Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Six: Gushun Bell


This time the voice is much stronger than before!

That voice seemed to ring in the ears of people!

The magic of ghosts, straight to the heartstrings!

Zhang Chen felt that the world was spinning for a while, and his eyes were full of brilliance!

He secretly said that it was not good, so strongly interfered with the magic of the mind, let alone a member of the guest group, even he was affected!

“No, this guy must be stopped!”

At this moment, Zhang Qiling and Queen Jing Jue are both in a coma, and everything depends on him!

The fire unicorn phantom on Zhang Chen’s body suddenly appeared!

He did not choose to use Lei Qilin!

Because the fire attribute has a natural restraint on blood corpses!

Sure enough, with the appearance of the fire unicorn, more than half of him disappeared under the influence of Dao!

But there will still be a little impact, but it’s no big deal!

When the blood corpse saw the blood unicorn appearing on Zhang Chen’s body, it seemed to have changed slightly, and the sound of the bell in the body became a little faster!

937 Zhang Chen’s body is now completely wrapped by the fire unicorn!

He is like a god of war, pressing step by step!

The blood corpse zongzi seemed to sense that the sound of his bell had no effect on Zhang Chen, and there was a roar in his throat, and a scarlet blood energy rushed towards Zhang Chen!

The bloody smell is full of blood coagulated blood droplets, not to mention human skin, even the steel plate will be corroded instantly!

But Zhang Chen has a fire unicorn to protect his body!

After the blood energy was close to Zhang Chen, it was instantly burned into nothingness by the golden flame of the fire unicorn!

This time, it was Zhang Chen’s turn. He saw the fire unicorn Zhang Chen’s huge mouth, and instantly spewed out a flame!

The flame is extremely fast in an instant, wrapping the blood corpse in an instant!

Although the blood corpse is powerful, it cannot resist the power of the flame!

The entire blood corpse instantly turned into a huge fireball!

The burning sound of stinging makes people’s scalp tingle!

The voice of the Gu Soul Bell immediately became messy!

Everyone who was bewitched by the ringtone woke up again from the ringtone!

They all looked pale, and looked at the bloody corpse in horror!

When they saw that the bloody corpse had turned into a huge fireball, everyone’s faces became extremely ugly!

Their eyes are full of dazed surprise!

After seeing the phantom of the fire unicorn on Zhang Chen’s body slowly dissipating, everyone suddenly realized that it was Zhang Chen!

The bloody corpse rolled on the ground. A minute later, the golden flame went out, and a human-shaped ashes appeared on the slate!

“This flame is so scary!”

Lin Yu exclaimed, if ordinary people encounter this flame, they will be directly cremated, right?

“This is completely dead!”

Sun Honglei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said easily.

“Hey, you were still arrogant just now, and you still made the ecstasy bell, I think you are still arrogant!”

Huang Bo grinned, stepped forward and stepped on Ashes.

“Don’t move!”

Afraid of an accident, Huang Lei hurriedly shouted, but it was too late. Huang Bo stepped on it, and at the same time his foot stopped, then turned his head in surprise and stared at Zhang Chendao.

“That’s not right!”

Zhang Chen asked.

“Looks like there’s something!”

Huang Bo said, he used his toes to open the ashes, and sure enough, there was a black thing hidden!

He stretched out his hand in surprise and took out the thing, wiped the ashes on it, and said in surprise: ‘This seems to be a bigBells! Wasn’t the sound just now coming from this thing? ’

Zhang Chen frowned slightly, his unicorn fire can burn gold and iron, but the bell in Huang Bo’s hand did not burn!

“Could it be that it’s not a baby!”

Zhang Chen was slightly surprised!

“let me see!”

He stepped forward and took the bell in Huang Bo’s hand, and blew off the ashes in one breath. The original appearance of the copper bell appeared very quickly!

I saw that the copper bell was unusually large, and from the position where Huang Bo found the bell, the copper bell should be in the position of the bloody corpse’s head!

Could it be that this bell was implanted in the head of a corpse?

Zhang Chen was full of surprise.

“Is this thing a Gu Soul?”

Huang Lei was amazed, and he was amazed by the Gu Soul Bell in Zhang Chen’s hand.

“Lin Yu, do you know the inscription on this?”

Huang Lei turned his head and asked Lin Yu who was also watching.

Lin Yu’s eyes lit up, she looked at it carefully, and said slightly: “This is the language of Qin, and it should be written by Hundred Ghosts!”


Huang Lei waited for a while and found that Lin Yu kept his mouth shut and said in surprise.


“You doctor didn’t cheat, right? You translate so many words into four words?”

Sun Honglei stared at Lin Yudao suspiciously.

“The rest are scriptures, I can’t translate”

Lin Yu hurriedly explained.

“Forget it, I hope it’s not you!”

Huang Lei shook his head and looked at Zhang Chen: ‘Zhang Chen, he didn’t talk nonsense, right? ’

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, instead he gently shook the bell!

A ghostly sound suddenly came from the bell!

Everyone was caught off guard!

Immediately, his eyes became dull!

Seeing this, Zhang Chen installed the bell in the system space!

“wake up!”

He gave a low drink, and everyone woke up from the hallucinations in their hearts again!

“Hey! What a god, this thing works better than Ecstasy!”

“Zhang Chen, can I keep this bell safe?”

After Sun Honglei woke up, he looked overjoyed, rubbed his hands, and stared at Zhang Chen with a flattering expression.

Zhang Chen spit out a word coldly.

Chapter: Section name was wrong, changed it back! </p>

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