Chapter 224: Blood Corpse


Huang Bo gasped, his eyes flickering on Zhang Qiling, who was in a coma.

“Come on, the coffin is about to fall!”

Suddenly Lin Yu shouted!

Zhang Chen also felt the change in the airflow above, he raised his head suddenly, and sure enough, he saw the coffin in the middle suddenly smashed down!

Everyone hurried back!

Huang Bo hugged the unconscious brother and avoided a safe place!

“Boom boom boom”

Six muffled sounds, the ground was shaking, and the six coffins were lying firmly on the ground!

A puff of dust kicked up on the ground!

The six coffins head towards everyone like a ghost in the night!

Everyone’s heart was beating wildly, and they stared silently at the six dark coffins!

At this moment, no one dared to speak casually, for fear of disturbing the owner in the coffin!

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, his eyes looked like a tiger 03 hunting in the forest!

“Zhang Chen, what should I do now?”

After a long time, Huang Lei seemed to be unable to bear the depressed atmosphere, so he stared at Zhang Chen tentatively and asked.

Zhang Chen waved his hand to signal Huang Lei not to make a sound.

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, and then stared at the six coffins. Suddenly, he seemed to find that there seemed to be a black thing flowing out of the gap of one of the coffins!

It’s just that due to the unclear vision, he is not sure if he is wrong.

He wiped his eyes and looked again!

I saw that there seemed to be something flowing out of the gap!

“Zhang Chen, look at it”

Huang Lei dryly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, pointed at the coffin and said uneasily.

However, he was interrupted by Zhang Chen’s voice halfway through his speech!

I just heard Zhang Chen say: ‘You read that right! There should be a blood corpse in there! ’

In Zhang Chen’s field of vision, the liquid flowing out of the coffin in the middle is dark red blood!

It’s just that the blood is wrapped in dim light, and Huang Lei can’t tell the difference at all!

This blood can flow out of the coffin, basically it can be concluded that the thing inside should be a blood corpse!

Blood corpses are extremely difficult to deal with!

Not only is the attack power extremely strong, but the blood on the body is also toxic and corrosive!

If an ordinary person is touched by a bloody corpse, the flesh will rot immediately!

He glanced at Huang Lei, and his body retreated slightly!

When Huang Lei saw Zhang Chen retreat, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes!

But when he saw the blood flowing from the coffin under his feet, his face suddenly turned pale!

Huang Lei made a rare foul language.

Standing in the distance, Huang Bo was startled by Huang Lei’s reaction. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly heard Zhang Chen’s solemn voice.

“Pay attention to the blood under your feet!”

“Where did this blood come from?”

Huang Bo took a few steps back, avoiding the blood, and muttered in fear.

“This is the blood water on the blood corpse, it is extremely corrosive, and it will die if it touches it!”

Zhang Chen reminded again.

Everyone was so frightened by Zhang Chen’s words that they hurriedly avoided it like a monkey, for fear of being contaminated by disgusting blood.

“I’m going! It’s over!”

Not long after, Huang Bo suddenly slapped his head and shouted.

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at Huang Bo in surprise!

Huang Lei and Hong Lei were also puzzled. They didn’t know what Huang Bo discovered!

I saw Huang Bo’s pale face pointing to the direction of the blood, and his fingers tremblingly pointing at Zhang Qiling lying on the ground: “Little brother is finished!”

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, his eyes moved towards the little brother like lightning, and he saw the blood spread on the ground in a meander.The meandering path actually flows into Zhang Qiling’s palm!

Huang Lei sucked in a breath of cold air, stammered and pointed to the position of his little brother’s palm and said in horror, “It’s foaming!”

Zhang Chen just said that this blood water is extremely corrosive, and it will die if it touches it!

Isn’t the foam corroded by sulfuric acid the best proof?

Zhang Chen also opened his eyes wide, and just wanted to lift Zhang Qiling up, but found that something was wrong!

The direction in which the blood flows is extremely strange!

Especially in the middle position, it is actually anti-gravity moving towards Zhang Qilingliu, who is at a high position!

It seems that the blood is not flowing at will, but is attracted by Zhang Qiling’s body 933!

He suddenly recalled the scene where the black vines in Zhang Qiling’s body devoured the tentacle monster before, and a terrifying thought suddenly surged in his heart!

Could it be that something in his body did it again?

Zhang Chen looked at it intently, and the black lines on Zhang Qiling’s forehead spread along his arms to the palms of his hands, and the cooing blood seemed to be the bubbles produced by the black lines drinking blood water!

With the influx of blood, the black lines on Zhang Qiling’s shoulders became darker and darker!

And Zhang Qiling’s skin is slowly recovering a trace of blood!

“This bloody water seems to be his tonic! Everyone, don’t move! Just wait and see what happens!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the panicked crowd, and reminded with a solemn expression.

Except for Hong Lei and Zhang Chen, who had seen Zhang Qiling swallowing the tentacle monster, no one else had ever seen them.

Seeing the scene in front of me at this moment, my heart suddenly felt a little hairy!

“Is this guy really human? Isn’t it a ten thousand-year-old zongzi essence?”

Huang Bo wiped the sweat on his forehead and said in shock. </p>

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