Chapter 241: Resentful Creatures


Xu Fu’s body is like steel, surrounded by death energy, this volley punch is the strongest blow!

Although Zhang Qiling’s vitality is recovering, it is difficult to resist the power of this fist!

If Guo really took this punch, it would be really bad!

He gritted his teeth, ready to use the ghost vine in his body to save his life!

Although this ghost pain is powerful, it will accelerate the occupation of the body every time it is used. If it is not a last resort, Zhang Qiling would not dare to use it!

It’s just that he has no choice now!

A ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he bit the tip of his tongue, ready to activate the ghost vine!

But at this moment, he suddenly heard Zhang Chen’s voice behind him!

“Thousands of Taos have a beginning, Taoism is boundless, demons and ghosts, there is no way to hide!”

The sound resounded like a bell, giving people a sacred feeling!

Zhang Qiling was already in his heart, and muttered in his mouth: “Could it be 940?”

He turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, he saw Zhang Chen’s eyes closed, and a delicately carved mirror was slowly spinning in front of Zhang Chen!

The mirror radiates golden light!

“I didn’t read it wrong! You can control it!”

There was a hint of relief in Zhang Qiling’s eyes!

A golden light suddenly shot out of the mirror!

The direction is aimed at Xu Fu!

Xu Fu instinctively felt the horror of the golden light!

But the nature of killing did not make him give up attacking Zhang Qiling!

It’s just that the speed of the golden light is extremely fast!

Just in an instant, Xu Fu’s body was submerged!

After the golden light shoots out, it disappears in an instant!

Everyone slowly put down their arms, and the blurred vision is slowly recovering!

The golden light I just got is too shiny,Seeing it with the naked eye (addh) directly makes people temporarily lose their vision!

Zhang Qiling got up slowly, waved his hand gently, and saw a burst of powder disperse with the wind!

That Xu Fu turned into dust!

Everyone who regained their sight suddenly took a breath.

Looking at the mirror suspended in front of Zhang Chen, his eyes are full of shock!

“Congratulations to the host for killing, the primary zombie of the Wraith!”

“System reward: soul-inducing formula!”

Zhang Chen just opened his eyes when he heard the sound of the system.

He was stunned for a moment!

Before even defeating the black snake, the system did not reward anything!

But now killing Xu Fu System is rewarded!

And it is also a Taoist formula!

He closed his eyes again and comprehended it carefully. Only then did he realize that the mouth of the soul-inducing spirit needed to be used in conjunction with his acquisition of the soul-guzzling bell!

But manipulating ghosts for his use!

And the formula is marked, this formula belongs to the yellow-level primary formula!

“Heaven and earth are dark yellow?”

He froze suddenly.

As if he understood something, he checked the rank of Gu Soul Bell again!

Sure enough, I found out that Gu Soul Bell is a yellow-level intermediate-level magic weapon!

He remembered that King Qin Zhaogujing was the first-level Huang level, and the rank of this Gu Soul Bell was actually higher than that of King Qin Zhaogujing!

But the power just used is obviously not as powerful as King Qin’s bone mirror!

Could it be that this Gu Soul Bell has any hidden ability?

“This mirror is amazing!”

Huang Lei exclaimed in surprise.

“Yeah, it’s more powerful than the energy of a high-energy laser beam!”

“Xu Fu was so powerful that he was shot to death by the golden light. If he encounters any big dumplings in the future, can’t he just look at it with a mirror?”

Huang Bo’s eyes lit up and said excitedly.

Zhang Qiling took a deep breath and suddenly shook his head to everyone.

Zhang Chen heard the words and looked at Zhang Qiling suspiciously. He knew that this guy must have a lot of secrets in his heart, but he just didn’t say it.

He didn’t ask, but in his eyes he hoped that Zhang Qiling would continue to speak.

“Actually, it’s okay to tell you, anyway, you should know soon!”

Zhang Qiling said leisurely.

“You have seen how powerful Xu Fu is just now. In fact, he is no longer an ordinary zongzi! He is at the level of resentment!”

“Wraith level? Is it very strong?”

“Among the underground ghosts, the zongzi of the resentment level are only the lowest, and there are ghost levels, undead levels, demon levels, and even ghost king levels!”

“There are three levels for each level!”

Zhang Qiling said solemnly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it!

Speaking of which, this Xu Fu is still a scumbag!

“I want to ask, what level is Xu Fu in the level of resentment?”

Huang Lei swallowed and asked in surprise.


Before Zhang Qiling spoke, Zhang Chen suddenly said.

Everyone’s expressions froze instantly. It turns out that Xu Fu is just the scum among the scum! </p>

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