Chapter 271: The Birth of a Corpse Immortal



Under Zhang Chen’s control, the seven nails were completely separated from the coffin.

Only then did everyone know that a Nail Nail was half a meter long!

At this moment, it is like a flexible swimming fish, flying randomly in the air!

At the bottom of the nails, there is still a strong evil spirit!

It must have been contaminated with the breath of the corpse in the coffin!

Zhang Chen waved.

The Nailling Nail, like a milk swallow, came home and flew towards Zhang Chen.

Now is not the time to study its function.

Zhang Chen glanced at it and put it into the system space!

This is a magic weapon for the intermediate level of the yellow level!

It was so easily obtained by myself.

A little surprise appeared in Zhang Chen’s heart!

But Zhang Chen couldn’t laugh anymore!

After losing the suppression of the seven-star nails, the breath from the coffin became more and more terrifying!

Zhang Chen knew that the corpse fairy inside was about to be born!

The hearts of Sun Honglei and his “Nine Six Zeros” even mentioned their throats.

He resisted the overwhelming fear abruptly, so he didn’t escape!

“System, what about the promised reward ‘Immortal Binding Lock’?”

The system must not drop the chain at this time!

Otherwise, Zhang Chen would have to run away!

“The reward has been issued, the host can watch it at any time!”

Hearing the pleasant sound of the system, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen opened the system space.Only then did I find that there was a strange shape inside, with mysterious patterns all over the chain, with a cold luster!

Is this the Immortal Binding Lock? Can even gods be bound?


Zhang Chen chanted silently.

Immediately, a chain as cold as iron appeared in his hand, about one meter long!

Under the pull, there is a clattering sound!

It looks like an ordinary chain!

“This is really a bundle of immortal locks? How do you feel that the system gave me a Xibei product?”

Zhang Chen frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

He couldn’t feel the rank of the Immortal Binding Lock at all.

There are only two possibilities!

Either the Immortal Binding Lock is an ordinary weapon!

Either the rank of the Immortal Binding Lock is too high, and Zhang Chen can’t sense it at all.

“Please rest assured the host, the system produced, must be a boutique!”

The female voice of the system’s mechanization sounded.

The system is guaranteed, and Zhang Chen no longer doubts it.

Then he stared at the blood-red coffin in front of him!

A loud “bang”!

Without the slightest warning.

The lid of the blood-red coffin exploded in an instant and landed a few hundred meters away!

A loud “bang” sound was heard.

Echoing for a long time in the silent underground palace!

A blood-red figure with bare jade feet shrouded in dim light slowly rose up, black hair dancing wildly!

The dim light that comes with the figure immediately illuminates the dark surrounding environment!

This is a very strange scene in front of me!

Let Sun Honglei and several big men shrink into a ball in horror, staring at the red-clothed figure tremblingly!

The corpse fairy is finally born!

Zhang Chen tightly held the Immortal Binding Lock in his hand, as long as Li Yunyun made a slight change, he would take the shot first.

“Young man, thank you, I’m finally out!”

Li Yunyun opened her arms, and her beautiful face as white as jade was filled with satisfaction, as if she was breathing free air!

It seems that she has no intention of turning against Zhang Chen for the time being.

But Zhang Chen didn’t dare to relax his vigilance.

Now Li Yunyun’s soul and body have been merged into one, and the momentum has reached its peak!

It is indeed a corpse fairy!

Since he is an immortal, he has already left the category of human beings, and he already possesses all kinds of means beyond the reach of mortals!

Even if there is a bundle of immortals in his hand, he does not dare to take it lightly!

“Hehe, don’t you finally call me Feng Shigu?”

Zhang Chen sneered a little bit.

“Little guy, who told you to look so similar to that bastard Feng Shigu? My sister couldn’t help but wanted to tease you!”

Li Yunyun covered her mouth and chuckled.

Originally it was a picturesque scene, but when it fell into the eyes of Sun Honglei and the others, they shuddered!

Zhang Chen was even more chilled.

Li Yunyun looks like she is only in her twenties, but she actually doesn’t know how much older she is!

Now Zhang Chen can’t bear to have one sister at a time.

“Stop talking nonsense, and return my friend’s soul!”

“I’m afraid my sister won’t be able to agree to this request!”

Li Yunyun’s expression instantly turned cold.

“What do you mean? Are you going to go back on your word?”

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes, but there was no joy or anger on his face.

“Of course not! How could I, Li Yunyun, be such a person? I just want to ask my little brother for a favor!”

Li Yunyun chuckled lightly.

“This old monster really isn’t trustworthy!”

Zhang Chen cursed inwardly, but on the surface he asked calmly, “What are you busy with?”

Now Zhang Chen doesn’t believe her nonsense anymore.

A woman’s mouth, a deceiving ghost!

“Come with me to deal with Feng Shigu. After the matter is completed, I will return your friend intact!”

Zhang Chen’s mind moved 0

Listening to Li Yunyun’s tone, she should know where Feng Shigu is, and is very likely still alive.

It is unknown whether it is human or not, it is very likely that she is a corpse fairy like Li Yunyun!

With Li Yunyun’s help, Zhang Chen can avoid many detours!

“If you want me to help, you can return my friend’s soul to me first, otherwise I won’t talk about it!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice, and shook the Immortal Binding Lock in his hand.

Sun Honglei and the others, who were watching from a distance, were moved by Zhang Chen’s affection and righteousness.

At the same time, deep admiration for Zhang Chen has also risen!

Faced with such a terrifying existence, they probably couldn’t even speak.

Zhang Chen is able to talk freely and dare to negotiate conditions with the other party!

“Are you threatening me? I don’t like being threatened by others!”

Li Yunyun stretches out herselfSharp and narrow nails, said lightly.

“Haha, what a coincidence? I don’t like it very much either.”

Zhang Chen smiled coldly.

One surrender means countless surrenders, and Zhang Chen understands this very well.

Li Yunyun’s eyes flickered, and the immortal lock in Zhang Chen’s hand really made her feel jealous.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t invite Zhang Chen to deal with Feng Shigu!

But right now Zhang Chen doesn’t seem very obedient.

Li Yunyun weighed it and finally smiled.

“Okay, since you helped me once, I’ll repay your favor!”37

Li Yunyun stretched out Qianqiansu’s hand and waved.

Two rays of light shot out from her palm and went straight to the top of Yaya and Fat Di!

Yaya and Fat Di were shocked, and when they opened their eyes, they were still confused. This is the sequelae of an out-of-body soul!

After they found themselves lying on the ground, they quickly got up.

At this time, they saw Li Yunyun suspended in mid-air.

Although it was the first time I saw them, they didn’t have any fear, but a kind of cordiality!

“I originally wanted to turn you into immortals, but since your friends don’t want to, let’s give you a little something!”

Li Yunyun glanced at Yaya and Fat Di, her eyes softened rarely.

Zhang Chen on the side was very puzzled.

I don’t understand why Li Yunyun has an unusual attitude towards Yaya and Fat Di.

Is it because they are beautiful?

The next action of Li Yunyun made everyone’s eyes widen. </p>

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