Chapter 268: Yaya Going Crazy


Yaya even took advantage of Lin Yu’s unpreparedness, grabbed the “meat ganoderma” in his hand and stuffed it into her mouth.

“Yiya, this can’t be eaten!”

Sun Honglei was also startled, and quickly snatched the “meat ganoderma” from Yaya’s hands.

“Give it to me, I’m hungry, give it to me!”

Yaya let out a low growl like a beast, and her eyes turned red.

With his teeth and claws, he rushed towards Sun Honglei, looking crazy!

Looking at Yaya, who suddenly seemed to have changed a person, made Sun Honglei feel extraordinarily unfamiliar!

“Zhang Chen, what’s wrong with Yaya? Help her!”

Huang Bo said worriedly.

“It should be influenced by this thing! Hong Lei, give me that thing!”

Zhang Chen didn’t panic at all, and said calmly.

Sun Honglei hurriedly threw the ghost thing in his hand to Zhang Chen.

Yaya, who had lost her mind, wanted to pounce on Zhang Chen again, but was held back by Lin Yu and the others.

Received the ghost thing like meat and ganoderma.

Zhang Chen directly used the unicorn fire to burn it into nothingness, not even the slag was left!

After this thing disappeared, Yaya, who was still full of madness just now, slowly became quiet.

“Hey, what are you doing, why are you pulling me?

And you Huang Bo, where do you put your hands? You want to take advantage of me, right? ”

Yaya, who woke up, scolded Huang Bo unreasonably.

Huang Bo smiled embarrassingly, and wisely did not reason with the woman.

“I don’t know if I close my eyes, can I see something different?”

Sun Honglei is not stupid.

Yaya went crazy when she saw “Ganoderma lucidum”, she must have been influenced by evil!

So after a little hesitation, Sun HongRay closed his eyes.

It was pitch black in front of him.

But the next scene.

It made Sun Honglei so frightened that his whole body became cold, and his blood almost coagulated!

When he turned his head to Zhang Chen’s place, he saw a woman in red.

The girl was born with a particularly beautiful appearance, wearing a phoenix hairpin on her head and lustrous hands!

At this moment, he floats gently in the air, staring at the person in front of him with affection!

If Sun Honglei guessed correctly, the person she was looking at was Zhang Chen.

The one who can make him close his eyes to see is definitely not a human being!

Sun Honglei stared carefully at the woman in red.

As if aware of Sun Honglei’s gaze, the woman in red turned her head.

Looking at Sun Honglei expressionlessly, as cold as snow!

Sun Honglei quickly opened his eyes, panting heavily.

The look in the woman’s eyes just now was terrifying!

After opening your eyes.

Sun Honglei couldn’t see the other party, but he knew that the other party was definitely still there.

Sun Honglei was so uncomfortable, he didn’t even dare to look at Zhang Chen!

The grim-faced ghost-headed Posha didn’t give him such a terrifying feeling before!

Especially the people around you don’t know the existence of the other party.

Knowing only by myself, this undoubtedly aggravated Sun Honglei’s fear!

He originally thought he was no longer afraid of ghosts, but now it seems that he is too naive!

“Wait, I remember when I first arrived, ≮Alternative: ≯ Zhang Chen said he was talking to a ghost.

I thought he was joking, did he already know the existence of the female ghost in red 々 “?”

Thinking of this, Sun Honglei felt a lot more at ease.

After destroying a “meat ganoderma” under a slate.

Zhang Chen and the others continued to walk forward, their flashlights staring straight ahead.

The previous situation of standing still has disappeared!

It should be that Zhang Chen inadvertently destroyed a certain connection between the slates, making it lose its confusing effect.

The specific reason, Zhang Chen is not very clear.

He even suspected that the mysterious man whose body was lying in the coffin was deliberately playing tricks on them!

Walk along the stone steps all the way, and the length of more than 100 meters will arrive in an instant.

Zhang Chen and the others are completely in the underground palace.

Only when he actually walked in did Zhang Chen discover that this underground palace was far bigger than he imagined!

This kind of feeling is as if their bodies automatically shrink after they walk in!

“Shigu, Shigu, come and see me!”

The ethereal voice sounded again, with a charming meaning!

“She has always wanted me to see her. What’s the purpose?”

Zhang Chen’s heart was full of vigilance, but his face remained calm.

Zhang Chen and the others saw those people kneeling on the ground!

“Hey, do you think these people are real people or fake people?”

Sun Honglei said in a low voice.

“It should be a dummy, right?”

Lin Yu said suspiciously.

If it were the real person, he would have rotted long ago, but he is not too sure about it, so as not to slap himself in the face.

After all, he just came over from the Floating Corpse River.

The floating corpse there has been dead for many years, but it is still intact!

“You’ll know just by looking at it!”

Zhang Chen said something casually, and took advantage of the situation to pull a man lying on the ground!

Lin Yu shone the flashlight on the opponent’s face and was startled.

This is an old man in his sixties!

Seven orifices bleeding, the boss with his mouth open, looks like he is dead!

Sun Honglei originally thought that the other party would have a pious expression on his face, but he did not expect such a terrifying situation!

“Looks like a real person!”

Zhang Chen put down the opponent.

“That means, all the people lying here are really dead?”

Lin Yu said dumbfounded.

How did they die?

Why do you still keep kneeling when you die?

And it hasn’t been corrupted after so many years of death?

There are too many questions in Lin Yu’s head.

“” 々 Zhang Chen, Yaya and the others are gone!”

Suddenly, Sun Honglei’s anxious voice sounded.

Just now, he focused all his attention on the dead old man.

When I came back to my senses, I found that Yaya and other female guests were all gone!

“Don’t worry, I probably know where they went!”

Zhang Chen signaled them not to panic.

This scene was already expected by Zhang Chen.

From that weird dream.

Yaya, they can’t get rid of the people in the coffin on the altar!

The bell must be tied when the bell is releasedPeople, if you want to really save them, you have to start with that coffin.

Although Zhang Chen didn’t know, why did the mysterious existence find Yaya.

Definitely not because Yaya is a girl!

“To tell you the truth, in fact, there has always been a mysterious existence following us around us!”

Zhang Chen felt that there was no need for (Nuo Li Zhao) to hide it at this time, so he chose and revealed everything.

After listening to Zhang Chen, Lin Yu and the others have complicated expressions!

Looking around nervously, as if trying to find each other.

Brother Hong Lei seems much calmer, after all, he has seen it with ghost eyes before!

Ask him to choose, he would rather not see.

“That is to say, we walked all the way to this place, and it was her who was guiding us?”

Lin Yu said somewhat incredulously.

Thinking about it this way, the other party is too magical, right?

Can a ghost do this?

“It’s not that exaggerated, but at least half of it!”

Zhang Chen nodded solemnly.

As for the identity of the other party, Zhang Chen is still in doubt.

She doesn’t look like a ghost, and the other party also said that she is not a ghost!

What kind of existence is that?

A light flashed in Zhang Chen’s mind.

“Aren’t you afraid? Could she be the legendary existence?”

Zhang Chen was horrified! </p>

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