get stronger.

In the future, in the general trend of the world, it can only be eliminated!

Soon, Zhang Chen realized that he still underestimated Yaya.

Compared with the previous Sun Honglei, Yaya’s figure is undoubtedly more flexible.

And the judgment is also more accurate, even in a very short period of time, it passed the Fulong guillotine mechanism!

“God, did I read it right? Yaya, you…are you so powerful?”

Seeing Yaya emerging from the Fulong guillotine mechanism, although she looked a little embarrassed, it did not affect Sun Honglei’s surprise.

“What? You’re disappointed to see that I’m fine?”

Yaya glared at him angrily.

“Where, I’m too happy to be happy!”

Sun Honglei quickly waved his hand and said cheerfully, “Yaya, congratulations on you successfully breaking through the trap!”

“Haha! For the sake of your sincerity, I will forgive you!”

Yaya’s eyes were curved into crescents, and she couldn’t help laughing happily.

“Then it’s up to Huang Bo and Huang Lei!”

After calming down, Yaya and Sun Honglei looked at the opposite partners.

Huang Lei, Huang Bo, and Lin Yu glanced at each other, seeing the pressure in each other’s eyes.

Saying something confidently, Fat Di, who is tall and slender, walked out in style.

Zhang Chen gave her an encouraging look!

Fat Di smiled sweetly at Zhang Chen, turned his head, and his expression instantly became serious.

Since even Yaya has passed the organ so easily, she will definitely be able to!

She is no worse than Yaya!

Zhang Chen, who had calmed down, found that it was actually a pleasing thing to watch a beautiful woman break into an office.

Not surprisingly, Fat Di also successfully broke through the Fulong guillotine organ, but he looks much more embarrassed than Yaya!

And there are many dangers, passing by the god of death!

But the result is always good!

Now on Zhang Chen’s side, there are only three big men, Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Lin Yu, who have not broken through the Fulong guillotine.

“Actually, after mastering the rules, it’s very simple! The most important thing is to overcome the fear in your heart!”

Lin Yu turned into a spiritual mentor at this moment, pouring chicken soup for Huang Bo and Huang Lei.

“Dr. Lin, said so much? Why don’t you go on your own?”

Huang Bo said something slightly joking.


After being choked, Lin Yu paused, and then pointed with a serious expression: “The time has not come yet!”

“Cut, I don’t believe it!”

Huang Bo won’t believe Lin Yu’s nonsense, you are a coward!

“Huang Bo, don’t talk about others, it’s your turn!”

Zhang Chen gave Huang Bo a narrow look.

Since Zhang Chen has already called his name, Huang Bo can’t pretend he didn’t hear it.

So under the watchful eyes of everyone, Huang Bo bit his head and came to Fulonggu.

Looking at the chilling huge guillotine, Huang Bo couldn’t help swallowing!

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die! What should I do? Why don’t I pretend to be dead?”

Huang Bo’s thoughts turned sharply, but he couldn’t take the first step, and cold sweat poured down his forehead.

“But this is too embarrassing, right? I will definitely be mocked to death by this kid Sun Honglei in the future!”

“Damn it, don’t care! Shout out first, then pretend to faint!”

Huang Bo made up his mind, and suddenly shouted without warning!Everyone who was caught off guard was taken aback by Huang Bo, and then they all glared at him.

You are so good at what you call a fart!

Soon Huang Bo’s eyes widened in disbelief, and the others looked like they had seen a ghost!

With Huang Bo’s roar, those “booming” Fulong guillotine organs stopped, stopped…stop!


“What’s the situation?”

Watching the guillotine slowly rise up, and finally did not enter the mountain, there was no more movement!

Huang Bo was confused, but he didn’t act rashly, there must be some deceit.

Maybe as soon as he stepped out, the guillotine would fall!

Just when Huang Bo was hesitating, Zhang Chen took Huang Lei and Lin Yu, and Shi Shiran walked past Huang Bo.

Huang Bo froze in place, unable to tell what it was like.

It’s as if he was about to strike with all his strength and fight to the death, only to find that his punch was empty!

“Huang Bo, why are you still standing there? Don’t be afraid, that agency should have run out of power! It’s all thanks to your roar, haha…”

Huang Lei turned his head and explained to Huang Bo, his tone was full of teasing.

Huang Bo smiled embarrassingly, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he still felt a little embarrassed!

After a group of people broke through the tomb passage with the Fulong guillotine mechanism, they were quickly stunned by what they saw!

I saw a group of “people” of different colors, like ropes, densely intertwined, with their heads exposed, staring at Zhang Chen and the others.

These people have no eyebrows and hair, only weird facial features!

At the same time, they stretched out their scarlet tongues and licked the corners of their mouths, as if seeing delicious food!

On the top of the stacked high crowd, sat a guy with purple jade scales all over his body. He was neither male nor female.

Seeing Zhang Chen and the others looking over, this guy grinned and showed his fangs!

“I’ll go! This is not a jade-scale monster corpse at all, but a group!”

Zhang Qiling smashed his mouth and couldn’t help sighing.

“Then this is the legendary monster corpse tomb! Feng Shigu is really ruthless!”

These demon corpses were all living people before they were alive! </p>

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