Chapter 316: Millennium Everlasting Grass


Zhang Chen dodged the attack of the Taurus!

The nine-colored Taurus flashed past him and hit a stone wall directly.

However, the Taurus didn’t knock down, and even the mummy on its back didn’t move.

Instead, the top of the tomb wall was turned upside down!

It turned out that there was another secret room behind the wall, and the Taurus carried the corpse and sank into the dark room behind the wall.

See this scene.

Zhang Chen was suddenly enlightened, and the exit was in another secret room!

However, Zhang Chen immediately realized that it was not good.

The tomb wall opened by the golden bull is famous!

The name is Sky-Changing Gai, which is a means for the owner of the tomb to defend against tomb robbers!

Once the cover is turned over, after the tomb wall falls to the ground, it will be firmly fixed and can no longer be opened.

And in the tomb where Zhang Chen and the others are now, there will be endless murder mechanisms emerging.

It’s a close call!

Zhang Chen forcefully threw the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand!

With the sound of “clanging”, the blade of the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife just pinned to the hoof of the Nine-Colored Taurus. “Nine Nine Zero”

As a mechanical beast, Taurus can only move according to the established stone trough route!

Kong has a brute force, but it is difficult to move forward, and he is stuck under the sky-turning cover.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly greeted everyone and got into the dark room behind the sky-shattering cover from the belly of the Taurus.

After everyone came in, Zhang Chen retrieved the Qinglong Yanyue Sword!

It was exactly as he expected.

Losing the block of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, the nine-colored golden bull rushed into the dark room recklessly, and then stopped in the center motionless!

And the sky-turning cover fell with a bang!

Although separated by a wall, Zhang Chen could hear the violent explosion when the organ broke out!

Its power can be imagined!

If Zhang Chen and the others stayed in the previous tomb, they would now face an endless stream of organ attacks.

Whether or not you can get out of your body at that time is two things!

Zhang Chen looked around in the dark room, and immediately found a stone stair going up on the side.

However, this stone step is low and narrow, and everyone can only pass one by one.

Fortunately, the road was calm and there were no accidents!

Soon the tens of meters of stone steps came to an end.

Zhang Chen, who was walking in the front, pushed open a layer of copper cover, and everyone filed out!

After Zhang Chen looked around, surprise flashed in his eyes!

It turns out that they are now in a private house.

This shows that Zhang Chen and the others are gradually approaching the core of Dixian Village!

Everyone looked at them at random.

Found that the furniture and furnishings in the house are all available, and each piece is exquisite!

Looking at the scale, although it is not a luxurious aristocratic mansion, it can be regarded as a wealthy home in the world.

However, there is nothing in this house that interests Zhang Chen.

After a few casual glances, he walked out.

Others don’t dare to delay, just keep up!

Zhang Chen stood outside the house, took out the “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Picture”, and slightly distinguished the direction!

“After walking more than 100 meters, there should be a water hole! If we can see this water hole, it means we are right!”

Hearing what Zhang Chen said, the others nodded in agreement.

“But this pool is a bit weird, everyone be careful!”

In “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu”, the place named “Yin and Pond” was specially marked red.

There should be something to be offended!

After all, this ancient tomb existed for thousands of years before Feng Shigu built Dixian Village.

It’s no surprise that any unimaginable evil is born!

If Zhang Chen and the others want to reach Feng Shigu’s old house, they must pass this road.

“Don’t worry Zhang Chen, we will definitely be very careful!”

Sun Honglei said with a serious face.

Yaya and the others also quickly agreed, no one wants to be the oil bottle in Zhang Chen’s eyes!

“So best!”

So Zhang Chen stopped talking nonsense and took the lead in walking towards the direction indicated by the map.It was pitch black all around, and it was as silent as death!

Sun Honglei and the others followed Zhang Chen cautiously, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

As long as there is something wrong, they will respond as soon as possible!

“Here we are! This shows that we did not go wrong!”

Zhang Chen said with a little joy, he had heard the gurgling sound of water!

Lin Yu shone the flashlight and saw the sparkling water.

It is said to be a water pool, but it is about the size of a square, and there is a stone tablet on the shore!

Although it is too old.

But the handwriting engraved on the stone tablet is still clearly visible, it is the three characters of “Yinmingtan”!

And in the center of Yin Pond, there is an open-air stone platform!

The stone platform is surrounded by seven or eight exquisite wooden faucets, and a pool of water is emerging from the mouth of the faucet, as if it is watering something non-stop!

The gurgling sound that Zhang Chen heard just now was made by this thing!

“Zhang Chen, there seems to be something on it!”

Since having ghost eyes, Sun Honglei’s eyesight has improved a lot!

His sharp eyes found that the most central position of the stone platform seemed to grow a beautiful grass!

And he seemed to see the grass radiating light!

It’s like being refined!

“Did you see Zhang Chen? Is that thing a baby?”

Sun Honglei’s ghost eyes can now sense unusual things.

So he couldn’t help asking excitedly.

Zhang Chen naturally felt the extraordinary breath of the grass, but he did not act rashly.

The surface of this pool looks lifeless!

But Zhang Chen vaguely sensed a dangerous aura!

“Have you forgotten what I just said? Don’t be reckless!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Sun Honglei, who was eager to try.

Contacting Zhang Chen’s serious eyes, Sun Honglei smiled shyly, and immediately calmed down!

Since I saw the ownerless treasure, I naturally have no reason to let it go, but I have to solve the danger first.

Just as Zhang Chen was about to take action, he suddenly frowned and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

“It’s all here, so don’t hide it, right?”

Zhang Chen said lukewarmly.

At first, everyone was baffled by Zhang Chen’s words.

However, when I saw the figure walking out of the darkness, I suddenly realized!

This figure is none other than the elusive little brother, Zhang Qiling!

I don’t know when he came with him, or he has been hiding here for a long time.

“If it’s not what I expected, you should have obtained the picture of the coffin mountain, right?”

Zhang Qiling’s first sentence was beyond Zhang Chen’s expectations.

“How did you know?”

Zhang Chen asked nonchalantly, and he admitted it.

It seems that Zhang Qiling’s urging him to come to Dixian Village is far from simple. It seems that he is secretly planning something.

“Sure enough! Li Hongsu still managed to get out of trouble, I should have thought of it! Why do you think she gave you “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu”?”

Zhang Qiling folded his arms and sneered.

“Oh, it seems you know a lot?”

Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed.

It’s not the first time this guy Zhang Qiling has lied to him, and he won’t easily believe this guy’s nonsense. 37

“Of course I know! She just wants you to be a scapegoat! Do you think “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” is so easy to get?”

“Having this thing in your hand is like taking a hot potato! All kinds of murderous intentions in this ancient tomb of Xiancun will target you!”

Zhang Qiling said solemnly.

“So what? Do you want me to give it to you?”

Zhang Chen said with a half-smile.

“I know you doubt me, and I don’t expect you to believe it, you’ll know when the time comes!”

Zhang Qiling waved his hand and said solemnly, “How about a deal?”


Zhang Chen raised his brows.

At this time, Zhang Qiling looked at the center of the stone platform in the water pool, the grass did not hide his desire at all!

“You help me get this ‘Millennium Longevity Grass’, and I’ll give you a gift that you can’t refuse!”


Zhang Qiling stared at Zhang Chen with burning eyes, as if he expected that he would not refuse. </p>

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