Chapter 319: Pangu Divine Vein


In the terrified eyes of Zhang Qiling and Sun Honglei.

The huge body of the fearful crocodile landed directly on the stone platform, smashing a big hole, and the earth collapsed and the stone flew in an instant!

The whole scene was violent.

The big mouth of the blood basin drowned Zhang Chen in an instant!

“It’s over, Zhang Chen will be fine, right?”

Seeing this scene, Sun Honglei and the others’ heartbeats instantly reached their throats, and their faces were bloodless.

They clearly knew that with Zhang Chen’s strength, it was impossible to disappear so easily, but they couldn’t help but worry.

But immediately Sun Honglei and the others were relieved, and Zhang Qiling heaved a sigh of relief.

I saw a black figure rising into the sky where the terrifying crocodile had just landed.

It was Zhang Chen. At this moment, his entire body was shrouded in the phantom of the unicorn, unscathed!

After a short stay in the air, Zhang Chen shot a long chain from his hand, reaching the shore of the pool.

With this power, Zhang Chen’s figure was as fast as lightning, and he landed on the shore in the next second!

In the other hand, he is holding a fresh Millennium Longevity Grass!

Seeing that the treasure that he had been waiting for for many years was gone, the crocodile looked up to the sky and let out an extremely angry roar!

Feeling the terrifying sense of oppression contained in the roar, Sun Honglei and the others, who were hiding aside, were trembling!

They asked themselves that when they faced this ghost-level creature, they probably couldn’t even stand firm, let alone fight back!

After roaring 993, the fear crocodile swayed its tail, spread its limbs and ran wildly, attacking Zhang Chen wildly.

“It seems that this battle cannot be avoided!”

A light flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes.

According to the original plan, Zhang Chen retreated after he got the Millennium Longevity Grass!

But looking at the appearance of this terrifying crocodile, unless Zhang Chen can completely get rid of this guy.

Otherwise, it will definitely chase to the ends of the earth and die!

A beast, he doesn’t think about it so much, he just acts on instinct.


Zhang Chen glanced at Zhang Qiling in the distance and said sharply.

“Okay! Let’s fight!”

Zhang Qiling is not a sloppy master either. Seeing Zhang Chen say this, he immediately nodded in agreement.

At this time, the crocodile also came to Zhang Chen.

Just hear a “crack”!

Zhang Chen works hardRaising the Immortal Binding Lock in his hand, he directly pulled out a terrifying sonic boom and threw it on the head of the Dread Crocodile.

The huge head of the fearful crocodile actually sparked everywhere, even though its head was as fine as iron, it was still dizzy by Zhang Chen, and the forward body suddenly stagnated!

The head is left with a large chain depression!

Reacting to it, the crocodile was even more annoyed, its long tail ripped apart the air, like a sharp sword, it used Zhang Chen as a hood! ,

Zhang Chen snorted coldly (addh), not afraid.

The Immortal Binding Chain in his hand tensed up instantly, Zhang Chen jumped up, splitting Huashan Mountain with his strength, and directly chose to hit it hard!

Just hear a loud bang!

The giant tail thrown by the crocodile was smashed back by the immortal binding lock in Zhang Chen’s hand, and even the gigantic body of the crocodile retreated a few meters.

“This guy Zhang Chen is getting stronger and stronger!”

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qiling’s eyes flickered,

Just now, he had no power to fight back against the fearful crocodile, and was completely crushed and beaten.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Chen’s turn, but the situation was completely reversed!

In addition to envy, Zhang Qiling’s mood is still mostly excited.

After all, the stronger Zhang Chen is, the better for him!

“Come again!”

Zhang Chen let out a loud roar, the fighting spirit in his eyes rose, and he felt an unprecedented joy.

When facing the Corpse Flood King before, he was still struggling!

Now, he can press down and beat ghost-level dreaded crocodiles, which is the benefit of the mysterious magic weapon.

Boom boom boom!

Several times in a row, Zhang Chen smashed the crocodile with the immortal lock and couldn’t find the north.

The fearful crocodile has the heart to slap the hateful human in front of him to death.

However, Zhang Chen’s speed is so fast that the crocodile can’t do anything about him at all.

No matter how stupid the crocodile’s brain is, he knows that if he continues like this, he will only have to burp.

So when the Immortal Binding Lock struck again, the fearful crocodile dived into the water without a word!

No matter how provocative Zhang Chen is, he doesn’t dare to show his face.

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Chen with a strange expression.

When dealing with the fearful crocodile just now, Zhang Chen did it all alone, and he didn’t even need to help.

“Zhang Chen, you are such a monster!”

Zhang Qiling said with a squeak, he thought he was high enough to look up to Zhang Chen.

Now I found out that he still underestimated!

Zhang Chen waved his hand, he is the so-called Son of Heaven, can he be the same as others?

Zhang Chen took out the Millennium Longevity Grass that Zhang Qiling remembered from his arms and threw it to him.

“Here, this is the longevity grass you want!”

Zhang Qiling took it quickly, with a cautious appearance, as if he was afraid of breaking it.

He looked at it carefully, his always cold face was full of joy at the moment!

“Yes, it is indeed the Millennium Eternal Grass! Zhang Chen, thank you this time!”

Zhang Qiling said sincerely.

“No, didn’t you also give me a big gift?”

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

Take out the parchment that Zhang Qiling gave him, this is a treasure related to the Tibetan Heavenly Official!

In front of Zhang Chen, Zhang Qiling directly swallowed the millennium longevity grass into his stomach.

Like this kind of heaven and earth treasure, any processing is a waste, unless you can master the legendary alchemy technique and maximize its efficacy.

There is no such ability, it is better to eat raw!

It didn’t take long for Zhang Qiling’s temperament to change, although it didn’t seem like a big change on the surface.

Zhang Chen really felt that Zhang Qiling was different from before.

“Zhang Chen, what do you think about the cooperation I said?”

The biggest heart disease of all time has been solved, Zhang Qiling’s attitude has also become much calmer, and he no longer shows people with a cold face.

Looks like a handsome and sunny brother next door.

“Are you sure that Feng Shigu really has the Immortal Ascension Order you said?”

Zhang Qiling has a lot of information related to Dixian Village, which Zhang Chen doesn’t know.

Zhang Chen would only consider cooperating with him when he was thoroughly clarified.

This is the cornerstone of cooperation between the two parties!

“You can rest assured about this, I have seen it with my own eyes! It is indeed the ‘Earth’ character ascension order!”

Zhang Qiling nodded confidently.

“Earth-character Ascension Order? Is it different from the ordinary Immortal Ascension Order?”

It’s not the first time Zhang Chen heard Zhang Qiling say this.

Sun Honglei and the others who came over also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Even though they know that the Immortal Ascension Order is such a strange thing, it is far from what they can touch.

But that doesn’t stop them from being interested in these things!

“There are three kinds of Immortal Ascension Orders, they are Heaven, Earth and Human Beings! The Human Character Ascension Order can make a person a Human Immortal, while the Earth Character is Earth Immortal! As for the Heavenly Immortal Ascension Order,…”Speaking of this, Zhang Qiling paused for a while, and habitually sold off.

Seeing Zhang Chen staring at him with a bad expression, Zhang Qiling said quickly.

“The decree of ascending immortals with the word “天” is a news spread from ancient Kunlun, but no one has seen it, so it is very likely that the ascending immortals with the word “天” does not exist at all!”

“That’s what it is!”

Zhang Chen nodded thoughtfully, his heart was a little hot.

Since there is news about the Raising Immortal Token, it is natural to let it go!

Zhang Qiling couldn’t help smiling proudly when she saw the flash of longing in Zhang Chen’s eyes.

If Zhang Chen is not at all tempted, then he really has to doubt Zhang Chen’s origin, whether it is some old monster reincarnated!

“But if we want to plan the immortal promotion order, we must first find the most critical place!”

Zhang Qiling said suddenly.


“Pangu Divine Vein!”</p>

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