Chapter 291: Go to the Cannon Temple


The news that Li Yunyun told Zhang Chen was actually related to the spirit of the immortal lock in his hand!

Actually, Zhang Chen had already noticed that there were some problems with the Immortal Binding Lock in his hand.

Although it is powerful enough, it always feels a little less spiritual!

It is also relatively stagnant to use, and there is no such free feeling at all!

It turns out that the lack of artifact spirit, can not achieve the unity of human and machine!

Zhang Chen never knew what kind of magic weapon the Immortal Binding Lock was!

But Li Yunyun told him that the real Immortal Binding Lock is the magic weapon of Xuanjie!

Compared with the yellow-level instruments, the power is incomparable.

If you can find the artifact spirit that binds the immortal lock, there is a complete chance for it to return to the list of mysterious artifact!

In the future, even if the world does undergo earth-shaking changes!

With his own strength, and the help of Xuanjie magic tools, Zhang Chen is enough to protect himself!

“Do you really know where the spirit of the Immortal Binding Lock is?”

Zhang Chen stared at Li Yunyun, this “nine seventy” news is too important to Zhang Chen!

Why did he come to the ancient tomb of Dixian Village and go so hard to find that Dixian Feng Shigu?

Not to get stronger!

Now a clear path is in front of Zhang Chen, how could he not be moved!

But he was worried that Li Yunyun was deliberately trying to deceive him in order to covet the ghost vine.

Losing a bit of ghost vines is harmless to Zhang Chen, and this thing has little effect on him!

But I was full of hope, and finally found out that there is no such thing, that’s not a good feeling.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lie to you!”

Li Yunyun nodded solemnly, but she also knew that she was not convincing.

“Well, I can swear to the sky in the name of the corpse fairy, if I lie to you, I will die immediately!”

After thinking about it, Li Yunyun said with a serious expression.

“Is such an oath binding?”

Zhang Chen asked in doubt.

In front of Zhang Chen, Li Yunyun solemnly swore to God in the name of the corpse fairy!

The corpse fairy is recognized by God, so the oath is different from ordinary people, and is governed by the rules of heaven and earth!

Wait for Li Yunyun to finish her oath.

Zhang Chen has a very clear feeling that Li Yunyun will not lie to her, otherwise she will be instantly punished, and her bones will be turned into ashes!

“Tell me, where is the spirit of the Immortal Binding Lock?”

Li Yunyun just told Zhang Chen that the tool spirit was in Dixian Village, but she didn’t tell him the exact location.

“If I told you, what would you do if you didn’t give me the ghost vine?”

Li Yunyun smiled and said, staring at the ghost vine, which was extremely beneficial to her!

“Take it!”

Zhang Chen didn’t have any ink marks, so he directly cut off half of the ghost vine with a unicorn fire knife and handed it to Li Yunyun.

Li Yunyun took it impatiently.

in front ofZhang Chen’s face was swallowed in one gulp, and then he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

Zhang Chen keenly noticed that Li Yunyun’s aura was skyrocketing!

“I don’t know what kind of world is behind that giant bronze gate!”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zhang Chen felt a chill in his heart.

Zhang Qiling revealed to him the origin of the ghost vine, which was brought out from the world behind the giant bronze gate, and it was a very common one!

But it can make a corpse immortal like it!

After a while.

Li Yunyun, who was enjoying herself, finally opened her eyes, and there was a ferocious aura in her eyes.

The Corpse Immortal is a fierce thing!

The reason why Li Yunyun is so polite to Zhang Chen is not only because Zhang Chen has helped her just now, but also because Zhang Chen is strong enough!

“What about the other half?”

Li Yunyun looked at the remaining ghost vines on Zhang Qiling’s body, and said still.

“Are you too greedy? I’ll leave the rest to my friends, and I’ll study it well by the way!”

Zhang Chen was a little displeased and said, it’s not a good habit to make an inch.

“Okay, okay, if you don’t give it, you won’t give it, why are you angry?”

Li Yunyun threw Zhang Chen a charming white eye, and Zhang Chen was not a bird.

“Don’t talk nonsense, tell me where the spirit of the immortal lock is!”

Zhang Chen’s expression was faintly impatient.

“I’ve seen it in a fresco in the Cannon Temple!”

Li Yunyun said with a smile.

“Cannon Temple?”

Zhang Chen muttered.

It was only then that he realized that, unlike Li Yunyun, he didn’t know much about Dixian Village.

The Cannon Temple has never even heard of it!

Even if Li Yunyun told him the detailed address, he wouldn’t be able to go!

Of course, if you can find the map left by Feng Shigu, it will be impossible!

“I don’t know where the Cannon Temple is, you take us there!”

Zhang Chen said to Li Yunyun.

“That’s not good, I only promised to tell you the place, but I didn’t promise to take you there!”

Li Yunyun said while looking at the remaining ghost vines, the meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

Zhang Chen didn’t do what she wanted, but instead asked mysteriously: “Don’t you want to know, where did this ghost vine come from?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Chen saw Li Yunyun’s eyes light up.

“Okay, I’ll take you to the Cannon Temple, you tell me the detailed origin of the ghost vine!”

Li Yunyun understood what Zhang Chen meant and said bluntly.

“make a deal!”

After putting all the ghost vines on Zhang Qiling’s body into the system space, Zhang Qiling slowly regained consciousness.

Immediately, he felt the difference in himself. The ghost vine that had been clinging to him like a tarsal bone in the past had completely disappeared!

At this moment, Zhang Qiling felt more relaxed than ever before, and his thoughts were also very accessible, as if he had gained a new life.

“How do you feel now?”

Zhang Chen naturally noticed Zhang Qiling’s change and said sternly.

Although the two fought a battle just now, it was because of their different positions!

They can be friends.

“Very good, thank you. I owe you a favor!”

The heart disease that has troubled me for so long has been relieved.

Zhang Qiling’s always cold face also rarely showed a smile.

Zhang Chen nodded, Zhang Qiling’s favor is quite useful!

“Zhang Chen, you’d better stay away from that woman, her identity is not simple!”

After a few words of greeting, Zhang Qiling whispered to Zhang Chen’s ear.

The woman in Zhang Qiling’s mouth naturally refers to Li Yunyun!

Although Zhang Qiling’s voice was already low, Li Yunyun still heard it.

She snorted coldly and glanced at Zhang Qiling lightly, not having the same knowledge as him!

“rest assured!”

Zhang Chen patted Zhang Qiling on the shoulder, the heart of defending people is indispensable!

Besides, he and Li Yunyun 37 are just using each other, and they may turn their backs at any time!

Zhang Chen will not be without any precautions.

“Then I’ll go first! There will be a period later!”

Zhang Qiling said goodbye to Zhang Chen, and the figure quickly disappeared from the tomb!

After watching Zhang Qiling leave.

Zhang Chen woke up Sun Honglei, called everyone to leave, and went to the Cannon Temple that Li Yunyun said!

As for Feng Shigu, I can only put it aside for now!

Li Yunyun took Zhang Chen and the others to an underground river.

On the rocky beaches on both sides of the small river, there are bulging stone bales that look pitch-black!

At first, Zhang Chen and the others didn’t care.

Huang Bo kept staring at it, as if he saw something!”Zhang Chen, that thing is good…it seems to be moving!”

Huang Bo pointed at the stone bags and stammered. </p>

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