Chapter 309: Group Corpses Come Out of Coffins


Who knows.

Li Yunyun frowned as she looked at Zhang Chen and said strangely.

“You can control the Immortal Binding Lock, but can’t you control its spirit?”

“I see.”

Zhang Chen suddenly realized.

But on the surface, he remained calm, nodding his head in understanding.

With a fiery look in his eyes, Zhang Chen began to silently recite the magic weapon activation formula.

Zhang Chen had a connection with the immortal binding spirit in the ancient painting!

“Immortal Binding Lock Item Spirit, get it out for me!”

Suddenly, Zhang Chen shouted in his heart.

Zhang Chen urged it several times.

The Immortal Binding Lock in the ancient painting felt a sense and vibrated a few times, but it immediately returned to calm!

It seems to be bound by some kind of force!

Zhang Chen frowned.

“What, can’t you?”

Seeing Zhang Chen’s dilemma, Li Yunyun asked.

Zhang Chen told her the situation again.

Silence for a moment.

Li Yunyun analyzed: “I guess it is the effect of this painting. If you can suppress the power of this painting, it may be a lot easier!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up and felt that what Li Yunyun said was very reasonable.

This ancient painting that can trap “people” is not ordinary at first glance!

It’s understandable that it can generate the power to suppress the immortal-binding lock spirit!

Zhang Chen didn’t think of it for a while, but Li Yunyun saw it at a glance.

In fact, this is also a spectator of 987!

Zhang Chen’s mind is now full of immortal-binding locks, so naturally he can’t turn around.

“Isn’t it just a mysterious magic weapon, Zhang Chen, are you so excited?”

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Feeling that it was almost over, Zhang Chen tried to activate the magic weapon formula to control the ancient painting.

The system did not disappoint Zhang Chen.

Even if the ancient painting is not a magic weapon, it is not far from the magic weapon, and it is still under Zhang Chen’s control.

Zhang Chen can’t completely control it yet, he can only slightly suppress the power of ancient paintings.

But for the current situation, it’s enough!

So Zhang Chen did two things with one mind, and while suppressing the power of the ancient paintings, he controlled the spirit of the Binding Immortal Lock so that it could break free from the ancient paintings.

For Zhang Chen, this way, the mental burden is much heavier!

Before long, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But the benefits are obvious!

The Binding Immortal Binding Device Spirit, which originally bound the woman’s back tightly, began to emerge little by little from the ancient paintings.

Seeing this scene, Li Yunyun was suddenly surprised!

But Zhang Chen didn’t see the fleeting sadness deep in her pupils.

“Confused, confused (addh)! Young people, stop quickly! Release this peerless fierce demon, and it will definitely cause life to be devastated!”

At this time, the voice of the belly fairy rang again, and said sincerely.

Zhang Chen is unmoved, the belly is the master who likes to confuse people.

What about a peerless fierce devil, really a peerless fierce devil, can he be trapped in a painting?

The purpose of the belly immortal is mostly to prevent him from obtaining the artifact spirit of the immortal binding lock!


Li Yunyun snorted coldly and waved her hand.

A leaf-shaped purple crystal flew out and hit a dark corner of the room.

Suddenly there was a “boom”.

A small purple crystal directly blasted a big hole in that corner!There was also a shrill scream, and the illusory fat figure of the belly fairy appeared, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

“Zhang Chen, don’t worry about it, you continue!”

Li Yunyun said to Zhang Chen with a complicated expression.

Zhang Chen glanced at her, and Li Yunyun dodged subconsciously.

“Could it be that the woman in the painting has a deep connection with Li Yunyun?”

The suspicious look in Zhang Chen’s eyes disappeared in a flash.

If Li Yunyun told him now that she had nothing to do with the woman in the painting, she would not believe Zhang Chen was killed.

It doesn’t do her any good, she will do her best?

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Seeing that the spirit of the Immortal Binding Lock is about to be obtained, it is impossible to give up at this time!

Zhang Chen withdrew his attention, and concentrated on urging the magic weapon formula.

Just a little bit, the Binding Immortal Lock Item Spirit will be completely out of the control of the ancient painting!

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

However, at this time, the murals hanging around the room suddenly lit up.

The blood-red coffins on the murals are shaking uncontrollably!

Zhang Chen heard the movement in his ears and was not distracted.

Now has come to the most critical moment!

On the mural, the chains that originally bound the blood-red coffin were broken, and the coffin boards were lifted one after another!

A blood-red zombie emerged from it, old and young.

Each one grinned and looked very violent.

Although it is separated by a painting, it is still scary!

The bloody corpse in the mural, Qi Qi aimed cruel eyes at Zhang Chen, and then rushed over with fangs and claws.

Seeing this situation, Li Yunyun immediately took precautions.

The leaf-shaped purple crystals on her hands were instantly in place, which was her most powerful attack method at present.

An amazing scene happened!

When those bloody corpses rushed towards Zhang Chen, they broke the rules of physics and jumped out of the painting.

In a blink of an eye.

There were seven or eight stinking blood corpses surrounding Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun.

“Zhang Chen, leave them to me!”

Li Yunyun was afraid that Zhang Chen would be distracted, so she spoke immediately.

Seeing Zhang Chen nodded slightly.

Li Yunyun’s face sank, she turned her head, and looked at those bloody corpses coldly!

Sensing Li Yunyun’s provocative eyes, those blood corpses seemed to have intelligence, and immediately gave up Zhang Chen.

Qi Qi roared and rushed towards Li Yunyun!

I saw Li Yunyun waved her hand, and the purple crystal burst out!

A splendid tail flame crossed, and it bombarded the bloody corpse that rushed over.

The shocking explosion sounded through the roof and spread far and wide, and even the entire second floor was shaken.

Those bloody corpses at the center of the explosion were instantly bombed, and there were several shocking holes!

At the same time, blood dripping with incomparable stench fell on the ground, and immediately made a corrosive sound of “chichichi”.

What’s more, only half of the head is left!

However, this can only slightly block the bloody corpse for a moment.

After a brief stagnation, they charged towards Li Yunyun again and fearlessly.

What’s even more exaggerated is that the wounds on their bodies are healing like crazy at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Aware of this scene, Li Yunyun’s eyes jumped, and she felt a bad premonition in her heart.

These bloody corpses are far more difficult to deal with than she expected!


“What’s the move, is there a fight up there?”

Li Yunyun’s commotion immediately attracted the attention of Sun Honglei and the others on the first floor.

“Go, go up and help!”

Almost without thinking, Sun Honglei rushed out first.

The ghost eye on the forehead is ready in an instant!

The others quickly followed.

And Lin Yu, who just received Zhang Chen’s gift of a magic weapon and artillery, has the urge to die for the confidant!

“I won’t want to be a deserter this time!”

Lin Yu clenched the artillery gun in his hand.

Infected by Lin Yu’s emotions, the artillery artillery in his hand, a faint light flashed away! </p>

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