Chapter 265: The Bloody Altar

This content was first published by boshisw “Huang Bo, don’t talk nonsense! You are obviously being lazy, I don’t think you are doing anything at all!”

Hong Leige automatically made up the picture of countless dead bodies hanging under the coffin board.

He couldn’t help shivering and said deceiving himself!

“Then I’ll work harder!”

Huang Bo didn’t refute either, he scratched the board with his head down.

The speed of the coffin ship is indeed much faster than before!

Sun Honglei considers himself a daring person.

But in this ghostly Styx-like environment, he couldn’t help but mention his heart in his throat!

“I really hope to get to shore soon, stay a while longer, I guess I will go crazy!!”

Sun Honglei exerted all his strength to suckle, and frantically paddled the plank.

From time to time, look up at Zhang Chen!

Seeing that they are safe and sound, my heart is much more at ease.

The crowd followed the sound of the water all the way forward.

The two coffin boats floated relatively smoothly for a while!

In a place dozens of meters away, a piece of ghost fire began to flicker violently!

The sudden scene shocked Sun Honglei and the others.

Zhang Chen also looked over.

I saw that in the bleak light and shadow, I could vaguely see something like a black shark fin!

The surface of the lake is pitch black.

But there are many bright spots on that thing, like thousands of eyes!

It is now floating on the water.

Coincidentally, they swam over to Sun Honglei and the others!

“What the hell is this shit?”

Hong Lei Ge’s face turned green with fright.

Lin Yu tremblingly raised his flashlight and took a look at it.


That thing suddenly jumped up from the water and rushed into the air!

Sun Honglei, who has been staring at that thing.

With a “whoosh”, he stood up from the coffin boat!

“Ready to fight!”

Hong Leige roared excitedly.

several bunchesThe light of the flashlight was concentrated on the monster, and everyone could see clearly.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t close my mouth!

It turned out that what just sprang out of the lake was a dead fish over three meters long!

The whole body of this big fish has begun to rot, and the fishy smell is soaring to the sky.

Several big holes were broken in the fish’s belly, and half of the fish’s head was missing, leaving a white skull in the exposed area!

“Where does the strength of a dead fish come from jumping out of the water?”

Almost the same question popped up in everyone’s mind.

After the dead fish left the water, it stagnated in the air!

Zhang Chen changed the direction of the row and leaned towards Sun Honglei.

This is how you can see clearly!

It turned out that the rotting dead fish was covered with countless black flies the size of fingernails!

All are firmly on the dead fish.

They must have been frightened just now, and then they jumped out of the water wrapped in fish corpses!

“It turned out to be a false alarm!”

Hong Leige breathed a sigh of relief.

In anger, he slammed the dead fish with a wooden board.

Immediately, black flies flew around, and the dead fish also fell to the lake surface, causing a burst of water!

A lot of black flies flew directly towards Sun Honglei’s face!

Carrying a strong rotten smell, it is disgusting to smell!

Sun Honglei and the others were in a hurry to drive away these annoying black flies.

“Strange, really strange! With so many corpses, those floating corpses didn’t rot!”

Lin Yu said in a groaning manner.

This abnormal phenomenon has always troubled him!

Corpse flies would rather kill a dead fish than those floating corpses that are delicious to them!

That can only show that there is a mysterious power controlling all this!

“Could it be the owner of Dixian Village, the ghost of Feng Shigu?”

Lin Yu secretly speculated.

Hearing what Lin Yu said.

Yaya and Fatty looked at each other, and both saw the complexity in each other’s eyes.

Actually, when I saw these floating corpses for the first time!

There were very contradictory feelings in their hearts.

There is hatred, there is regret…and so on!

But they were obviously seeing these floating corpses for the first time!


Zhang Chen and everyone successfully reached the other side.

“It’s not easy, it’s finally here!”

Sun Honglei breathed a sigh of relief and looked back, his eyes filled with joy!

However, Sun Honglei immediately felt that something was wrong!

He looked carefully.

Found those floating corpses that were still motionless, their positions seemed to have changed!

He clearly remembered that the girl in colorful clothes was obviously in the center of the lake.

Because the other party is relatively young and looks good.

Sun Honglei just took a few more glances, but at the time he felt it was a pity!

Now she is close to the shore!

There seems to be some kind of emotion in the big eyes that can’t be rested!

Sun Honglei’s back was so cold that he didn’t dare to look any further, so he quickly followed Zhang Chen’s pace.

Zhang Chen took a flashlight and took pictures everywhere.

There are many forks in front of you, but many of them are dead ends, and you can see the end at a glance!

Zhang Chen’s eyes are locked on a sheep intestine trail on the left side of Yin Lake, which is deep and narrow, and I don’t know where it leads!

“Let’s go, it should be this way!”

Zhang Chen greeted everyone and took the lead to walk forward.

“Yaya, what’s the matter with you, are you not feeling well?”

The careful Huang Lei found out about Yaya’s strangeness at this moment.

“I, I don’t know why, but I’m so nervous all of a sudden, I’ve never been so nervous in my life!”

Yaya said in a difficult tone, almost out of breath.

“Zhang Chen, why don’t everyone rest for a while?”

Out of concern for Yaya, Huang Lei asked Zhang Chen’s opinion.

At the same time, he felt a little strange in his heart.

When she was just crossing the Floating Corpse River, although Yaya was afraid, she could barely keep her composure!


At this moment, she is like a three-year-old girl, full of weakness and helplessness!

“Alright, you guys rest here first, and I’ll go ahead and explore the way!”

Zhang Chen thought for a while and nodded.

Yaya, they are girls after all, and they are worse than men in terms of physical strength and receptive ability!

“That Zhang Chen, be careful yourself!”

Sun Honglei and the others were concerned.

“Do not worry.”

Zhang Chen said no more.

After walking some distance.

Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up, his eyes widened suddenly.

A large expanse of field appeared in front of him, just like the presentOn behalf of the square in general!

Zhang Chen swiped with a flashlight.

After seeing the things in front of him clearly, Zhang Chen’s heart suddenly shuddered!

I saw thousands of people lying down in an orderly manner in that wide field!

Because with his back to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen didn’t even know if those people were dead bodies or stone sculptures!

And on the high platform in the distance, there is a sloping coffin!

The coffin was blood red, as if it had been poured directly on it, with coagulated blood on it!

From a distance, the high platform looks like an altar!

The person in the coffin was the sacrifice at that time!

So far apart, Zhang Chen could feel the deep resentment in the blood-colored coffin!

Zhang Chen’s expression was solemn.

Obviously, this is not the tomb of Dixian Village!

It’s a very fierce place, and Feng Shigu deliberately led people here!

The purpose is to use a knife to kill!

Zhang Chen doesn’t need to go through this muddy water!

Just as he was about to leave, a faint voice suddenly came from his ear.

“Shigu, you are finally here!” </p>

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